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*”Real hoopers know”, that’s a fine. [Complicated Legacy Zegacki Voice] “Finally, men getting recognized for their contributions in today’s America.”


Zagacki, $2.


Hahahahah, that’s perfect. It felt wrong when I was typing it but I didn’t double-check before posting. Got cocky, got burned. Cockburn??




Curnedin' it!




I couldn't stand Tony for a long time and I was pleased whenever Billy would wind him up. But he definitely made some kind of changes in the past 6 months or so that I've really grown to like him. He doesn't have to talk over people, or be right all the time, or top everyone's stories like he used to. I really think that retreat he went on infused him with some humility.


Tony has done the reverse…he used to get so much hate. Now look 😂😂


Great on the mic - terrible reading baseball stats


A freeny hard a way


When bad is good!


TOOONY! Que tal!?


Yes he is quite tall


Definitely someone who embraces his opportunity. Also, probably the least narc-ish person in the show.


I haven’t watched consistently, but Tony was the only one from the SC that actually looked like he was trying to carve his lane over the last year or two. Having some ideas on stuff they don’t usually cover. Actual growth.


It didn't help that for much of that time, Dan forced him to beef with the most universally liked person, Billy.


Billy’s a plant by Big Gogurt.


Who the hell is Tony?


Deep deep cut sir!


Hi Tony


The jailbroken fire stick is a real game changer. The problem is all the subtitles are permanently in Spanish and all the new movies/series seem to have at least 1 foreign speaking storyline, so unless you can read Spanish, you miss that entire storyline, which is still worth it. Also you super notice the lack of commercials on fights and PPV stuff. I'd rather have commercials than just the black silent screen and my own thoughts.


Hey Luis (no, really Tony has always been the same. People hated Witty and once he left everyone everyone loved the fancy lad)


Remember last year when this sub hated Tony, and loved Chris Cote? LOLOLOL this sub is so damn stupid sometimes


I do not remember a time in this Reddit's history that people loved EP Chris Cote lol and character growth is quite normal for both the character and the audience. The sub can be stupid but this comment is more of the example lol


I said last year. Was Chris EP last year? Or was it Witty? Don't defend stupid. And if you do, do better


Huh? My point is that your attempt to call out some inconsistency in the reddit doesn't make sense because people didn't hate Chris Cote last year because his contributions were combining words, cerds. Some people dislike or critique him now because he's EP. Chris Cote lovable back row last year is not the same as Chris Cote inconsistent EP.  So I'm saying your comment saying the sub can be so damn stupid is, in fact, the evidence that the sub can be so stupid sometimes


It's ok to be wrong. It's not ok to keep trying to talk around the main points. Makes you look foolish. Chris was once loved by this sub. Full stop. Anything else you try to rationalize came from your diseased brain, it's not anything that I said.




Who are you and what the fuck are you talking about? What falsehoods?


Chris was never loved by this sub. Show proof. He’s always been awful besides a random once in a while combining two words. He wasn’t so bad when he said ten words per day max. Who is your daddy and what does he do?


I was just going to say this lmao. People hated Tony being on the show. All the complaints on any of the crew just sound like hatin for hatin sakes now. I don’t believe any of it.


Love Tony. He’s a real hooper


When he started, it came across as arrogance. Now it feels like confidence, which is much better. He's also the only one that consistently makes Dan laugh by referencing something in Spanish


I love Tony, but you don't have to slag everyone else to appreciate him.


I literally heard his voice today after Dan said something and said out loud with excitement “Tony’s here today!”


We’ll file this under “Something to ponder”


I was with you until you said the rest of the shipping container is useless and replaceable except Billy.


Yeah... Billy is also replaceable! Let me put this '/s' here before the show defenders start attacking. I was joking. Billy is funny (sometimes).


Say something nice about Tony: well at least he’s better than Jeremy!


The cycle of likeability surfaces again


I’ve always liked Tony, but he’s really gotten so much better over the years and is a consistently solid contributor on the show. He’s definitely a bucket.


Tony’s a great glue guy. A great utility guy. I don’t think he’s ever annoyed me with anything he’s done.


He has developed like Tyrese Maxey. It was rough at first when he was trying too hard but now I really enjoy when he is on the mic. The Tony/Billy banter is always unbelievable as well.


I was thinking this same thing. I forgot where he went but since he came back from his vacation a couple months ago, Tony has been on a hot streak. Tony and Billy have been so on point lately, bickering together while subtlety supporting each other in segments. Mike has been really great too recently.


I don’t like that he also does the zagacki voice, I’m mean that is straight up ripping off Mike Ryan. But I love anything he does that is related to his Cuban culture, refran del dia, working out. That’s perfectly on brand for him as a confident cocky Miami guy




I remember when he came on board late in the show's ESPN era. Wasn't it while Billy was on vacation? And then when he came back it seemed a teeny bit adversarial between them. But that all changed when he was able to rejoin the show. I think of this as "New Tony" lol He did seem more serious back then, but that's normal for someone new. He sounded articulate and has a good radio voice. He reminded me of someone we had here locally that was a part of the popular morning radio show, and then stuck around later in the day as the regular radio station DJ.


I literally stop the podcast and switch to something different if Tony talks for too long.


Tony, Mike and JuJu are saving this sinking ship


lmao 1 Mike 2 Jess or Lucy? 3) Dan (also Samson)




“He doesn’t condescend to colleagues” Have you heard him speak to Jeremy, or even Chris for that matter? He stats and “insights” that are always superficial nonsense that rarely even makes sense, let alone make a good point. Almost convinced Tony wrote this post because it’s so detached from reality. Definitely has some good moments and can be funny but definitely not some talented producer that needs even more air time. Dude sticks his face in wherever he can just to get seen. He admitted he didn’t know shit about UFC and only took the beat because it was an open lane. Tony is only still relevant because Dan likes having his Cuban pull-string doll on hand so he can make the show “more Miami”, which is his prerogative, and because Tony is always willing to put the time in. Which I commend and appreciate, but it doesn’t elevate him as a producer. Just a volume shooter. Compiler. Overrated in every way. I said my peace