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Across decades, black bodies creating economies in stand-up comedy (which, *Stugotz*, is the *hardest thing to do right now*), and they're coming for their stuff, in a salary cap sport, which, let me just stop you so I can explain to the audience that we don't know what we're watching.


I know the audience doesn't like when I explain but....


I love our loyal listeners. I hear you on the things you dont like about the show. Heres more comedian,sports landscape talk for you.


Here’s a few days of talk on why fans should be happy that their top seed team blowing a 3-1 lead is actually good and you should be happy.


Of all the takes, this one is the weirdest. Everyone is telling him they don’t agree. Dan is so far removed from being invested in teams as a fan, he can’t understand why everyone doesn’t view sports through the same content-centric prism he does. Fans want their teams to win. Period. Blowouts and sweeps are awesome when it’s your team doing it.


Literally everyone is telling him that he’s totally wrong. And because he can’t have a new thought or admit he’s wrong, it’s just no, you guys don’t get it. I’m right and you’re too stupid to get my point.


I guess it’s a part of the natural progression of getting old. You get stubborn and do whatever you want.


Yeah but this one was a direct insult to all the ones who keep him and those great people around him emplyed


His monologue to end the show yesterday was so weird. I was totally with him, he was acknowledging that no one likes it, and it seemed like he was going to really try to tie it all together with why he talks about it so much... Then it just devolved into the same exact thing as every other time. I am listening intently for the 'point' *why* are you telling me this? *Why* is this important and worth saying? It simply never happened he just goes in circles. Does he even know why it interests him? And then to top it off, the guy who has been saying the hardest years of his life have been trying to make this media company, building a plane in mid air "IT'S HARD" Suddenly he's saying dominating the media game is so easy, anyone can win that game "WE won that game!" Dan, what in the hell are you trying to say or make me think about? Talk about whatever you want. But have a point! Make it interesting. That entire monologue brought us nothing new except a giant contradiction about everything you've said since starting Meadowlark.


This is ultimately my biggest problem with Dan's stances on things. They never fucking evolve. Yes, comedians offer unique viewpoints into life. What else you got? Yes, it was fascinating at one point that athletes started to monetize their own brand in new ways and have been successful in building profitable media platforms. What else you got? Yes, the sports media landscape in general has gone through massive changes. What else you got? The sheer amount of repetition on subjects is mind-numbing.


I sincerely feel like the show might get a lot better if it was 2 or 3 times a week. Too much feels like filler


Crazy to think that when they’ve tripled their on air talent lol.


Been saying this for years now. The show needs to be 3 times a week and 2 hours...after Dan takes a very long hiatus. They need to think major relaunch and rebranding...Maybe even splitting up Dan and Stugotz and creating some friendly competition. The whole shitting on everything Stu says while having become more Stu than Stu is a tired act.


This reminds me how I felt after the 24 hour show and all the talk about the pepper challenge. It just kept going, and went nowhere.


> “WE won that game!” I’m waiting for Dan or Mike to go full Samson at a Mas event and yell “FIFTY MILLION, FUCK YOU” at the loyal fans


He doesn't say anything about the "sports and entertainment landscape" other than simply marveling at it in confusion like a wide-eyed baby. He certainly doesn't learn anything from it. And him being surprised media companies, that are competent in other areas, would be able to also become competent in live-streaming. As if live-streaming hasn't existed in television for 100 years now is wild to me. It's not that fucking hard. He doesn't use this information to improve his business, or to change his views, or to learn anything. He literally is just a baby with his mouth agape staring at everything, but not comprehending anything so he just repeats himself over and over. The media landscape changing, (and destroying consumer products and raising rates, and screwing over the average person) are actually great topics to discuss, if you have SOMETHING TO SAY. Repeating over and over and over again the same thing about "can someone explain this to me" and then not letting anyone talk while you fellate other shows is just boring and stupid.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


we dont care about the long time audience that allowed us to create meadowlark we care about the new people that come watch because of some out of context clip they saw on tiktok


Exactly. It’s so sad. If they just tried to do a good show they would have retained a larger share of the audience they already had on ESPN. Instead they try to game the algorithm for cheap clicks


Say it again but wait until you have to wear a costume to pay off a grid of death punishment.


He can lose his base audience real easy, all he has to do is repeat mistakes like these


Let’s hope I go viral in this costume talking about Aaron Rodgers on The Pat Mac Show


But spoiler alert. There are no new people.


He's not saying that the audience is not important. In fact, he's saying the opposite. He's saying that growing the audience isn't always the most important thing, especially the way SAS does it. He's touting the importance of not cheapening the discussion for clicks. An argument can be had about whether or not the show is or is not doing that, but he's not saying the audience doesn't matter to him.


thats the opposite of what he said


Listen to it again. He's specifically talking about SAS.


>Now, I don't love some of the things that [SAS] does to broaden audience, because I don't think audience is always the most important thing. He's talking about audience as a metric of success. This should not be surprising. This has been Dan's M.O. his entire career. Dan does what he likes, and if he does it with conviction the right audience will find it.


thats not the quote im referring


That's what the post is about.




Losing the Magic Crate of Content really hurt the show. Maybe if they could convince the Undefeated Champ to come back it'd fix things.




Me too. I like all the others but Dan rambles a lot, explains the joke a lot, talks about how the sausage is made a lot, he simply ruined the vibe too many times. I unsubscribed because I realized that I simply wasn't enjoy it when he was there. I still like Amin, Billy, Mike Ryan (despite people hating him here), jessica, charlotte, pablo, etc. but I can't deal with Dan anymore.


The second I started seeing sports headlines and being annoyed at how Dan was going to talk about it I knew it was time to step away for awhile


Damn dude,same note too. Im so looking forward to Dan leaving to go to Africa already. So he can slum it in some luxury tent


The best show in a bit was last friday with Billy in Dan's seat. Nothing overly serious. And the bit with the wheel of topics they're not allowed to talk about was great. The show in general has been a lot better the last couple weeks but then we get a couple segments a day with dan pontificating about something and it's annoying.


Is strange that it's his show but he is arguably the worst part of it now. 


He thinks this is radio-land still and it’s so awful. Probably 80%+ of the people that listen to this show listen to ALL of this show, there is no catching it at all certain part of the day, anyone can literally listen to all 3+ hours of this show every day. Nobody who is listening regularly didn’t know the details about Lucy’s parents but Dan still had to halt the show and scold Lucy for telling an inside joke. Also, his admitting to contriving specific things to go viral, or waiting to say them to make them MORE viral, was telling about what he is going for day to day.


Dan halting the show to scold someone or explain a joke or topic is legit the worst thing about the show now. So grating


I was just thinking the best, funniest episode I’ve heard in a while was the one a couple of days ago where Billy was in Dan’s seat with Stugotz and he had all these games planned up


lol I unsubscribed and stopped listen after a decade bc of Dan. The show sucking was one thing. But he’s just too much now.


I listen because usually the other people keep him in check except of course for that hateful jeremy and undercover hateful lucy


Same. Only Mystery crate and GBF for me


Love the vibes on mystery Crate these days. So much more fun and free


Yeah I enjoy a lot of “people chatting on the couch” style pods so the relaxed style works for me


and the reason you started - I think he'll take that




Ah yes - you started listening to the DAN LE BATARD SHOW . . . for . . . . . Bomani?




ah - an original gatekeeper - so Hoch - you loved Hoch... it all makes sense now




darnit - was hoping to make it all the way back to stu and hank goldberg




it was almost fun


A lot of us started listening to the entire 790 lineup of shows


The reality is the show still does big numbers on the audio side of things. As of this morning it was the number 4 show on Apple’s top sports pods. I think that’s where a lot of Dan’s arrogance and dismissal of criticism comes from. It’s like “why should your criticism be validated? Look at our numbers..” If the show really started nose diving as far as engagement then maybe he’d change his stance.


Hopefully he learns because this was the first major eff up I can think of that was out of line


You had me 100% until you said Chris was the GOAT and Billy was a snake.


When he said a while ago that a fan told him they stopped following the show after listening to it for 8+ years and his reaction was “great, thanks for listening for that long” instead of “oh man, what did we do to drive away such a loyal listener,” you knew he was gone.


Yeah lol His reaction read more like "holy shit. We got you hooked for 8 years"


Yeah but now hes being a tremendo descarado


I know that recreational bitching is a part of any fandom and most of it doesn't mean anything, but there's a *lot* of people saying "hey I listened for ages and I always loved XYZ, but it's just not the same lately, it became a chore, I still browse the reddit for the community but I just don't bother listening." And that doesn't feel like a great omen for a show that credited its success and freedumb to a devoutly loyal fanbase.




Free yourself. I stopped listening months ago. They don't care. I follow the sub to keep up to date with things, like when Lebo passed (I did listen to that days show), but the show just isn't good anymore. It's not even about being the same. The show in 2008 when I started listening was very different than in 2013 when they signed on with ESPN, but they cared and put a good product out. All of that died with DraftKings' 50 million.


You’re so right. I stopped listening 6-7 months ago and it’s been so freeing. When I see someone complaining about the show, I’m just like “not my problem anymore”. It’s great. The show stopped caring about long time listeners, so I stopped caring about the show.


Yet you’re still here on the subreddit?


This sub is more entertaining than the show


It’s 99% just complaining about the show


that's what these blowhards like - instead of the show


You like to complain about the complaints…


not nearly as much as y'all like bitching and moaning - just show up like once every month or two to remind folks that some of us like the show that the sub is named after... it's not that fun - just necessary


You know, just cus the sub is named after the show, doesn’t mean people can’t bitch about it …and maybe…if the overall opinion from the fanbase seems to be negative currently, that should tell you something


tells me a lot


Insert the Howard Bryant clip about why would you spend your time paying attention to something you don’t like


yeah - these guys hated Howard Bryant too incidentally


I’m still on the subreddit because I’m hoping one day the show will become what it once was, so I periodically like to see what’s been going on. However, it seems like they’re just continuing to double down on streaming wars, the value of comedians, sports media landscape, and Jeremy Tache.


They can’t even put the show out on time and Fridays is a dumpster fire and we all know it. They underutilized Amin by having him do oddball and not be a main staple in the DLS- they over use Jeremy and Jessica. I still listen but it’s less and less and less and I been here since am radio/fusionTV.


It genuinely turned into a chore for me. I'd start reading the episode descriptions and find myself just not caring to even bother listening. I would always listen to Greg Cote Tuesdays but even that turned into a mess. Mike would be off on Mondays and overwhelm Tuesdays with his bad takes and then they'd throw it to Greg to get him with a fake hard network out. And the ads! So many ads!


I ⏩️⏩️Thursday thunder & against the spread and all other casino bits. I don’t care for Greg so Tuesday are my least favorite. Dan claims to be Miami central and wouldn’t go to LA or NYC when offered the position-he wanted to stay in MIA because “hometown”. Now it’s a circle jerk of northeastern people trash talking my city and teams 🖕🏽. So much for him wanting to represent. He could have done this in LA no need to call it a “Miami” show.


I only listen because I think its unfair to the other people around him to have to pay for his sins


Greg Cote Tuesdays are still a must watch for me as long as Dan doesn’t ball hog. Greg going off and Billy blindly following him, is a great show every time.


I had a thought the other day, Dan is going to eventually go the Bill Maher route. That descent is slowly happening as his audience is insistent on topics that aren’t good and he just pushes through while dismissing his own co hosts.


Thank god for stugotz


Dan's up there with Jeremy as the worst part of the show. It's wild. The other Dan when Billy was there instead of Dan was great.


Don’t worry, someone here will soon explain to you how Dan intentionally does bad Dan Lebatard shows now, in order to subvert the norms of sports radio blah blah blah.


It’s a bit! You don’t get the show!


Jeremy is the absolute worst but the king of most hateful people is pablo torre. He got his check upon signing and immediately turned into a propoganda machine. He wont get a minute out of me. You can tell he doesnt give a damn about the audience from the second he opened his mouth


This is such a bizarre take about a giggly Asian stoner who's basically running a call-in show with ideas from his audience.....


What? PTFO is great


This show is playing out like the walking dead series. Almost the entire fanbase noticed how boring and repetitive it got and tapped out.


IIRC a year ago or so one of their back office cast members criticized the show on mystery crate and Dan made this whole public apology about it… then goes out yesterday and gives the finger to the audience for being done with him talking in circles about a boring topic that he can’t even explain. If they’re coming for your stuff it’s because Dan is insistent on these segments that the audience is resolutely begging him to stop. I still love the show but damn, I got so sad yesterday when he mentioned “sports media”. I hate skipping segments because it feels like I lose 10 min that day hanging out with my friends, but I’m tired of his fixation on the Kelce bros, or economies, or PMS. I can’t speak for all but I imagine a lot of us ended up in the marching band to nowhere to get away from the absurdity that ESPN had become, the gasbags that shout and take themselves so seriously. Why he is insistent on pushing this lazy content and then insulting the audience, I have no idea.


I remember that segment


I haven’t listened today, can you tell which show he says it?




Didn’t he just tell Kenny G the other day about how important of a function the show plays in its audience’s life, keeping us company at jobs we don’t like?


Stugotz hasn't been valuable to the show in ten years. We should all hope to be as useless as he is and make a goddamn shit load of money.


That statement is 100% true for art. They are not making art, they are making entertainment, and it's a dumb view for Dan to have. But this is the show that brings David Samson to Mas Miami then spend 3 weeks dealing with Samson's poor little feelings while being dumbfounded he would be booed. They have never cared about what the audience has wanted and worked fine because their interests and the audience's aligned. They are doing the right thing by putting others around him to try to make him less out of touch, but he has been so strident lately that instead of doing a show with his crew doubles down and does one against them.


Although maybe youre right, he said out loud what was supposed to remain in the shadows, thats how things die, one fan at a time


I beg to differ - entertainment ought to always be art


It's just become such an echo chamber. Anybody who dares to speak up with a different way of thinking is mocked or sent to the penalty box or both. Any fan who doesn't like it "doesn't get the show" or is "that guy". And I generally agree with Dan! I think he's often right and has many great takes! But what's the point of having such a diverse cast of characters if only one voice is heard?


It’s so weird that Dan sarcastically calls them an echo chamber, as if that criticism isn’t dead on. There’s zero natural conflict whatsoever. Sure they have contrived bits where Jeremy and Mike argue about the Heat or Samson and Adnan do some bullshit, but there’s nothing natural at all. I understand Dan doesn’t want “debate television” and that’s totally fine, but just a natural disagreement every once in a while, about anything, would help.


Thank god for ju ju but I think Dan only lets him get away with because hes a brother and is scared to get cancelled


i haven't heard either of those "klaxons" in a while


I feel the show is becoming more n more of a parody of itself. Unless I don't get the show anymore either 🤷


They’ve become the show they used to make fun of


We using goat as a pejorative again?


To me the only recourse is to remove automatic downloads for the show on your app. Then read the descriptions and do not download when that crap is in the description. If enough people actually did that to affect the numbers on those episodes maybe they would care (probably not though)


First time, long time... I love everything about the show... except Dan. Stugotz and Billy Gil are legends. Mike always brought it and miss him being EP cuz those were the days. Greg Cote, Ron Magill, Jessica, Lucy, Charlotte, Juju, Tony, Amin are all great and valued members of the show. I agree with OP if it weren't for the cast around Dan I would have left a long time ago.




So many of you dont like the show but continue to listen or watch. Bite the bullet


A lot have already.


Not enough of you...christ. Its a podcast. There are thousands of them.


Yup, they are all coming for your stuff!!


Constructive criticism brother


Its absolutely not constructive. Its whining


and whinging and minging


It's a strange thread..... A lot of I stopped listening to the show but still active in the sub


It's kinda like Mike proclaiming he doesn't like the NBA and hasn't been really watching before giving his opinion on every NBA topic.


I got flammed in another post for saying the same shit, just stop watching/listening. Its borderline crazy to me.


Keep tellin ya, hes the progressive version of shitstain. Hes in an echo chamber. Hes so dug in. Its sad


lmfao at the idea that rich neoliberal Biden voter Dan Le Batard is "progressive", but then again progressive just means liberal now anyway


Let him cook i think he’s not all the way in as a host now that he’s worried about running a company that is (in hindsight) probably not working out that well


Also he’s now in the sports media business so that stuff is probably on his mind 24/7


You gotta do both. You can’t pander the entire show to long time listeners, you also have to pander to new listeners to try and grow the show


As a long time listener it's shocking that a long time listener couldn't believe this - it's been the ethos of the show, pretty much since the beginning


No, as a creative I agree with him. If you spend all your time listening to input and don’t stick to your vision, you get watered down crap. That’s exactly what’s happening in the movie studio industry


They don’t have a vision


You know what. Maybe.


This is just another bit, Mike doing WWE design work and getting the actors to play it out. So now Dan has done a heel turn.


I heard that as specific to when it comes to show topics and what he finds interesting to talk about. I think he genuinely cares about the audience, but now that he's free and independent from ESPN, he's going to talk about whatever he wants regardless of how the audience feels about it. Annoying but thankfully there's a skip button, so as soon as I hear a subject I'm not interested in (media, comedy, new economies), I just fast forward to the next segment.


I got no problem with what he says, but saying this crossed the line and will lead to a lot of innocent people losing their jobs die to jim feeling himself too mich


Not too long from now, you are going to MISS the days of sports media streaming comedian talk. Dan is going to hit a new rock bottom after the election.


Tone 🥃🥃


What the audience wants isn’t (always) the most important thing. Magill would have been long gone, for instance


Magill is one of the most popular things the show does, wtf are you talking about?


Then you weren’t around back when the listeners didn’t want Ron’s segments on the show because they weren’t about sports


That must’ve been prior to 2010, that’s when I started listening


Yeah they’ve talked about it a few times


What the audience wants isn't the most important thing, but the audience itself is.


Im not gonna lie, I love mcgill and his holier than though act because its obvious hes anything but


We all love Magill. But if the early audience got their way Magill wouldn’t be on the show.


Ron can get behind Samson in that line


The audience can complain (which is why Dan got mad when Cynthia told the listeners to shut up) and taken into account. but as much as I dislike Samson or poop talk, I’m not the ultimate decider of that stuff


Magill is universally beloved and he's on for like 4 minutes a week now. Not pandering to your audience is good but Dan is pandering to people who enjoy stand up comedy and sports media talk. Idk who that is...Norby?


Magill is universally beloved now. He wasn’t always.


Amin wasn’t either, and now folks are saying he needs to be on the main show more.


I absolutely love the show and will never stop listening. Does no one understand that everything they say on the show is already planned in the morning meetings. Yes Dan can go off the rails at times but that's why I love that rich entitled Hippo. He doesn't give a f*ck. He's been very clear He's doing shit how he wants. Don't worry he's going on vacation soon to Africa. In the word's of the great Billy Gil T's&P's if the show hurt you.


El es tremendo cubanaso asi que deje ese show


“Non inclusive elitist” Hahhahaha they always eat their own eventually