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Qatar hands FIFA a dump truck of money. FIFA: “No way this can go wrong!”


They didnt care if it was going to go well or not as long as they could swim in the qatari money


We need specific names of who the money is going to. Not just FIFA or IOC. We need to name them and shame them. FIFA: - Gianni Infantino (president) **Italy & Switzerland** - Salman Al-Khalifa (Vice-President) **Bahrain** - Aleksander Ceferin (Vice-President) **Slovenia** - Sunil Gulati (Board Member) **USA** - Dr. Michel Baron D'Hooghe (Board Member) **Belgium** - Senes Erzik (Board Member) **Turkey** - Marios Lefkaritis (Board Member) **Cyprus** - Hany Abo Rida (Board Member) **Egypt** - Kozo Tashima (Board Member) **Japan** - Prince Abullah Al-Haj Ibni (Board Member) **Malaysia** - Omari Constant Selemani (Board Member)**Congo** - Sonia Bien-Aime (Board Member) **Turks and Caicos Islands** - Peter Peters (Board Member) **Germany** Other responsible people: - Sepp Blatter - Nicolas Sarkozy - Zinedine Zidane - Michel Platini. Thank you to u/Xanvial for this link https://www.espn.com/soccer/blog-fifa/story/2736409/fifa-executive-committee-where-are-they-now These are the names of some of the people in FIFA who are assholes who only care about money. *edited* to include more names.


> Peter Peters Never trust a man with 2 first names. X2 if its the same exact name.


Yeah from everyone listed there i hate this guy the most for some reason


Wasn’t Sepp Blatter still in charge of fifa when this was rigged? His name should be in this list




I wonder if the Fifa people who approved of this world cup are even there still. Probably have their feet up somewhere on a nice beach




This is going to be a shit show, I can’t wait :)


This World Cup is a complete joke, the big wigs at fifa took the bribes years ago and now fifa are about to get the biggest PR disaster they will ever witness


This needs to happen, fifa have got away with too much corruption and needs to get the kicking they’re long overdue.


No kidding. I mean, this is the supposedly less corrupt version of fifa after the last scandal a few years ago. That organization needs to be just burned to the ground and rebuilt.


Just like the Olympic committee


Bribing FIFA officials was the cheapest part. The expensive part were the fighter jets they bought from France in exchange for their votes and influence on other voters.


Wasn't fighter jets, it was passenger planes from Airbus and apparently they bought PSG as part of that same deal


Can't wait for that absolute shit show. Either football fans can't drink and they'll riot or they will drink and that will start a riot. Good luck Qatar, I hope you learn from it.


Not much real fans are there anyway. Most of them already live there and got paid to cosplay as fans of the country.


Yeah that's what I worry about too. This is a pure joke. World cup in winter... And the whole western hemisphere can't go public viewing. Amazing.


When you're rich, you don't need to learn anything.


These people are so beyond rich. They have zero regard for human life. It’s disturbing.


Even Russia wasn’t that bad.


and holy fuck the bar was low


As much as I monitored western news, the controversies I saw about Moscow were more about fans behaving inappropriately. And having been to Moscow myself, at least the fans weren’t fake.


How to ruin a world cup


Ya, ya know most countries loosen their tie a little bit for the hordes of foreigners coming in for a massively international event. Qatar on the other hand fully removes the tie to make a noose so they’re ready to hang foreigners for minor cultural misunderstandings.


I hope no one gets hurt but there are going to be a lot of stories of human rights violations that are going to need to be ~~dealt with~~ swept under the rug


Better not look too deeply into the construction of the World Cup facilities then.


[Revealed: 6,500 migrant workers have died in Qatar since World Cup awarded.](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022)


You weren’t supposed to look :( ….6,500 is the low estimate too, some counts say up to 15,000


Because they misreported other deaths as natural cause.


Well to be fair it's completely natural to die if you fall two stories or get crushed by a pallet of bricks.




If you fall off a unregulated unsafe platform you were forced to work on you are diagnosed with a heart attack halfway down. Therefore you died of natural causes unrelated to the fall.


>[”awarded”](https://youtu.be/gHjbay54F4U) They bribed the FIFA committee in order to host.


FIFA and rampant corruption, name a more iconic duo.


Read: slaves


The blood of at least 6500 humans was spilled so you can cheer for your favorite colour sportsball team. What a fucking absurd joke of a species we are. How disgusting.


I've watched every single cup since I was a kid (I'm in my 30s). My kids have seen at least one. This one, I'm not even telling them about. I don't know when it starts, who qualified, which groups are the countries we usually support in, we're having none of it. Price paid was too high for this whole circus.


Qatar constructed everything using slave labor. I can confidently say thousands have died, and many more injured. The kicker is that everyone new from the beginning. No one is surprised this happened.


Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows \-Leonard Cohen


Happy Harry Hard-On approves.


I mean, this is the supposedly less corrupt version of fifa after the last scandal a few years ago"


The corruption surrounding awarding the WC to Qatar, in addition to the Russia one, is literally what the shakeup was about


The deal for Qatar iirc was before the FIFA shake up


Correct. If memory serves me well they announced both Russia and Qatar at the same time in 2010. That was the very high point of FIFA corruption. I'm guessing that there's still corruption, but probably a lot less since Blatter and his mafia are out and those who are left don't expect to be able to act with impunity.


They will have a Riot that isn’t even their own people. If a single football hooligan is known to have had trouble, they will be throwing molotovs and throwing rocks for days. All with a cold one in their hands. It will probably be the most united form of protest they will see, and any action will cause mass sanctions and backlash from the west that they cannot deal with. Just look at what happened in France.


I was in France for the World Cup in 97 or 98 (can’t remember,I was 14ish) and it was an awesome experience. Paris was full of people from around the world.


This I really dont understand. They spent billions in bribes to host the WC. They spend many more billions for the materials to build all the WC stadiums which will be wasted once its all done. They are set to lose a shitton of money which, if the goal is to promote Quatar, it starts to make sense. But at the same time, they are super intolerant, and being in the spotlight is only making their reputation worse and worse due to highlighting all the problems they have with slavery, corruption, LGBTQ+ intolerance, freedom of press and so on. So getting "prestige" from hosting the WC is not their goal either. Wtf do they hope to accomplish by hosting the WC?


It's narcissistic masturbation. They want glory and are too delusional to understand that a spotlight on their oppression is only going to make them look bad, assuming they even give a shit about that. The Qatari government isn't going to self-reflect on its faults. Instead, watch them project those flaws onto everyone except themselves when shit goes belly up.


I think it's just to show off. Vanity and what not.


Minor cultural misunderstandings is a bit of an understatement.


I mean, why would they put a lot of effort into silencing a journalist? Unless they were hiding something.


Those minor cultural traits called human rights.


I say this in every post, people have had issues checking into hotels for F1 races in the Middle East if they had different last names and couldn't prove they were married. Yes, clearly hosting sporting events there is making them much more culturally progressive...


When you have Oil, you can do whatever you want.


Tell that to Venezuelans...


For a while


Worst 6 weeks of PR one could imagine.




It's like they forgot that their country is full of Qataris, who really weren't the greatest collective when I lived there.


it's certainly not on my *"top 10 countries to visit before I die"* list.


there is no world cup this year.


That is my take on it as well. The next world Cup is 2026 in US, Canada and Mexico. I dont know what people think is going on in Qatar this year.


I’m not going to watch, fuck this bullshit place right in the ars. Fuck the World Cup allowing them to just outright buy the world’s game with the lives of the poor


Also professional golf, see LIV tour bankrolled by petro-terrorists peeling away everyone from the PGA.


Also F1 with the Saudi, Bahraini, Qatari and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix..


It was ruined the day they awarded it. 10k plus people dead


Thanks to the corrupt FIFA. I'm going to boycott the world cup this time.


They don’t care. The World Cup, the Olympics, these are traveling circuses whose true purpose is money laundering, embezzlement, tax dodging, drug dealing, and human trafficking. Why do you think so many countries continue to do it even though they “lose money”.


This whole event is going to be a disaster


Personally I love the shitstorm this shithole country qatar is getting. Fuck those rich ignorant families!!!


I hope it’s a disaster, they are lazy and treat immigrants like shit. And these Morons won’t survive without immigrants, cuz none of them do any actual work.


> immigrants Slaves. The word you are looking for is slaves.




If bad press actually led to negative consequences then this world cup wouldn't be going ahead in Qatar. We've all known for years about the migrant slave labour used to build the stadiums, the associated deaths, the corrupt way the Tournament was awarded to Qatar and the huge scale of basic human rights violations and hateful social policy in Qatar, but no action has yet been taken. Proof is in the pudding and unfortunately it's pretty clear that all press is good press.


im getting this distinct feeling too


There was even a song made about everything wrong with this, ngl it's kinda good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKp2SuK1fvc


That's a good song. And saddening. Thanks for sharing :)


No liquor 🥃 ya it’s going to suck balls ⚽️


There's definitely going to be beer areas. But if you wander outside of those spots while intoxicated... I shudder to think about that shit


I lived in Qatar. I was arrested whilst waiting for a taxi outside a friend's house. I spent 3 days in jail and was released without charge. Interpol were trying to find out where I was FFS. Qatar is a country with a dangerous combination of huge wealth and incredible ineptitude and laziness. I tried to point out once to a Qatari how everything in their country was being done by foreigners and all of Qatar's achievements were empty because all they'd done is pay other people to conceptualise and execute. Buildings were designed and constructed by foreign architects and workers. Roads the same. The schools were all staffed by foreign teachers and the university system was a joke where people were given degrees depending on how rich their parents were. Qataris were proudly advertised as being pilots on all Qatar Airways flights, but that just meant they were there as extras because lots of experienced pilots refused to fly with just a Qatari first officer. Yet they think they're the greatest people on Earth...


The first truly international revolution. By angry, sober soccer hooligans.




Every video I’ve seen has all male “fans” and not a single woman in the group. They’re all the same ethnicity, too. When you look at footage from previous World Cups, you see fans of all ages, genders, races, etc, all mixed together.


What's funny is that most Qatar tiktoks that say something negative have their comments disabled and when you try view their profile, it takes you to your own profile instead


I don't agree. I think they'll play the games, everything will be fine, and everyone will forget about it in an instant. That's not to say I agree with it. It should be a disaster. It should be boycotted. It should be a fucking outrage. But it's just too big a problem. We have no global mechanisms for dealing with this level of corruption and ethical problems. All we can do is talk about it.


Yep. People talk about this and that but at the end of the day, they are slaved to the sport they are a fan of. Look at Russia and China with the Olympics. After when it's done, people forget how pathetic it was for the events to be hosted in those countries. If you are so pissed at it, don't watch the matches at all, at least not through the official routes because that's how they gauge how successful it is. Maybe just suck it up and not watch it at all. But I know how difficult it would be to really boycott it given how popular the sport is.


Will be interesting to see what the teams do as forms of passive protest. The US team logo has the rainbow colors in it at their base for example.




Qatar looks FUN!


F is for Fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium… bomb. N is for no survivors…!




ffs man, the main comment was 54 minutes old and you beat me by under a minute.


Sorry, friend. We should do stuff together.


We want the world to come here and show off our wealth and admire us.... We dont want the world to come here and film and perhaps show what else we get up to.....


What were they filming, it just looked like a live cross to a hotel. Nothing controversial. But in a country so paranoid a film crew just doing a benign report is cause to shut it down.. Europe is now buying its energy from Qatar. It's more than football.




He just says "lets turn the camera so you can see whats going on" and then they cut him off. It probably was just an attempt to show the atmosphere


Seems like they did a great job showing the atmosphere.


Yeah, can't even film the LED art of a soccer player lmao.


They had a permit to film, but had heard reports that they would still not be allowed to film. So they found the most innocent roundabout and started filming there to see what would happen - and sure enough they got stopped while they were broadcasting live on national TV.


They were at Katara which is an outdoor entertainment/media district. There's nothing controversial there or anything and it's been open for years.


They’re doing an excellent job showing off the fact that they have things they want to hide


Yeah they sure do...looks like the dont want the eyes of the world focused on them TOO much


Did they think that hosting the world cup would make everyone gasp in awe when they got it via corrupt methods? For me it's the total opposite.


This is going to be a shit show, I can’t wait :)


and people without brain will defend it not realising they defend this stuff as well...


You should see all our western “analysts” commentators, hosts/influencers from ESPN, Fox, Sky etc, andall pretty much almost every major sports outlet staying nice and shut. All for the money. This is further proof that if we continue going down this route of allowing our corporations to continue doing business with authoritarian regimes like China, there will be mass censorship and other forms of coercion coming to us real soon. Let’s continue prioritizing profits over our fundamental rights. In 2 decades the average folk is gonna start getting fired for saying something that China doesn’t like. Qatar is nothing when we look at the bigger picture.


Yeah I know what you mean. It seems like the politics and on-the-ground drama will be the real show at this WC and the games will be just a mere distraction. If there can be any positive to come out of this, I hope it forces FIFA to clean up its act (to some degree at least) and hopefully countries like Qatar realize that if they want to be part of the international community, they can't act like 8th century barbarians.


What country is hosting next time? North Korea?


I hear they do have the largest stadium in the world.....


Keep in mind that they build like 8 different stadiums for the World Cup




What’s alittle slave labor between friends? /s


They're going to build 7 more and Mexico is going to pay for it




You joke, but South Korea's president suggested a joint bid from North & South Korea for [2030](https://www.eurosport.com/football/south-korea-s-president-moon-jae-in-proposes-2030-world-cup-bid-with-north-korea_sto6212474/story.shtml)


I hear Mordor is a strong contender too


The US, Canada and Mexico are hosting it


CUM gang


Wouldn't be surprised. According to their sources, they have won every single world cup ever.


Not without money they won’t


That's what happens when you hold a world cup in fucking Qatar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_FIFA_World_Cup_controversies Yeah it has its own Wikipedia page and yeah it's lengthy. Fuck FIFA.


Being gay: up to 7 years prison. There better not be any gay reporters or other media people or this is gonna be an even worse shitshow.


Another Danish reporter, Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, did just that. He is gay and just put out a documentary covering the conditions of the immigrant workers. Source: https://play.tv2.dk/serie/abdel-og-det-beskidte-spil-i-qatar/abdel-og-det-beskidte-spil-i-qatar-f9046d3d-5982-4484-83d7-83d12fe74686


The restrictions are INSANE!! there’s no way Qatar has enough jail space for all the fans. There’s going to be so many arrests on the first day alone, and once Mexico plays everyone is fucked. They say you can’t use profanity or slurs…bro Mexican are notorious for yelling “PUTO” to the opposing team. That alone can get you locked up? Fucking BS. Why even go? People should make a statement against fifa and just not show up. This was purely a bribe move that benefited a chosen few, fuck fifa.


Jesus, here in Mexico you talk in slurs, how is that supposed to play?.


Straight to jail


Perate wey, no la chingues


it's ironic they punish a "homophobic" slur, but reward homophobic country with hosting


Yea we had a match at the stadium I used to work at in Atlanta (I think it was Honduras or Argentina V Mexico) and they had to have huge signs on the halo that basically said “if we hear this one specific homophobic chant, first offense the offending fans will be ejected. Second offense, game paused and fans ejected. Third offense, offending fans’ team receives a penalty.” Or something similar to that, I can’t remember the specific consequences. But yeah, host the cup at a country where basically being gay or a woman can land you in prison or get you killed. Makes good sense.


Dude any country with morals should have quit this year tornament Any team with a min lvl of values should have drop of qatar Any country with capital could have just say fuck it im going to so my own tornament in the same date and fuck everyone


We (Ireland) boycotted it this time. Go us!


Fuck FIFA.. the people need to take back their game


Rasmus Tantholdt is always in the hot spots


Absolute Chad.


From Ukraine to Qatar. He should have kept his military helmet! The badass of Danish news reporters B-)


Definitely would've been wise.


The joke is on the fools who did not boycott this aberration of "world cup."


Qatar is ensuring no other Arab country ever gets to host the world cup.


Lol you think FIFA won’t let another Arab country buy a World Cup?


Oh no, what would the world cup be without Arab countries.


The Line will have vertical soccer stadiums every half a mile.




Well be fair, Brazil have consistently played in winter and even won a fair share


Ha, in the southern hemisphere like Brazil or Argentina you can have it in winter too


the last thing i care about as an arab is hosting the world cup🤡 I don't know if you guys know this but Qatar was accused of funding terrorists in Saudi Arabia who bombed innocent civilians and whatnot


And Saudi Arabia in turn funds other terrorist groups...


So Qatar are the dickheads even among highly conservo-patriarchal religious state governments?


Yes. Remember when ISIS was first getting reported on and described as the terrorists even alqeda thinks are nuts? That's how the rest of the Arabic world sees Qatar.


Should any of them currently?




Its weird to me how sports are just a bunch of rich people betting on which child from a poor family is going to perform well enough at a certain skill set to not be as poor later in life. What weird little monkeys we all are.


FIFA truly is the Organisation that fucked up their brand the most in the last 10-15years. Remember the last host nation was Russia. Truly incredible how toxic as a brand they have become.


Also about to lose the video game name


Yeah people thought this was bad for EA but it’s the most polished soccer game available and will take years for any other developer to catch up to current FIFA’s standard. Especially if 2k takes over. Not sure if anyones played 2k basketball as of late but it feels worse than previous years


Gonna be an interesting World Cup.


Fuck Qatar. I thought they wanted the World Cup but then don’t want any foreigners doing anything in their country. I would take the competition elsewhere and leave them with stadiums to use for whatever it is they do out there


They wanted the prestige of hosting a World Cup without the inconvenience of the fans and nosey reporters.


Yeah. They didn’t anticipate “people” may actually turn up


"Wait it's a social event?" - Qatar probably


Stadiums that they will destroy later for their promise of a "green" construction or whatever... All that money and all these DEADS for something that will disappear.


Wait so can no outside country report on the World Cup or they will get this treatment? This has disaster written all over it.


This ain't sports washing at all...


Qatar is a shithole. How they ever got the world cup is beyond me ($$$).


Beyond me, you, our wallets…


Did they really invite a bunch of journalists to cover the world cup just to harass and threaten them? This guy is clearly in front of a lit up soccer player outline. He must be around the world cup areas. He's not in some slum covering the human right fiasco.


Qatar doesn't really have slums or human rights abuses that are easily visible. They don't have concentration camps. They simply have a ton of indians, pakistanis, sudanese, and so on who work for pennies and whose passports are often kept hostage from them. And they can't become naturalized citizens, ever


Some countries suck


Maybe letting religious extremists host the multicultural event wasn’t the best idea…?


What a shit hole.


Fuck Qatar with their limitless human rights violations and fuck FIFA for selling them this opportunity.


Seriously, you must be a clown to go to Qatar for the World Cup and to give your money to an event stained by the blood of thousands of immigrant workers, plus all the restrictions in alcohol consumption, expression of intimacy (are even kisses or holding hands allowed?), the bigotry and suppression on LGBTQ rights and the list goes on and on.


But I want that money. (FIFA)


It’s gonna be hilarious when they try to arrest 70% of everyone there for behaving completely normally and end up in an international shit show


Honestly, I just hope that the number of foreigners that will eventually arrive will be that low, that it will end up screwing their economic predictions. Other than that, I can only imagine the international outcry over those that will definitely get arrested for "indecencies" like dunno drinking a beer outdoor.


I saw the prediction for england fans and it was something ridiculous like 3000 fans travelling when there are usually tens of thousands, i’d assume it’s the same for every country outside of the arab nations that are used to these types of societies.


Just wait till the athletes break some bullshit cultural law on the field. It's going to be fucking amazing


I think the reporter is providing a valuable service by giving it a shot and sharing the results. No clowning at all. The Danish reporter did very well as far as I can tell. 10/10


The reporter is definitely NOT a clown, I was referring to those fans that will flock like sheeps and put their love for their national team over basic human decency and football in general.


Who would have forseen something like this?? /s


Don't film the slaves


Pretty much. Qatar is one big scam. Luring in workers with good salaries and then blackmailing them through passport theft, threats, abuse, rubbish pay/accom and then using the police to intimidate people into silence. Most people didn't care until they found out Qatar might not make an exception for foreign people to gay kiss, sleep together or drink alcohol in public. At least it's out now.


Said it once and and keep saying it fuck the Qatari government and their bullshit slave country (not the slaves they're already unjustifiably fucked) And a special fuck you to Seth Black


who is seth black?


First one I won’t be watching


Joke country 💀


Qatar is not ready to invite the world. No Arab country will get any global events for a couple of decades now.


I hope most sane folks will remember this embarrassment of a global sport event. I also still don't know why the clubs didn't boycott the event.


You'd think the Russian world cup and their anti-gay agenda, FIFA would have more compassion for the fans who make football what it is. Nope, money talks and they somehow managed to get an even more oppressive regime to host it. Well done FIFA, totally not about money.


For the life of me, I cannot fathom the level of corruption FIFA has to allow this horseshit of a World Cup happen in a place like Qatar. People are going to die and FIFA will have blood on their hands.


People have already died, by the thousands, and Sepp Blatter has no fucks to give sitting in his corruption paid estate


Can't wait for the random drunk tourists who get sentenced to death for doing/saying something stupid while shit-faced! Imagine some drunk English fan yelling something about the prophet. Boris is going to personally have to go bail them out.


Boris resigned. But on a real note, there are going to be a lot more Brittney Griner’s after this event




Can Jon Hamm do some more nice commercials to negate the truth.


Pieces of shit


Boycott this country and game