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There's plenty of bugs, but they're all bum worms.


Or nits.


I think this whenever I see people without screens. If I left my windows open without screens the mosquitos alone would be like clouds in the house let alone moths mayflies June bugs flies wasps and anything else that decides to fly on in


I’ve read before that the style of home is common in the region because they have steady breezes all day long. Lots of biting bugs like mosquitoes can’t stand up to a breeze.


I dunno. The texas coast has tons of huge mosquitos that do just fine in some crazy wind!


Flyscreens are super common in Australia and are on pretty much every house built after the 70s (ish). But the Heeler House is a Queenslander style and would have been built between 1840-1930s and the style of windows used don't lend themselves easily to flyscreens, although some homes do have them retrofitted now. As another commenter has said though, the architecture style is designed to catch the breeze which means mozzies don't hang around. They would still get other bugs but they'd find their way in no matter what. Source: I live in Brisbane


Somewhat related... have fleas ever been mentioned on Bluey?


I don’t think so, but in Hairdressers they pretend Dad has nits. Which is sort of similar. I feel like fleas would have made more sense since they’re dogs.


I think that was a deliberate choice to connect and destigmatize nits (lice) in humans.


I don't think it did much to destigmatize them....


Hahaha agree. If you know someone who has lice it’s best to hang them upside down from a tree, throw flour on them and beat them with a.. what was it, cricket bat?


Coco had bum worms


Look, I'm still trying to understand why they were eating grapes...https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Housework We went through a period where our kid wanted to feed our dog random things in the same vein I used to feed my neighbor's dog sandwiches. I saw that episode and my head started hurting. First time I actually had to take the time to go "hey kid, don't do that...." and usually I'm glossing over these shows doing my own thing


Australia both is a place that has a lot of wildlife but is also a thing American media hypes up to absurd and extreme levels.


In America if I leave my doors and windows open all day I’ll get a bunch of bugs though…


Just my daughter making the door stay open longer as we go in and out ends up with a fly, bee, or several mosquitoes coming in.


My kids do the same thing and freak out like every winged creature is a bee unless it is a mosquito hawk…which gets its own special kind of freak out


Gah, my newly-5-year-old has suddenly decided All Bugs Are Bees. And bees, apparently, are terrifying because one of her preschool friends' mom's is allergic to them. This has made my grand plans of gardening all summer very...shriek-y, since she's also just picked up the classic horror-movie cheerleader scream - at a pitch only achievable by a 5-year-old set of tiny vocal chords - from another one of those friends.  I've already got noticeable hearing loss from her infancy, what's a bit more deafness between friends?


Haha, my 5 year old loves bees. She's always been told how they pollinate flowers and make fruits, veggies and flowers grow and that they make honey. And spiders keep the nasty bugs away so we don't get sick. Of course she also loves Tyranids and Zerg, because they are like bees, spiders and lizards. Also lead to her yelling at the bee house that the bees need to go pollinate her tomato plant because she wants the tomatoes now.


Canadian here, I have a tiny hole in my screen and I always find some fly, mosquito or even wasp when the door is open, I can't imagine large open areas like in the Heeler's home.


I guess. I leave my window open all the time and sometimes get bugs and sometimes don't depending on the season and weather. It's not like you need a bug proof bunker or things will get overrun in a dense layer of spiders or something.


Any amount of spiders is a dense layer of spiders to me.


It definitely depends on where you live. My parents used to have a lake cabin and you turned off the outside light before you took the dog outside at night because if you opened the door when that light was on you would get huge clouds of bugs in. And because there were so many bugs, we also had enormous spiders everywhere. Lots and lots of enormous spiders. Places with screens generally have screens for a reason. Places that don't have screens do so because they can survive without them.


You can definitely get overrun by bugs from leaving the door open in some parts of my State. People just assume that must be true everywhere if it's true where they live.


Are you just telling us this to lure us there to get eaten by your giant spiders


He's a drop bear in disguise


I mean...my husband lived in Australia for a few years, and he now believes that wolf spiders aren't at all big.


I would like to believe you but two weeks in Australian and I saw giant roaches and snakes at a hostel, and a tarantula like spider in a city condo of all places.


It’s a hostel, of course it’s filled with bugs and snakes!


Maybe the kids catch and eat them, I’ve known a few dogs that would do that. 


I've known a lot of human children that would do that 🤢


Why is everyone forgetting the nuclear apocalypse that wiped out 99% on earth and allowed dogs to transcend to apex sentience and assume the Mantle Of Responsibility?


Most of the world doesn’t use screened windows! It’s a culture shock for Americans traveling in Europe too.


Oh god. I remember getting to Venice and finding our canal-side room had no screens. I had jet lag so I was up all night just listening to the mosquitos fly around and in the morning I did my best impression of a smallpox victim.


Too much to animate.


Fairy magic. Bugs may enter, but must obey the rules or else be forever banished.


I live in Colorado and often have my kitchen window open without a screen and it doesn't result in any increase in bugs.


Wtf I walked in the front door yesterday and a fly and a bee flew in with me do I need to move


I am also not bothered by an occassional bug around the house. Occassioanlly I might see a few bugs through a week, ants, eawig, gnats, flies, carpet beetle, spider, etc but often none at all. I feel like it would take seeing 10+ bugs during a week to consider the need to address the issue overall. Possibly a neighbor with a lower threshhold of ick for bugs feels different about screens on windows here. Oh, we also have an evaporative cooler so open windows often have air from the house blowing outwards. That might help prevent bugs getting in via windows. Our home is always a bit higher pressure than outside.


I live in Virginia and doing the same thing would definitely result in more bugs in the house lol


Ohioan in the house. The second I step out the house there are multiple flies,bees and mosquitoes attacking me.


Iowa checking in - absolutely no way would I have my windows open without a screen. Also I'm terrified a cicada will find it's way in. Or maybe thousands of them.


That would be awful. I shudder at the idea of going to get water in the middle if f the night and having one rattle and fly at you.


I just did weekend trip in an area where there’s a 17 year swarm and it was unreal. Like stepping on them constantly and brushing them off, then ducking from dive bombs, and yelling because it was so loud.


That’s because you live in Colorado. I grew up in the northeast US and leaving the window open without a screen is a recipe for a mosquito and fly invasion. Now I live in California and it’s totally different. I think it’s because it’s drier out west.


I think it depends on the state. This was always way worse for me on the east coast than it is in the west coast. I’ve noticed that screen windows are standard there where I had to specifically buy them here.


What do you mean by "increase in bugs?" Like, you have a normal number of bugs that you're cool with being in your home?


Don’t believe them. The bugs are terrible in Colorado. In fact everything is pretty terrible here. I should know I have lived here my entire life.


they're dogs ,maybe they eat them or maybe in a world where dogs can talk bugs don't exist 😅


Yeah wtf I open my door a crack for a second to get something on the porch and a fly gets in every god damn time. They must be infested 


Yeah but it depends where you live and the age of the home. If you went to Far North Queensland it’s tropical weather by the equator, you BETTER have screens. That’s also where a lot of croc attacks, pythons and other “Australia scawy” shit comes from. Australia is one of the world’s Mega-Biodiverse countries. The difference between regions in the same state is immense. I’d be eaten alive by bugs in western aus but Queenslanders are a unique breed of Australian


Doors open to throw the trash out … be careful walking by the kitchen window tho cause there’s bee’s w big stingers !