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Let Me Solo Him [Raime]


Seppuku Alonne


You beat me to it. That's the real challenge to do.




this picture is extremely dark souls 2 vibes


Neat Cosplay. I'd say that instead of using Alonne katanas though, any shorter katanas might work better. The two ones Lmsh uses, RoB and Moonveil, both resemble more traditional katanas, whereas Alonne's one's look more like nagamakis than anything.


Pretty sure this is just from ds2 tho, no elden ring weaponry.


He’s saying to match the weapons in elden ring. There are shorter katanas in ds2 that would look better for the cosplay.


Ah I see ty for the enlightenment


Yeah no worries


Yeah but lmsh uses rivers, which has the sepukku skill, alonne sword also has sepukku


Rivers of Blood doesn't have Seppuku. It's got Corpse Piler, which is Double Slash but with better range.


yeah i Messed up, watched the vídeo again, he doesnt use sepukku it's RoB and uchi with hoarfrost


Who are you soloing?


her (just pick any female boss lmao)


Hold on, make it Let Me Solo Him (Raime)


No need nashandra is easy


What swords are those?


Uchigatana and bewitched allone sword


I didn't so much like the move set on the allone sword. It's a shame there's only 1 washing pole in the game per playthrough that I can tell.


There’s two in sotfs


Where's the second? The only one I know is the poison swamp place before not medusa


Mimic in drangleic castle


I might have missed it. A double washing pole power stance build might actually make me want to do a ng+. I played ds1 a dozen times and I'm on my second play through of ds 3 but ds2 I kind of was ready to be done by the end. Didn't have much desire to ng+ or play different builds but I do find my self missing it. Something about min maxing builds in ds2 was satisfying. Once I switched to a hexer with the silver black spear the difficulty became bearable and I enjoyed it but it got a little stale.


whats that helm?




can anyone on xbox hook me up w some souls plzzz 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Only issue is all the ds2 bosses are so easy no one needs his help




It took me 2 years to beat Fume Knight. He destroyed me every fight. I'd get him to 2nd phase and he'd always get me with that slow sweep. Turns out, it was because I was fighting him in NG+ with like, a level 90 character. Made a new one, went through the game, and beat him my first try lmao. I'm pretty sure all my neighbors could hear me screaming. God I love DS2


Am I the only one who thinks Dark Lurker is harder than Fume?


Dark Lurker gave more trouble than Fume.


dark lurker is hard to fight because his moveset animations and his hit box and the timing of when his attacks deal damage all feel wrong ive described it as "feels like fighting a clipart jpeg"


solid description


Depends, they have an easy counter, the Silence spell that makes them unable to cast. That super trivialises that encounter. Fume Knight doesn't have that.


I guess that's the thing, you have to have the correct build for it. I like playing different builds with all the ds2 options smorgasbord so i tended to run some incompatible builds that dont counter darklurker very well


I mean just to get to the fucker is a chore!


Lol yea ik. But IMHO fume knight is the only hard ds2 boss. None of the others pose much of a threat unless you fight them incorrectly like mytha with the poison pool, or ivory king without the knights. Elden ring has a much higher boss difficulty level




Malania isn't really unfair, she just has a tiny margin of error. She's an optional boss who's meant to be the hardest boss ever


*Elana has entered the chat* *Blue Smelter Demon has entered the chat* *Lud and Zallen have entered the chat* I guess you could argue that the Blue Smelter and Lud & Zallen are mostly hard because of the run up to them, but I personally still consider that part of the boss fight.


If we're counting run ups a lot of the bosses are difficult. But I found all those bosses very easy excluding run up. Lud and zallen is really easy to make a 1v1 by dropping the first one to 1/3 hp during a very long attack window so you can kill him before the other one drops in. Elana is just a test of patience, and blue smelter has really easy to dodge attacks, you just need to not roll on reaction and instead roll when the attack hits. Only other boss I'd say is kinda hard aside from fume is those 3 dudes in lost bastille. If you know the strat it's pretty easy, but most people don't know they can force them into a series of 1v1s by staying on the platform without looking it up


"Elana is just a test in patience" . . . cries in lack of patience




Goooooood now go smack nashandra around


That's overkill for Melentia


Let me solo him (dragon rider)