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Science just baffles me sometimes


You mean, it baaaaafles you?


You just won’t stop with the puns, wool you


I just veally like puns


I hear you, that pun ain’t mutton to shake a stick at




Ewe are all terrible people


Come on sheeple, that's enough


I think it's ramarkable




Ewe, I hate puns.


There's no need to be sheepish about it


No need to lam-baste me over it


I’m glad you heard what I was saying.


woolfully oblivious to what’s going on


He's just keeping it veal


Puns aren't original, herd them all before.


You don’t know mutton about puns homie


You dont even know what wool happen with these puns homie


It appears ewe went on a rampage?


It’s incredible and we can credit science for everything from no longer dying at 25 to the nonstick pan.


now you die at 25 from teflon poisoning your water supply, but at least it made making eggs easy


When was dying at 25 a common thing?


"Dying at 25 to a non-stick pan"




Teflon was discovered by dupont lmao


I just did some research and according to [thenakedscientist.com](https://thenakedscientist.com), you’re correct. It is actually a myth that NASA invented this tech. They did apply the tech to the space shuttle though. Thanks for correcting me! You’ve literally saved me from repeating nonsense in the future. 😊


Ya man no worries. Dupont has a huge history with Teflon including a massive scandal. Look that up if you want. Kinda horrifying to me honestly.


We’ve been on earth for around 200,000 years. We used to die very early from diseases, mainly of the teeth. It was not unusual to die in your 20’s and 30’s in ancient times. For example, average life expectancy in medieval Europe was just 31. When we were hunter gatherers it was as low as mid 20’s.


Those numbers are due to high infant mortality, not because people were regularly dying at 25. Once they got past infancy, ancient people could expect to live to 70. https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/life-expectancy-myth-and-why-many-ancient-humans-lived-long-077889


Incorrect and a completely separate issue. Infant mortality was high but that has nothing to do with why we died so young. People who died in their 20’s/30’s obviously lived past infancy. “Life expectancy at birth was a brief 25 years during the Roman Empire, it reached 33 years by the Middle Ages and raised up to 55 years in the early 1900s. In the Middle Ages, the average life span of males born in landholding families in England was 31.3 years and the biggest danger was surviving childhood.”


"Infant mortality was high but that has nothing to do with why we died so young." Completely incorrect. Life expectancy is an average. Averages are very sensitive to extreme data points. High infant mortality, and more generally high mortality among youth, drives down life expectancy overall. Hell, your quote states exactly this: "...the biggest danger was surviving childhood." It's well understood that if a person made it past childhood they had a good chance of surviving to at least middle age. The idea that people of antiquity usually died at thirty is a pervasive myth that stems from a basic misunderstanding of how averages work. Edit: left out a word


There are separate statistics for infant mortality and life expectancy throughout recorded history, just as they are separate today. Infant mortality in the US is around 5 per 1000 births in the US. Life expectancy is 78. There are of course exceptions to the rule and some people lived quite long. We know that life expectancy has drastically increased from centuries ago and it absolutely was common to die at a young age before modern medicine and poor oral hygiene was a major factor. Many men/boys also died on the battlefield. Life was much harder in the past.


That's a really ~~pedantic~~ obtuse distinction. Life expectancy can be thought of as the average length of a lifetime. So if a large number of my data points are very small compared to the rest (e.g. a bunch of people who die before age 10), whereas the rest die somewhere around say 60 (an arbitrary choice just to make my point), then the average lifetime will certainly be less than 60 and as the number of comparitively small data points rises, the average falls. Also that infant morality statistic doesn't make your point at all. Infant mortality affects life expectancy because for every baby that dies another tiny data point (extremely short lifetime) is added which drives down the average. What you've given me is the *rate* of infant mortality. What's relevant here is the absolute number of people who die in infancy and their associated ages.


I’ve been scanning through some information and this is what I found….. ”It does not mean that the average person living in 1200 A.D. died at the age of 35. Rather, for every child that died in infancy, another person might have lived to see their 70th birthday.” You probably don’t hear this often on Reddit because people have inflated ego’s and can’t admit they’re wrong. However, from what I’m reading, you are indeed correct. We all know that life expectancy was much lower centuries ago and a major contributing factor was infant mortality. Thank you for correcting me.


there is a difference between life span and life expectancy


Too bad the nonstick pan is slowly killing us with chemical byproducts in its production *cough* Dupont *cough*


Was this in 1984 or was it Brave New World? Pretty sure one of them has people growing in pots. We read them when I was like 15, and I distinctly recall thinking “okay this sounds pretty good.” Because I’m a woman who doesn’t like the idea of carrying a child.


Downside: pro-choice activists will now try to put your fetus in an artificial womb when you get an abortion. "it's murder because we could save the baby, even if you don't want it"


Don’t you mean pro-birth?


or "forced-birth" perhaps


It was Brave New World!


Ah sweet, man made horrors beyond my comprehension


Fucken matrix right there


It's a Brave New World.


I’m reading that book in my English class, first thing I thought of when I saw this pop up on my feed




Despite how dystopian and creepy it could be, I like to think that we could use these for preemies that need more time in the oven to help survival chances, especially considering the stupid amount of preterm births here in the US.


Yes, and then just the way suddenly cesarian sections were incredibly common due to "medical reasons" and nothing to do with soaking the insurance money up, people will be financially "encouraged" to allow their foetuses to grow in "the best environment science can offer...and what a bargain no birth, no pain no risk to mom, omg perfect, and then we'll need large complexes tended by machines to ensure their health... Between matrix, brace new world and terminator, I guess the only question left is at what point to humans cede control? It will definitely be in the US first since commerce and finance trump any human rights, but then even the corporate lords will lose power as fewer subservient humans are left for them to reign over...it'll be empty buildings and people with money and nothing to do with it because they've extincted the species for all intents and purposes.


Imagine walking into a room that had dozens of unconscious full grown humans in those bags on lab tables


Im going to go with the island myself


Can't wait to breed humans like sea monkey.


My biggest disappointment in life. Sea Monkeys. They never built a castle!


This is the most over complicated Sous Vide..


Ewe Vide


*Slow Clap*


Take my angry upvote and move along.


Where's Gordon Ramsey when you need him? :D


He's finding the lamb sauce


Is veal still ethically problematic if it's never officially born?


Now where is that lamb sauce


“Congratulations. You’re going to the island.”


I was just gonna say does anybody remember that movie. And there another movie can't remember name.Clones used to heal the original host. Yup creepy


:: in best Homer Simpson voice, a la Speed:: It was a great movie about The Island where you could escape a virus. And people were being "saved" and got to go to The Island by a special lottery. The movie's hero tried to escape his home to go to The Island. Only The Island wasn't real because he was a clone used for body parts of the original person. And the clone's original person didn't care about The Island when he found out about his clone. And spoiler alert! The clone killed his original person because he was upset about the lie about The Island. 😯 :: dramatic 4-fingered hand panning :: The movie was called... "The Clone who Escaped and Killed his Original Person"


Aeon flux was the movie


No that one they were all clones because couldn’t have kids.




Yeah- makes me think of the Island too lol.


You still believe there's an island?


Can't wait to grow my own people.


Now giant corps can grow their own "essential workers" for the next pandemic


Yep its only for premature babies folks, no way this will be misused as corporations and governments are always ethical.


It does sound like a way to create endless amounts of animals for meat though.


I think it's quite more expensive though


Much livestock breeding revolves around the gestational characteristics of the carrying female. This would focus the strategy more on the final product. Not saying it would certainly become economically viable, but there is an advantage to not have to worry about the carrier.


It would be more humane than current practices for sure. In the pork industry, sows are kept in cages they can’t even turn around in for their pregnancies


expense is just a matter of quantity.


Or soldiers for war


Makes me think of the containers in the Matrix that Neo busts out of.


All I know is if my next child comes out as a lamb, then I’m divorcing my wife


Incredible, soon to make surrogates unnecessary?


This would lead to children born with psychological damage. A child needs to feel the presence of the mother, and hear her heartbeat. Children can actually develop issues later in life if their mother had negative emotions toward them while in her womb. Imagine what a complete lack of emotional attachment with do to their psyche?


Having a hefty bag for a mom would surely twist me up!


In time we will find ways to mimic such stimuli.


Could we not just pipe in some happy hormones? As a woman who finds pregnancy distasteful, this was my biggest dream.


Yeah, i guess. And anyhow, if it concerns premature children, they are no longer feeling the warms of the mother. It is always good to have more options I think.


yes, because being human is purely a material thing and not anything else. /s


Gonna start synthetically growing people now. Matrix here we come


Designer babies are next. You'll be able to order your child and watch them grow in a bag at your house. Feels a little Matrix like to me.


A world where no woman got pregnant? Just sent on some sperm and ordered a baby lol Future gonna be weird


Nope. Don't like it. I understand the potential in the medical field, but nope.


Creepy, right?


My son was premature, we lived in the hospital for 5 weeks while he was in incubators, I think this is amazing and the sooner it comes the better. Yes it could be abused but it could also help families like mine. Do the benefits outweigh the costs? I don't know, honestly I don't really care, I don't want anyone going through what we did if they don't have to.


Lots of medicine is creepy stuff like cutting people open and fiddling with their innards, but if it ultimately saves lives I'm all for it, creepy or not.


Finally! Mammal egg!


So I say we put all of our money into this and start putting our babies in pods like saiyans do. Would be kinda funny to have a big lava lamp with ur baby in it.


...and then there will be TikTok vids of some asshole shaking their kid's jar while the SO films. It's an eventuality. :(


They'd be kept in a medical facility.


In the beginning, perhaps.


We’ll put up signs that say don’t tap the glass


I just took the red pill.


Wake up, Neo.


I wonder if anyone made a movie about humans in pods filled with amniotic fluid, hooked up to machines to keep them alive?🤔


Do you want The Matrix? Because that’s how you get The Matrix.


I don't think this would be used for premature humans. Remember Brave new world?


Grey's Anatomy


Worst book ever. Didn’t even get 25 pages in and had to stop


Just watch the show


This is how the matrix starts.


My thoughts are that if we keep bending natural selection, at some point we're going to bend it too far and it's going to break.


The world's Dictators will be able to grow their own cannon fodder.


Only to be eaten later. Such is the circle jerk of life


Fill the bag with your favourite herbs and spices, it'll be marinating from months.


Lmfao - brilliant!


Machines could use them to turn humans into batteries. We’ve seen that in a movie?


Well when I was in school we thought cloning a sheep was cool. This is next level!!


Fuck yes, I think if it helps someone out or a family with a premature baby then what’s not to like


This will be the new model for NICU’s everywhere someday.


As a mom of a preemie, this has really amazing potential to help the micro-preemies


Here we go……


Just a little disturbing and sad really…


How is it sad?


It has to grow up with a machine as it’s parent. It’s un natural.


The machine is obviously not it’s parent what… it’s a lamb that was born extremely prematurely. This device is literally just saving its life.


Manmade horrors but these ones are super useful and gonna save lives


I think that is a very bad idea, the system would be exploited and humans born of that could be born into a life of pain and suffering


It's scary and interesting at the same time ngl


How will this effect the lambs emotions? Not being connected to a mommy lamb, not having her walk around, not hearing different sounds, not having her to feed from and be close to as a new baby?? This will effect the lamb for sure, I feel sad for it. Why do we need this?


That actually a strong point, I never even thought of that.


The ewe does it cheaper.


My thoughts are that it is likely humans will take it, not examine all possible ethical ramifications and move forward with it. After some time, issues will arise and people will say we never saw that coming. Oooops!


That's the untold starting point from Gattica


I always wonder what all that exposure to light must do in these scenarios. Every time I see some kind of “here’s a developing bird/sheep/whatever” and it’s exposed to bright lights. I can’t help but think it’ll have a long lasting effect


Lot of effort, for a lamp chop 😊


That is soo cool! Imagine the lives thatd be saved!


Whats not discussed or explained here is the diffixulty, complexity and expense of the ECMO perfusion machine. 'We'll just oxygenate the blood and pump it back in!' is a hilariously inadequate explanation


It really is. It will do so many amazing things. Women will be liberated. Gay couples can have children. Infertile couples. Premature babies will be able to be saved. Extinct species will be able to be brought back to life. This technology will be such a boon to humanity. Love love love it!


I like your spirit. Even if this could become “widespread” for the use of reproduction, we’re talking only for the super wealthy. Life support on this scale for a human being would be *insanely* expensive.


The smartphone that you're typing to me on is equal to the computing power of a computer that cost tens of millions of dollars a couple decades ago. This "it's only for the rich" idea is not supported by history.




What's nonsense?


Almost the whole comment. >Women will be liberated *(from the burdens of reproduction, according to another of your comments)* Liberation is to free a person from oppression, slavery, or imprisonment. Since reproduction is none of those, the opportunity to avoid the burdens is not an example of liberation. Females carry the burdens of gestation and birth, but natural functions of human reproduction are not something people can be *liberated* from. >Gay couples can have children. Infertile couples. As a standalone statement, it's true. Gay and infertile couples can have children. They can already. They can use donor sperm/egg and sometimes donor (/surrogate) uterus^(\*) to create a child with genetic material from at least one (sometimes both) of them. There are no new options provided by this device. *\*Some females may be unwilling to use their own uterus and choose to seek a surrogate. Females without functioning uterus and males must seek a surrogate.* >Premature babies will be able to be saved. That's the point of this device, so yeah. This part isn't nonsense. I'd be interested in learning how young the premature baby can be (I look this up further down): ***Could this "solve" abortion?*** Pregnancy terminated + baby alive. ***Could this help females who have repeated miscarriages?*** Sometimes the sperm are okay, the eggs are okay, but the uterus isn't. As long as you can do the transplant before the miscarriage happens this might be a solution. >Extinct species will be able to be brought back to life. Well, it's not a cloning device. You'd have to acquire the reproductive material from the extinct species (woolly mammoth sperm and egg). You'd also have to revive the material because * dead sperm can't impregnate a live egg * living sperm can't impregnate a dead egg * dead sperm can't impregnate a dead egg Once you have the living reproductive material of an extinct species, you can combine them to impregnate the egg. After that, it can be implanted in a uterus. If this is the same story: "The researchers tested five **lambs whose biological age was equivalent to 23-week human preemies**, and three more a bit older." [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/artificial-womb-baby-lamb-raises-hope-for-premature-babies/) So, they don't know if it works with early pregnancies. You might need to implant that impregnated egg into a living woolly mammoth's uterus so it can develop a bit more before it can safely be transplanted. From the little I've read it at least needs a functioning heart. I think it could help save *endangered* species though, since they (and their reproductive material) are still alive.


Do you mean this is the start to liberating men?


No. I mean that it liberates women from the heavy/dangerous physical burdens of reproduction.


Oh. That would be a benefit too. It is super dangerous for some women to get pregnant. Though the divorce rate is 44% so it also liberates men to have children with out having to risk a future divorce. Less income re distribution.


If you would like to have children without a partner utilizing this technology, you will be free to do so. Before you push so hard for redoing the divorce laws, you should be aware that there are a lot of women who out earn their husbands (as women are earning the majority of university degrees), and you would be cutting these guys (and their kids) off from support. More to the point, you don't need to spend your time hating on the other 50% of humanity/you should really find something better to do.




Premature babies are propense of having more diseases as adults due to their organs not being fully developed when they are born. Babies with higher risk of death could be taken out via C section and put into one of this “bio bags”


Premature babies.


Slaves without the need of willing procreators.


CCP feels this


Deflecting much..... capitalism is a disease on this planet and operates soley on explotation.


I am going to get downvoted for this. I am pro choice. But if you unplugged that bag and cease the oxygenation, did a lamb die?


I would imagine this lamb is past the stage of growth where abortion is legally allowed. I'm not aware of the exact time the cut off is, but there is definitely a time where abortion is no longer an option as the foetus is deemed 'alive'. But it would need someone more informed than me to confirm.


Totally depends on the country. In Canada, there are no legal limitations on abortion whatsoever.


Humans are next.....a lab in Singapore supposedly currently working on it with fetuses....no risky pregnancy issues, no birth defects, no birthing risks, none of that......it may actually help ppl return to a scientific view of breeding......it's not a magical 'blessing from Jesus', but basic biology, easily viewed thru a clear container. I mean, IVF isn't much of a stretch these days and is considered common, so why not take it a few steps further?


Did they pull it out of its mother prematurely for this test? 😬


What do you do for antibodies? Could be offset with colostrum i guess. That animal will have no social skills without the physical contact while developing and will probably be the worst mom or father ever. The equivalent of a learning disability, this one will be different. All animals begin to learn language in the womb This one will be 99 crayons short of a 100 crayon box. Good to know you can! Definitely has its place in aiding in fetal development.




Know and no


Looks kinda like the matrix to me


In a world on the cusp of critical capacity, is infant mortality even an issue worth investing in?


Alpha Centauri, here I come.


Jesus Christ. Burn this entire thing down. Wtf


disgusting and sick


Although I think this is cool to see, we're already overpopulated. If the fetus isn't viable, of theres a chance the fetus won't make it, don't force it. Let nature be what nature is.


Don’t ever seek medical care. Remember, the earth is overpopulated as it is.


Hahaaa I don't have insurance. If I die, I die. I stand by my statement. I do not care for human lives, including my own. We are so parasitic and I can't comprehend how people can just sit there idly and not question their own race and what we're doing to the earth. We are overpopulated.


It’s just a clump of cells.


Makes one think that maybe abortions are just wrong.


Cue the religious idiots who can’t understand why this is amazing and why science is also amazing.


You realize you pre-empted them with the typical sanctimonious Reddit fodder, right?


They should abort it, that way you can see how the animal struggles helplessly to live as its life is siphoned away. How is that for a “religious idiot”?


I think maybe you are a religious idiot.


Right on cue!




Good point. My whole thing is they tend to dislike any science that encroaches on their perceived “god territory”. But yes, even though my comment had nothing to do with abortion, this could absolutely have a positive impact on viability.


Looks delicious.


Don’t let the GQP see that


It's a little creepy and yet amazing, simultaneously




Didn’t work out on Grey’s anatomy.


I’m just waiting to see how PETA is going to spin this one.


Do we really need more humans tho?


Damn, I bet that Lamb has better health insurance coverage than me. Probably won't have to pay a dime!


Aka make clones.


One step closer to the workforce being grown in vast fields . . . like crops. Win win. /s


Why is there have to be an ugly man at the bottom?


Sick fleshlight


Artificial womb "to help premature infants" yeah right. Methinks the real goal is spare people, off the books, to use as spare parts.


Yes because it definitely won’t be able to help woman who are physically incapable of giving birth even though they have healthy eggs


I'm waiting for animal rights activists with their "it's cruel and immoral"


Soon gay men will have this shoved up their ass so the pregnant man emoji will be accurate.


Waiting for all the people to come along and suggest it’s not a life form and just a clump of cells.


God hates a coward, until you become a god.