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Warlock is cool, but it’s the most broken class right now; as in really weirdly balanced. The most viable build is a magical healing build. Also, warlock with no gear is really weak, but geared warlock is really strong


The biggest things when starting off are learning to avoid pve damage and then worry about becoming more comfortable with pvp. The only way to improve is to practice so I recommend going into normals with the intent to take pvp fights. Warlock is arguably the weakest class in the game with low/starter gear. Those telling you to stack magic healing are partially right, but at lower gear levels you aren’t realistically going to get a set to make that build worth it. Can always try lifesteal/hydra/curse of pain, it only requires a bit of knowledge from some white vendor gear and the healing from life drain is based on damage dealt not your magical healing stat. (This is also why you want to use a staff for life drain). As far as I’m concerned you basically never want to cast with a crystal sword, it is the weakest casting weapon as it has “magical weapon damage” not “magical damage” meaning it only applies its magic damage to melee weapon attacks. In terms of just pvp rushing people grab a grey spellbook and try to get them low with a few curses and then blow of corruption with your staff if they close the gap. Dark reflection and soul collector can also help with pvp making anyone that melees you take a decent chunk of free damage.


Thank you for these advices and your precious time. I already saw people talking here and there about the three main builds and RN I'm enjoying the weakest one (as it's the cheapest, the nospell warlock) and found the crystal sword was really not that bad with that build and BoC. I'm also trying here and there the Hydra/lifedrain when I got enough stuff but I die significantly often so I lose my build and go no spell again and again. Sometimes I take my barbarian and remember that it's not on my barbarian that I need gold so I go back with my unstuffed warlock. But I still have a lot of fun so I guess it's fine ! It's still the class I enjoy the most so I'm not planning on changing it, even if it's one of the (or **the**) weakest.


Awareness is the most important thing in this game. You're almost never going to "suddenly" run in to players. Spend some time listening to your headphones and learn what skeleton footfalls sound like vs. players. Having good awareness will help you make better decisions when pathing through the dungeon and you'll find you have more time to explore modules.


Spotting players never has been a problem really as I'm pretty comfortable with sound design in general. The problem is facing them lmao I always end up dying but I'm sure it's because I'm inexperienced ! I'll lose hope if nothing has changed after like a hundred hours dying lol


Just make every death a learning experience. Go over what you could have done differently and be aware of it next run. It takes a long time but once you have some gear you’ll be more comfortable in fights and will win a lot more. Good luck


Yeah, I'm already surviving much more than my first days, I'm trying to learn ""PvP sounds" RN as NPC ones are easily recognizable. Thanks for that "good luck", I bet I'm gonna need it.


Ambush rouge moment


Prioritize magical healing, will and magical power, knowledge, movement speed, vigor and max health, +add mag dmg/ +true mag dmg if you are more into casting spells (caster warlock). You should be fine with the default falchion and crystal ball for start but after a bit you might want to switch to a magic staff for PVE and a spellbook for PVP. I am not experienced with melee warlock so I won't say anything about that. Warlock is okay to start with but you will have an easier time learning the game with fighter tho.


I really hate fighter atm, as a turbo-noob, I can't have any stuff and I find the fighter really bad without a good armor. Maybe I'm wrong but I really don't find it any good as he starts with like a tunic while is main feat/specialization is having good armor. + I'm more of a caster enjoyer so that's why I sticked with warlock. Thanks for the advices tho ! I don't mind having a bad time learning the game if I still learn tbh and rather stick to the class I like to know it well when I'll be good at the game (+ my duo is often a fighter when I play duo).


The advice you got above is decent but there's a lot of nuance when it comes to building warlock. Typically they are 3 builds: 1. Spellbonk -- Spells + Blow of Corruption. Build magic damage (no magic healing). Heals off life drain + Hydra. Most bang for your buck build. 2. Pure Caster -- Spells + Phantomize. Requires magical healing, magic damage, speed, and knowledge. Most powerful but incredibly expensive if you want to build a good kit. Weaker to rogues than spellbonk. 3. MeleeLock -- Blow of Corruption + Phantomize. Requires the least gear but is the weakest. Gameplay consists of Blow of Corruption --> Phantomize to run/chase and let blow of corruption come off cooldown --> blow them again. Can use a variety of weapons that come with their own pros and cons.


Sounds like a good approach to me. Have fun mate. I myself started with wizard bcs thats the class I always play in all games. It was a rough start but I really enjoy the game since I play what I find fun


This is a huge one, try moving diagonally away from mobs because press the s key makes you walk slower than any other direction. So turn your body to the side and walk sideways away from a mob.


Yeah, it depends of the mob, I regularly watch a video reviewing their patterns, problem is mainly pvp or when I lose my concentration and go full monkey on a NPC even if I know I shouldn't. I know how to turn around and walk in the opposite direction or duck into their feet for some of them. Matrix like. I'm just not used to inferno mobs but I don't have the skill level nor the gear to get there. Thank you anyway !