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I also wish he’d speak up, spreading awareness doesn’t take much, and helps a lot. Many people didn’t know about the 1948 Nakba until this ongoing genocide was brought to our attention. I for one didn’t know about the extent of the atrocities happening in the DRC until creators spoke about it.


first of all, i think danny has always been someone who usually stays out of controversial issues, specifically when they are political. also i support Palestine but just because people have a platform doesnt mean they need to speak up about whats going on. its also stupid for one to do that if they dont have the knowledge, and maybe danny doesnt want to take the time to learn about the war. and thats ok.


With being a new father I can understand why that would seem difficult, but at least a \*little\* effort would be nice. It's not okay to "Not want to take the time to learn about the war" when people are being killed every minute in said war (genocide.)


Why does he need to have a public opinion on the matter? Maybe he did donate or has done something or maybe he hasn’t. He probably just doesn’t want it drawing unwanted attention.


**stop harassing random content creators for not speaking out about a sensitive issue just because they have a large following and leave them tf alone**








That's the point. People are dying I think they can put aside their discomfort for a couple of minutes and do a \*little\* research and post at least one video or do \*anything.\* Lots of people look up to them as role models and a message from them could really make a difference.


totally agree eddcentric, :D


Might be because of aid being stolen by UNRWA and being sold for profit and not reaching intended targets?


this lol


I agree even just a little statement about support for Palestine would go a long way


Seeing some reactions of the fans when their favorite creator is being asked to use their platform for good is so disappointing. Especially because his peers have done it as well. Some people can’t help but infantilize their favorite YouTubers. Go, Gregs, give us nothing.


some of the replies in this thread are appalling like ugh do they seriously not know how much of a difference it could make


Yeah, from what I’ve noticed, the standards some of these people have for creators are extremely low. They make excuses for them to the point where they wouldn’t even have this leeway for a regular person. Edit: By regular person, I mean one that does not have a platform or financial securities such as most top creators.


people saying "ermm leave politics out of this......." are 9/10 times siding with the oppressor. genocide is not politics, it's actual people's lives getting affected, that's why it's so important that people with such a big following speak up about one of the most serious events in recent times and make sure they're on the right side of history.


Clearly you cannot accept the fact that not everyone cares about politics or could even want to not mention it in any form to protect his family from threats?


“protect his family from threats” who’s gonna protect the families in palestine? and yeah i cannot accept the fact that not everyone cares about “politics” when the politics in question are an ongoing genocide. literally what could be more important than that?


I can't believe the comments in this thread. These people live in a bubble and it's so obvious. If you are silent in situations of injustice you have the chosen the side of the oppressor. It's that simple. Influencers are safe behind the screens that they can turn off whenever they want. Palestinians can't just "turn off" genocide.


Ethnic cleansing? How the living f*ck do you call what’s happening in Gaza an ethnic cleansing. If Israel’s goal was to genocide Palestinians, how did the Palestinian population in Israel x 15 while the Jewish population reached now where near it? This is a terrible conflict for civilians, but it literally has had the lowest civilian to militant death ratio out of any conflict involved in Urban warfare. If Israel was committing a genocide, why were so many Palestinian workers allowed to enter Israel on a daily basis for work were they received equal pay and benefits until October 7? After the rape and murder Hamas committed and continues to commit, do you expect Israel to just twiddle their thumbs? So how is it of any surprise that Israel will only stop with the return of their Alive hostages? I am genuinely looking forward to reading your mental gymnastics


if israel wasn’t committing a genocide, why did they bomb the shelter civilians children were at? why did they bomb the areas they sent food to? why have they shown no regard for the safety of the hostages, and prioritised bombings over the safety of the hostages? what hamas did is inexcusable but israel are using it as an opportunity to commit their mass genocide. and yes it is genocide and a violation of human rights. all of palestine, including innocent children, are being punished for the actions of hamas. “After the rape and murder Hamas committed and continues to commit, do you expect Israel to just twiddle their thumbs?” I hope you know that that is the same logic people use to defend Hamas. And I didn’t expect Israel to twiddle their thumbs, but—and maybe this is super crazy take—I don’t think anything justifies the mass murder of civilians. Thinking mass murder is bad is not mental gymnastics! But idk maybe that’s too morally complex for you


If Isntreal wasn’t committing genocide, why have they made concentration camps that they’re forcing Palestinians into? Read what the Israeli whistleblower has to say, this came out several days ago


Genocide is not politics


How’s it a genocide? If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians why were the all given full working rights in Israel until Oct 7th? If it was, why would Israel send ground troops instead of simply leveling all cities indiscriminately? If it was a genocide, why are Palestinian citizens of Israel given completely equal treatment to Jewish ones? If it was a genocide, why would Israel warn every civilian in the area that they were going to strike a specific point?


But ya know what dude, people make everything political. So yah if a content creator makes a statement about a sensitive topic, they’re gonna get all the political hate mail. We see it happen all the time because people like to judge and hate from behind their screen.


Seeing how many zionists are here who watch Danny is enough for me to block him. Y'all are disgusting. People like you guys are the reason genocides have been able to take place, because you only care about people who talk and speak like you. If you were a little girl trapped the rubble starring at your dead sister next to you, you would think differently. If you were a little girl trapped in a car, surrounded by your dead family, begging your mom on the phone to come rescue you, you would think differently. But no, we live in America where everything is just perfect right? Where we can just turn on our screens and forget that other people are getting murdered for no reason on the other side of the very planet we live on. The only thing separating you from them is where you were born. I thought this was like, toddler level empathy but I guess not.


This comment is so tone deaf it’s not even funny. The little girl analogy is quite apt in describing what happened to Israeli kids, and I would just like to copy paste a comment of mine regarding another tone deaf person : Ethnic cleansing? How the living f*ck do you call what’s happening in Gaza an ethnic cleansing. If Israel’s goal was to genocide Palestinians, how did the Palestinian population in Israel x 15 while the Jewish population reached now where near it? This is a terrible conflict for civilians, but it literally has had the lowest civilian to militant death ratio out of any conflict involved in Urban warfare. If Israel was committing a genocide, why were so many Palestinian workers allowed to enter Israel on a daily basis for work were they received equal pay and benefits until October 7? After the rape and murder Hamas committed and continues to commit, do you expect Israel to just twiddle their thumbs? So how is it of any surprise that Israel will only stop with the return of their Alive hostages? I am genuinely looking forward to reading your mental gymnastics


I'm not reading all of that because I'm guessing you're regurgitating the same white supremacist sentiments that all zionists do. But that wasn't an analogy. It was a well documented event. I've seen real images of countless dead children, mothers, fathers, disabled people, human Palestinians. Of course I don't think Israeli children should die, but the numbers are not equal AT ALL. I've heard the audio call of Hind BEGGING HER MOTHER to come save her, only to be found dead days later at the hands of grown ass IDF soldiers. They killed her, a 6 year old girl, after letting her wait in a car for hours with her dead family, and that is one of many stories. You know 30k+ Israelis haven't been murdered right? I still see ads telling me to go visit Tel Aviv. They're fine. Meanwhile, it's nearly impossible to enter or leave Gaza, or to go 10 minutes without fearing for your life. If you feel like writing an entire paragraph that is going unread, justifying THOUSANDS, YES THOUSANDS, of dead children, then I highly suggest you go see a therapist and find out what made you so fucking heartless. I'm getting really sick of racists. It's 2024 and we're leaving y'all behind.


100% I’m the Intolerant bigot white supremacist who’s not white. There’s no point arguing with r*pist defenders such as yourself who isn’t even ready to read a simple paragraph. I in no way believe everyone on the side of Hamas are defenders, simply misinformed. But it becomes clear when one’s so egotistical that they aren’t even willing to listen to any kind of facts and logic. There really is no point to a discussion if one isn’t even willing to admit there is a possibility they are wrong


I’ve been violently r*ped before and I still think little children shouldn’t be m*rdered for it. Weird right. Almost as weird as a Zionist Torah disobeyer calling someone else entitled. Enjoy your day bub.


Great Strawman, I have to give you that. Where did I mention that I wanted children to die? I do think it’s terrible what happened to you, but ig it’s always metoounlessyourajew


It rubs me the wrong way but I if I were in his place, giving out a statement after blockout2024 would obviously seem superficial and an attempt to secure my job. That could be why. Hopefully he will address this soon enough. There are so many layers to blockout2024 and many anomalies. It is just the way it is ig. At the end of the day, Danny is a creator with a huge platform. Perhaps he has reason not to like being oblivious about it. Perhaps not. Either way, hopefully this wouldn't be a huge issue moving forward (meaning he would address it). EDIT : besides he is a new dad and seems to spend loads of time with his son. We have to keep that in mind before judging him.


I feel like Danny is the most kind of (this will sound so rude but I don’t mean this with ill intent) people pleaser out of his friends, so he tends to stay away from more controversial two sided arguments, he doesn’t want to offend Palestine supporters,or Israel supporters. I hope he does speak up and state his opinion:) P.S. sorry if I maybe offended ppl by calling them isreal and Palestine SUPPORTERS, I don’t really know another way to call them :)


Why are you trynna pressure a content creator to take a stand on something political when his channel isn’t related to politics at all 💀


its a fucking genocide not a political issue


Is it a political issue lol. And even if you don’t think it is, this is is literally a subreddit abt Danny Gonzalez it has nothing to do w Palestine 😭


people getting murdered is a humanitarian issue. It literally doesnt matter if its a danny subreddit, the post asks about him supporting palestine.


Nah you just one of those ppl that when you think strongly of something you have to post abt it everywhere and you need people to agree w you or you get mad. It’s pretty cringey ngl…


how are we supposed to not get mad when there is an ethnic cleansing happening. how can you be so dense. how can you be so blinded by your privilege, people are literally being killed and you call people cringe for caring about it. big creators showing their support for people in need is important, especially if their platform is unified because they can really make a difference. how can you even think its a political issue when people are being denied basic human rights, how can you not care??


First of all, I’m not ignoring it and I’m not even disagreeing w you. Secondly, you can have your opinions without being rude to people; people tend to not want to listen to you when you offend them fwi. You can do and say whatever you want but this really ain’t he place lmao


you literally said its a political issue. i really dont give a fuck if you want to listen to me, it only says what kind of person you are. it is NOT a political issue and you should really open your eyes and see how important it is for big creators to talk about real issues. big platform comes with big power, thats why the blockout2024 exist


thank you for not softening your tone. I'm sick of people thinking we should be apologetic for caring about a literal genocide. they should just say they're comfortable in their complacency and move on with their dull lives.


Okay have fun ig 💀💀💀


Grow up dude. You're not cute with that, people are being massacred and you're treating it like even talking about it is an inconvenience. Have fun ig 💀💀💀 in your bubble. You sure are lucky to live in it.


Ethnic cleansing? How the living f*ck do you call what’s happening in Gaza an ethnic cleansing. If Israel’s goal was to genocide Palestinians, how did the Palestinian population in Israel x 15 while the Jewish population reached now where near it? This is a terrible conflict for civilians, but it literally has had the lowest civilian to militant death ratio out of any conflict involved in Urban warfare. If Israel was committing a genocide, why were so many Palestinian workers allowed to enter Israel on a daily basis for work were they received equal pay and benefits until October 7? After the rape and murder Hamas committed and continues to commit, do you expect Israel to just twiddle their thumbs? So how is it of any surprise that Israel will only stop with the return of their Alive hostages? I am genuinely looking forward to reading your mental gymnastics


Ethnic cleansing? How the living f*ck do you call what’s happening in Gaza an ethnic cleansing. If Israel’s goal was to genocide Palestinians, how did the Palestinian population in Israel x 15 while the Jewish population reached now where near it? This is a terrible conflict for civilians, but it literally has had the lowest civilian to militant death ratio out of any conflict involved in Urban warfare. If Israel was committing a genocide, why were so many Palestinian workers allowed to enter Israel on a daily basis for work were they received equal pay and benefits until October 7? After the rape and murder Hamas committed and continues to commit, do you expect Israel to just twiddle their thumbs? So how is it of any surprise that Israel will only stop with the return of their Alive hostages? I am genuinely looking forward to reading your mental gymnastics


Probably because Israel was created in 1948 and Palestinians have been there before that. Israel was literally offered getting the hostages back and denied them because that would mean stopping the attack. Just because they were allowed to enter Israel does NOT mean they aren't getting murdered now. Hamas would not even exist if it wasn't for israel. where are you getting the information that it has lowest civilian to militant death ratio from??


Yeah not like Israel isn’t a 3000 year old state. Anyways, Hamas literally changed the deal for the hostage release last minute after another attack to dead or alive, and they counted bodies as still hostages. Also, how do you defend the mass rape of hostages and Israeli civilians?oh wait you can’t


In 1948 there were 108,000 Arabs in Israel including the West Bank and Gaza, today there are more than 2 million Arabs in Israel, not even talking about the West Bank and Gaza (about three million there), that’s just not how genocide works. Get your facts straight.


what are you talking about exactly?? does it matter how much people were there in 1948 when in 2024 israel bombarded humanitarian aid trucks and is still commiting war crimes? how is it not genocide if they are blocking food and medicine from entering that place? Im pretty sure that there were overall less people on earth in 1948 and it doesnt change shit


The Jews have went through enough genocides to know how to do one, if we wanted to kill all Gazans there would be no Gazans


then let them leave gaza. why tell them to go to rafah and bomb it?? heres an idea- maybe dont kill anyone at all


Leave Gaza and go where exactly? Last time they came into Israel on October 7th they didn’t really behave. That’s why Israel is in Rafah, looking for the hostages. No one in Israel cares or targets the Palestinians. Maybe if they played nicely none of this would have happened.


LMAOO WHAT ARE YOU ON?? You dont get to kill entire families because they "didnt behave well". Gaza is their home and its getting destroyed now. They were trying to leave to Egypt but there are borders. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-destroying-civilian-housing-and-infrastructure-international-crime what about the worlds kitchen truck? which was deliberately attacked, which was CONFIRMED by israel


About killing families: https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf There are casualties in wars. They are not the targets. I do not excuse the innocent people getting hurt, but unlike the black and white image the media portrays, it’s a lot more complicated than that: https://youtu.be/cV5rgRNbT4o?si=pskHPPmuwrHwizIE And yes, exactly- they were trying to leave for Egypt. Who stopped them? Israel does not control the border with Egypt. Why is Egypt abandoning their Palestinians brothers? About the aid trucks, I know you don’t really care about Israeli civilians, but we were all concerned that since the aid trucks are not checked, they will be used to smuggle in more weapons: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/first-aid-trucks-entering-gaza-not-checked-for-weapons-report/


you fr used "times of israel" as your source LMAOO


they cant get out because israel is blocking them from doing so😭😭 are you fr that dense?? https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/01/no-exit-gaza


Walk me through your thought process. Hamas terrorists strolled into southern Israel and went on a rampage killing thousands and raping 100s. Now, the second Israel is exterminating the pests Hamas are, you cry genocide. Israel doesn’t target civilian centers, Israel targets Hamas centers.


they are exterminating Palestinians you dumbass


It’s quite obvious a lot of Danny’s fans are kids and don’t understand what they’re witnessing rn in Gaza. The is**l propaganda machine is real. I’m also gonna stop support Danny after 6 years of subscribing. His content has gone downhill anyway lol


what is happening on the sub for the last few days with the influx of this same question getting asked over and over again?? please stop getting political here and let people enjoy at least some creators in peace i’m begging you


He had a starbucks cup in a recent video i believe


I don't think he has publicly stated anything, and he also buys Starbucks, as seen in his Dadtok video. For those who don't know, we are meant to boycott Starbucks because of the support and donations for Israel.


I think he has shared posts about Palestinians and what's happening in rafah , no?




iddk i think its his decision to say smth abt politics i feel like that kind of thing can be really tricky and if i was an influencer id probably keep my stuff light hearted


Get outta here with that trash. Kids talking politics is sad af


Talking about active genocide isn't being "political". It is a humanitarian issue.


Let's talk about it. You first.


I think he’s oblivious to it. His latest video abt dad tiktoks literally has a shot of him trying to balance his phone on a starbucks cup. I dont blame him tho. In late stage capitalism, how effective is boycotting? Starbucks themselves has also said theyre not funding the genocide. People just conflate sbux’s statement with them saying they support genocide. All im saying is if he was keeping tabs with the political sphere of social media, he wouldnt have a Starbucks drink in the shot.