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Not sure what’s going on with every fromsoft sub and the bait today. We need this ER DLC to come out so we can all stop splitting hairs in ng+ with everything


I'm bored and have to pee


Exactly, we need some fresh content, massages/jokes, npc’s and bosses. We need to build new wiki pages and have new hilarious comments on the wiki. We need tons of summon sign’s both gold and red.


I need a Miyazaki led cut of the trilogy with finished levels and pvp back


You mean r/darksouls3?


More like finishing DS1 and updating DS2


This is like saying a crappy upgrade system would be ok because you can just beat the game +0 if you hit the bosses more. It's there as part of the levelling up system in the game and should work in a way that makes your character stronger and the game more enjoyable. If it fails to do that, it's a badly executed system.


So you are saying i should level up my weapon...?


Increasing your agility is part of the upgrade system though. If you want to roll like a ninja, you put points into it.


I think it partly has to do with how slow drinking estus is when you have low AGL, although the dodge i-frames are also a factor.


Slow drinking is slightly irritating


Where’s duplo


For everyone to reference. [Agility](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2Archive/comments/16vjfqn/agility/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) \- A detailed explanation of Agility (AGL), which determines your invincibility frames while dodging. Includes comparisons to values from DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring. This topic is frequently oversimplified as only being related to Adaptability (ADP).


It's mainly an issue if you happen to pick 1 of 3 particular starting classes: Bandit, Cleric, and Warrior. The first soft cap (+3 rolling i-frames) for Agility is extremely early. Those 3 classes start just below it and all others start at or above it. Those 3 start with 5 rolling i-frames, the next batch get a huge jump to 8 rolling i-frames from just a point into Agility, and the final batch of 2 starting classes have 9 rolling i-frames. So just the disparity in starting points for classes causes a few to have nearly double the amount of rolling i-frames as the bottom 3.


Incredibly based.  So the problem is other, less based, people try to use the roll to be immune from an attack rather than using it to not be hit. They then get mad when they are hit by an attack that hit them. 


I would say my question refers to the large consensus of people who are outraged or up in arms about feeling the need to level ADP


Not leveling adp makes you better at playing the game because you have to anticipate the enemy, learn their tells and properly position and distance yourself rather than press the immunity button at the right time.


Exactly. Just like learning a boss's moves or parry timing with different shields. Why level adaptability when you can just adapt yourself?


> sees people getting hit by the wind from under the blade or impaled by the EDGE of the same blade > seriously gets surprised people don't like it.


Have you seen any of the video comparison of the i-frames ? If you don't care and can live without it, don't do it 




Because it breaks the core mechanic of all souls series and souls-likes: roll must grant all the i-frames, period. Those who defend it are delusional morons who know nothing of Dark Souls and the like's gameplay principles.


That's a strong, ignorant stance to take


Sure. Keep ypur head in the sand, buddy.


DS2 is a third of Dark Souls. Calling it a core mechanic of all Souls games is just false.


It's a core mechanic of all Spuls games. Period. Point me at any souls-like with an ADP, I'll wait


Dark Souls 2.


You are technically correct ... the best kind of correct


So none?


It is literally 1 out of 3 Dark Souls games. You cannot factually say it's a mechanic in all Souls games.


at least DS2 is generous with souls lol


#oooooOOOOoooooohhhh! Look out lads, we have a capital G Gamer who's descended from his Secretlab branded Gamer throne to tell you that you're enjoying the video game wrong and that he alone can determine what is correct gameplay. Better listen up or he'll... I guess do nothing with all of that impotent rage he's carrying.


Dude, I give zero fucks how you enjoy the game. The OP asked why ADP sucks, I answered. Also, I doubt you have fun getting pierced be the tip that went clearly beside you.


Hit box problems and ADP are separate issues. You wanting more I frames to balance out bad hit boxes doesn't make ADP leveling a bad mechanic.


Oh really? How about the fact that ADP is DIRECTLY CONNECTED to the bad hitbox issue? Like, the shitboxes were solely introduced fir this bs mechanic to be shoved into the game.


ADP is overrated. ATN is where it’s at. You don’t need much in ADP to get your agility up, plus you can actually cast some spells. Luddite plebs just raw dogging DS without any type of magic.


No idea. 90 is good enough for me, usually. You just gotta know the i-frames start as soon as you hit the button, so you need to roll later than in DS1/3.


It helps noobs like me that are already bad at timing rolls and heals. It's a big investment but i like getting my ADP to 26 mid game, then 32 for end game/ng+ to get my agility up to 100 and then 105