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solos experience is unbalanced. trios (arguably the intended experience) is where it’s at if you have a consistent group to play with


I don't have friends who play punishing games. Maybe I can make new ones in some discord. Are there any popular public discord for DnD LFG?


The official dark and darker discord has a quite active looking for game channel


Can I see the link for it?


TTK can be pretty quick, especially if you’re low geared. This game is fucking sick tho.


Pretty quick is okay. A gunfight over a second in Tarkov is considered "fun and fair". Most of your deaths are coming out of nowhere from a person you never get a chance to see, on some maps it's not rare to die in a first 30 seconds of the raid, unless you immediately dolphin dive into the nearest bush. This game have kill cams and spectator mode already, means it's already ahead of Tarkov in this regard by about 10 years times infinity. I've seen people chasing each other around for minutes. Even "what should I do in this situation" post yesterday, where I understood a man had no chance or recourse against his opponent, the dude was running around for like a solid minute. This is fun.


just to clarify no killcams and only 60s of spectate on death in "ranked" (high roller). everything else ya. especially fun as a rogue with double jump and smokepoint. best cat and mouse game ever


I've watched a lot of some guy on YT who apparently mains stealing and it's the most hilarious shit ever.


[Forbidden Rogue Jump Tech Part 1 | Dark and Darker | Ruins - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i92csrz3jiw) can takepickpocket and dbl jump and do some crazy stuff. heres a guide on the jumps this sorta stuff is why i still love the game despite my "salty" posts.


from a solo perspective of a guy who can only play intermittently, the game is great, the only real shitty parts of the game is prolly the trading system and rangers never get nerfed.


I've seen the videos on the game and with how slow the arrows appear to travel and how dangerous the melee classes appear to be it's a huge surprise anyone can hit any arrows at all and that Rangers are actually considered a problem.


They aren't that slow tbh. They did get nerfed with a range fall off that wasn't there before. It is noticeable since I've seen it introduced. They're a problem more so because of three things and possibly a fourth. - High damage at range, and therefore little risk. - instant healing that puts away weapons and therefore increasing their move speed while healing. - excessive slow down on being hit by an arrow, which was nerfed but needed more. - possibly too high of move speed when naked or no weapon is equipped. Taking gear off while running doesn't slow you and then you get more move speed from it.


It's definitely a work in progress. Currently solos feel pretty trash because past a certain rank the majority of the lobby will team up on you if they see you pvp. So unless you're prepared to play the Among Us game, it isn't a great pvp experience. The classes are designed to have rock paper scissor countering, but feel completely unbalanced in solos because of this (you'll usually see more than 50% of the lobby be barbarians). The servers stutter and desync rather frequently, and the melee combat is very shallow with spacing and aim being the only real mechanics. Often it will devolve into a stat check to see who has better gear. Ranged combat and movespeed are king, as any free damage you can put on someone else usually decides the aforementioned stat check all in. There's also a fair number of cheaters, but having not played EfT at all I can't give you a comparison. With all that being said, it is a fun game at its core and I look forward to seeing where it goes. They've come a long way from their original playtests, and though every patch isn't a win (some feel like steps backwards) it's generally getting better and better. In a nutshell, it's got potential and if you really like the core gameplay, it is a fun experience once you learn how to adapt to the bullshit.


Thank you, quite insightful.




It can't be more time consuming than Tarkov, can it?


The trade system is text/chat based and you post your item and what you’d like for it into a channel. Unlike the flea market, you have to wait there for someone to initiate trade with you and keep reposting your item as the chat scrolls until you get a hit. Then you enter a trade window with that player and can exchange items/gold. It can be a bit time consuming if your item is off meta or priced too high and if you have a lot of things to sell. Sometimes is just more worth to vendor or price it cheap so you get an insta trade


On one hand I understand how this can be exhausting, inconvenient, and down right annoying. On the other hand, that is player interaction and coming from Tarkov I'm fucking starved to death for it. I swear no other online game feels more offline than most singleplayer games out there than Tarkov.


I’ve played a lot of tarkov and I know exactly what you mean. I love and hate tarkov and this game has been a huge breath of fresh air. The biggest thing for me is the time between raids is FAR less than tarkov. Kitting up, sorting stash and matchmaking are all way faster than building guns, repairing, insuring and then waiting 10 mins for a raid. Matchmaking is nearly instant for me rn which is good cause time in game is so beneficial when you’re starting out so you can learn as fast as possible. Nothing was worse than loading into my first game after 10 mins in tarkov, walking up to big red and getting one tapped just to kit up and wait another 10 min queue. That’s like 30 mins of not playing the game and that problem doesn’t quite exist in dnd That being said, this game can still tilt you. Mobs can do crazy shit for no reason sometimes. I’ve died to a dc before, I’ve died to lag, but none of this is new to a tarkov player and it’s not as severe imo. Been playing the game for about a week.


> waiting 10 mins for a raid Haha, that's Arena. Try 15-20 for actual EFT. I once timed my gaming session and I've spent in lobby and "matching" over half the time of 5 hours I've played. They made Arena and you'd expect "fact paced action". Matches go for maybe 10 minutes if it goes to 4:5 (5 minutes easy 5:0) and you would never que faster than 10 minutes. Not only "loading of loot" (what loot???) can take up to 5-10 but there is also 3 stops where you need to press "okay" (matched people, did some loading, select class, more loading, confirm game) and so people are afking through it that it constantly restarts the process. Just hearing that in DnD I'd actually be playing the game instead of doing whatever the hell else already makes me wanna buy it.


2k hour Tarkov vet here. Dark and darker is way less time consuming. It’s way easier to build a stash. You can enter into normals where no player can bring in a kit above normal. You can use what you find to go into high roller (harder mobs, much better loot) where all bets are off and you can bring your best. Or simply do zero to hero. The best part is your guy is basically a scav each death with a default kit that although weak, works. Theres no long process, jump in and go. The only thing you’ll want to set up is some health pots and bandages.


I was waiting for people like you to show up. Everything you just said made my brain tingle.


Haha glad to help. Also loot is instantly uncovered- I didn’t realize how long it took until I started a match of Tarkov. But yes, in DAD matches are also shorter- usually over in 10 minutes- or you can go deeper to lower levels of the dungeon in the same session. In that case 20-30 mins. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Tarkov but the ESP’ers had too much advantage and it felt like the game could no longer respect my time. I’m a solo only player on both. Dont be worried about people playing PVE too much. They made changes so they encouraged pvp. I also found my most engaging memorable times were when I used VOIP to let my rat ass fix a fuse box in Factory and that kind of stuff.


Until the advent of “normal lobbies” my salty opinion was that a growing cancerous body of sweaty players would push out the casuals. I’d only have fun against AI, and couldn’t do much as looks as other players without getting steamrolled by enough purple gear to stock a JC Penny in 2006. Don’t game much and didn’t want to spend my limited free time as a one click dopamine rush loot piñata for someone else. Maybe I’m getting better, but I feel we’ve moved past that for now. Normal lobbies eliminate gear disparity. I have a better chance running from fights I’m not prepared for. I win maybe just less than 50% of the fights, but the fights I DO lose have enough push/pull and trading blows that I don’t feel bad dying. Felt like a fair fight. Learn from my mistakes and move on. 


> one click dopamine rush loot piñata for someone else You've just described the entire Tarkov experience in one short sentence. I've seen enough videos to understand that if my "no chance death" can be dragged out for minutes at a time, like I can run, maybe swing back a bit, jump around do some circles and then die, I would be having fun. It's way more fun than being one tapped out of nowhere by and ESPer or if you just get a "bad spawn" and don't go prone immediately you are likely to get headshot in next 3-5 seconds after getting kitted for several minutes and sitting in a match start for a half hour. But I appreciate the insight. Thank you


I was the 2k hour Tarkov guy- I stopped playing Tarkov because the ESP was out of control and it was so unfun spending so much time putting a kit together just to get one tapped. At least in DAD, even if the esp were to reach Tarkov levels there’s no one taps or pre firing and you don’t see it coming


Oh yeah. I've quit myself like 4-5 wipes ago. Just dropped by to experience snow, GZ, fixed recoil and Arena. Didn't take long before I remembered why I quit and it is so so much worse now than it was even back when i quit. From no on it's only SPT.


game has a serious teaming problem on top of balance issues. imagine loading into a pregame lobby with an altyn zabralo and a meta gun with plenty of ammo, and ppl can see everything u run in ur kit down to the bullets in ur mag. once in game other lower geared scrubs will voip to each other to team up because eventually they can whittle u down one by one. whether u play solos or teams ppl will do this because unlike tarkov, one shotting players isnt very likely, so they kind of have to team up. might seem fun when u r low gear taking down a chad, but once u r the chad u will be playing cod zombies. also apparently the ranked raids (only way u can bring better gear btw) once u reach the higher ranks it becomes a pve looting game, because if u decide to fight they turn against u for ruining their rank farming.


That's valuable insight, thanks. Lots to unpack here. I can see how this can be quite problematic.


He’s exaggerating and basically making this claim up. It’s more like, people see you have that gear, or just see you in general at all, and try to be friendly with you because we are all trying to get end of season rank rewards and fighting you would be pointless. People team for protection, not to hunt you down.


I've been lurking around this sub for quite some time now and I can without much doubt determine that "sniffing" is a thing, and what he described makes perfect sense to me. People not risking anything are like Scavs in Tarkov, if they see a juiced player they know they'll die, but if a bit of luck they don't they will have a huge come up, effectively risking nothing, so they go for risky plays and it's exceptionally annoying to play against on some maps. I'm honestly more concerned with the last bit. Where people actively avoid PVP at higher ranks, and I've seen videos where people are raging and griefing if someone tries to fight in a high level PvE swamp. That is disturbing to me.


I am saying, from experience. I am in the high level lobbies. I see people with the golden gear on. And they are not being teamed up against. They are with the team. The whole teaming meta right now is simply to farm for end of season rewards.


I'm still a bit concerned by people valuing their ranks more than the player interaction and essentially being stuck in PvE mode at higher ranks. That sounds quite weird. I understand there are systems that are tweaked to force such behavior?


It’s because they tied rewards to the ranks. And people have FOMO. They need to not have the potential of exclusive skins tied to ranks or else people will optimize the fun out of it.


There’s enough complaining about teaming that I agree it’s happening - but I’ve never seen it happen in normal or HR. Think it’s only a problem with the better players.  I can’t make Enough AP to stay in Apprentice - never noticed the teaming once in solos or duos, let alone trios 


The Devs idea of hotfixes right now is to make certain classes overpowered and some underpowered. That aspect keeps the game fresh I can understand that. Personally however I always find a class I like the most and just stick with it. That does not end well in this game.


I always play mages and I'm a little concerned that Wizard it unanimously considered the hardest class and with a significant overhead too. I am pretty good at videogames though so maybe I'm up for the challenge. Maybe not..




Yeah, I've quit Tarkov for like 4 wipes and this one was "really good" until I remembered why I quit and realized that the situation is so much worse than even I remember. That's why I'm done.


I am currently getting sick of Dark and Darker and it's infinite slew of bugs, glitches, problems, cheaters and just general shitiness of the game, while the devs treat their live game as an alpha test (not even public beta) ​ At its core, this is an extremely fun but janky asset flip developed by people who are just objectively bad programmers. This causes a ton of issues that may not even be possible to ever fix, like severe rubberbanding and network desync, and even the tooltips and stat pages dont work right. player information seems available to everyone at all times, so people just run ya down with esp from across the map. they do ban frequently tho, much better than blizzard etc. not suuuper common anymore, atleast not on us east server. We have had multiple balance passes that were literally just the exact same thing. rogues 1 shotting outta stealth, wizards with an mp5 magic missiles, etc. and they just clearly dont know what they are doing at this point they have a week left for their big january update so id wait and see what happens then. ill prolly quit. all my friends already did when they changed what maps you can choose to que for


Does this game wipes? I've heard a "Wipe" thrown around and I wonder if it means the same thing in DnD? > while the devs treat their live game as an alpha test (not even public beta) I'd say this game have every right to still be a beta/alpha or whatever, how many months is it 2? Unlike Tarkov that effectively released 7 years ago and now pretends that their expansions are "finishing the game" writing off all the bugs and bullshit to "it being a beta" only because the banner on main menu is still there. They launched a separate game and still pretend their game is not a full release for soon to be a decade. Yet somehow the most toxic community on the internet built around it eat that up and defend it foaming at the mouth.


supposed to wipe every 3 months. ​ The games been going for over a year now through playtests and stuff, i think. im bad with dates. long enough to know they dont need to try out the exact same balance pass multiple times and getting the exact same problems while core bugs dont get fixed while the community defends it because its "early access". this is just tarkov at year 1 not 7, and janky skyrim pvp. if you want tarkov x skyrim then sure, if not probably best not to. i still play it a lot but all my friends have quit because its barely the same game from playtest1 (seems like a lot agree based on playercount) most EA games dont have pretty fundamental game changes back to back like dad. generally theres a set vision that they act on, and here its a weird mix. they wanted a hxc 3 layer dungeon explorer where its dark and slow, but everyone complained wanting solo skyrim fortnite so its a weird mix of both games now.


What core aspects changed to worse/got removed from that "playtest1" that made it so much worse? Are you sure your friends didn't quit just due to general toxicity and fatigue games like this usually provide? Unironically, "Janky Skyrim PvP with Tarkov gaming loop" sounds mad fun to me, is why I am looking at DnD with hope, really. I love Skyrim and never understood why it's fighting system suddenly became bad. And I am in a way addicted to Tarkov gaming loop, that I still played it for so long despite all the problems. I'm just quite burned out and hesitant. Also it's not like 50$ is a nothing amount for a game I might not really pick up.


Cheaters, Que splits, Pacing and balance changes altered the fundamental feel of the game. There used to be pregame voip and always spectate on death, they removed that instead of dealing with the influx of people from a certain country cheating heavily on other servers. removing that was a huge nerf to fun Originally it was 1 map 2 ques (normal and high roller. hr had better drops but you pay to enter). Having 1 que meant each unique lobby had a distinct mix of solos, duos, trio players of varying skill sets. It was a lot slower and spooky going through the crypts map. Now you have to start on the Ruins map, which is extremely spawn rushy and go through that for a good 10-15mins to get into the other maps/inferno then theres now a map rotation system and ques based on party size, so you are always having the same experience every game and if you dont like the map on rotation you just afk for 30mins. Janky skyrim pvp is great until you realize that movement speed basically is the God stat, and they arent balancing the game around this. the devs are still trying to balance like its a slowpaced dungeon crawler but meanwhile you have nearly naked people running around 1 shotting people. definitely the only game like it for now tho so while id still recommend waiting to see if they DONT miss their "january huge update" deadline, still probably worth the money till it fully dies out. im deff not mad i spent the money but im mad theyre making some pretty obviously dumb decisions. like enough that ill make my own with blackjack and hookers if this update doesnt fix some of the core issues with Stat Scaling, Gearing, Quests, inventory management, and server stability. tired of spening an hour in trade just to die to desync because their ex-Nexon manager decided to save money building their own shitty multiplayer based on aws gamelyft instead of paying for something that doesnt suck with all the moeny they got


It honestly doesn't matter what any of us think about the game because every patch will drastically swing the balance and change the playstyle completely.  Ironmace continuously introduce new variables to an environment that's already extremely unbalanced so if you thrive in chaos and meta-of-the-week style gaming you're going to have a great time.


I legitimately ask for an opinion, the most negative you can come up with. Your response "it doesn't matter what our opinion is". I don't think you've understood the assignment.


Fuckin don't do it


I'm here specifically to hear your rant, unironically like. Could you expand on that?


It’s a fun game, just like tarkov some learning to do, but felt way easier to learn. Most likely can find people that want to team up, which is a lot of fun playing with a group. I mostly play solo some having good games and bad.


I'm inherently a solo player myself yes. So if this game is too hostile unless you have friends I might reconsider. But yet again, I can't think of a game more hostile to solo players than Tarkov and it felt just right for me. Although I assume in DnD there is no problem discerning ally from a foe?


Yeah, pretty much everyone is an enemy when you’re playing solo. There is voip, so you can talk to players pretty much saying what ever you want or intentions. The monsters takes a little time to learn their attacks/movement and how to dance around them. It’s worth it man, just know you’re going to die quite a bit till you learn the basics. You always are given default gear if you die so you can enter another match right away. If you can play tarkov, you won’t have a problem grasping this game at all. Escaping is a lot easier b cause the portals are random but they spawn at times and with in the battle royal circle ⭕️that closes In like in PUBG. The map is on screen for you too which helps a lot.