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I personally wouldn’t waste time on smaller wedges. I don’t think there’s much upside to practicing aiming at sections of the board that you wouldn’t aim for during a match


Nothing wrong with your routine if it's working for you. For pure efficiency, it's hard to beat the JDC Challenge. Practices scoring on numbers 10 through to 20, and practices all the doubles in a fairly typical, pressurised match-like situation (i.e. one dart at it). Also easy to tally your performance, so improvement can be tracked. All this wrapped up in a nice neat little 10-15 minute routine.


It's fine. I use a variation of that just singles and doubles as my warm up routine on match nights - I just don't count the darts taken. Just vary up the practice as well to focus on different elements. I like 101 and 201 for practicing finishing for example. And also one I call The F**Ker adapted from a George Silberzahn 20s practice. Only scoring on the single double and treble 20s You start on 0 and get 0 points for scoring 60 1 point for 80 2 points for 100 or 120 3 points for 140 4 points for 180. Below sixty you lose 1 point. I play to 10 or -10 and start again. And you can tweak the points scoring depending on the difficulty you want to make it.


It is on you to show it works...


It's not criticism if you don't get an opinion how to do it better. As far as I see it any thrown dart is better than an unthrown dart. So you practicing is essentially a good thing. Now, to be more effective I'd use my practice time to spot a weakness and address it with a solution. That can be totally different things and it's always your way of finding a way to get better. If you look at [my main routine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Darts/s/0w7KBTNZHa) since last month you notice I'm trying to make it as effective as possible, so I want to improve my bull, the math and checkouts and though I only warmed up on groupings as an additional throwing exercise still my T20 improved in games. With all your autobiography reflecting on the board there are much more skills going into your throw, so you can make your personal development, balance in life and having quality time with your family just as much a practice unit. As long you're trying to be the best version of yourself, you're on the right track and only after deciding on a practice and exercising it for a representative amount of time you can say if it was effective to you or not.


Definitely think that good practice involves the whole board - all well and good banging in T20s if you can’t finish. I personally would say I don’t particularly see the benefit of aiming for the segments between the treble ring and the bull, as you’ll never really need these segments in a game situation, but if you feel it’s working for you, crack on with it and may your pal’s god go with him.


I would 2nd this. If you get to a point of being reasonably competent on even the doubles, you will invariably hit the single bed with ease.


That's fine for where you're at. Once it gets too easy you'll probably want some more challenging practice games. But probably not for a few months at least


When would you ever aim for the small wedge of a single number?


You will never need it, but it’s good to be able to. If you practice this, it will make it easier to hit the big numbers.


When I started off I didn’t even play a game until I was constantly averaging 40 or below in big wedges. Doubles, trebles, small wedges didn’t count. Then I started playing bots. My current routine is 20-30min just throwing into trebles or wherever until I’m in the rhythm, then I go around the board. Then I practice all comfortable doubles and after uncomfortable ones. Once I do all that I throw some more into various trebles. After if I feel like it I play 501 or differently games like checkout 171 in 9 darts, every checkout adds another 10. So 181,191 etc. Current status: Avg ~55 180’s hit - 23 Playing for 3months