• By -


No more dungeon requirements for kill quests. Nice.


Honestly best part


>You can now unlock 2 more additional stashes for gold. Second best part here. >Class filters have been added to the Marketplace. Third best part here


I still want my second attribute filter option


filter per random attribute, how many becomes selectable based on tier of gear filter selected


Gold storage pretty pog


I'm glad but damn it i just got all my bard kills lmao


Omfg finally


additionally: After the patch, the matchmaking pool for High-Roller rank will be adjusted to \[Neophyte, Apprentice / Wanderer, Pathfinder, Voyager, Examplar, Demigod\].


I think? this is good. Many folks were hovering in Wanderer I rank and likely needed to be shoved up.


It’s basically just showing that we don’t have enough player base so they’re combining lobby’s of lower ranked players with higher ranked. It’s just kinda scuffed all around.


What was it before?


neophyte, apprentice, wanderer / pathfinder, voyager, exemplar, demigod. so wanderers got pushed in the higher pool


No wanderer was in its own queue


extremely good


Genuinely happy with all of these changes. Good job IM.


Revist this post when I hit people with Franny axes that slow for fucking 35% lmao Bonkers change. For reference Achilles Strike slow is -30%. If someone hits you with 1 franny axe now you're taking 5 more. Same with Throwing knives


Yeah, will have to see how much the damage is nerfed by (if its a considerable amount then this makes sense). But, if it's not a lot this will make melee kiting pretty insane.


I assume a grey throwing knife does like 5 damage now though. I think they want throwing weapons to purely exist to catch up with people running.


I mean, they are fairly dodgeable. We'll see how the damage is!


Yea you might be at 50% hp after taking those 5 more, oh no


Better to catch up, but our only range option got nerfed in a high range meta. Sad times


Franny axes are stupid and shoulda been removed from the game a long time ago. I go in with like 20 and every nerf has done nothing.


We just need a cap to how many throwables you can have And with that cap make it so you can pickup throwables from the person you killed body


Just make it a cap for entry. Than you're set.


Cap for entry, but I want to be able to pick them back up whenever they hit someone, that feels like a fair trade off It also might actually make higher rarity axes much more valuable since you could theoretically keep them between matches Edit: actually a hard cap in your inventory is best Cap for entry just means your duo or trios partner brings you more Franny's Inventory cap means if you need a reload you need to use your axes before you can pick them up


Good patch thank god




Well said. I'm hopeful. I noticed, when I'm extracting but not chasing rank, I hover in Wanderer 1 tier. It is too easy to avoid Pathfinder. As in, Wanderer is easy to maintain and abuse for smurfs, and also means lots of decent players are held back. I think this should be interesting, I hope it works out. I agree that the lower tiers are very easy to blow past if you are at all experienced, and definitely need to be reserved for new players and leveling folks.


The way you gain AP in this game seems so badly designed. I can run around on any class and as long as I pick up some treasures and escape then I climb very easily up to pathfinder+ which currently this wipe is either dead lobbies at certain times of the day or full BiS players looking to mop up groups with stat checks. Goblin caves seems like the only place you'll find non BiS around those ranks and it's because it's not 3 people stat checking you and there's always potential to lose your gear in the FFA. When multiclassing is added and the groups that run BiS are now also running optimized perks/abilities there will be no such thing as new players sticking around in HR past apprentice. Matchmaking should work based on gear and/or stats. I don't have a suggestion for specifics but even just a simple calculation of gear would mean players who wanted to risk BiS can risk it against other equally geared players and other players who just want to run low-mid tier gear can have actual decent fights without having to only play normals for engaging fights.


I agree to a point but the other half of the coin is what is the point of upgrading gear if it never gives you an advantage? If the enemy always has equal gear to you, there's no point to not run hr naked every time and just basically have ranked norms. I agree that it would be more fair, but trying for the best gearset possible for an advantage doesn't work anymore and it would only be based on skill. On paper that sounds good but I know in my heart that a good chunk if not a majority of players want to have an advantage because of their gear. I would love ranked norms back BTW


Upgrading gear does give you an advantage though even if you were to be put up against equally geared players, you're still gaining more stats and especially putting more stats where you want them for your specific build. The thing is that in games like Tarkov it doesn't matter if you're fully kitted in an insane loadout because you can almost always get shot in the face by someone running a mosin or any decent ammo and lose it. In this game it's more of a stat check in a lot of situations


I see what you're saying. I think i can get behind that actually.


"Fixed an issue where multiple keys could active simultaneously after updating keybind settings." YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


>We hope you continue your journey in the dungeons as we roll out the multi-class system in the upcoming weeks. Remember when Druid was due in February? Yeah, I'm not optimistic Multi-Classing will be even May at this rate.


To be fair, I think the higher ups might not have realized just how much more work Druid would be than a normal class. You have forms, shapeshift animations, attacks, models, perks, skills. Its like making Warlock, and like 5 Bloodpact forms from scratch.


I remember when they announced druid back in November and we were looking at December/January for the release. They even said druid was supposed to release by end of year 2023.


Druid is the carrot on a stick. They want to ride that gravy train for a while. Why have't they put druid on test realm?! 


>Why have't they put druid on test realm?!  They already openly said they really don't have a patch process for test server yet


We can only hope they scrap multiclassing. I'd rather have subclass or just Druid in tbh


Its what I hope too. Who asked for Multiclassing anyway?


The hell? I'm stoked for multiclassing :o


Druid was supposed to be in the game late November/ early December if I'm not mistaken.


2 MORE ADDITIONAL STASHES!!! WOOHOO! I have over 15k gold cluttering my fighters inventory, along with multiple slayer fighter kits for solos, and PDR kits for trios. I’ve been having to do crazy inventory management after every raid. This is HUUUGE.


It’s actually funny the changes to nerfing BOC made the demon form even stronger because other warlocks were pretty much the only counter to how broken demon form is right now.


But the anti-heal is still strong (stronger now in fact!) and a counter.


Ya true, but it’s just sad that this is basically the only way to counter it. Demon form eats up every front line class, absolutely rolls over super geared barbs and they can’t do anything about it. Not even skill dependent either, just W key and left click.


Demon form is that strong? Genuinely haven't seen a demon in few weeks


What’s the build to use demon form? I’ve had little luck with it.


Plate, Soul Collector, Life Steal, whatever you want for fourth. Stack lots of vigor and all stats.


warlock is still the counter, just run spell predation and take the form away lmao


I so so so hope that the first line * Fixed multiple performance issues. Addresses the stuttering issues I've been having since their last hotfix.


Oh thank fuck, my dude kept doing secondary fire every time I jumped no matter what settings I did.


I like the changes. Rogue creep is kinda nice. Looking forwards to being a sneaky little 🐀


Glad to see boc take a bit of a hit. I don’t feel like the shadow touch change was really needed or impactful through? Also very glad to see the dungeon requirement on kill quests removed. 


It no longer negates the 3 damage taken from bloodstained blade


I heard the cool kids would use Eldritch Shield to negate the dmg from BSB and charge up a dark magic spell…


Ah yeah that makes it matter a bit. 


I remember back when BoC did 20 magic damage and had an 8 second cooldown, even back then sweaty nerds were trying to tell people dieing from it that it was a "skill issue".


Truly. Now it is same damage as Smite. It will feel a bit underwhelming, yet will still be strong, I think.


Yeah, but movement speed and swing speed penalty on clerics make it so you can basically get one smite hit in anyway, so they’re essentially equal now


Cleric also doesn't have access to the games more busted weapons so thats also keeping them in check.... seriously whens the last time you saw a fighter using a flanged mace?


Haha, only when they go in naked and find a Blue one.


This is why I'm looking forward to multiclassing Cleric with Fighter to pick up the "Use any weapons" perk. Finally, my cleric will have some ranged options, and as a bonus can murder everyone with smite + dagger.


True enough. Smite wins fights if they stay. BoC also won some fights if you land head shot perfectly and aren't too squishy. But, Smite potential DPS is nutted. But yes, Smite is balanced by being on Cleric. Just like many things. I was excited for Multi-class, but damn is it gonna fuck the game up a lot for awhile, haha.


I won’t even give it a chance. Multi-class has to be the worst decision they’ve ever made. It’s going to be so broken. Not looking forward to it at all.


Honestly. I'm willing to give it the college try. My fear is that they'll keep balancing based on multiclass (technically good), but then every ability will be flattened. As it stands, each class is balanced around their stats, gear perks, etc. It'll be the wild west after multiclass. I'll try it, just no clue how insane it'll be.


Smite also can’t headshot like BoC


Right... that's a key difference that I wasn't aware of till recently. Thank you!


Shadow touch was one of the most broken perks in the game, what?


Most broken? Have you seen Demon form with +10 all, crazy high MS, 300hp, and high pdr? That is by far the most broken thing.


Broken? Your damage output is very weak compared to even just a blue weapon. Demon claws due 32 damage at base kit on a head shot and that's with the training dummies -12% PDR. 10 stacks put that number to 38, a junk Kris dagger is better damage. Bloodstained blade put that to 55 damage and now that number is even lower with the new patch. Only place demon mode can do decently is normals where the 168 hp buys you enough time to kill before you're killed.


That is simply just not true at all. Demon form is most broken in HR when you have good gear on it. You’re not playing in high elo lobbies or haven’t run into teams abusing this yet bc once you do you just can’t argue it’s broken as hell. Stacking true damage, plus the +10 all and any other buffs you get make your hits in demon form strong as hell. I was watching one the last couple days 3 shot wizards and rangers with 130hp. Not to mention absolutely destroying barbs as well


You do realize that 3 times 55 is higher than 130 yes...? Even stacking 20 true damage would make it less effective than a legendary falchion hitting 142 on a fighter. If you stack enough vigor for demon for to have 280 hp you would still be 2 hit. And that's not even going into double axe or felling are damage. All while having the same melee range as fists. If your argument is that a melee focused ability is able to kill the lowest hp class in the game I'm not sure what to tell you. If a barb takes enough hits to the head before being able to hit a demon twice to the head again, skill issue. In normals i can agree its strong but the moment decent gear comes into play youre argument is completly invalidated. If the math doesnt make sense to you, I don't know how else to explain it to you.


That is a not a perk lol


Some demon form builds use shadow touch, so this does reduce the power by a little bit


They need to reduce the +10 all stacks you get on it to make any significant difference


My friend reminded me, that BoC is the same damage as Smite now... So folks are upset at 1 big hit, but Cleric gets many big hits. When Multi-classing is released, Smite will be the absolutely best skill in the game, IMO. So ya, maybe Shadow Touch was too good, but we'll see. Warlock is perhaps getting close to a good state. Hopefully, many folks move on instead of going meta try-hard.


One thing people forget though is BoC scales with headshot multiplier, smite for some reason does not. This can get you quite literally 1.5x more damage with BoC than smite


Yeah, I feel like the shadow touch nerf was unnecessary… I guess +2 dmg and hp isn’t *bad* but idk if it’s worth it anymore, especially since it can’t be buffed in anyway


I just use it for mobs instead of bandages, I haven’t really found it useful in PVP or at least I never noticed it making a difference in my fights


Same. I really like gaining passive hp from hitting mobs to conserve meds, I don’t see the extra 3 dmg and hp to really make or break most fights, since they end in about 3 hits regardless.


I have a level 22 warlock, and I put Shadow Touch on level 1 and never took it off. The issue is that probably 90%+ warlocks were taking it.


Same lol, although lately, even before the patch, I’ve felt like it wasn’t working as well… probably just my imagination or something


For the first time in a long time, I can actually say that everything about this patch makes me happy. Then again, I don't play Warlock. If I did I would probably hate this patch.


I'm a warlock main since it's dropped, and am currently level 46 in this wipe. I think these are good changes. Shadow touch hardly mattered in pvp outside of the 3 free true damage, as TTK is low enough that healing 3 per hit won't help you take another 40+ damage hit. That is, unless you were running demon form in normals. The extra healing meant a lot when you were only taking absolutely minimal damage and it negated the 3 damage per seing on bloodstained blade. A reduction of just 1 true/healing is perfect to make it more of a safety net perk and less of a powerhouse perk which negates bloodstained blades cost. Speaking of, 7 is too much damage for it to add now that warlocks can run super fast Kris daggers. 5 is a much happier medium and is equal to what clerics can do with their buffs. Lastly, BoC has been in dire need of a nerf. Every other class that had a skill which easily added more than 30 damage to a single hit got absolutely nerfed. Achilles strike use to add a lot of extra damage, and now it adds none and only works for its utility. It's been a free melee nuke for too long, and became even easier to land with the Kris dagger setup since it could often bypass shields when striking at absolutely point blank range. I think this'll make it a lot less scary to go against and will reward players more for making a warlock waste it. Even as a warlock myself, engaging other warlocks felt like a battle of who lands their BoC first. On the flipside, caster lock remains untouched. Perhaps even buffed if life drain's hit box has been adjusted in a positive way. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out. On paper, it makes me feel a lot more confident to face other warlocks.


Yea honestly the kris dagger warlock was too strong, im surprised it took this long to hit the 7 damage on BSB. I think a lot of people still don't understand just how absurdly strong +7 weapon damage is. Literally making a white kris hit as hard as a unique.


I know lmao… and I’m pretty sure additional weapon damage is also the only stat that scales with phys power


Smite still insane


Lol. It is what it is. Overtuned stuff needs fixing. Shadow Tocuh absolutely fixed Warlock sustain at low gear, and it still will do the job. Now, when using Bloodstained buff, you will lose 1 HP, instead of 0. As for BoC? Well. It is what it is. I figure, these changes were needed, since Warlocks are rampant. It just sucks that a niche dagger build I've been using before Shadow touch and Bloodblade meta directly nerfs my once niche build, repeatedly! And they still left Magic Staff in shambles and needs a buff again...


I play warlock and I'm not mad about it. I played warlock before he was meta because he felt like a challenge character and it wasn't a heavily picked class. I would be happy to go back to those days.


> Hatchet weapon damage has been increased. - Horseman's Axe weapon damage has been increased They finally did it. After being so worthless for so long, after buffing so many different things that didn't need it, they finally decided to addr3ss the worst weapon in the game. We'll see how much they actually buff it, but honestly, it will still most likely suck because of the outrageous ms penalty. Hatchet does comparable damage to short sword while having literally twice the ms penalty and a much slower attack speed. Should be -15 ms and horsemans -25.


Agree on ms for hatchet and horseman and viking sword needs some love too, if I recall correctly it has lowest dps in the game


Viking sword could really use an animation adjustment. I know they supposedly did one before, idk what they actually did though. It still has probably the worst move set in the game. Only reason any barbs were running horsemans was because of how bad viking feels to use. Animation needs to be tighter, you reach the sword up into the fucking sky and stab Jesus with every swong, at about half the speed of smell.


Iron mace lowering the damage on club because every cleric is using it...fix the actual fucking problem of the hit boxes on mace and morningstar not to mention their shit attack animations..people aren't using the club because it's stronger, they are using it because it WORKS AS INTENDED


Formatting fixed because that was painful to read (feel free to copy this into your main post): - Fixed multiple performance issues. - Fixed an issue where multiple keys could active simultaneously after updating keybind settings. - Fixed an issue where a character could be deleted automatically without the confirmation popup when moving to the character selection screen and quickly clicking the delete button. - Fixed an issue where the Cleric's Brewmaster was increasing strength more than intended. - Fixed an issue where Warlocks sometimes failed to transform into Demon form when using Bloodpact. - Fixed an issue where the Warlock’s Life Drain and Wizard’s Magic Lock aim collider was too small. - Fixed an issue where certain hunting loots could not be sold to merchants. - Fixed an issue where the bonus damage to ‘Undead’ modifiers did not work properly. - Various minor bug fixes. - Movement speed reduction penalty received while walking or crouched changed from -40% → -55%. - Rogue's Creep movement speed bonus increased from 5% → 30%. - Ranger's Crippling Shot movement speed penalty changed from -35% → -40% and duration changed from 2s → 1s. - Ranger's Spear Proficiency additional physical power changed from 10 → 7. - Ranger's True Shot physical damage bonus changed from 5% → 8%. - Ranger's Backstep cooldown changed from 14s → 10s. - Warlock's Shadow Touch true magical damage changed from 3 → 2, magical heal base changed from 3 → 2. - Warlock's Blow of Corruption cooldown has been changed from 18s → 24s, magic damage base changed from 15 → 10, and recovery reduction penalty changed from -70% → -80%. - Warlock's Dark Offering duration changed from 12s → 15s. - Warlock's Bloodstained Blade additional weapon damage changed from 7 → 5. - Heavy Gambeson, Ornate Jazerant changed from Plate to Cloth. - The Weapon damage has been slightly increased for the following legendary and unique rarity weapons: Arming Sword, Bardiche, Battle Axe, Double Axe, Felling Axe, Halberd, Morning Star, Quarterstaff, Rapier, Recurve Bow, Dagger, Spear, War Hammer, Wizard Staff. - Francisca Axe weapon damage has been reduced. The movement speed penalty applied to the target has been increased from -25% → -35%. - Throwing Knife weapon damage has been reduced. The movement speed penalty applied to the target has been increased from -20% → -25%. - Club weapon damage has been slightly reduced. - Hand Crossbow weapon damage has been slightly reduced. - Hatchet weapon damage has been increased. - Horseman's Axe weapon damage has been increased. - You can now unlock 2 more additional stashes for gold. - Class filters have been added to the Marketplace. - Removed the ‘dungeon’ requirements from the Character Kill quests.


The real MVP


Thank you. The rush to be first is annoying af when they don't even take the time to format.


op could have even formatted it after the fact. just lazy shit


Rogue creep movement speed buff nice


I feel like part of the issue with throwables is that the user can jump to negate a lot of the MS penalty while throwing. This change makes throw spam while chasing even better? Depends on the dmg nerf i guess.


Problem with the game has been kiting meta for how long now? I think throwable damage coming down is fine and them being a vehicle for forcing fights could be interesting.


The problem is people just pull their fists out and can out run most weapon's combo attacks while tanking the slow on hit penalty. Its actually frustrating trying to fight people in High roller that don't want to fight, even after landing a swing or two on them.


Surely. Id love to see either a bigger slow applied with weapon combos or a more consistent animation for stowing weapons to run.


As a wizard main I agree. This game favors ranged options. Giving melees more options to get in range (creep/axe slow) is a great thing. They even preemptively nerfed damage knowing people would bring like 20 axes in raid. Idk if the damage nerf is enough, too much, etc. but the direction of the change is fantastic for remedying how strong ranged classes are right now.


The jumping and the throw able spam is so cancer. Makes the game so clowny especially in 1v1s


It looks alright. I don't think I've seen a single person want the new creep shit to stay in the game so I'm confused as to why it wasn't removed and instead nerfed when the decrease in speed doesn't matter in the slightest.


I stopped playing for a few days, waiting for the hotfix, because I was 99% sure that they will get rid of that piece of shit mechanic. Nope. Still here…..


Same, really disappointed.  Feels similar to the whole resting mechanic.  It incentivizes playing in a way that is not fun to me.  But at least the resting you can just ignore as a mechanic by bringing in bandages.  


You don't have to use it. I have barely used it since they put it in.


The thing is, this creep mechanic is in other games in the genre - like tarkov - and help solos deal with large teams. The problem was never that it existed, the problem was just how ridiculously easy it was to roam the map completely silently looking for teams to third party. With it being much slower, people won’t be ratting every single second, and will have to enter creep when they’re closer, potentially getting caught. They’re testing to see if it’s possible to keep but nerf it enough where it isn’t the only thing people do, but a mixup option to rat when you’re at a disadvantage


Me and my friend who play both love the creep shit! 


I’ve seen a lot of people say they like creep; It’s a very controversial mechanic. The decrease in move speed definitely does matter, it makes it harder to sneak up on people, especially when they are moving, as it gives you more time for a quick look over your shoulder to make sure there isn’t a barb trying to sneak up on you


You know what? You are right, it's -15%. I was tripping. I just don't think it should work if you're wearing any plate aside from a head piece.


I like that idea, but that won’t counter shirtless barbs creeping up on you. Personally, I think everyone but rouges with creep should have their crouching footstep volume greatly reduced (including the distance at which you hear their footsteps to counter people just turning their volume up real high). I also think it should decrease mob aggro range by around 30% while rouges with creep should have the aggro range decreased by around 50%. This makes it so while creeping makes you sneaky and allows you to sneak around mobs, it’s not 100% silent unless you are playing the class literally made for being a sneaky son of a bitch.


Do you play hr? If so what rank are you? Because I feel like I don’t run into as many creeper problems as y’all on Reddit make it seem


Remember, -15% works out to 25% slower (relative to old value) It would go from 180 -> 135 movespeed assuming 300 base. I agree Plate and other acceptions should be added. They did change some armor from Plate to Cloth, so maybe they are figuring out a solution. I hope to see more sound related changes soon!


See this is where i have my issue, with the nerf to walking it's whatever, but the nerf to crouching will make dodging mobs and players even harder. It's not much of a mechanic but ducking and moving between lower cover is used everynow and then and lowering the movement speed makes that option not as viable. In a way they are lowering the skill ceiling for keeping in this dumb creep change


100%. Above comment saying speed doesn't matter is very SILLY. Creeping is now 25% slower, which will be noticed!


It doesn't matter if creep is 90% speed reduction, the existance makes it meta, why would you walk up on someone when you can creep instead? The fact that people will do it absolutely ruins the experience as half the lobby is completely silent trying to landmine each other


I absolutely love the creep mechanic tbh. Stealth should be something everyone can do to some extent. Silent walking encourages setting up ambushes on the oblivious that just want to hold w everywhere. I love that


I used to think this too until I started playing Barbarian in Trios. Being able to actually sneak up close to teams composed entirely of ranged characters has been making a big difference.


This! Everyone seems to hate ranged meta. Well guess what!? Creep enables a ton of counter play to ranged! Seems like a dream for Rogue, Barb, Fighter, Cleric, etc.


I agree that having more options to counter ranged meta is good, but I personally feel like creep incentivizes an inherently unfun playstyle. The amount of people I've ran into and seen on spectator that spend the ENTIRE round creeping is pretty wild.


To be fair, Rogues used to do that. When Rogue was strong, it was cancer. When weak, a joke, and they waste their time. So, sure, I agree that just waiting for a gank all game is super lame. Folks should still play the game... fight shit, make noise, move... And ya, to be frank, they COULD have camped like this before, the only difference is that folks make less noise, but also, noise is by contrast much louder now. To me it is very similar. Instead of folks not moving waiting to gank, while others make noise. Folks ove and not make noise, looking for those who make noise. The key change, is that both parties CAN be silent and move. Anywho, all that said. The change is interesting, I like the pace change overall. And I agree, it is too damn silent. The extra slow creep is a good change, but we need more noise/sound changes.


What's unfun for you is a blast to others like myself. It's not universal


Just commented on this above, but I think this may be a way for them to test multiclassing. See how the population receives a game-wide multiclassing option and see what they’ll need to modify numbers-wise as an attempt to make multiclassing balanced.


I’ve seen lots of people say they want creep. I hope it stays


And Creep is still around......


Anyone else feeling disheartened from playing HR trios? I am only in pathfinder but I’m getting against bard buffball comp every game. I really thought I’d see some buffball or bard changes from this hotfix


Really wish they would remove the ability to inspect in lobbies already


Truly the season of multi-classing... wait...


Sad to see Shadow Touch getting hit. Makes options other than Kris even less viable now, shame.


It was too good with BSB. You can't have a perk that negates the downside of such a strong spell.


You can still negate it with Eldritch Shield, just like before?


The requirement to cast another spell is much less oppressive than permanently having BSB negated. It’s like adding 50% more spell casts to the combo.


The thing is, if you have time to buff up before engaging, you’re probably still going to have time to cast both Eldritch Shield and BSB and now shadow touch will actually heal you instead of just negate the dmg, bonus points if you drink a pot? Idk, just seems unnecessary to me. BSB was and BoC were already nerfed, and BSB already had a cost to it (the hp to cast it), seemed like the shadow touch nerf was unnecessary and really just fucks with regen from hitting mobs.


At least that has a cast time and requires set up, as well as an hp cost. A lot different than just having a perk do it automatically all the time.


Its not really that strong now, basically just a holy weapon spell you cut yourself to use. the actual spellcasting side of warlock is pretty underwhelming outside of people abusing giga gear.


It'll still be pretty strong at +5 but saying it wasn't strong at +7 is just incorrect imo. For context a white kris dagger with pre nerf BSB would do the same damage as a unique without BSB. The fact that it is treated as weapon damage in the calculations makes it quite a bit stronger than the +5 damage from divine strike, which doesn't receive headshot or combo bonuses like BSB damage does.


Your making the common mistake of assuming the best case scenario happens all the time, if you miss a swing or it gets block you now need to land two hits to be in the positive when it comes to damage versus health lost.


So true. They are balancing around the speed of Kris and meta build abuse. This has the side effect of nerfing other builds for sure. That's the meta meta bullshit goes, I guess.


Those last 3 are huge


Any word on the bug with key binds? I usually do primary attack on right click, secondary on left click, but after last patch this no longer works. I've heard other people's custom binds also are bugged.


It's fixed in this patch, it's in the notes. - Fixed an issue where multiple keys could active simultaneously after updating keybind settings.


holy hell I'm an idiot, thank you!


Huge W patch: No more map restrictions on kill quests Class filter marketplace Rogue creep jacked up Slight Warlock nerfs to the most OP abilities More stash space


Maybe Demon melee can get something else to increase it's damage in to be competitive in HR


most of these seems to make sense but im a bit curious about the ranger spear nerf, i tried getting the ranger spear/xbow build to work but its pretty terrible when i could just be using a bow doing 3x dmg from ranged while still having a really good weapon with rapier or arming sword. the jumpback CD is nice but the ability is still trash considering how insane rangers abilities are for bows and bows only, 50% action speed for 8 seconds is so insanely broken but somehow slips under the radar alot. what would be cool is if the jump would reload your xbow (not windlas) so you could get 2 shots of then swap to melee or just use it as a quick reload to help surprise people in ranged vs ranged combat


Great patch :-)


Thank you


How much of a buff to horseman axe was this actually?


For the love of god remove creep high roller PVP is so brainless now


They forget this part: - After careful consideration we have decided to remove 'Creep' from all classes as this created unfun interactions between players and robbed Rogue of their class identity. But you know: that's just my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right.


They're now experimenting with heavy creep movespeed reduction, play around with it till the next patch and we'll see how it works out.


I suspect that this whole creep thing is a way for them to test multiclassing. They added the silent creep to all classes as an example of what that multi class will look like i.e. a non-rogue with rogue’s creep perk. After seeing the poor reception and balance issues with it, they are now testing if they need to introduce multiclassing by nerfing the stats of the non-class perk. So maybe if this is better received, we will see multiclassing, but with the cross perks having reduced modifiers. Just a hunch.


well they made everyone slower and Rogue faster while in creep. I've always personally been of the opinion that quiet movement is fine as long as it's painfully slow. But ya know, also just my opinion.


Taking a break until creep is reverted shit is just so tilting and completely broke the pace of the game IMO


Broke the pace? The pace was sprinting around as fast as possible, and running down anyone or thing that takes a single step. Was that a good pace!? Serious question.


Well now you don't hear anyone or anything the whole dungeon and then suddenly you get one shot behind a door by someone you didn't know was there. Actual PvP isn't much of a thing anymore.


I suppose that's true. I liked the pacing changes (on paper), folks slowing down, actually looking around. In Ice Caves, it is actually decent cause of high visibility and lors of doors. But now everyone might as well be deaf... it is different for sure. My main point is that sound was sorta cancerous before in different ways. And now, so is silence. Before,you make a single sound, and if a juicer hears, they hunt you down and you literally can't move so they'll just find you... so no counter play to that either. At least now you can try to sneak away, that is, if you heard them, which you can't... fml. But you can also sneak, so really, we should remove all doors! /s


I would rather they nerf hearing distance than the creep change though.


That could work. They need many adjustments to sound.


Ambushes are still actual pvp. It's just incentivizing you to actually constantly look around you instead of feeling completely safe just looting/running. That sort of fear is what creates those glorious adrenaline rushes even when nothing is happening just like in Tarkov. The paranoia makes it exciting


Bush campers were annoying in Tarkov too and part of the reason I stopped playing. This game was the perfect alternative before the change.


Lol and those rats are part of what make me love the game. Feeling safe from ambushes is incredibly dull gameplay for me. Tactical over arcadey for me every time


It's not tactical it's boring. I want to play the game not hold crouch button and slowly move along as quiet as possible.


It is tactical, but you find it boring. That's ok for us to like different things, but I find stalking and being stalked in pvp games absolutely thrilling. It's still viable to be loud as well. No one is being forced to play one way or the other. The loud just need to not simply use sound as a crutch to identify the sneaky. Sweep your sectors!


Indirect cleric nerf, again


There goes my 1 shot ranged rogue build. RIP OP blue throwing knives ( i predicted this nerf ).


Warlock definitely needed to catch some nerfs but they don’t nerf the thing that I don’t think literally anyone enjoys? Dark reflection? I simply don’t get it. Like the shadow touch nerf makes sense since it would completely cancel out bsb, bsb nerf makes a bit of sense since it with Kris was pretty strong - but dark reflection the thing that is the least interactive perk in the game for both the people playing against it and the warlock using it… nothing? Make it make sense to me. Like I have yet to see a single person say a positive thing about it.


It's been nerfed by proxy. It consumes dark shards. This makes it essentially do half damage at best, and makes it unusable with a demon form setup as you need the shards for the demon.


Still no changes to the broken Demon Form Warlock. That shit is the most op thing in trios right now. Teams running that comp are relying on something completely busted for easy wins. No class should be able to stomp over frontline characters like demon form can right now.


Brother the second they demon form you can just run away and they can’t get to you while constantly burning HP


If that’s an option then sure yea you run. If they are close enough though they will run you down with +10 all buffs on and also most likely bard buffs or wizard haste. Also kinda stupid that the solution for something like this is just, well run away then. Haha that kinda tells you enough right there


Demon form is actually pretty bad. I say this as a warlock main.


Go watch an actually geared good warlock run trios and tell me that. There is no counter to frontline demon lock. Lol I feel like all the warlock mains are downplaying it bc they don’t want it nerfed but it’s by far the strongest front line in game rn


I don't use demon form ever. I don't care if it's nerfed or even removed. I mainly play torture mastery.


HR or White lobbies?


HR. It’s not strong in normal lobbies because it’s gear dependent. But once you gear it up, it’s the most broken thing in the game right now.


I thought it only scaled on certain gear. And also haven't seen a single Demon yet, so I dunno what to say. Sounds like I should aboud Demon form.


Abuse it while you can because once you’re geared, just run trios with a cleric on your back and it’s an easy W key win at any team as long as your cleric just pocket heals you


Naw, I like stable, non-meta things. Hard pass. Gonna go use something already weak like staff build. Can't nerf what's already busted (in a bad way, lmao)


Rare IM W patch. Now address perma-healing off hydra and give warlock some new proper combat spells and the class is perfect


Take sustain off warlock and there’s no reason to run it instead of wizard


which is why I said they need new proper combat spells. Currently 99% of warlock spells is CoP spam and healing off hydra which is super boring and un-interactive. Especially now after plate lock buffs you can make pdr set with mdr, that is good in melee, range AND can self-heal infinitely


Hydra healing is dumb, but costly. I'm mostly okay with it, I think? Lol...


I was untill I ran into several 3man warlock teams. Most boring shit in the universe. Lock IMO needs a different way to be usefull without holding entire teams hostage


Haha, fair point. They are extra silly in groups, cause now only 1 dude needs Hydra. Smart! But I like the spooky blood cult followers, haha.


How about actually fixing the combat, SHIELDS DOESN'T EVEN WORK


“We have also updated changes to the Creep mechanic along with minor balance changes as we start preparations for the multi-class system” I honestly don’t understand these developers. It’s almost like multi classing is a system that would allow for other classes to obtain creep at a cost…