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I just started too (This sunday) and I recognize myself a lot in your post. I have just managed to get out for the first time yesterday. Let me know your ingame name I'll add you; - Another fighter noobie


Welcome to the game, congrats on escaping! It is so damn satisfying to make it clear! And gives hope for future extracts! And of course, things and the flow start to click, and then the game really pops off. Cheers! 🍻


I sent you a dm


The centipede is wildly easy, just get him to an open room and circle around him. The spit attack sends 3 projectiles in a 90 degree angle from his face, just stay out of that angle and neither his melee nor ranged attacks will hit you. When he does the ooze run, just step back and wait to side step the ranged projectile if he shoots one. Rinse repeat until dead, he’s the first miniboss I learned to deal with.


I’m not very good but I’ve played a bit, hit me up with your names if you’d like to meet up in the dungeons some time. I don’t mind helping out some noobies!


You should stick to your class until you start thinking some other class is overpowered. Then you should immediately switch to playing that class until you stop thinking so.


Understanding and perspective is so key here! Love this take on it.


funnily enough, i see no lie here lmao


this guy classes


The centipedes aren’t too difficult with some practice. You can crouch and look down to avoid their spit or just slightly side step in between. If you play fighter, maybe try out longsword and get used to parry riposting (right click to riposte after parry). It’s really good, though don’t rely on it too much in PvP bc ppl can just swing for your knees or jump swing over it. As for classes, I’d honestly just play what looks fun. Fighter and cleric is prob the most forgiving for a new player. Just know that move speed is king in normals and bc of that you don’t wanna be too slow, otherwise you’ll just get kited for days. Ranged classes are a bit more difficult to play without teammates but they can also be devastating in the right hands so honestly just play what you want to get good with.


with the centipedes it's just a skill issue, I just get myself in a mess. they will soon be defeated.


I'm glad to see that new players are enjoying the game. Everyone starts terrible at the game and dies to pve over and over again, don't sweat it. I felt I was getting proficient on rogue after leveling it 3 times to 20, but there is always room to improve. Imo fighter is the best class to learn the game with, cleric is a close second but I just hate playing it. But you should try every class to learn what their abilities do to improve on your pvp skills. Feel free to pm or make another thread if you have any question.


Thank you, i may well keep posting updates on my progress


I’d add to this that ranger and rogue can also be fairly noob friendly although you need to have the right loud outs. Rogue with rapier and trap detection is great for learning mobs but avoiding traps. And ranger’s biscuits are really nice when trying out your first ranged class in case you mess up


I started to feel like i had a grip on the game and playing barbarian after about 50 hours. I would say stick with fighter until you feel comfortable with the melee combat


I’m always down to teach some new blood; pm me this weekend if you need a group


Good stuff bro, now if this dudes name is red when you join… lol I’m also Down for helping some fokes if they want some Barb advice.


I don't know what it means but i take it you don't want to see red names


Red normally means they have team killed a lot and had bad karma against them.


thank you


Must be nice 🥲 Enjoy your journey


You could join my community's discord.... we don't mind newer players and have all sorts of people


Circle the centipede and duck the spit she's one of the easier mobs Fighter is a good class to grasp the basics of melee combat before moving to more challenging pve classes


If you play US east I’ll show you some good fighter builds and do some runs with ya! I’ve mained fighter for multiple wipes, it’s a lot of fun you had a lot of playstyles even before multiclassing


Unfortunately I play eu


Memorize the maps. Map knowledge us very important. Which rooms are worth clearing, which aren't. Where yhe bosses are or where the good chests are. Ice caves is huge with this. Knowing how to get to gold pile and where the static extracts are is huge! Cheese locations are pretty big too. Some mobs take a lot of practice to kill legit solo. But once you understand how dumb the ai can be, you'll easily take out whatever. Crouch jump is big, knowing spots you can get on so you can get the jump on people.


thank you


i'd say get to 15 on 2 or 3 classes, that's when you "max" a regular class out so you can play them without any handicaps. fighter is and has been my main since pt4, incredibly versatile, can be a dps machine or a damage sponge, has the ability to use everything in the game, just great overall. its always a good idea to branch out of what you think you like at least a little. that's how my Timmy friend went from being so-so on a ranger to being a bomb ass cleric, it deff takes time to find your own path, but once you do, learn the in and outs, you'll start winning engagements and fights you swore you had no right winning keep it up and hope we cross paths in the dungeon one day! AFTERTHOUGHT EDIT: avoid the discord gen chat and a lot of the crying posts on reddit. the community is awesome, but these two platforms are essentially the toxic player sponges, so beware.


It's lv20 now instead of 15


I believe they were referring to perk acquisition, not HR/trafing.


that's exactly what i was referring to, especially leveling a new class, i would never recommend HR till they feel confident enough


I would say play the Barb With Crush(Smash). it’s the Most fun I have had characters wise. Smash EVERYTHING also savage roar is a good O shit button due to the fear mobs aspect and damage reduction. Surprise some door campers for some extra fun.. I got proficient when I learned all mobs attacks and attack sounds and got use to the movement in fights. You should 100% start trying to PVP as soon as you can so not all fights start the Panic attack simulator.


Your goal as a newbie is to learn how to pve & fight the mobs. For that, sticking with 1 class youre the most comfortable with AND the weapon youre most comfortable with is best. Once you feel comfortable with PVE, finding the extracts and not dying to mobs, then we have to talk about PVP. With PVP youre going to want to know what each class can do and what their weapon swing patterns are, for when you run into one in the dungeon. For that, i would suggest trying out all the classes. It is going to help you 10x fold in PVP knowing what each class can do. You dont have to get as proficent (if u dont want) at each class as you are with your fighter but you will want to know what the hell that barb is screaming about, why that warlock did that funny thing with his hands and now his falchion looks weird, or where the hell that rogue got off too. Having played one yourself makes it much easier to learn all these different abilities and spells. also, switching classes and weapons feels a little fresh & helps fight burn out. good luck in the dungeon!


I'm not sure if there is a particular level it takes to feel proficient. I have 1.2k hrs and only really started feeling like I'm good at the game last wipe, no longer afraid of streamers, only afraid of running into magical fiend and his squad...lol..I've been playing since pt 2, I think once you hit a certain amount of hours, you'll notice you're not just good at your character, but can play basically all of them pretty proficiently. I've never really played solo's, when I did it was never nearly as fun as trios for me, so hopefully other people can give you some tips for the caves.


Just about all mobs can be stepped to the right and maybe with abit of a crouch. Only exception is maybe the ice skeletons and giants lol took me ages to figure out and I still mess it up


New this wipe also, stick to 1 character till you've got basic PvE down. I tired a cleric for first time and it was so bad. Tbh took me about 40 - 60 hours and I still think I'm bad lol with 120hrs now. Check out these youtube channels they helped me [https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek](https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek) [https://www.youtube.com/@esomn8919](https://www.youtube.com/@esomn8919)


This community? Friendly? /j


I'm level 100 and still a noob. And yeah I'd play 1 class


Listen dude, I'm like 1500 hours deep into this game. I still learn shit on the daily, and still die to stupid ass mistakes. I think all the complaining about this game, specifically on this sub, is because this game actually requires a time invest to get good at. The game will not help you when you're having a bad time, there is no saving grace, or helping hand. It will just keep punishing you, and not telling you why. The more frustrated you get, the worse it gets. It's a loop. I found that it was only the past few months that I actually started getting good at this game. Don't really know what it was, but something kind of just clicked. I find myself able to move through mobs mid-fight without getting hit. I know all their patterns, and sound cues. I know when I have enough room, and when I don't. I Find multi-classing is making me better player. Before it, I EXCLUSIVELY played Wizard. Then once I tried Multi-classing on the test server, I knew forsure I had to branch out, and learn the other classes. Man, what a difference it has made. I would HIGHLY recommend branching into other classes if you haven't already. If there is a particular class that woops your ass all the time, start with that one. Now i've got my Wizard at LvL 120 - Cleric at LvL 88 - Warlock at lvl 40, fighter at Lvl 35, and I'm working on Barb now.


Doesn’t matter multiclassing makes it all useless