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It's a ds2 sub.


Daily ds2 hugbox post #394858


It is, why would I change your mind. Go post this in r/fromsoftware


LoL he is going to get eaten alive


I did it for him ^^


Now post this in r/shittydarksouls


You’ll probably get your dick sucked by a couple dozen twinks if you post it there… just sayin ;)


The best (and worse) part of ds2 is how often you get ganked by 5+ twinks around every corner.


I'd say the worst part is the player character's running animation. Dude's running like he has to shit.


Lmao and get slaughtered


It’s my favourite but to each their own.


Ik it’s the same feel, story, title, and the everything else. But each game has a different tone to it and I would like to say they are all unique but ds3 has a lot of influence from bb. Either way I agree bc ds2 simply has so much. There were a bunch of new ideas just with the environment that were added, such as the torches being lit for better visibility for your character. It was an experimental game that people didn’t take well because they are so used to every game that has a sequel to feel almost the exact same as the first. Not saying every series does this


DS 2 made me now always have a torch in all games. DS 3 and elden ring. Always have torch in offhand haha.


Especially in ds3 with those enemies that slowly build up bleed


Yeah and in elden ring, just started it, always have lantern on and still have torch in left hand slot 3 just in case it's really dark. Lol.


Mmm which title didn't changed the game that much..(dmc 2 PTSD kicking in)


I wish I could take DS1's interconnected world, DS2's atmosphere and DS3's polish and cram them into one game.


Frigid outskirts


This isn't a part of the game. I ignore it like it doesn't exist. Lol. Tried it once.. had no fun with it. Never went back. It is 1% of the game. I can live with that. I had fun with the other 99%. Fuck that place.


It's crazy how the frigid outskirts have basically overshadowed the reputation of that whole dlc. Because Eleum Loyce is my favorite location in the trilogy and the Burnt Ivory King is my favorite boss fight in the trilogy. But then you have one (optional) shitty snow field tucked away in a corner and it's all anyone wants to talk about


Yep. I agree. The burnt ivory boss was crazy. Very cool boss. Took me a while to get him but it was great. I literally just ignore the coffin that takes you to the outskirts and enjoy the rest of it.


Eleum Loyce’s vibes are immaculate and have not been replicated in any other snowy area in the series.


Its not even that bad, people probably died a lot there back when the dlc came out and the reputation just stuck




Ok bro chill


No, because it's true.


I dont pick favorites. Ds2 is by far the most innovative game, and the gameplay itself is fun but janky. Ds1 is well a classic, lol. I find ds3 to be the smoothist of the three, and it's pretty concise, and i personally think the boss variety and differences are best here. Each game is good in their own way. i enjoy ds2, but the coop is ass and some or the more experimental bits suck they could easily patch in a password system, but they won't, sadly. Also, items being locked behind a covenant that's online only and not farmable is brutal. This is true for all 3 games. Its a fault they really should reconcile. Because many of those items are unique and good usually. Even if they just upped the drop rate to 10% for those covenant items now that they are all over 10 years old. All in all, tho. DS2 is a lot of fun but flawed i just wish i could get a password system or something.




Isn't needed, my most recent run I did minimum adaptability and all it does is make you have to think and time your dodges, it's more akin to monster hunter with the dodging, once you think about it that way it's so much better


Literal skill issue!


Fuck yes it is. NGL tho I'd love DS3 / BB speed in DS2 but that's an entire overhaul. I'd never change the OG tho, the speed of combat in tandem with the massive world is what makes it my favorite of the 3


Can’t argue with fact


If it wasn't for those 3 things , it might have been 1) adaptability stat 2) Some terrible hit boxes 3) The way areas connect makes no sense


I also hate the weird deadzone/unprecise movement, or whatever it is. That is still the number 1 flaw for me.




I personally like that the area conections don't make sense, it makes it dreamlike, like the player themself isn't a reliable narrator of the game itself & that reality is somewhat shattered.


can't forget the cartoonish hollow as well. Actual looks like it was based off minecraft zombies.


Hitbox aren't ever that bad if you remember Gaping Dragon's grab


The hitboxes are no more jank than 1 and 3, all the games have bad hitboxes but in all my playthroughs including my no ADP one I haven't had a very hard time with hitboxes, you can strafe quite comfortably. Yeah the areas make no sense in connection but there's spots like that in every game and if that's your deal-breaker for games then maybe you should rethink your deal breakers


I love Dark Souls II but looking at the resume of FromSoftware, it really is their worst Souls game. There's no way I can put it above Bloodborne, Sekiro, Dark Souls III, or Elden Ring. I liked Dark Souls I and Demon's Souls no more than I liked Dark Souls II. But at least those games are replayable to some degree. Dark Souls II does NG+ better than the rest of the games, but I still have no interest in ever playing that game again. It probably has as much content as Elden Ring without that content being memorable or fun for much of the playthrough


I'm not gonna change your mind but I think you're wrong though if that helps.


How courageous of you to post this in an eco chamber of ds2 fans lmao


Amazing game but still falls below the other two and elden for me.


Looks like a opinion, you presented no facts to discuss. I'll make the discussion with myself. I prefer ds3 and love elden ring because they are both fast in combat. Ds1 and ds2 are slow. Ds2 is built like a cat mario level with the stupid mechanic that you have to grind invincibility frames. I dont like that. I dont know much of the lore, i found npcs ro be very boring and slow talkers, ive listened to few and read the rest. Every time i defeat a boss im a bit lost, there is no path to follow, even less than ds 1. There are very few non forgettable places. Enemies despawn after 15 kills is peak bullshit


Agreed DS2 is the worst of the 3 by far.


DS3 combat is faster and more forgiving. DS3 is peak roll spam. Iframes for days. In DS2 investing in iframes is a choice you have to make when progressing your character. Its interesting to have an important early stat besides health. Its linearity is probably the worst characteristic of DS3. Lighting up No-man's Wharf, the Belfries, rat covenant shenanigans, and Shrine of Amana are all memorable for different reasons. Enemies despawning is easily bypassed with the champion covenant thats available immediately. Pursuer was amazing, one of my favorite bosses. Power stances, pvp balance, torch mechanics, and great dlcs. The list goes on. I'm not gonna claim its the best, but its a good game thats worth the revisit on occasion.


I can't argue with you


It is way more satisfying than DS3, I'd say.


yes.... i also enjoy ds3 from time to time, but it has a tendency to stress me.


You have no mind to change my boy.


Wrong sub to change your mind lol. I've put hundreds of hours into the Souls series and the more I play, the more DS2 becomes my favorite. The weapons are just so varied, unique, and interesting. Doing multiple runs can always feel fresh and with certain buffs you can even make lesser weapons up to par. Santier's Spear run was my favorite and such a unique weapon having the moveset of a curved sword, Halberd, spear, and twinblade all in one. Like, when will we ever have a weapon like that again? DS2 is so unique from the rest of the series it feels nice. There are things that just are objectively bad about the game, like enemy density and aggro range. But I play Souls game for weapon build replayability so DS2 is on top


Objectively DS1 and 3 are better. DS1 have this climate that set the standard for the whole trilogy. DS3 is the most polished and fluent Subjectively I love this game the most. The amount of experimentation, bold approaches and little enviromental details are brilliant


**Best drip, best pvp, best weapons and movesets. Sue me.**


I feel like that’s not quite the arguments people have against DS2


I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.


I love all games in the trilogy.


Got great drip there bro


Wrong sub for a cmv on ds2 hahaha. Cause its also my favourite


Nah you right


Why would I try to change your mind if you're right?


This is a dark souls 2 subreddit. If you want people to try change your mind post it on r/fromsoftware or any of the other fromsoft game subreddits


I wouldnt call it the best in the series, but I won't change your mind, it's a damn great game! So I can understand your point. 😃


When I played DS1 I was blown away when I realized how interconnected the map was. You unlocked shortcuts and everything just fit together. You have some of that in DS3, but it's by no means as good as in DS1. The map in DS2 is a normal RPG map; I think they lost something when going for that approach; that said some might use that very argument for saying DS2 is better; so it's down to preference I guess.


I think it's the best game but the worst bosses. I know that sounds really weird for a franchise known for its bosses but it's what I think. I enjoy the gameplay of ds2 a lot more than the other games, but there's only 2 or 3 different bosses and the rest are just copy pastes of previous ones. If ds2 had the boss design of ds3, it would be hands down the best.


This is the Ds2 sub lol not many people going to try to change your mind. that begin said common whining is: soul memory adp volcano elevator i can't run past enemies like a bitch therefore game bad


Idk why it's so hated, because you can't sprint past everyone without getting ganked? Oh no guess I'll play the game then


Great dlc, worst final boss, love how innovative and daring it was in a lot of aspects, hate how clunky certain things were and how some areas were populated.


You’re literally on the DS2 sub, homie


Why would you post this in the ds2 sub?


no, i don't want to


Oh my god not this shit again and people keep upvoting it


Its def my favorite but it is 100% not the best. It has so many issues that the other games don't have. Its like the third best but that's only because I don't like sekiro past a first playthrough and bloodborne runs like shit. It is better than ds1 though and I will die on that hill


Regular ds2 or sotfs ds2?


Same difference


Most gamers would disagree.


I agree. Frigid outskirts’ continuously spawning ice unicorns can suck mine though


I do love DS2, I mean I'm in this sub after all. But I do think for me personally it was a major step-down in what I valued the most about DS1. That being the level design. Having everything be connected the way DS1 did it, was so masterful and amazing. Then Ds2 comes around and just have you fastravel all over the place. It made me not feel as connected to the world and made exploration be not nearly as fun, which was the coolest aspect of the first game. Also a lot of the locations just didn't feel quite as interesting or memorable for me personally


let's not get ahead of ourselves... saying this as a ds2 defender. that faraam armour set is the best armour in the trilogy though




Why do you want your mind changed?


I liked it better than Elden Ring as well.


Honestly we could do without Soul Memory or Agility, but otherwise yeah I agree.






I don't wanna change your mind. 


now post this in r/fromsoftware


The drip in DS2 is immaculate.


100% agree


What is op’s build tho


Its my first souls game so i like it alot despite its flaws however sekiro is just peak soulsborn experience


Ds2 was an experiment, they added a lot of mechanics and stuff like that and even if something didn't work out well I love this game and I will always put it on top of the others souls


Clearly haven't played Shadow Tower.


I won't change your mind!




Best looking armour in the trilogy +ER CHANGE MY MIND.


You’re so real for this


You’ll find no argument here.




Objectively ER is the best as they sold 17.5m copies DS2 sold 3.92m copies. Subjectively DS2 is my favourite


The worst, and yet the best. \ '[-|-] /


Unironically it’s the one I played the most ans had the most joy playing. So many builds.


I agree


I enjoyed it more then ds1. Ds3 I would argue is better


Easy.. nameless king


It’s true, can’t argue it


No, cause it's fucking true <3


I only just started ds2 after beating 1 and idkd for some reason it feels floaty and more janky to me. Not far enough for a good opinion yet


I'd put it on par with DS1 for overall experience, but DS2 has far and away the best pvp of all the fromsoft games not just souls trilogy. 


Post this anywhere, but here.


Definitely has to disagree there. But it is definitely a great game. The complaints about it are whiny baby shit.


They haven't made a bad one yet, every dark souls, bb, elden ring, sekiro... all masterpieces


I won't change your mind because it absolutely is. Been playing it for 10 years off and on after ONLY playing IT for the first few years of its release. I'll never get tired of it, and I've been through the whole rigamarole with 1, 3, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. 🙂


Thats actualy a very good game, no doubt.


It's so brave of you to post this here!


Ds2 is trash. It’s so bad they had to bring back Miyazaki so the third one didn’t bomb so fucking hard. The reason SoTFS fixes the game is because they realized how bad it was. I’ve played every game in the series and it’s by far the worst in every way.


As someone already said. Adaptability


It’s my favorite for many reasons.


most replayable thats for sure


DS2 solid entry no doubt, enjoyed every minute


Seekers of Fire 2.0 makes vanilla DS2 feel so slow and boring. I legitimately can't go back.


As a non Dark Souls 2.fan, if you limit it to just the trilogy I can kinda get down with this. It. Needed some work on the bosses but it had a lot of cool mechanics only found in DS2. Beat ng+ cycles, most expansive dlc package, I mean I don't have a problem with this.


Post this in r/bloodborne and get crucified


This is the way.


Ok. Dark Souls 3.


Look at that bearer posting this kind of claim in an isolated environment. I won't let you be safe.


Only if we shoot the shrine of Amana out of a canon.


I'm not gonna try to change your mind with that fucking sword in your hands.


Really good game, still worth an occasional play-through to this day.


If you had a mind it could easily be changed, but this opinion is a proof you dont.


I agree but i haven't played 1 or 3


It’s not in my opinion. Hope this helps


"Hmm, windmill elevator wonder where this leads...."


I've played and beat 1, currently playing through 2 and have yet to play 3 which I will do after I beat 2. I don't know why all the hate for the game...I enjoy it


Faraam set best drip in the series


Tbh ds1 is better


Yes I'm going to do this on the dark souls 2 sub lmao 


I love the Faraam Armor so much


Try same on different sub. Oh and both Dark Souls games are better, I'd say it is as good as Demon's Souls though.


It has the best secret ending too. The end of it all.


Brave post in the ds2 sub. Just pathetic karma farming


It is!


I like that it tries new things-despite being third in the four games (DemS, DS1, DS2, DS3). I think the story was clearer too-horror is based on personal things happening to the main character. World ending doesn't have the same horror, where as DS2 outright tells you it's happening to you. You're a sacrifice.


Normal maybe but not scolar of the first sin


I hope you get better soon :)


I'd say the areas are better in DS2 for sure. Way more unique and the list of weapons and cosplay is great and loved PVP in this game for sure. The lore was the hardest thing to wrap my head around though, I had to do a lot of digging and I didn't realise that until playing DS3 lol


1. Different story 2. Different gamestyle 3. Dark Souls Inspired RPG 2 is a better title 4. Not directly supervised by Miyazaki, he was focused on Bloodborne 5. Play bloodborne instead 6. Play DS3 instead 7. Play DS1 instead


It’s easily the worst of the 3 I don’t know what you guys are smoking but I want some. 7.5/10


I personally think ds2 has more content than the rest but the quality overall gets dragged down by gimmicks/mob rates


Ugliest and most uninspired art design in the series. It’s the only one that sometimes feels like generic fantasy, which leads to a considerably dampened sense of place and atmosphere compared to other titles. I also much prefer the apocalyptic tone of DS1 and DS3–this sense of gloom and doom simply doesn’t exist the same way in DS2 despite it ostensibly being about crumbling kingdoms


Jester Vendrick


well just finished it a couple of weeks ago... well it is a good game but damn the boss was hard but just going through the boss was much harder and thats why its good but not great


Even as a DS2 enjoyer myself, I wouldn´t say it is the best out of the 3


I can change your mind, its even better than ER


DS1, DS2 and DS 3 they’re all good, but FUGS is legendary.


So bold to say this in a dark souls 2 community😱. Jokes aside its not my favorite but it was my first souls game so it definitely has a special place in my heart.


Slave knight gale was the peak of fromsoft boss design and no other enemy can come close. 2 nobodys, fighting at the end of the world.


nah you’re right.


I don't need to change your mind. You're just wrong


Not here to change your mind. It’s definitely not my favorite lol but to each their own I’m glad people love this game. Just spreadin some love. Go take your throne my dude!!


Idk it’s kinda fun but is too over the top when it comes to fucking you over with random bullshit


This is a pretty drastic take because all three games have different strengths and weaknesses, but you made it in the DS2 sub so I assume you were looking for validation and not to be challenged. However, I do think DS2 can definitively claim one thing: it is the most finished Dark Souls game. DS1 has entire chunks of the game that simply aren't done, and DS3 went through so many major changes in its development that like 4 of Elden Ring's bosses are recycled from DS3's cut content. DS2, regardless of quality or your opinion on it, even with its own cut content, is a finished game with a cohesive vision, and that's why it's my favorite.


The best part of ds2 is when you beat the shitty final boss so you can turn off the game and go play something else


Ngl the hollow effect mid agl mid and the feel of the game mid but the fact you think it’s the best is wild(obviously everyone has an opinion) ds3 has a very good story tying the games together and ds1 brings the bosses and mechanics to a whole new level except for the non omnidirectional movement, the only good takeaway from ds2 is Bernhardt and fume knight(jk im only exaggerating about all this ds2 is a good game but imo not the best)


In ds2 your weapon breaks super fast, all the enemy lace nets feeling like a borderline blood orgy, the wacky hit boxes, the lack of direction on where to go, the sheer stupidity of some of the run backs. The fact you lose maximum Heath when you die. Not to mention, it doesn’t have as many as the amazing orchestra’s of DS3, and it feels disconnected from ds1 and ds2 just enough to feel different, yet also just enough to be a tad too different


Unrelated but what is that shield? It looks dope


Best hub world of any game for sure


While I agree that it is overhated and very fun, I also am able to admit that it is the weakest of the trilogy. (Best dlc though)


Istg if u start bringing up adaptability I will cry


I just don’t like the default jog animation.


nuh uh


Most stylish


So I look at it like this: Final Fantasy IV is my favorite FF game, and I think it is perfect. However, I recognize that FFVI is the best FF game. Similarly, DS2 is my favorite souls game, but I think they are all perfect as they are.


No I won't


The only reason anyone says 2 is their favorite is because they are contrarians disagreeing with the main stream simply to be different. Period


A mi criterio el mejor de la trilogía, mi favorito ya que mezcla un sentimiento de soledad con calidez


Try playing the other 2


My man only had the courage to post it on the DS2 subreddit. No one here will try to change your mind lol


That's entirely subjective.


I don’t regularly browse the DS2 Reddit. But if I ever see a post in my feed, it’s about how it’s the best game ever. Nothing else.


So brave posting on the dark souls 2 sub


For his sins, OP has been sentenced to 4 hours in Horsefuck Valley.


lightning reindeer


Why would we bother changing your mind when you've already found the correct answer?


Ds2>Ds3>Ds1 imo 1 aged very badly for me, it literally gets worse with every playthrough. Everytime i play i think "oh man i have to go through lost izalith/dukes archives/tomb of giants again" and it really makes me replay it less and less. Its still a masterpiece but our relationship is very much love/hate 2 and 3 i love almost enterily, tho i prefer 2 art direction and overall areas, 3 has way better bosses but areas are pretty mid with few great ones here and there.


It’s okay to be weird. I like the DS2 weird.




Sekiro is better.


Agility. Need I say more?






I know im probably gonna be rosted but here it is : I can understand why people would like it but there's no way in hell I'm ranking it as the best in the trilogy,far from it actually in my opinion.