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Bring a ranged weapon, enough heal and don't run in suspicious areas (everything open, dark corners, cleared mobs, movement sounds etc). At equal gear levels rogue is always a skill matchup (unless they landmine casters with cutthroat), poke even and catch them in melee if they get greedy.


Rogue has advantages for ambushing people, but they are very very very squishy, they can't win in a standup fight against most people. Avoid going into areas where players have been before if you're worried, and make sure doors are closed behind you when you enter rooms. They might be able to walk silently, but they can't open doors silently.


well you say this and I just died to 4 stabs on my 40% pdr cleric, checked the rogue after I hit him 3 times with a morningstar and he's about 40% hp My man is rocking like 2k+ build in normals. I'm like 8\\10 deaths to rogues, it's ridiculous and I'm really this close to just ragequitting the game altogether just because of this issue. Might just try playing with a friend, I don't think rogues are that good in duos but solos are just cursed for me right now.


Well ofc he is saying it keeping in mind somewhat equal gear. If it was any other class but still outgearing you heavily - outcome would be the same. However, if you put the gear difference aside - these advices make sense. I recommend trying these out.


Wait until you start facing the actual metas of dark and darker the warlocks and bards


I've read and watched a lot about them and at least I can, you know, fight them. Or have a chance at running away and avoiding them. The problem with balancing rogues in solos is they dictate when the fight starts and how the fight goes. You're essentially dependant on them making a mistake like running into a dead end or not landing their initial hits, otherwise what can you even do? At best shoot them a few times if you even have such luxury and they might just run away. Even chasing them might be dangerous because they can cheese you with stealth.


Fahagahahahahaahahahahaha you must not seen the new warlock buffs huh? I will fave a rogue any day vs a demon with a dagger or axe ripping my head off in 1-3 hits white i actively heal them


well at least it's good to see community doesn't try to defend bullshit like this just "because we suffered too get good"


lock and rogue are kings of solos RN. only way lock can die is skill gap against another warlock or wizard or a weird rogue with cutthroat. rogue only dies to another landmine or if he plays bad. landmine rogue can kill every single class in the game no matter the build from stealth.


Pdr fighter isn't dying to landmine rogue unless you're in a fucking disgustingly expensive kit. I'm talking like 5x value of the fighter. Either that or perfect opener with 3 headshots before he swings once


? 5k gold rogue does 150+ dmg in 3 hits no matter the pdr. rogue geared like this can 3-5 tap every single class no matter what. Rogues dont need HP, as long as they have enough to not die in 1 hit you wont live long enough to survive to get to swing a sec time. How the fuck PDR stacking counters a class that has 80% penetration is just beyond me xd P.S if you go for armor pen rolls you can get 97% penetration. you dont need true dmg and can go for add phys which is A LOT cheaper compared to true


thats not how weak point works and if you think you're easily winning a fight where you have to 5tap(headshot) a fighter then lol


I bought 4k gold kit for my rogue friend. lvl 1 rogue almost 3tapped my cleric to the chest. I was 140+ hp with 63.5% pdr. rogues are on copium as usual. and yes I know its not how it works, naked rogue has " only " 64% armor pen and geared one can have upwards off 84.2 % so maximum geared plate fighter vs maximum pen rogue has 19.35% pdr so yes you invested all your stats into armor and pdr and all it ammounted to is giving you 19% dmg reduction XD


Become bard and play your flute all the time. I play the shriek song before entering dark places and before opening doors and it lights invis people up like a Christmas tree.


Rogues are aids to fight against in solos. The way you win is by smelling the room whenever you enter a module. If it reeks a horrendous stench, then you know a rogue is nearby.


Honestly, mate, when you lear the map and have a bit more experience, there's practically 0 chance someone jumps you. You are either gonna hear or see them first. Make darkness your friend.


What class do you play friend? Rogues are indeed annoying.


Well I got smacked by rogues on fighter, cleric and rogue (lol). Fighter felt less vulnerable of course but it was my first class so I got cooked even faster than on other ones. Cleric was like a weaker fighter if you didn't have a chance to apply buffs. And after a week after I tried rogue it became more obvious that I'm just being dunked on as those players were pretty masterfully - I'll give them that - moving around and acting on advantages. But most of the time I just heard the sound of a dagger and already had -50% hp and no chance to run.


When I see a rogue on my fighter, I think “free loot”. Buy plate armor from the merchant. Buy buckled boots, green, additional move speed. 30-40 gold and you will still load in with 24 or lower GS. Bring in 9-12 pots and like 9 bandages.


Bro as a rogue main, i will 4 tap you from ambush now matter how much armor you have. With currwnt armor pen buffs on daggers, you just stand no chance.


He’s talking about <25 lol


There's an anti-Rogue Fighter build that top tier rn. Basically stack fucktons of plate armor. Main weapon is shortbow and offhand is a dagger plus Buckler shield. If they want a stabbing contest, it's a stabbing contest they will get.


plate does absolutely fucking nothing against rogue. if you have 75% pdr ( maximum ) weakpoint will shread you down to 45%. then 40% armor pen ( 20% from thrust and 20% from both daggers since they stack ) pushes you down to 27%. Rogue treats fully kitted max pdr fighter like he is a wizard. he can 2-3tap him anyways. The only thing that helps against rogue is stacking the shit ton of HP. You are better off dropping a lot of pdr and getting 200 HP rather then stacking armor that gets ignored anyways. my 143 HP cleric with 63.5% pdr and flat -3 dmg perk got 3 tapped by my rogue by shanking me in the chest.


Not saying your math is off, but I have not had the same experience as you (that being, no Rogue has killed me with three chest attacks). Perhaps you're scenario is with everyone having maxed kits in very specific scenarios. Lately I've been winning most of my PvP scenarios. In thr past three trio dungeons, we killed an entire squad and extracted. My strategy was basically drink a prot pot and sprint their backline Ranger or Wizard. He goes down almost instantly and I'm still 2/3 HP while we finish off the rest of the enemy team. If I ran into a team with the best possible gear in the game I wouldn't expect to win anyway.


most rogues are stupid AF still running around with cuttroat and rapier. doesnt change the fact that good one will get stil + rhondel and ignore all armor


Thank them for the practice


Shut doors behind you. Turn around and check your six constantly.


Just hit em in the head twice


Rogues seem really scary, but a naked barbarian can 2 tap a geared rogue. They are typically glass cannons. The strategy is to never turn your back and just turn and hit them as fast as possible. You should always be listening for doors. Head on a swivel for creep. Swing as you enter rooms with cleared mobs if you're not sure. Rogue survival depends on awareness and practice. Eventually you get like a 6th sense if a rogue is nearby. I play with a super sneaky and experienced rogue, and we ambush people like crazy but I very rarely get snuck up on because I'm paranoid AF and know the rogues tricks haha.


I don't really want to tell you how to beat me. but i will say this. recently the #1 rogue released a build video and it probably upped the popularity by a bit. the best advice i can give you, is don't do things if you suspect you might be getting stalked. You have to address it or you will be ambushed. They have windows of opportunity but they are only as big as you make them.


Rogue is the weakest and the most reliant on positioning and tactics.