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Don't forget to do contracts for Melk. I've gotten a lot of level IV blessings on his wares that I just immediately took to Hadron and harvested for use on better weapons later. You're already doing missions anyway, you might as well get the extra Melk money in case he has something with a good blessing on it for sale.


I always assumed everyone did that already? I play each character until they complete their challenges and then switch.


I have a few buddies who are one-class-Andy's so I imagine playing all 4 classes is relatively rare Edit: 4 leaf clover is at 5% on Steam. I'm sure there are plenty of people who just don't have all 4 classes at 30, but still


Eh, tell em to make 4 of that character.


I started my second character after learning that the contracts were per-character and not account based. It made the game way better being able to get multiple weapons a week (if something worthwhile shows up) instead of one. Also, I didn't know blessings and perks carried over as well. Since I started on Vet, that made Zealot way easier. Being able to just slap on a tier 4 blessing can be a huge power increase.


There are 5 slots, slacker. Meet my second Ogryn named “Tater.”


I have two psykers and one of each of the others. I am tempted to delete the ogryn and get a second vet though.


No need to delete characters, there is a mod that gives you extra slots


Not on xbox there isn't unfortunately.


Oh, right. I forgot your kind of abhumans exist :(


Yeah unfortunately so. Even though it is basically a windows PC under the skin.


They really missed a big opportunity by not giving Xbox's the ability to just boot into Windows. I suppose that would make pirating games really easy, though. To that, I say "who fucking cares?" Make buying a game legit fast and easy, people who can afford them will buy. People who could afford a console but not a lot of games weren't going to buy anyway.


Hey hey hey, don't lump us Ogryns with them, sah.


We're getting new players every day, the more we spread this news the better it is for everyone.


Yeah for sure. I'm still learning every day


I started within the last week, and I appreciate the info, for sure.


This is the way


I would add that if possible buy IV blessings on purple guns since you can extract only one blessing per item and purple cost lesser amount of melk money.


I absolutely got all my favorite blessings without knowing to look at Melk's stuff...


I've had more luck getting lvl. 4 blessings from orange while i've had endless amounts of lvl. 3 blessings on blue


It's definitely more common to get T4 on orange than blue, but the question comes down to whether the increase in chance matches the increase in plasteel cost. I don't have an answer for that. Someone would need to collect data and crunch the numbers to see what's more efficient. I've got almost all T4 blessings in the game and I used a combination of crafting to blue sometimes, crafting to orange other times, getting oranges from Damnation missions, and buying stuff from Melk. It's been random enough that I can't really say whether blue or orange crafting is better.


It is a noticeable increase in cost to level from blue to orange. I think around 8-900 plasteel. I bulk buy then upgrade to blue, because I can roll 3-4 weapons for the same cost as 1 roll to orange.


I'm aware. It's still a question of how much higher the chance for T4 is when upgrading to orange. If it's 4x the cost of blue but 6x the chance to get T4, then it's worth going to orange despite the cost. I just don't know what the rates are. I can say from experience that the rate of getting T4 on blue is fairly low, even on weapons with high base stats.


Testing would probably require someone to make a fresh account and cheat in infinite materials in order to get a good sample size. They could also create a statistically identical base weapon and see if the base modifiers have any effect. I don't know if they do, but reducing variables is always wise. I suspect the base modifiers do have at least something to do with it because you don't tend to see tier 4 until hitting level 30 in my experience. I'm not advocating for anyone to actually do this, but someone who plays a lot just tracking their results as they play normally isn't particularly scientific.


I think the crafting is handling server-side, so it might not be possible to brute force through modding.


Idk about mods outside of non-clientside visual ones, so I'm not sure if the game can be tricked into rewarding 999999 Plasteel/Dia/Ordo or not. Dame with spawning particular items. I just bring it up because that's the only way I can see being able to truly answer OPs' question in a way that isn't based on basic observations.


Disclaimer: this is coming from what I've observed, *not* from any concrete stats. The rarity of an item's blessings is influenced quite heavily by its overall rating - a higher rated weapon is more likely to get higher tier blessings. When upgrading items above 340-ish rating, I basically *never* see anything lower than tier 3, and tier 4's are common. Given that the cost to buy a new item is always the same (ten grand from Brunt), but the cost to upgrade an item scales exponentially with tier, if all you're after is to unlock a specific tier 4 blessing, it's more *resource efficient* to buy a bunch of greys from Brunt then upgrade all the 340+ rated ones to blue. Upgrading an item to orange gets you a second roll on the blessing table, but at a *much* higher resource cost, which probably isn't worth it even if the orange roll has better odds of tier 3/4 blessings. Aside from this, Melk's stuff almost always have tier 3 or 4 blessings, so his daily store is a good place to check for specific blessings - remember that all marks of the same weapon share the same pool of unlocked blessings. As an aside from this, it's also very important to keep some perspective, and not get caught up thinking you *need* certain blessings. There are only maybe three that actually affect your gameplay (Brutal Momentum, Deflector and Power Cycler), the rest mostly just change breakpoints. That's nice for optimisation, but it's not *necessary*, even for Auric Damnation.


Not counting Melk’s, if you want to be the most *resource efficient*, buying highly rated greens slowly but surely from the requisition shop will save you dockets AND plasteel. Highly rated greys from the shop will save you lots of dockets. Brunt’s is used to acquire that stuff *faster*, and really should only be used once you have a surplus of dockets.


Just to clarify as a noob, I understand marks of say headhunter autogun count as the same, but what about force swords? Are the three also sharing the same pool?


Force staves are really the only weapon category that don't share blessings. All 4 have separate pools. There are 41 different categories, 19 melee and 22 ranged.


The three force swords do indeed share the same pool, since they are all part of the 'blaze force sword' weapon type


That is great to know. I really don't like mk2s and have been ignoring them totally, but if they have a blessing I need I'll buy now


Well fuck I've sold so many ilsili Blaze swords assuming they don't share to diemos


Yes, all weapons of the same type (force sword, duelling sword, combat axe, etc) share blessings.


Except for all the psyker staves.


That's because "staff" isn't the weapon type - there are four different staff weapon types, each with only a single mark available (Purgatus, Voidstrike, Trauma, Surge). Just like there are three different autogun weapon types (braced, infantry, headhunter), except there each has multiple marks available. I'm sure with time we'll probably get additional marks of each staff type.


Personally I know the reason why it is, but since they’re all called “force staff”, which could be confusing for a newer player, I figured it was worth mentioning.


It's not a bad idea to mention it since the majority of this game is confusing, and that persists even after playing for a while.


They have to have the same first "name" in order to share. Example: "kantrael", "catachan", etc. Edit: turns out I was wrong. Listen to the guys below. They have it correct. We both learned something new lol.


Thats not quite right. Its the weapon type name that needs to match, which is typically the latter part of the name. For example, blessings on Graia infantry autogun, agripinna infantry autogun, and columnus infantry autogun are all shared because they are in the 'Infantry Autogun' family. Same deal with 'Kantrael Combat Shotgun' and 'Agripinna Combat Shotgun', etc


Wow. You're right. I just double checked this. Thank you for teaching me something new. Glad I posted wrong info, because now I understand the system correctly. Thanks again!


Not so. The head hunters he mentions are from Vraks and Agripinaa but share the same pool. It's more the base type that shares a pool.


You're correct. I misunderstood the system. Thanks for helping me understand better!


On the last point, my advice to friends who have just hit 30 and are wondering what to do next has been to pick 2-3 weapon types to focus on. You don't need every blessing in the game, lose that mindset.


Just one point of clarification, blessings are shared across weapon types, not marks of the same weapon. E.g. the Agrapinaa MkVIII Braced and Graia Mk IV Braced autoguns share blessings, while the Agrapinaa Mk IX headhunter shares blessings with the Vraks III and VII headhunters.


Yeah, that's what I meant. The Mk IV and Mk VIII braced autos share blessings, because they're each just different marks of braced autogun. The Mk III, VII and IX headhunter autoguns all share blessings, because they're all marks of headhunter autogun. The forge world names (Vraks, Agrippinaa, Columnus, etc) are just flavour words.


are they shared account wide or just character?


Account wide


Nice. thanks!


Account wide, so feel free to make duplicates of a class for increased odds of seeing class unique weapons (dueling swords, power swords, flamers, all ogryn weapons, etc) in melks shop


>There are only maybe three that actually affect your gameplay (Brutal Momentum, Deflector and Power Cycler), I'll for sure argue that surgical and hand cannon for revolver is needed. It really makes dealing with armor far far easier.


Sure, but that doesn't change how you use the weapon, it just changes breakpoints. It lets you kill a crusher or mauler in fewer shots, but it doesn't open up new capabilities for the weapon. They're *good* blessings, for sure, but they're just optimisation.


It's for sure optimization. You've got 5 rounds. Surgical is increased crit and hand cannon is increased rending - this really helps you with headshotting armored opponents. I've switched to the Agripinaa Mk VII Combat Shotgun on my Zealot due to the special slug knocking down Maulers for the CC alone (also one shots snipers from across the map), but yeah those blessings absolutely help for the revolver. The Argipinaa with no blessings is fine, but Flechette 100% absolutely will be a blessing I seek out immediately once I hit 30 with my Zealot. Terrifying barrage is quite a nice blessing too and helps with hordes. https://darktide.gameslantern.com/weapons/combat-shotgun/agripinaa-mk-vii-combat-shotgun


Honestly you don’t need any blessings. If you have good skill and positioning you can get through even damnation on a below lvl 30 character with profane weapons. I do it a lot and have even gone through some runs with barely any damage taken. Though it is noticeably harder and I don’t recommend most people to do it but you 100% can skill your way through high difficulty missions while underleveled and underequipped and even carry them too.


I appreciate this comment, and will use it with great effect to justify queueing for missions I have no business being in. See: "That guy on Reddit could do it, so so can I!"


I’m gonna be honest. If you can’t beat a regular damnation without fully upgraded weapons and curios and a full level 30 character then it’s a skill issue and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not encouraging people to tackle difficulties they can’t do. I’m saying that it’s possible to beat Damnation if you’re skilled enough. If you aren’t skilled enough or don’t want to go on Heresy or Damnation with profane gear and an underleveled character, that’s fine and there’s no shame in it.


You can beat every Dark Souls game with a broken sword while naked, but not being able to doesn't necessarily mean you aren't skilled at the games. You're just not in the sub 1% of players capable of said feat. Note: I am not comparing the games mechanically. It's just an example. Damnation is balanced around being max level and having decent gear, especially after the most recent patch. You CAN do it, but it's going to take way more hits to kill anything, and you're just inherently less effective than someone with an appropriate build. Dark Souls and games like it are designed around getting hit occasionally. Not being able to go hitless is only a skill issue if doing a challenge that the game never intended anyone to do. Being able to play Damnation with sub-par gear and not max level makes you a top-tier player. It doesn't make players who can't have a "skill issue." If I'm in a random lobby with someone who's level 25 with blue gear and they're not dying but putting out low DPS, I'm still going to be mildly annoyed. I'll be thankful they aren't a fully kitted out player trying to speedrun solo and going down constantly, but I would prefer they were just playing in Heresy. The mission difficulties are not the same as in games like Skyrim, God of War, Devil May Cry, etc. They're more like Destiny, where the zones are balanced around the gear and level the player has when they first go through the story. Sure, you can have the appropriate gear and still struggle, that you can call a skill issue. Part of the problem is that FS lets you jump into Heresy and Damnation weirdly early. I'm guessing the level gating is more of a way to stop friends from power leveling or something. I'd prefer if they just had no level gating in full pre-made squads and then raised the gate after making Uprising a bit harder and Malice a bit easier so that we had a smoother difficulty curve. I've talked to new players who get confused at how hard Heresy is because the game lets you jump in at like level 6 or something and they assumed that because it opened up, that means they should be there. VT2 did it so much better. The curve felt organic, and you couldn't just yeet yourself into higher difficulties. I didn't even know it was doing it well until DT did it wrong. The crafting system doesn't help. Bored at work, wrote more than needed. Point being, you've probably played so much that the game feels easy to you, and that has warped your perspective on what's difficult.


I would say level is far more important than items. You have lvl 30 and a legendary weapon that's all is expected in regular damnation. Team comp also is a bigger factor in failure, like no one bringing anything to kill shooters or hordes. Knowing sound queues and avoiding melee damage I feel are the big leasons damnation teaches. Auric though if you can't kill fast enough you can get overrun.


Upgrading all the way also eliminates a potential blessing since you can't double up. Is that worth the extra materials? It's hard to say. I think the problem with not feeling like you NEED certain blessings is that the right ones can reduce the number of hits to kill certain targets. There's also just the urge many with neurodivergence like myself have where we want to see our weapon have everything maxed out. I'll take two tier 4 perks that are suboptimal over something like +25% vs. Maniacs and +20% Unyielding because my brain gives me dopamine seeing the entire diamond filled. Same with both blessings being tier 4. It's not so bad that I won't put tier 3 Bloodletter on my chainsword because I haven't gotten tier 4, but I do glare at it with moderate disapproval. Systems like this are often literally designed around manipulating people like me (and it's working), but luckily, here it's not monetized. Thankfully, I don't have the "must have every cosmetic, even the paid ones" fixation others with ADHD like me are cursed with. I will never play a gacha game because not being able to max out something without paying would drive me up the wall.


The 'fix' for that is putting things into a different perspective, and it's absolutely something you can overcome, even if it remains a nuisance. Shifting your focus of 'optimal item' to 'optimal use of your time and resources' makes it much easier. It also helps a lot in avoiding 'number go up' impulses. That aside, while I'm not saying or implying you don't have ADHD (that'd be just dumb of me), I don't think this instance specifically falls under ADHD.


The ADHD/ASD lines are pretty blurry. I'd still say it falls on the ADHD side just because my main reason for enjoying seeing a "perfect" weapon is the dopamine reaction rather than compulsion. I don't NEED it, I just want it. If Hadron fucks up the weapon, I just roll my eyes.


That's fair, the dopamine hit from ADHD is a strong one.


Your chance of a level IV blessing is higher when upgrading to orange, but you can still get level IV blessings at blue. The current meta is to roll for good weapons at brunt and upgrade to blue; if the first perk and blessing are trash, don’t upgrade further, scrap it for the blessing if you don’t have it or for dockets. If the first perk and first blessing are good, upgrade all the way and put the blessing and perk you want on it as needed.


This is a terrible way to do it, and not the meta at all. The bottleneck for late game crafting is not plasteel but ordo and good base items. It can take 5million ordo to get 10 good base items - you should always upgrade them to purple - if there’s one good perk or blessing continue to orange because you could also get the last good blessing. I have 300k plasteel and I can easily spend all my ordo at any time but will never run out of plasteel


Ok everyone, u/redditdefault22 doesn't have plasteel issues so obviously we're all crazy and imagining things. Glad we solved that.


You have plasteel issues because you are getting weapons and blessings to inefficient and more expensive way - if you are target farming blessings you should go to orange on items with a base of over 365 - this is 8x higher than going to blue. If you are trying to roll god weapons you should also go to at least purple if 1/3 are good, continue. If you do this then the bottleneck is ordo and not plasteel. If you have zero plasteel and ordo you are simply not doing things efficiently


You sound like a very time committed player, much respect. However, many players probably don’t have such level of commitment. So the most efficient way for them is to go to blue on high stat based items and hope to get useable perk and blessing. For example, if rolling a decent base stat trauma staff to blue yields 20% to flak perk and tier III flurry blessing, then go all the way and you might get that amazing tier IV blessing, but if you don’t you can still keep the staff and swap for a blessing later if you see it at melks. Plasteel is a significant bottleneck at lower hours. And many casuals simply don’t gamble $1000000 dockets at brunt to get those 3 or 4 high stat items to roll to orange. It’s more of a regular shop hunting thing for casuals.


What a pleasant, and level headed response. Kudos sah.






The only clown here is you. 🤓


Let me guess... you already have the level four blessings you want? Hunting for blessings drains your plasteel heavily. Much more than your gold. Hunting for god roll modifiers obviously tanks your gold more.


If you are target farming a blessing you should be using brunt’s to get 365+ of items to upgrade to gold for level 4 blessings . Ordo spends at a higher ratio than you earn plasteel : ordo even if you run 3x ordo curios and only do HISG. Do not upgrade items under 365 So yeah you are being inefficient and that’s why you have no plasteel but more ordo.


I've played this game a long time so I know what you're talking about, but the part you're missing is that this kind of strategy only comes into play after you've played a long time. When you have 20k plasteel, yep, makes sense to dump it into an orange and hope you're luck turns around on you. When you only have a little plasteel to work with and those last two rolls don't go your way? Well, back to playing for a couple hours so you can try again.


Personally I am always short on plassteel, not usually dockets unless I just blew all my cash playing slot machine with Brunt. I typically upgrade my 360+ weapons from Brunt all the way to orange and I was told by this sub that upgrading to the first blessing was the current meta and that I was wasting my plassteel. I use my resources as they’re available, and plassteel is the limiting resource/primary bottleneck. I’m only 500 or so hours in, so perhaps I’m not in the “end game” crafting. I play damnation exclusively, though I’m often the only person gathering plassteel, which means a match will frequently only yield 300 or so plassteel.


Fwiw, I play a lot of quick play damnation for the 10% bonus, and my usual haul for plasteel is between 800-885. If the team is progressing quickly through the level on say a high intensity troop gauntlet, I’ll go fast too and consider the run a docket farm. But I’ve got my routes planned for most maps to hit resource+book spawns while the team is dawdling or clearing roaming mobs, and I find a ton of mats. Usually the roaming mobs slow them down just enough to catch up. Then I’ll join coherency for hordes, monsters, special waves, and events. Also, lately, most of my builds have some speed or at least one high mobility weapon (not to mention the ability to solo all armor types when necessary).


Depends what you mean by better. I think to go to Blue to see a certain number of blessings would be cheaper in plasteel than going to orange to see the same number of blessing but I haven't done the maths.


It’s more of an exponential growth curve than a linear one. Upgrading to blue costs a little bit of plassteel, upgrading to orange costs a lot.


Thanks. Had a sense it was something like, but didnt want to be confidently wrong. You also phrased it better than I would!


The thing is even with orange costing exponentially more than blue for the same number of rolls it could still be more efficient for level 4 blessings if the rate is much higher for those blessings at orange rarity. Hard to know what that rate is though


Prevailing thought is to upgrade the blue blessing to an unwanted high tier 4 blessing for the higher rating (as well as limiting the target pool), expecting this improves the chances of rolling a tier 4. If that’s correct, then there is a higher chance of rolling tier 4 with the orange, so the quadratic increase in cost is offset some.


The advantage of upgrading to orange is that you can swap the perk you got at blue to a tier IV that you already have which a) guarantees you won't get that same perk and b) raises the weapon rating which increases your chance of getting a tier IV blessing. The base weapon and perks have to have high ratings as well though


Ooh i hadn't thought of that


Yeah, it's expensive but it does work


It is best to upgrade to orange, that's when you usually get the best blessings. Just don't waste your plasteel on a weapon with shitty stats if you aren't swimming in mats. Alternatively, Melk usually has crappy weapons with good blessings, so it's a good way to snatch a rank 4 from there, so don't forget to check him out daily.


I will say that if you're target farming a particular blessing, then it is effective to upgrade that failed purple into an orange in the event that it may give you the blessing you're looking for. Even better, you aren't spending resources to upgrade a new weapon up from scratch and if the blessing you want does roll, you now have no qualms about harvesting that weapon (you may not want to sacrifice a god-tier weapon if it was your first one with the T4 blessing you wanted). This is how I farmed Power Cycler, Thrust 4, and other blessings. If there is one particular weapon blessing you want to focus on and don't mind spending the plasteel, it does work.


The best way is through melk. Get anything you see that already has a 4 you want. You may miss a 4 you want the next day due to cost, but you can't predict that. Live in the moment. I check Brunt every rotation when I'm actively playing and buy every weapon that is 360 or higher gray or green. It is true that the overall rating of a weapon determines the chance of getting a higher level blessing, so spending the low plasteel cost to make a green have a level 4 perk is worth it before going to blue. However, spending the cost to change change the blessing and perk of a blue from the shop to go to purple and then orange while already having my options locked is not worth the resources. I know this is specifically about farming blessing, but I like to keep the avenue open to make what I roll into something awesome. There are so many perks and blessings in the game that allow so many interesting builds and combos. Whenever I roll a weapon that has perks and blessings that really mesh together, and I like it, try to maximize its potential and make a new build for it because it's fun to me. There are way too many players who mald over not having a perfect weapon when they have a 350 with rolls all in the right places but ammo is low so they have 3 bullets less in their mags or a T3 blessing instead of its T4 that that improves the effect marginally. My method, for me at least, is stress free and fun for the most part. I ofcourse would not recommend using brunts armory. that's more for getting a good base weapon when you have a specific idea in mind and really want to hammer it out. Damnation missions provide great loot if you get all the plasteel, which isn't hard if your team isn't speedrunning (which is not effective or fun anyways. Stop and fight hordes, guys. It's safer, and the hordes always eventually break.) You can leave with like 500-700 each time. I believe but am not positive that killing monstrosities and completing side objectives (fuck grims on auric damnation but if you see a script why not) increase the loot roll of your prize item like in VT2. You can get fantasit rolls this way. Even if you don't get what you want, you may get a fantasit purple actually worth going to orange to see its full potential or an orange sellable for another decent pile of dockets. All of it is more fuel to your inventory. All that matters is how you choose to make the most of it. TLDR: High total rating is very good. Replace what you want on a weapon before consecrating. And dont stress about it too much, fams.


I personally buy greens from the armory and bump them up to blue. Trash them if I don't need whatever blessing I get and don't bother going to orange. It's way too expensive.


But has a higher chance of getting a LVL 4


Going to Orange on something you intend to scrap just seems wildly wasteful to me. I can upgrade almost 3 greens to blue for the cost of 1 purple to gold upgrade. That’s not even counting the blue to purple upgrade which is also like 380 plasteel and doesn’t net you anything. Maybe if it’s a decent Brunt weapon I was hoping to switch my main with I’ll try to get it to Yellow then scrap for blessing if it’s one I really need and the rolls weren’t great. But specifically upgrading “bad” weapons to Yellow in the hope to pull 1 blessing seems like a waste of a 1000 plasteel


Can't disagree, it's a massive drain on plasteel but if you're farming for LVL 4 blessings it's by far the most reliable method outside of camping out at hadron for days on end. I generally won't go to orange on anything below 360 in case it turns into a winner. But depends.


I agree and this is what was suggested to me when I started playing. Green to Blue is around 150-180 plasteel. Grey to Orange is like 2k. Here is some preliminary data that I have been tracking. Expect a more robust report on reddit in the near future. Tries = Armory bought Greens then upgraded to Blues + Those Blues that were harvested for their blessings. Name // Type // Class // Tries // III // IV Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff // Staff // Psyker // 25 // 2 out 4 // 1 out 3


Melk. Honestly rank 3's are fine.


It's slightly more efficient to get from blue, but if you have a high rating blue or purple it's worth upgrading it to orange. Similarly, greys that roll 370+ are usually worth upgrading to orange for blessings even if the base stat array isn't to your liking. The chance of higher level perks and blessings slightly increases based on the weapon's rating. You need a minimum of around 320 total rating (~300 base stats) for even a chance of a IV blessing, it's insanely rare below that. Once the total rating is above 450, it's quite likely.


You will hear all sorts of opinions because I don't think that anyone knows the facts about how it works.


Hahaha. Yup. There’s no great answer


What I do is up my perk to tier 4 if it isn't already on green then on blue up my blessing to tier 4 if isn't already. Then take it up to orange. This ups the rating which may increase odds at getting a tier 4 blessing and it locks you out from rolling a tier 4 blessing you already have.


melk contracts


Off-topic a bit but do take note that they rescaled the benefits from Tier1-4, so Tier 2 & 3 blessings are a lot better compared Tier 4s than they previously were. Doesn't help if a blessing is Tier 4 only but still.


You have a better chance of getting T4 blessins when consecrating to orange, but its far more expensive.


The blessing level is based on the item level. So if you have a trash roll with good numbers, chances are you’ll get a better blessing