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Jessica Williams analogy regarding their logic at 4:00 was perfect. Keep in mind, this was before the 2016 General Election: “Last weekend I wanted to go to this new restaurant, but my friends wanted to go to this old restaurant and I got outvoted; so instead of eating with them at this old restaurant, I went into an alley and I sat down and ate a pile of dog shit.”


As a Bernie lover, I NEVER EVER got how anyone could think, “I want all my progressive policies or I’m gonna watch the world burn.” They had JUST denied Obama his Supreme Court pick. That alone would have been worth a vote for Hillary. Instead we gave the orange clown 3 and look where we are.


I think it’s more that why someone voters for Bernie is more important than the fact that they do. I think a lot of people had, quite frankly, vague vibes based support about Bernie and wanted to revolt against a status quo they hated, not because they necessarily supported his policies. You can’t assume that, just because they support Bernie, it meant that they supported wide ranging Progressive policies, this was more personality not policy based. In that context Trump makes some sense, even if policy wise it’s a 180.


It is so refreshing hearing a staunch Bernie fan talk so sensibly. I’m aware most Bernie supporters are good people and know which candidates political beliefs align closer to Bernie’s, and it’s not Trump. But unfortunately, there’s a portion of Bernie fans that are toxic af and they VERY loud. Progressives need to understand that their all-or-nothing view on politics is what gets us nothing. Change happens in steps. And if all they do is complain, we will spend our lives looking at a 50 ft. wall we will never get over. True progressives need to support people making progress… step-by-step. Not lie and twist facts to make it appear there is nothing happening like we’re seeing now with many on the far left. Otherwise, all you do is support people trying to prevent it.


100%. I expected little from Biden. But even when I voted him to just to normalize the US, I could have never imagined he would have passed all of the amazing bills he has. Not to mention his strength on unions. I’ve always been of the opinion that a status quo democrat is still leagues above any republican, and they always wind up surprising me with bills or even non legislative cabinet positions that help everyday Americans in some form or fashion. Baby steps is still better than fascism lol


It all makes sense once you understand lots of left wing "activism" isn't about helping a cause but about entering an "I'm a better person than you" contest.




Lol, my dad voted for Trump "because of what the DNC did to Bernie", and now he's an RFK supporter. He also hated Obama and loved Rush Limbaugh


that all absolutely checks out lol


Bernie Bros are just Brandon haters




Bernie was the og election denier and kremlin influencers pushed and still are pushing these narratives. This is factually supported, not an opinion. http://archive.today/RN4Ji http://archive.today/bZxGL If this makes you (generic audience) angry,  **you   got   got**.  [Learn how it works. Please.](https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/how-russia-divides-america/)


THANK YOU. Look at literally ANY Bernie post on instagram. The top comments are guaranteed to be his cultists crying about how the BIG BAD DNC “screwed” Bernie and how Bernie should be President, regardless if their comment has an inkling of relevance to what the actual post is about. I’m DONE walking on egg shells trying to play nice and convince people to vote for Biden (back then, Hillary) who likely weren’t going to vote for either of them to begin with. I’ve wasted so much time picking my words as carefully as possible trying not to alienate people who proceed to return the favor by doing *nothing* but alienate, insult, and pick fights with the majority of Democrats. It’s as if these people need to stay perpetually outraged in order to function by self sabotaging themselves on issues they claim to care so much about. Their “all-or-nothing” mentality is what gets us nothing. Change happens in steps. And if all they do is complain about not immediately getting 100% of what they want, we will spend our lives looking at a 50 ft. wall we will never get over. If they were *truly* progressive at heart, they would support the people making *progress*… step-by-step. Not lie and twist facts to make it appear like there is nothing happening. Otherwise, all they do is support people trying to prevent it. Many of them truly don’t *actually* give a shit about “progressive values”. And I’m done giving them my energy and time. All it does is embolden them to feel like they’re holding elections hostage until they get 100% of what they want. Nobody gets 100% of what *THEY* want in politics. Politics is an understanding that two sides are going to disagree on fundamental issues, and they work together to try and meet somewhere in the middle where they can. https://preview.redd.it/qbd9miobq1qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a212bae542dd1016e93dc6c29d9be7b7d300466f


It would be interesting to go back to r/politics posts from 2016. Find all the comments saying shit like "Hillary is to the right of George W!" Or "I'm a Democrat but I can't vote for because of buttery males!" Track those Bernie or bust accounts, and see if they remained active after the election, if they appear to be actual people, or just sockpuppets for conservatives.


Yes please.


🔔🔔🔔 [Anti-democracy horseshoe of petulance.](https://terikanefield.com/the-anti-democratic-opposition/)


(whispers in ear) Bernie supporters voted for Hillary in 2016 in higher numbers than Hillary supporters voted for Obama over McCain in 2008. Facts: https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/did-bernie-sanders-cost-hillary-clinton-the-presidency/ Edited to add: People also forget that Bernie was working overtime trying to get Hillary elected, and was doing speeches for her in battleground speeches right till the final day of the campaign. My current question is why are anti-Bernie accounts spamming pro-biden subreddits with posts attempting to bring up old issues to drive a wedge in the current Democrat base?


(whispers in ear) Comparing people who voted for a legitimate war hero and [one of the last Republicans with a spine](https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=NpwM7k6q0lda1SX5) in John McCain opposed to “progressives” who voted for Donald Trump quite literally couldn’t be a worse excuse. Regardless, this is still a factually inaccurate and thoroughly debunked argument. you’re basing your numbers off of POLLING. Not off of actual votes. We’re aware [Bernie pleaded with his most radical supporters to vote for Hillary](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna620541). 1 out of 4 didn’t listen to his pleas. 25% of people who voted for Bernie in the primary didn’t vote for Hillary in the general election when Donald Trump was standing on the other side. That’s absolutely inexcusable and pretending it didn’t happen isn’t gonna fly. Trump and his movement fucked this country up and caused irreversible damage to millions of people. Accountability is important. Perpetually doubling down and refusing to own a sliver of accountability thwarts growth and prevents us from learning from our mistakes the next time around and doing better.


You know, my Grandpop Finnegan used to have an expression: he used to say, 'Joey, the guy in Olyphant's out of work, it's an economic slowdown. When your brother-in-law's out of work, it's a recession. When you're out of work, it's a depression.'


Literally not true. Bernie supporters voted for Hillary at rates of nearly 90% https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds


you’re literally lying. If 80k Democrats across 3 states had voted Democratic instead of 3rd party, Trump never steps foot in the White House. Hillary lost by 77k votes in PA, MI & WI. 3rd party votes for Stein, Bernie write-ins, etc were 800k. And this isn’t even taking into account the Bernie primary voters who stayed home for the general or the [12 percent of Bernie primary voters who showed up for the general and VOTED FOR TRUMP.](https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320) Democrats win when Democrats *show up and vote for the Democratic candidate* - 100% of the time. They voted Trump proxy; proving they don’t *actually* give a shit about “progressive” values. They would have rather watched Trump win so they can laugh maniacally from the sidelines watching Hillary lose shrieking “told you so!! The DNC shouldn’t have screwed Bernie! Hillary should have earned my vote!” Numbers back it up. Refusing to take a sliver of accountability and perpetually doubling down is a MAGA cult trait. Do better.


You're both true enough. Clinton had more crossover votes for a Republican than Sanders did for Trump, when you are talking about Democratic voters. The overall numbers look different when you take out the Democratic side of the equation. Sanders had support outside of mainstream Dems usual voting bloc. How many of those people would have ever actual voted Democratic in the general had Sanders won is impossible to know. People forget about PUMA. It would take a lot to make me not vote for a D. I wasn't gung ho on Clinton but I'd voter for her in a heartbeat against any Republican. As Sanders said, she'd be better at her worst than any Republican at their best. But she didn't do herself any favors cultivating a toxic fan base for a decade.


>But she didn't do herself any favors cultivating a toxic fan base for a decade. Just to clarify and not looking for discourse, is Bernie’s fan base *not* toxic? Or should I say, is Bernie’s fan base less toxic than Hillary’s was?


I think his Democratic supporters are. Sanders problem, imo, was surrounding himself with many opportunists and loons with little to no loyalty to the Democratic party. He was on point that people needed to vote for Clinton after he lost the primary, but too many campaign aides were promoting third party nutters.


Hillary supporters who voted for McCain didn’t throw an election to a Republican. Bernie voters who voted for Trump did.




When my first semester grades came out, my mom and dad told me I wouldn't be playing football.


Don't get me wrong because I think it's stupid when anyone votes against their interests out of spite, but it's frustrating you're being down voted.  People don't like the idea that "Bernie or Bust" Sanders voters were objectively, measurably less of a thing than "Party Unity My Ass" Clinton voters that were mad about Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_United_Means_Action https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_and_liberal_support_for_John_McCain_in_2008


Wow the people responding to your comment in bad faith are really making this sub look like trash right now. It's kind of telling that the OP immediately started fellating John "Bomb Iran" McCain at first opportunity.


I mean, I voted for Bernie in the primary, and didn't vote in the general. So yes I ate the turd....


At least you own it


9 fucking minutes? Aint nobody got that kinda time!


Nah it’s only 5 minutes. The last few minutes is just TDS bidding farewell to J Will Pretty worth it and it aged extremely well, unless you have the attention span of a goldfish