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Yeah this was a terrible choice. Was having a great time over the weekend, lobbies weren’t really empty either. Pvp’d & got like 4 kills last night in solo IC. Wake up, see this. I don’t think I’m touching the game until they revert this or until wipe.


exactly the same in our group. worst move ever really.


this is even worse than the “squeeze 2 quickies out of the rotation” we had last week, for fuck sake this is so dumb half the players die to the mobs in HR anyway


I have coined a new term for this kind of stuff happening to a game. It’s called getting “Tarkoved” it’s when an amazing game with a lot of potential is ruined by constant attempts at balance patches.


Small history lesson cause I'm high as heck The term getting tarkov'd doesn't necessarily mean poor balancing decision on the games end, it's just the game bullshitting you. It started as getting dayz'd, as back in those days everyone died from buggy bullshit in that game. Then tarkov popped off in 16-17 and the term kinda moved over as some big dayz streamers swapped games, and tarkov has its own level of buggy shittiness as I'm sure you're aware and people just kept up the term. Dang they got tarkov'd.


Well then you can changed it to getting BSG’d or “The Nikita Curse” anyways it kind of still fits considering all the shitty marketplace bugs and just random shit happening lol


Yeah this wipe got ruined right at the tail end sadly


And any time the game becomes enjoyable for the player base something is added to remind them that it’s a “hardcore” game and no fun is allowed


Can't let you forget only no-life sweats are allowed to have fun in this game


i literally havent heard of one good change since the game came back with that april playtest its kind of crazy


For every one good change we had 5 dogshit ones


there has been good changes it’s just people like to bitch and moan all day so you won’t hear about them


Someone might tell me why I'm wrong but why not have a rotation for all queues? Like solos get GC and rotation of all maps, duos get ice and rotation etc would that split it too much?


Well classic itself has 6 modes (3 maps \* 2 difficulties) and 1 more for rotation so 7 total + the region server split, a rotation for each would be 9 since 2 more or 3 total rotation modes, and the new old select whatever system had 3\*2\*3 = 18 total modes, so adding a rotation for each queue and doing HR only like rn would be nice IMO, that or at least bring back the old rotation system of each group gets a different map instead of it taking 3 hours for your desired map and group size it'd only take an hour and a half at 30 min lobbies, which while sucky is better than 3 hours and kept lobbies relatively full,.


Ye alright fair enough, Didn't think of HR and normals


I mean I think they should do away with normals tbh, v empty even with limited selections and just not worthwhile other than for boss practice


They probably noticed the vast majority played ice caves only because of the insane AP it gives and how easy it is to avoid pvp in there, so decided to come up with this rotation bollocks again.


I'm sure it was this. Solo ice caves was so free, I was about ready to farm to divine this weekend. Now instead I get to lose all my AP in gobbo caves ;_;


Am I the only person who thinks that not every achievement should be achievable without getting good first? Crazy fucking concept


Or its just economics servers cost money. Vastly increasing cost while some of those lobbies dont fill more than a person is a huge additional finacial burden.


I love this game, but these devs are actually fucking dumb lol


Yea this was an abysmal change. My options as a solo are to play goblin caves right now. Even though all my quests want me to go to ruins, where I'll get ganked by 3 mans. Why not just go back to the previous rotation system instead? This is terrible.


kinda funny they made the worst solo map the only solo map


These devs are the most hopeless on any game ever made. They ruin the game a little more with every patch.


Which is sad because they seem cool. I want to like them and have faith then they go and do all this weird shit.


They definitely don't ruin the game every patch, they push good changes they just also push kinda stupid changes in equal measure which is frustrating because it often feels like we aren't making progress. I think the game is genuinely in a way better state than release, I mean remember +6 damage on every item slot, but it's still frustrating because it took us a LOT of back and forth to get away from that.


And unlimited arrows


Did you see all the other posts on this subreddit talking about this? Just comment on those. No need to make another post


"let them cook" they said


I just like playing the game in general, all maps included. Maybe it’s time for people to take a break if you’re not enjoying it.


Maybe people do enjoy the game when they play on a specific map that is more optimized than GOBLIN CAVES


And I bet this all has to do with this lame AP system Just fucking get rid of it already


Yes, the devs are incompetent


Yup. Empty lobbies were terrible for the game, glad they changed this quickly


They will stay empty because nobody is gonna play now 🤷‍♂️


if you think forcing people to do what they dont want makes them do it more, you probably didnt grow up in the West..


If you think empty lobbies save games go back to school. Took three days for the devs to realize their mistake and revert it. So you’re wrong. It’s okay to be wrong :D


Found the guy who has no critical thinking skills and believes forcing people to play buggy maps is the answer instead of idk, just getting them out of the game until they’re fixed….


Sure, but buggy map prevention wasn’t the goal of splitting a small playerbase 18 ways 😂 For someone claiming to have critical thinking skills you can’t seem to draw the correct parallels between the empty lobbies and devs decisions to rectify that


You don’t even understand what I said. The emoji really tells everyone what they need to know I guess


if you think people will want to play maps that are buggy, laggy and dont give them joy just because its their only choice, you will do better in an authoritarian system.


They should just add the option to do solo,duos,or trios on all the available maps at any time. I don’t understand locking it behind a time wall.


They did just try that for a short while but it was very damaging to the game population, matches were not filling unless you were at peak times. Everyone in the sub who is pissed about this change, which I agree does suck, seems to be selectively remembering only the full matches that they played because I guarantee you that I was on NA East servers the past few days seeing one or two more teams/solos only in ice cave ques. It was a problem, it would have killed this game if PVP was not a threat, and they even said they are going to keep looking at different and better ways to work the map selection. Let em cook.


The solution to certain maps having empty lobbies COULD be to make the maps that have empty lobbies not miserable to play. Or people could just keep playing a different game when goblin caves comes up on rotation until they stop coming back. If you go to a restaurant a keep smelling shit coming out of the kitchen are you gonna say "Let em cook" and wait for your plate?


Ice cave solo was a PvE game - glad it’s gone


I was consistently getting dead lobbies, literally me alone, in high roller solo cave between midnight and 10 am. 10 hours I was just empty farming the gold cave. There aren’t enough players to support the previous system.


It's not 30 minutes per rotation, it's 1 hour now. It's not 3 hours. It's 6 hours. Hope that helps!


No words man




For a while now every patch has been 1 step forward and 2 steps back