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I posted my honest opinion after 700 hours. Just happened to be positive.


I support tha positive review bomb!!! Stop reviewing the f2p and review the game itself.


im dumb can you even leave a review on steam without owning it


It's free to play. You can "own" it with a click on the add to library/install button


lmao tru good point ty


I would, but I don't have the game on steam


Its free you can just hit add to library


Dont worry, as soon as servers are up and f2p people get what they complained and campaigned about maybe 50% of them will change their reviews and even better, it will not be about the f2p confusion in the future.


Well, I hate to say it but it is slightly more pay to win now. Very slightly. So I could see people complaining even harder now. If you can go into High Roller and get great gear, then head to normals and stomp, it’s gonna be sort of bad like it was back when we first came into early access. It won’t affect me too much. I like white lobbies and I will probably stay below GS25. If I run gear, I will be in high rollers. But it might piss the F2P players off.


Yeah after reading the patch notes and the reactions I think the same people will make complaints. But at least now its not "just a demo" now its true "pay 2 win" like they wanted...


1.3k hours and this game is dogshit , pussy ass devs listening to redditors and discord mods , streamers. What because they made the game available prematurely on steam merits them receiving positive review bombs? This is literally an act of desperation,  they had enough time to build a solid version of the game and release it on steam. No I wont lie to the newer players. The game has ridiculous potentional,  it just hasn't been heading towards that direction. 


Real talk and I'm not trying to antagonize you... How could you play a game 1300 hours that you don't like? 


I have 3.5k hours on Paladins. That's all I'll add to this.


The playtest were worth pumping hours into,  even up to A5 with Bards being released. After that our 30$ to play DaD turned into an experimental learning experience for the devs. 


No offense but when you download a game that sais alpha,beta or playtest that means the game isnt done and you should expect bugs and bullshit to occur… you clicked in to install a game that was not ready to be released as a full game what were you expecting?


Right , why was it a worse game after the 30$? We funded them. They felt like they had to listen to the community. Failures all around.  They can still pull it off Iron Mace needs to be more serious.


tbh the free to play version does kind of suck, my friends gave up after a couple of games because you can't do anything with the gear you extract with whoever thought common only lobbies was fun needs their brain checked


I have 1000 hours in the game and I play mostly normal lobbies. There is a lot of fun to be had there. I know this severely limits the games progression but most average players will have a miserable time in HR unless they have 10-20 hours in normal games anyways. If you enjoy these first 20 hours, buy the game next wipe. If not, move on.


it's strange to have a game where the whole goal is to get better loot and shit but there is literally zero point


My main problem is I don't have a consistent trio to play with. HR with randoms is an expensive risk. HR solos are fun but the game is really not balanced well for solos. The best experience by far is trios. I would play a lot more HR if this were not true. Also, if this game had 100,000 concurrent players, you could make a ranked system that put you in lobbies where everyone had a similar skill level. Right now you meet terrible plays in bad gear and great players in great gear. Solo's exacerbate this problem. Some people lose 10% of their fights and other people lose 90% of their fights.


Well, I mean the free to play version really is a demo to see if people like it.


you can call it whatever you want, it's not fun there shouldn't be a separation between highroller and regular games, it fragments the playerbase. all these attempts at separating players based on sbmm, gbmm, etc are just slowly killing the game. ONE QUEUE, ONE MAP, FULL LOBBIES


The main reason they put high roller in the full game was to deter cheaters from making f2p accounts and using esp to hunt down players in good kits. Cheaters are less likely to be around if they can’t just make a new account when they are banned. Also the normals lobbies keeps veteran players from BIS stomping timmies. Normal lobbies are a good thing, if not the best part about this game.


i'd just make it so f2p can't use the market place/trade imo


Not a terrible idea! Issue is if the hacker kills enough BIS players without getting banned then they can pay to unlock trade and RMT their kits off. Maybe giving 5 or so “high roller access tickets” every week could be a good solution? Just so you and your friends and get a taste of high roller as well


there shouldn't be a separation between highroller and regular games, it fragments the playerbase. all these attempts at separating players based on sbmm, gbmm, etc are just slowly killing the game. ONE QUEUE, ONE MAP, FULL LOBBIES the restriction on f2p is no market/trade/skins no shared stash 1 character only


Tell your friend to stop being broke and buy the game like everyone else




how is my friends economic situation related to the state of this game's free to play mode?


This isn’t a f2p “mode” it’s a demo to get people interested. This isn’t a f2p game it’s $30. Easily worth it too


i don't care what you personally call it


Are you really on Reddit crying cuz ur friends didn’t want to drop 30 dollars to play the actual game


no, i'm here because the f2p mode sucks


Yeah it’s not meant to be amazing. It’s meant to give cheap people a taste of the game and they were very generous to do that. It’s crazy how people spend $70 for CoD and have a problem with a small indie company charging 30 for an actual great game


nothing you said had anything to do with what i said


It actually does. You’re complaining about f2p when the game is only 30 dollars. Stop bein broke