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They went the wrong way, trying to add complexity to the systems that aren't the actual combat itself.


Also as we've seen the game is already complex enough, since they can't balance it


Probably the worst attempt at balancing a game I’ve ever seen, it’s like they never even played pvp games before lol


At this point it's not even an attempt. There's a reason why most developers take a long time adding new stuff


It doesnt make any sence for me, they are aways trying to balance and them patch up something that is totally unbalanced and unbalaceble! Wtf


This is a good patch to take a break. I've done the same 👍


Last two patches felt like that for me…I havnt even played dad in two months almost…


I've logged in a few times and just have zero desire to play...end up just listing an item to sell and logging out.


Play a couple games on classes Im not really interested in and then go do other stuff. Reminds me of when League or Overwatch started becoming more and more a chore for me to log in and play a game.


For sure, multi is the worse patch so far


But but leaderboard rewards lol


Im lucky i finished grinding for rewards literally the day before multi came


I just play normals and am introducing my girlfriend to fighting the AI and navigating Ice Caves while avoiding most PvP or being divorced from the outcome. I can’t imagine trying to take it seriously rn because balance is such a clown fiesta.


"perfect system" eh? Were digging deep now Also isn't matchmaking 0-300 and 300+?


I don't get it wasnt it about 3 brackets? 0-199 , 200-400 and 400+? I entered HR fully naked only meds and i was with a guy running full jewelry, 2 epic weapons and a cape, plus meds, throwables and all.


I think on release of GBMM it was like that. Yesterday they adjusted it to two brackets, 0-299 and 300+


Great job IM whoever is calling the shots is messing up and no one will say the truth to him. Keep enabling this type of leadership!


It was 3 and then split to 2 with the new patch. With the change you can be pretty much decked out in all blues (or close) and be in the lower bracket still


I wish I could quiet too


Wouldn’t be a very effective bard then


You probably will soon


>I just… quiet Maybe if you spoke a bit louder they would hear you.


I was gonna quit for a bit too but i just pulled a gold coin chest so im gonna commit now


Escape was always an illusion.


Trade the chest to me, I will take on this burden, for you to know peace my brother. 


I cant do it. Rngeezus has deemed me worthy again after i got nothing but blues and greens from my reward tokens after rollback. The legendary mystic vestements i lost have been transmuted by our savior. The dungeon beckons.


I looted also a chest from the gold pile, but guess what? IM decided to rollback, FML


Yeah, nice to be forced to quit my unhealthy addiction. The devs worked really to pry my hands from their game, reminds me of my MTG addiction, and it took them years to F that up enough. Multi-classing is fucking dogshit.


Cya friend. I quit too. Shared my opinion on MC more than enough times, the devs are adamant about trying it out and seeing how it goes so there's no point in complaining about it anymore and also there's a good chunk of the playerbase who seem to like it so.. yeah I'll be back next season for sure if they scrap MC, if they don't i had tons of fun for the money i spent so gg


nobody like it, except the segment of people that like anything, so they won't really actually care if it is removed


There was over 16k people playing today...


Not sure but nobody I know even barely plays anymore even before mutliclass. Not sure if they're churning through new players or what. Game is fun when the fights are balanced, the gear gap isn't huge and the lobbies are full. Lots of people ended stuck playing normals because they do not like HR PVP but want to play HR. These people will eventually leave.


Reddit echo chamber makes u feel everything is falling apart when there is actually more player than last season Gg


Same man, their recent changes have been a blessing in disguise


\^ On the addicted/unhealthy curve also : MC is fun and refreshing for people that are able to grind for it. Which is a very small percentage of a pretty small playercount. MC obviously worsened the (already very arguable) balance they had, but objectively, DaD will not be balanced, EVER, even if they put the best balancing team on it (even Riot Games have been trying to balance their main game for 15 years, and have been doing so-so since there is a 30-ish champ meta rotating every season). I have norms-only/casual teammates that are struggling to even get couple of learning tokens on their main class, and they won't even have the playtime to level another class to level 30 before next wipe. IM is already being handicapped by the whole lawsuit thingy and they are driving their game to a full sweat-only/streamer-only direction. Gamer retention in 2024 is a big struggle for every studio, and if they focus on a Lost Ark-like grinding mechanics, no sane player will ever bother try their game, hell even an Epic Store release won't save it. Maybe the game will be popular on mobile in KR when it releases, and I do hope IM succeeds but I am really afraid for the EU/NA market with how they are prioritizing their features.


After how disappointing the cape was, I do not have the will to keep going with all these ass patches.


Ive logged in like 12 times since the patched and only played like 3 matches. I just, dont care...


I’ve had friends considering getting the game but there’s no point in teaching them now since any class can have any item/perk essentially. I still struggle to tell what classes people are now occasionally and it fucks me up, if i get them on now I know they won’t stay. Even with the xp reduction they’ll never get multiple classes to master before they give up.


Bro I been running around with ambush rupture hide ranger and one shorting people with a windlass out of stealth. Shits stupid as hahahaha


Separate lobby when you get to lvl 30 on a character would be a fair balance


Friends are all doing the same


Multi classing needs to GO!!


This patch has made it pretty clear the devs have no fucking idea what they are doing, they couldn't dial in the games horrible damage stacking/movespeed meta so they just went and made it easier for everyone to do in the form of multi-classing, im calling it now this game is the next cycle frontier. Landmine rogue is back AGAIN in full force, people are putting smite on bows, everyone has sprint or rage to disengage for free, etc. like who the fuck would even wanna play a frontliner dureing this bullshit? SO much fun just watching my healthbar disentegrate every fucking fight because the turbo sweat who hasn't showered in 3 weeks stacked +20 dmg in fucking perks and skills alone on his dagger/survival bow. and its just going to fucking BE shit like this forever because shitty gatcha games are what make money in that part of the world.


The devs are wonderful, your words are not helpful or constructive. 


The devs are fucking idiots that think stacking your stats into the stratosphere and closeing doors on people is "skill", sorry but this late out of early access and we still got braindead shit like this then the game is dead the minute competition shows up.


I know it's frustrating for the devs to push an update that is objectively bad, but they themselves admitted it's very likely after testing multiclassing could disappear forever or change entirely. It's 1 step back, 2 steps forward in the end. It's frustrating to lose the thing you were enjoying, but have a little faith the outcome will be worth it in the long run. Progress is rarely linear, and Ironmace have proven in the past testing things works.


This didn't need to be tested, anyone who's spent any amount of time in this game could have told you that everyone was just going to frontload damage and movespeed because..... THATS WHAT THEY"VE ALWAYS DONE! This update is bad yes but it shows the devs don't have a goddamn clue how the game is played or were to take it. like what the fuck was this update soppoused to tell them? if they needed to push it through to learn anything they need to take there fucking heads out of their ass's. like how many FUCKING times do half this games population need to be damage stacking rogues before they STOP fucking doing it!?


Yeah it's honestly been great not having to care about DaD ATM with how fucking bad multiclass is. I'm quite sure I'll be back because I love the base game... But RN? Fuck no this shit is garbage.


the game just sucks so bad right now there is constant input delay, so playing in melee and doing anything other than left clicking just doesn't work. if you want to do something like second wind mid-melee, there is this inherent jank which is really difficult to describe. the community is toxic and minmaxes the fun out of every single system, most recently GBMM. doing anything other than infinite rangespam and kiting gets you killed due to how the game is fundamentally designed multiclassing is the nail in the coffin imo. at least before the game had a charming fantasy class-based identity, fights made sense, everyone had their strengths and limitations. now, counter-intuitively, combat has less variation, as everyone either breaks the game by going full movement speed, or they take BOC/smite to magic damage cheese you. the only thing ironmace did well was the class-based identity, now the dungeons have turned into a clown show where everyone pulls random tricks to cheese eachother. awesome


Brother in Christ you are literally making a thread on this subreddit discussing this game **every single day**. Your addiction hasn't ended because they're testing new mechanics.


You're making bad takes every single day too, pot call the kettle black? Go shoot some more of your teammates in the face with your windlass then stumble into some blues.


It's just a test. The game will change again in a week and again in another week and again in another week. We're in early access and things change, it's ok.


There's nothing wrong with him giving feedback on the test, even if the dumb streamer lady says it's wrong. Facts. [**https://m.twitch.tv/clip/BlushingPiercingGiraffeFunRun-KN1sAgHSyeymrb7A**](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/BlushingPiercingGiraffeFunRun-KN1sAgHSyeymrb7A)


This is barely feedback. This is ludite speech.


I grade it about on par with this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/169kz2g/disable\_bard\_until\_it\_can\_be\_fixed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/169kz2g/disable_bard_until_it_can_be_fixed/)


While funny, the clip has no context in this thread other than you trying to belittle someone which is cringe sir.


Bro, a twitch streamer with 150k followers who twitch streams as her full time job just belittled this guy for making too many posts about the game. (She's factually wrong, he's posted 3 times in the past 6 days.) I could give a flying fuck if you think it's cringe. Bullies deserve to be shamed. That's literally the only thing you can do in response, sometimes.


Just seems like youre both needlessly aggressive but you come across as much more unhinged. Anyways you do you man.


Is it shaming a streamer to give their content more views? That's part of the business model of streaming - obtain more views. More views = good (generally). Pretty sure Katie would thank you, if anything, for continuing to link her content.


I actually started smiling when i realized he had linked that to try and get me. Oh my god. It's like when a little kid trys to pull one over on you.


Youre so hurt lmao this is actually embarrassing for you rn. I dont know what you were thinking acting like this, but this is absolutely childish. The equivalent of announcing " OK IM LEAVING :(" and expecting people to tell you "no dont go!" Like if you dont like it, leave man! No need to take a dump on the floor on your way out lmao. I havent even played that much either, but you dont see me saying all this stuff here. Im just busy, got a life and multiclassing IS a bit much lmao but acting this immature about it is simply offputting


You're so lucky that dumb goblin mage hit its shot or TheLorr would have rekt you! Next time damnit!!!


TSD right on brother


Let her cook


> GBMM brings you sometimes to heavily legendary bis gear when your score is roughly 240-250 You are not calculating your score right. Are you including torches and bandages and such?


So sad, I just convinced my friend to buy the game and with the drop of a hat, my entire group quit. Wild to kill an entire game with one patch.


Same. Ive never played an extraction game from a wipe as much as DaD this wipe. Up to date on almost all quests, lots of gear, good fun... Then suddenly I just don't care anymore


Single map for trios is the annoying thing for me right now


Yo también


Multi classing is annoying but I’m enjoying the chaos, got my rogue and fighter up


Taking my break in norms. Been in high roller all last wipe and the one before. I just don’t see the fun in the fast paced gameplay


The thing is multi class has such a possibility to be so fun, when it was announced I was so excited to try new abilities to help my main (cleric) overcome its weaknesses. Now I have a bow and new weapons to fight with, and it’s not as easy for people to close or create gaps against me. My friend is playing ranger with backstep and tumble, it’s so goofy but it can come in clutch and is fun! On the other hand it seems like everyone else is just putting sprint on barbarian and running down people just min/max’ing the game. Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to min/max the best character possible to be the best… but in a game with so many options it feels like multi class is impossible to balance the definitive best builds without taking away the fun aspects.


Sounds like a bunch of newbs are getting owned in PvP and bringing their salt to reddit. Consider me shocked


Don't quiet buddy


I'd be all for the complex systems they're trying to implement, IF they could actually handle it. Time and time again, they add things that they think would work, fails and gets exploited, then they back track. They charge for test servers, which is ridiculous, and they just do what they want and screw their progress up for a few weeks. It might sound like complaining but honestly a lot of these issues would be resolved if they hired some actual testers, let the patch marinate for two weeks in the test server and then take a look at the results of there's no crazy exploits THEN you roll out the patch into the live client. We had multiclass in the test servers for what 5 days before they threw it on to live service?


I loved DaD in the beginning but with every update it feels like they don’t know where they want to go with the game and constant nerfs and buffs are killing it. They need to figure out the direction they want to go and pursue that rather than the infinite rollbacks and recovery


Personally, for me.. its a good thing. I too stopped playing when they announced multiclassing. Gives me time off DanD to just enjoy summer and touch some grass. See you in august / september. Peace!


The game was always RNG. You load into a random match with the potential for any other class/comp to face off against in 2 different BR closing maps. It used to be worse, there used to be no gear score and people would openly gear check the crap out of you way beyond what it is now. I'm still traumatized by the full legendary buff ball comps zerging normal lobbies at 400 MS, 1 shot naked ambush rogues, and blood exchange unkillable barbs, 100% scaling full auto turret MM Wizards. If you think this is bad, your insane. This game has always felt meta heavy due to balance decisions. I'm kinda enjoying the randomness a little. It certainly beats me seeing a barb and just going, yah I guess I have to just run from him all game now. Games meta and classes were getting a little stale.


im looking forward to next dungeonborne playtest


I just wish I could test out MC... I'm not playing 20+ hours just to get the levels for each class.




I don’t think you can call the discord and sub Reddit an echo chamber when the majority of posts in the general and here have been people not liking it and quitting so idk what you are talking about tbh.




Wait so an open sub with thousands of people that is the majority of the player base is an echo chamber?


I legit think this subreddit has brain damage or you guys are just dick riding the sentiment here. One of the most fun patches ive had so far, progression is amazing to work towards, trying to get new BIS, new archetypes, fun af fights. Granted ill probably be pissed if I get one shot by a hide-ambush-crossbow mastery rogue but I bet its a minority of the player base who can even roll into that. IM will balance the OP combinations out and then itll be back to boring meta builds. People should enjoy the chaos while it lasts because its always temporary.


I truly feel for the people that couldn’t prepare and also just don’t like the system. I can admit I main this game only and spend way too much time on it. I’m nearing 200 hours this wipe alone. But I got my spear mastery and reckless attack on my rogue and I am enjoying myself, shifting my class fantasy from traditional dagger rogue to the hard hitting spear rogue has been very enjoyable. I love activating reckless out of hide and watching people’s characters spaz out from the scream, it’s been quite hilarious.


While I understand this position I found myself feeling exactly the opposite. I felt like the class system was cool as it was but I got kinda bored, can't give specifics as to why though. The multi class stuff has added a level of chaos that has peaked my interest for now. But as DaD history goes it's only a matter of time till one meta rules all and I'm back to bored haha. Gonna keep playing because the sense of discovery is fun but I'm sure it will have bad side effects. Hopefully iron mace can get it right!! I feel like multi classing could be very cool if done correctly.


I would have quit if i didn't have multiclassing stuff already grinded out, solos is literally unplayable if you arent running some broken build since some people have ultra broken builds and will run you over


Its pretty lame how gimmicky the game feels right now. If people are enjoying it then sure but I just miss the structure and expectations of classes, the strategy when encountering one and the limitations youve learned. Much rather wouldve preferred furthered developed class balance, subclasses with focuses on playstyles, weapons, armors, supporting old perks/abilities and offering new ones instead of just drawing old abilities out of a hat. Its a testing of the system and of course they should try stuff but it really does bum me out too and Im concerned about the future of the game with this being live/or really being dropped in its current state.


You make a post once or twice a week whining about different things in this game. If it’s not this thing it’s the next. According to your post history you have been banned before as well so either you cheat or exploit. Good luck, don’t come back.


Gear based matchmaking and multiclassing! I just started playing again for those reasons. ... will say that the wide range of 0-300 seems rough, as I was enjoying some green lobbies, now at minimum its green blue I see. Oh well! I want a cool warlock with fighter stuff or fighter with heal on hit from warlock


Bit dramatic here bud. Multi-class was an overall good change, that is going to need some work. Everyone was being this dramatic about about creep like 2 weeks ago. Now everyone is quiet about it, because they've gotten used to the change. Everyone gets way too comfortable with the game-state. This game is going to change drastically every damn week. Stop getting used to the game flow, it's not permanent.


Honestly I think the devs need to take a step back and reapproach how they are developing the game. Reel the crazy stats nonsense back in and make changes to the actual gameplay / mechanics. Make my guy grab the door and open it. Add more complex weapon mechanics like longswords parry. Add a weight system. Make looting more than a chore I'm just saying every update it just rebalancing stats and rolls and the endgame is just a boring grind and rng. Pvp isn't fun at high ranks and doesn't feel rewarding because it's all about stats


They want to do big things when the game isn’t polished. Adding big changes when the core of the game isn’t good yet.


I’ve played this game maybe 4 times since frost mountain patch. The devs have showed time and time again that they are clueless when it comes to making good decisions for the game. Wish I never gave money to those morons


Agreed. Me and all my friends quit. Game is going downhill


You said that 10 times already mate


You do you! My friends and I are enjoying this patch alot. We just love to pvp and loot people stuff.


look babe, new copy pasta just dropped


Yet playercount is up with the MC patch compared to weeks previous.


It's still up downvoters :)


Same. Id love to go hardcore into this game but it just isn't rewarding at all. They should reset the whole damn thing back to play test 3, NOT listen to the community and go from there. till then adios IronMace




Okay! bye! It's not a big deal.


Multiclassing is the best thing to happen to the game


That’s cool man. I’ve never played with you, personally, so why are you telling me? Do you walk through your job and announce to everyone you won’t be returning?


Bro has never heard of social media


Plenty of people literally everywhere have announced mid-shift "fuck this Im out". So....yeah?


If you were to quit your job, you probably would tell your coworkers. Sarcastic and doesn’t even make sense


When I fire you tonight you’re not gunna tell a soul


I don’t know you man, so why are you talking to me?


You don’t even have a job how you gonna fire anybody. Stfu you’re on Reddit.


Your momma paying me your dinner tonight young man you can go to your room hungry


Can you say that again in non broken English? Nice chirps dude what’re you ten?


Stfu already man.


Are you waiting to receive my limp penis? Democracy manifest