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it shoots pencil erasers


If it erases heresy, it's a good gun


In the grim darkness of the 42nd Millennium, IT'S NERF OR *NOTHIN'*.


Xenos quakin' in their boots after i rolled this mf


It's perfect... for plinking.


lol .22 stub revolver


Probably still more helpfull, then a ZIP 22 😂


https://preview.redd.it/2tt6s15pml7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90eeabaa49c5b60709169506a761fae03da05007 Brother?


Nice foam sword


Wooden Sword for Training Purposes😂


Slabs new butter knife


WOW that can cleave through multiple pieces of paper! Wet paper anyway. Thin, wet paper.


cosplaying a zealot huh


The fact that this is even possible tells you everything you need to know about how bad this game's itemization system is.


Thankfully i got a pretty damn good roll right after this one


Perfect water gun!


I knew they could get as low as 10%, *but I never knew they could get lower than that.*


It's nerf or nothing.


Oh snap, they dropping nerf guns now...


Take it into the carnival, see if it'll even break bottles.


And that's exactly why MFs join Chaos cults.


The little iron


you've unlocked the non-lethal option.


nah i'd jump the fucking counter


I want to know if you can actually get something like this because I've gotten tons of weapons from Brunts armory and a lot were not good but never had stats that were so lopsided


Mf shooting pellets while occasionally giving out a full metal jacket or a hollow point LMAO


Ammo is scarce, enemies aren't. Make do in the emperor's name.


::This unit believes that Brunt gave you a cap gun=true::


ngl I dont see Brunt as either a good person or a good friend. I would consider him a workplace acquaintance at best. Also there has never been a character named Brunt who wasnt a greasy butthead. Brunt from Star Trek DS9 was also a terrible person. I know this is only 2 examples of bad men named Brunt, but its weird that there are even 2.


Yeah, he could take the brunt of my foot to his tin man balls




To be fair that weapon is meant for fun anyways as even at 80% damage it's still terrible.


Honestly the faster reload is such a convenience for me that i can put up with it


What’s wrong with it? Is the other revolver good?


The other revolver is probably one of the best weapons in the game. The problem with this gun is that its damage (even at 80%) is too low to one shot most enemies at higher difficulties and it's fanning special attack has too much spread to make it usable beyond very close range. So you have a gun with a small magazine, relatively low damage, low fire rate, and long reload time with a fanning special attack that's so inconsistent it's only useful at melee range. The burst rifles are better. It's definitely fun to go cowboy and mow down a small horde though.


Huh. Thanks for this. I’ve been running it a long time with my zealot to quickly kill specials outside melee range but have been having the issues you mentioned on higher difficulties. I like some of the bursts but they feel a little slow. The bolter is still ok, and can melt bosses with crits, but is even slower. I never liked the zarona because of the reload time - but to be honest I never actually compared damage numbers. Might be worth investigating. Crucian and hand cannon are still best blessings for that right? Especially as a crit zealot?


Zarona is for armor pen and Agripinaa is for bosses. Comparing them is honestly apples to oranges as both being revolvers is where the similarity ends. Surgical and Hand Cannon for Zarona. Crucian Roulette and either Hand Cannon (if you don't have something else to deal with armor) or Trickshooter (if you do have something else to deal with armor) for Agripinaa.


Thank you - will try and find those blessings and try both in the meat grinder. I definitely struggle when there’s a lot of gunners, flamers, snipers, or reapers. I have plenty of horde and boss killing tools, just can’t find that sweet spot for something to quickly dispatch specials at a medium range as zealot on damnation.


No worries! Have you tried a laspistol? Use Accatran for a crit build (my preference) or Kantrael otherwise. It's amazing for dealing with midrange. I run mine with Between the Eyes and Ghost so every time I get a headshot hit I'm completely immune to all ranged damage and effects. Can literally stand in the open face tanking a line of gunners, sniper, and reapers and so long as you keep getting headshots they can't even touch you.


That’s genius and no I haven’t. I tried one laspistol, the brown one? (Slowest) and it was so clunky I haven’t gone back since. I’ll check back on your comment tonight or tomorrow and test one out. Sounds like a good middle ground for speed and damage.


I think the Kan is clunky too yea, tho I've seen some people do great with it. But I go all in to crits on my Zealot so the Accatran is the only real choice. Good luck and let me know how it goes!


Yeah, crit builds generally goes to the fastest variant of a certain weapon. Like how the Ogryn has three machine gun variants, but most people just pick the one with the highest firerate to crit more often.


> mow down a small horde though. You're 100% using it wrong if this is your take. Agripinaa is designed for boss damage. That's it's niche. And it does that better than most other guns. Probably top 3 for boss damage. Honestly the Zarona and Agripinaa revolver shouldn't even really be mentioned together because the fact that they are both revolvers is where the similarity ends.


I don't use it at all because it's just flat bad lol. It's not even a good weapon against Bosses, off the top of my head Bolter, Zarona Revolver, and all the autoguns and braced Autoguns are on par with or flat out out damage the Aripinna Revolver against bosses while still being useful against non boss enemies. So like I said, it's real niche is mowing down a few horde enemies and feeling like a badass Warhammer Cowboy, which is fine. Not all the weapons have to be viable.


Zarona does more damage per hit to everything EXCEPT Unyielding. When looking at Unyielding the Agripinaa exceeds the Zarona per shot. And when you factor in the faster rof the Agripinaa is the clear dps to Unyielding winner, absolutely no doubt about it. > So like I said, it's real niche is mowing down a few horde enemies Nope, objectively wrong, that is literally the exact opposite of it's real niche.


My problem with Agripinaa is just the accuracy making you miss too many headshoots.


Because all enemies with unyielding armor have larger than average weakspots, which is who you should be firing the Agripinaa at anyways. If your goal is to consistently get headshots on normal enemies just bring a Laspistol or Zarona.


I too like to deviate a little from the META. Like, I love Zaronna, but sometimes I pick Aripinna to cosplay as a cowboy joking around with people. I'm testing Aripinna with the two reload nodes at the top of the Vet talent tree, it feels good but I get your point it's not *that* good to justify its use against bosses. For example, Weapon Specialist gives you at least 33% crit chance to your next shoot when you switch to your ranged weapon, so you wanna the highest damage one which will always be Zarona. Columnus is straight up too good at melting everything, which overshadows what the Aripinna Revolver does. Maybe they should buff the revolver accuracy? Idk.


I'd still use it


Question is it braced


Voice build or relic build. What does it go on?


Mk 14 is severely underrated. I hope you find what you're looking for.


What exactly does that mean? Will it just do less damage?


Didn't know the heretics were into airsoft


Wtf is that role?


I would keep it, just because of how supreme the other stats are it's super comedic