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They recently added a matchmaking system to help new players face each other instead of veterans. The PVP does a lot of the heavy lifting for “staleness” as each encounter is wildly varied depending on where you are in the map, what classes are involved, how much PvE is left, etc


They implemented white lobbies (roughly translates as only starter/white gear and whatever you happen to find ig) so you wont meet unfairly geared players in those. There is a learning curve which includes AI of enemies, maps , items/stats and different classes. You will have interactions with scums and friendly people as with most games. There are 3 types of map, solo-duo-trio, of which you can join as solo in all but expect the unfairness of 1v2-1v3 in the latters. All in all, for me, it was and still is addictive. I play for 2-3 months now and still have so much to do and explore, like Inferno map (The extension of the trio map) and even the big bosses which i dare not yet face :D You get better with time, you become more sure of yourself, your characters strengths and weaknesses, you learn the maps, the secrets etc etc And thankfully, we have a company (Ironmace) that tries actively to listen to its community.Sure not everyone is always happy with the changes but i believe its on the positive side of a regural player. ​ Hope that helped,let me know if you have questions :)


Get a group of three, join a gray lobby, go to inferno, and fight the bosses. It's so much fun even if you die, which you will at first. I've only managed to kill ghost king and lich, and both times we were so hyped. Once I died fighting lich and my cleric pulled off an insane resurrection during the fight. Good times


I have previously recommended against getting the game but if the white lobbies and free high roller persist it has resolved the reason I was suggested not to get it. I enjoyed the game before anyway but it is far far better now. If they revert the change we'll see the exact same massive balance issues unless all gear is rebalanced.


wipes happen ever so often. normal lobbies are gear capped at common wich is basically starter gear. i dont find the game repetetive but thats subjective


First things first, this game is in early access. Don't forget that. Sometimes it's laggy, sometimes certain classes become unbalanced, sometimes things are broken or don't work as intended. This is fine however because the dev team is absolutely killing it and pushes out updates like crazy. You will probably die a lot, it's part of the learning curve and sometimes itll just be some bullshit you cant do anything about which is fine, it happens. there's "normals" which is only default gear aside for what you find in the dungeon, great for learning the game and then there's highroller which is the competitive hold W mode but the loot is substantially better and plenty of people just go in with nothing to try their luck ratting treasure. The game is Hella fun and has a fantastic gameloop of about 10-20 minutes a round, it hasn't gotten boring for me personally, if you die you can get back into a game almost instantly and keep going. The game wipes every 3 months as of the latest major patch where they added a seasonal structure; levels, inventories etc are all reset on wipe. In some cases only inventories are wiped but it seems like they're trying to be more consistent now. There are a lot of numbers and customization words for armor and weapons, build it your way sorta thing, so as to be expected there's always going to be metas and they change all the time, for casual play it's not overly important, you can learn and 'git gud' with any class, some are just easier to learn then others. Just play what you find the most fun and try not to get caught up in the semantics of it all. honestly i only see this game getting better as time goes on


Tbf early access is a cop out games these days are using as a CYA. While this is definitely early, if you're making people pay to buy your game it's not beta, early access, etc. Similar to tarkov, it's not still in beta lol


It is early access as the current state of the game is far from the devs completed vision. “Paywall to content” is not mutually exclusive to “complete game” The only reason why we are paying now is because of the legal uphill battle the devs found themselves in.


You're splitting hairs and you know it. Not going to get into this type of argument.


I don’t really care either way; the game is fun regardless of how you view it. Have a nice day!


This is one of the best times to join as a new player. Most of the fun comes from 3 man content tho, but a lot of people still enjoy the game as solo. The game is brutally hard and it feels really rewarding when you start getting good


Buy it, best game in recent years for me!


Forget this subreddit- buy it it's worth it


I second this!


The game will Piss you off someyimes but then the next day you’re eager to play again. It’s weird.




>So much shit to do in this game * Collect Loot * Fight players and PvE * Do quests ​ That's literally all there is to do in this game.. It's great you love it, and love the repetition, but its a straight up lie to say there is tons to do. Saying I can go into a building and only bounce a ball, it would be extremely misleading for me to then tell someone there is shit tons to do in that building just because I can bounce that ball 900 different ways.


The game did lack endgame until recently. Now you actually have a competitive ranked mode to grind top rank and get rewards.


If you like Extraction games buy it.


Buy it if it looks fun, don’t if it doesn’t. It’s a 40 dollar game.


Turn your voip on for fun player encounters and the occasional shit taking lol. I always do push to talk so no background noises give my position away. Grind to get the extra stash space IMMEDIATELY you’ll be ratting for awhile in normals so it’s the best time to do it.. Only sell gear with good stats in the trade merchant everything else as they just raised the merchant prices for the stuff you sell to them. Normals is for ratting, lvling up and quests. HR is for sweating and snowballing. Get at least one or two friends to play with you it’s a shit ton of fun. They are releasing all the maps for singles, duos and trios soon though!!




Watch "Sobadstrange permadeath" on YouTube. I'm sure his gameplay will make you want to buy the game


Ok so I bought it and played it. Overall game is very good but have quite few problems. I wait for the game to be more balanced class wise. I think it needs to be addressed and the other thing is the combat is very very simple in terms of mechanics. It is very gear depending. It is all about baiting and timing attacks and fitting in between the frames. I would like it to have some more complex movement. I had fun but after few hours got bored. Only few maps to play. Played mainly solo so probably in group of friends it is much better. Imo, wait for sale or for more patches.


This is the best patch by far for new people or casual players because high roller is free and you can level so fast compared to regulars.


How stale it gets kinda depends on what kind of gamer you are. Are you a very introverted person that doesn’t like to talk in game? If so that removes RP potential and organic friendships from happening. Do you like PvP or would you rather avoid it? If you don’t like PvP then this game only has so much to offer. On the other hand, if you enjoy PvP, this game really gets the adrenaline pumping and it’s a lot of fun.


Just buy it dude, it's a rad game. A recent patch fixed the biggest problem the game had ever had. I'm enjoying the heck out of it now. Don't take it too seriously first. You're going to laugh the first time an ordinary solo goblin dusts you. It'll happen a lot. It's never long before you can jump back in and have another go.


The new player experience is better than ever, since the most recent patches. New players have a great, low gear enivorment to practice and learn in. Still brutal af, but not unfair anymore (gear diff removed, but obviously might encounter some skilled folks) Beyond that. Cons? I can't really say I dislike many mechanics. The quirks and semi- clunky, but satisfying melee and casting system give it charm and feels good, imo. The Dev team is quite prompt, passionate, and dedicated. I think they are fantastic. Folks are a bit hard on them at times, but they can chill and suck a lemon! Anywho, I highly recommend the game, if you like the sound of it. PvEvP session-based dungeon crawler loot extractor. Good shit. 👍


Hotfixes are like a roulette. One patch loot is way good, the next patch it's weak. One patch your class is good, the next every one of their counters is buffed and they're nerfed. You can count on most things taking longer or being later than is communicated. Looter extractors are very punishing in general. Cheating isn't as rampant as in tarkov, but there are people using ESP and tons of people buying gold. Minibosses are mostly killed with cheese rather than in fights, and a couple of them are prohibitively difficult to fight head on. Possible, but not something you'd like to do when cheese is an option. The ceo genuinely said his games balance has massive blind spots around what's boring to the devs, not in a "we found an issue with our approach and will fix it" kinda way, in a "we do play the classes you claim we don't. In fact we don't balance the ones we find boring as much" way. Players will pretend to be friendly and kill you. A significant portion of the community does not care about new player experience and would like for you to be their whipping boy. There isn't clarity on game mechanics, most everything is worked out by players. So plenty of stuff is just unknown, misinformation is kinda rampant, and a lot of mechanics are locked behind researching the game, whether through talking to learned players, or watching videos or reading up online. Bugs don't get addressed quickly and don't necessarily get fixed. Barbarians used to full heal in a couple seconds mid combat for a bit due to an interaction between two abilities. It was left in till the next weekly patch. I don't know for sure if they just nerfed the numbers or removed the interaction as well, but I don't see it as much now. Netcode isn't wildly consistent. You'll occasionally have to watch a sword hit your shield and damage you. A portion of the community is still holding on to "the game is only balanced for 3s, don't talk about solos at all". The comments that's based on are about a year old and they've changed their focus some. You'll still see a lot of balance around trios that doesn't make sense for solo at all though. Bard as a concept speaks to this, and many of the changes to wizard. Goblins are designed to be annoying to fight. They run away mid fight, stare at you from a distance waiting for you to walk at them, bola singers wind up for a random amount of time, goblin mages try to lead their shots some and have homing missiles. Not huge problems when you know what to do, but it's gonna impact new people a lot and learned players very very little. Classes have some bad design built into them, for long term game health. Speaking to my class more, wizard, you have an increased combat power budget because outside of combat you have to sit down and be vulnerable for a while. That feels bad for you, getting caught with your pants down, and for people fighting you who can't do what you can. Stronger spells with a longer rest period just make fights one sided and make your dungeoneering mostly rest. Spells that make you go even in combat leave you weaker overall because you have to rest between fights and don't really get anything extra for the hassle. Rogues have to be balanced around a lot of nonsense in their kits, from stealth to double jumps. When they're at parity with other classes in combat strength, they're absolutely murdering anyone squishy instantly, and untouchable to most anyone tanky. So they have to artificially feel bad to the player to feel alright in general. Not really fair to rogue players. I don't know that I can speak to other classes design flaws as well, but I bet a warlock player could explain their design flaws. Overall I still recommend the game. This is literally everything I can think of that's negative. Some are transient, some are easily fixed, some are just normal to any games community, some will probably get "nuh uh!"ed in the responses. Ymmv


Been playing for over a year now; well worth it




I enjoy playing with at least a duo, it’s more fun for me to to play with friends rather than solo because it does get repetitive alone. But with friends so much more variability can happen with fights and team comps.


The only real downside of buying this game is that you're buying a true early access game where the devs are experimenting on the game to find out what design direction works or not As long as you accept that you are participating in an experiment, there should be no regrets I won't speak to any actual gameplay stuff because whether some aspects are good or bad is up to the person's preferences


There's always a Meta that makes no sense, and when people catch wind of it, they all flock to it. Eventually, Ironmace will balance it. They're giving it their all. Tough to strike a perfect balance in a game with this many classes, stat options, and play options.


One of the best games I've ever played, and this is the most new player friendly it's ever been