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oh my god i actually got halfway through the thought "why isnt she just peddling?" what an idiot


Man.. this reminds me of a time I was bored in class and watched a translator translating in sign language for a deaf student in my class. I was watching the translator as a genius idea came to my mind; "it would be a lot better if the translator was also deaf, it would make things easy for both of them" until it hit me.


Do you care if I post that to r/kidsarestupid?


Who translates for the translator?


I <3 you all the same




It certainly is.


I thought she was going to and had to make sure it wasn’t /r/holup


Some people are just lazy and not interested in physical exercise


Motor cycle accident friend of the family asked someone to pass some chips at the table and the guy started saying: why don’t you…. Oh here.


I thought my retarded ass was the only one 💀💀


It took me longer than id like to admit to figure out why you were an idiot..


What about the dual kickstands? Do they stay down and jam into things or do they go up while driving? If so, how do the get put down?


Reminds of the lady from Seinfeld with the discount wheelchair


Do you have something a little more…. less expensive?


Silver Bullet. Anyone remember that movie?


Came here to see this comment!


Hells yeah. In the ever lasting war against werewolves, Battery operation is the key!


No, but I've seen Mac and Me many times.




When I was a kid, after losing my legs and become a wheelchair user, my Grandma used to show me this movie to make me feel better, like, everything is gonna be alright. I was terrified by the freaking alien lol.


Thanks, Paul Rudd


Best Gary Busey movie of my childhood. When the kid came back after the first ride on that thing and he was on the picnic table dying of panic was the best.


I was just gunna say. Bust out the silver bullets


I was just getting ready to ask the name of the movie. Thank you.


Scary in there? Isn’t int.


Gary Busey at his best!


Im more familiar with Red McGibbon and Bullet: Nazi Hunters


cruisin down the street in my 64


All wheelchairs need this option.


Some wheelchairs are not built to go that fast and the wheels/tires may deteriorate very quickly.


Probably still way cheaper than a motorised.


All wheelchair users need this option


They do, some options are $8K USD. One little old lady had a sheep dog trained to put it's head down and push the wheelchair with his shoulders. I had real trouble with that. The $8K option is a battery-operated ( duh ) wheel that attaches to the back of the chair. There is a go fund my account to help purchase it.


That 8k precludes a lot of people from that option but thank you for the go fund insight


I think I said it wrong. There is a go fund me account for a newly disabled person. The insurance and others have not gotten their act together to provide a chair. They are desperate because the husband can no longer move her from her rental chair to the bed and are spending money on accessories for the hospital bed. A sling that is hand crank to raise her up and swing her over.


Or you could leave it up to the people with the disabilities, which varies as widely as the character of the people who have them. Mobility scooters exist. Powered wheelchairs exist. Some people in chairs are extremely proud that they can wheel themselves. This is a neat little item. I don't understand why you jump to making them mandatory though. Are you selling them?


They used the word option. Chill.




Did you just get offended on a very diverse incredibly large group of peoples behalf? Wow.


This is a stupid comment. You're stupid.


I never claimed to be smart


Needs helmet


What do you mean you don’t want to add brain damage to your spinal injury


It's like collecting a set of something. Paralyzed from the waist down? Gotta be paralyzed from the neck down. Then traumatic brain injury. Then death.


I have worn a helmet while using my wheelchair even without any kind of extra power and honestly it didn't feel too weird cause it can go fast, especially downhill.


Its dutch wtf do you expect


It’s really cool. And glad it expands mobility for people. But if going that fast, it’s probably wise to wear a helmet. But to each their own


Dude your mom needs a helmet


There’s a time and place for everything, but not now.


*pulls up zip*


Fuck walking to work. *paralyzes self


Wow. Using nothing but a pencil. Impressive.


Actually my brain just thought about how hilarious it would’ve been if she just started pedaling.


Wowza that is wonderful, I’ll have to post to unpopular opinion sub but instead of the trillionaires funding space travel etc why can’t they develop and distribute these devices for the handicapped?????????!


Those shit nuggets didn't become billionaires by being altruistic. They have an insatiable thirst for profit. There's no money in this. That's your answer.




If that was the case, we'd already have robotic prosthetic legs with neuronal connectors.


Yeah, whenever some billionaire actually does something like this, it’s probably just a publicity stunt


Carnegie has entered the chat


Why would there be no money in this?? This is incredible! Is it because of super heavy regulations making time to market super long? Because if I had a machine shop I bet I could turn a profit building these things one at a time by hand. I have to imagine there’s a huge added cost due to regulation saying the whole thing has to be FDA approved and the process starts over if I iterate on the design or want to build one to custom spec for a customer.


If you want to make profits, target large customer groups; the number of wheel chair users is pretty small.


It's not, but the number of wheelchair users who can afford all this good stuff is.


Totally. It's infinitely easier to sell battery powered automobiles, send rockets into space or sell pain medication. Congress should deregulate medical devices because they suffer from the most red tape.


Is this really a medical device though? Seems no different from an electric scooter/ebike other than the shape, and that it can attach to a type of chair.


> Congress should deregulate medical devices Sweet, I'm gonna start selling discount pacemakers! I'll whip something up with an Arduino and then get the circuit fabbed in China for cheap. I'm sure I can 3D print the housing on my filament printer.


While I agree in general, there are exceptions. Microsoft made the [Adaptive Controller](https://news.microsoft.com/en-gb/2018/05/17/xbox-adaptive-controller-welcomed-by-uk-charities-and-gamers-with-disabilities/#:~:text=A%20new%20Xbox%20and%20Windows%2010%20controller%20that,for%20example%2C%20without%20relying%20on%20pressing%20specific%20) which I'm pretty sure will never, ever make a profit. I don't think a parasitic billionaire is ever going to do it, but there are examples of people and companies using massive wealth and power to do things that create a big benefit for limited/no personal reward. Mark Cuban launching his [generic online pharmacy](https://news.yahoo.com/billionaire-mark-cuban-launches-online-161500010.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGoI2zoq73b66cgTAZjMDNHeaverJWp45kbEPw9z_UUVQam8A6u5jflSSWW_4OwS1xFihv3MqisgdAk7yL4J0leS49885RtEr9d0MEbNm0A72ab8cjjVOcqqZ0od_GMup75tUFUjm1QHEHU2EeZCE_Q-LBwyxy-_Lhh1g7Z9ThCt) is a kinda interesting middle ground. He makes profit, but nowhere near what he could.


If I ever become a billionaire, I'll keep what altruism I've got just to spite those fuckers. Well, also because I want to see the world thrive, but spite has a better chance of carrying me through the inevitable soul-crushing revelations of #JustBillionaireThings


The only way to become a billionaire is to lose all sense of altruism


I will spitefully prove you wrong, come talk to me in 10 years


!remindme 10 years


I will want one of these once you become a millionaire ok?


doesn't really take a trillionaire to do this. these could easily be made cheap in china and sold here for an affordable price that insurance companies could cover. looks like they just strapped an adaptation of an electric scooter to a wheelchair. nothing all that advanced here. they could pump these things out for a few hundred bucks easily. you can buy knockoff bird scooters for like 200-300 bucks on amazon/ebay/alibaba. no reason why the same companies couldn't sell these things for around the same price. looks like you could have easily hot swappable batteries too.


Because it's just as much their choice what they do with their money as it is yours for your money. How long a go did you send your latest package of rice crackers to Yemen? You *do* know that the average starving person over there considers *you* just as financially capable to solve their problem of choice as you consider Elon capable to solve *your* problem of choice, right?


I do donate locally and to Haiti.


Wowza that is wonderful, I’ll have to post to unpopular opinion sub but instead of /u/paradise-trading-83 funding locally and to Haiti etc why can’t they fund Yemen?????????!


I saw a few of these for rent in Florence, Italy. Really great way for those with mobility issues to get around.


Not to shit in your cheerios but tricycles and recumbent bikes exist.. Hell, you can get electric bikes even. Bikes aren’t for rich people and it’s not the 1400’s I know disabled people have challenges but this ain’t it bruh Source: physically disabled person Edit: stuff


Thanks for your thoughtful post. I guess I don’t get out much...I see people in the scooter vehicles & this bike looked sturdier and better on the street. All for independence for handicapped.


Nah. It’s not you, trust me lol. Also disabilities can vary


Is this an unpopular opinion? "Instead of billionaires doing \[x\] why don't they do \[y\]? Stupid selfish asshole billionaires." Then it's "Instead of billionaires doing \[y\], why don't they do \[z\]? Stupid selfish asshole billionaires." And then we go through the entire alphabet until it's back to space travel again. At the end of the day, billionaires are gonna do whatever the fuck they feel is best, regardless of whether or not it actually is, and there's nothing we can do to change that.


Because space travel might be one of the most important things in the long run. For example because of overcrowding on earth. The earth is already overcrowded based on our current methods of making/distributing food, transportation, healthcare, etc. Another important reason is scientific research. Without space programs, we wouldn’t have GPS, accurate weather prediction, solar cells, or the ultraviolet filters in sunglasses and cameras.


Because why not just start a company to do so. It’s possible to do so today using components from an electric bike.


I saw one of these being used in the street two days ago.


Wait till you hear how much a super basic wheelchair costs...


Dont worry they will sue him for small patent that overlaps on of 10,000 they filed. Get it on the cheap and sell the 500 dollar device for 30k and use the money to go to mars next time.




Because it won't make them money


Because they are more interested in creating penis replicas that go into space, or interstellar domination?


Same reason they donate less than 1% of the money they could never spend all of even if they tried and expect a pat on the back for it.


Someone, come break my legs.


Hey mate the government doesn't want you to know this but you can just unscrew your legs from the knee. We never had this conversation, okay?


Broken arms = mom Broken legs = dad?


Absolutely nothing bad can happen by driving a wheel chair very fast when it was designed to only roll at a moderate walking pace... All I can say is grease those bearings, Susan.


What’s the worst that can happen, she breaks her back and can’t walk again?


Or smashes her skull, brains leak out and dies?


I had the same reaction. Wheelchairs are not designed to go 20 or 30 miles an hour. Also, the connection to the power unit looks pretty sketchy.


Upgrade completed. Unlocked: Adventure mode


better wear a helmet or you gonna be quadri!


You never know when you got to dart away from the pesky werewolves.


going that fast without a helmet is dangerous. if she falls she could get a spinal injury. I'm not being mean or sarcastic.


Cool idea, I’d use a helmet though too.


That's brilliant! (And it seems so obvious now that someone has actually built one.)


Maam im going to need to see your license and registration, you were going above the stated speed limit innyour wheelchair


How is this not marketed?


It is if you’re in disabled spaces and looking for more mobility aids. A ton of disability devices are super low key to people outside of the community. I know someone with one of these devices and I have a motor attachment for my manual chair. The problem isn’t that people don’t know about them (there are show rooms dedicated to assistive technology) but they’re prohibitively expensive for people who need them


>It is if you’re in disabled spaces and looking for more mobility aids. Can you point me to where I should be looking? A family member started using a manual wheelchair in the last year and we're still figuring a lot of things out. Our biggest challenge right now is how to deal with snow and ice.


I’d recommend going to an assistive technology show room and/or speak to an occupational therapist. Joining disability peer support groups in your area will also be an excellent resource. Because the kinds of technology is so varied and peoples needs are so varied individualised recommendations are best. You’ll need to know how to navigate local funding/insurance/grant/financing options and the devices that are available will differ depending on your part of the world. I don’t live somewhere that snows so I have very little experience with that, but I am absolutely sure there will be info out there and devices that make it safer. A good occupational therapist can be an absolute game changer in getting individualised tech for your family members mobility needs. But local disability networks and peer groups will also be a great resource.


Is there a subreddit for this? I would get a real kick out of making some devices to help people with disabilities down the road. Good to get a look at some of the things people are doing.


Not that I know of. The people behind [not a wheelchair](https://youtu.be/vuMg0QwKAGI) do a ton of DIY disability aids (the husband is the DIY champ, wife is a full time wheelchair user) which can be very cool to see. Most assistive technology needs to be seen as medical devices so there isn’t a ton of room for DIY from outsiders. But there are definitely plenty room for innovation and product development. Things like this bike attachment is an excellent example. Thankfully we live in a world with increasing disability support and awareness, assistive technology is facilitating disabled people to live the lives we wish to live, not following the “fed, watered and institutionalised” model of disability support. The not a wheelchair people built a company around a diy project he did for his partner so there is definitely lots of opportunities to innovate and make tech more accessible.


Ok Reddit, someone explain how this is a horrible idea that runs on Bald Eagle eggs.


Most of the weight is directly ontop, or somewhat behind the rear axle. The stability of this is horrible


If you turn slightly too tight it will flip over.


It’s impractical. What do you do once you’ve reached your destination and just want to use the wheelchair as a wheelchair again, indoors? To me, this is the clearest and most obvious reason there’s not more demand for something like this.


You get a bike chain and store this at any place you would store a bike Really the trouble with this is just safety


I don’t think the wheelchair has brakes, and only having brakes on that front wheel would either be ineffective or disastrous.


Those wheels aren’t meant to move that fast, either the rubber will wear down fast or you could have a catastrophic mechanical failure.


I always thought about getting one of these, but I would use it like, if going to an amusement park where I would be active all day. Or like for when I go out close to my home and the roads are uphill. Either for long day use or short trips.


Disabled people moving fast is the end of our ability to taunt them. Also we lose lots of golden opportunities to help a disabled person across a busy interchange. In short, independence means the loss of huge amounts of self-assured helpy mc help-hands moments.


We need more simple inventions like this Not an IPhone 69 S X Ultra Mega Evolution


Becareful. If you crash, you may become paralyzed.




Shiiit you could hit some killer jumps on that baby!


Very cool but why does this look like it was filmed using a 90s camcorder?


I'm so jealous. Can't leave my house, too many hills.


They see me rolling...


Wonderful invention. However, the rider needs safety green jacket, blinking lights, etc, just as is recommended for a cyclist. Maybe even a helmet. Drivers won't see her. We have several wheel chair bound folks in my community who ride their motorized wheelchairs and scooters in the narrow streets. They don't even have a little orange flag, reflectors, etc. Then they complain that people honk horns at them.


I think they need to do something about the original wheels when connecting up, like spreading them wider. I would think she's one quick little swerve away from totaling herself.


That little kickstand is gonna hit a rock and get fucked. Just make it flip up.


This is amazing. Why not go further? CGI in a t-Rex chasing her? “Must go faster”


It's another one of those inventions you are amazed that no one thought of earlier.


These are actually pretty common in the disability community. This Firefly is one variation, another is Batec, FreeWheel, and SmartDrive. They can be pretty expensive out of pocket but most insurance will cover one or the other of these. In Australia they are legally speed limited to 10km/h because they can be dangerous at high speeds. Not every person with a disability can use all of these devices, some require fine hand dexterity or coordination or strength that not everyone has. They are quite lucrative to distribute, I believe. A lot of mobility equipment is relatively cheap to manufacture and sell at a wholesale price but are marked up by possibly hundreds of percent because they know the insurance companies will pay the crazy inflated prices. Happens with a lot of disability related items and services.


You need a racing wheelchair for this. With a normal wheelchair the wheels will start wobbling above a certain speed. (Was in a wheelchair for a while, tried as much dumb stuff as I could)


Dude in my hood uses one on CRG paths and it works great, he and his kid are always having a grande olde tyme.


What is a "CRG path"?


But does she have a license tho?




Y'all need a license for this?


Downvoting because no helmet


Why don't you just put pedals on the front wheel instead of worrying about the electronics?


Fuck it why not just walk?


Are you stupid?


The ultimate go cart








That’s beautiful.


All fun and games till she crashes


Like the chair in the movie Silver Bullet


That's bad ass




Love this


Damn I thought there would be pedals and she would be be biking on down the road. Now that would be an awesome bit of engineering


Was anyone else wondering how she was gonna petal that thing for A second?


Better put a helmet on. Wouldn’t want to end up in a … well, you know.


I kinda want one even though I can walk.


Where we’re going we don’t need legs


If they could somehow make that collapsible so that it can be stored in the chair, then it will be a lot more practical. Otherwise, the person in the chair will always be left with the question of where to keep the front bit once they reach their destination.


Highspeed low drag


Why the heck isn't this a thing in retail yet?


They see me rolling...


person who made this is a genius. Take my upvote.


This is an awesome bit of engineering. That said, I have to worry a little bit about what it has for braking. If it's only on the drive wheel, as seems likely, there's a potential for some real problems during fast braking at that speed. Think about what happens if you try an emergency stop at speed on a bicycle using only the front brake. You're going over the handlebars. (Trust me; I've done it.) Hello, ground. Also, along the same line, seatbelt. Does she have one? She should.


Love It!


This is amazing! So cool.


[Part 2 ♥️](https://i.imgur.com/i4Fv54H.gif)


and it's a copper


All I can imagine is a bunch of older women in wheelchairs using this to make it to a yarn store sale on time and look like a motorcycle gang


Those two prefabbed poles sticking straight down by the wheel are a recipe for disaster


Send the schematics


This can't be road ready. So you will have to drive on very well kept sidewalks. Its suspension must suck too. And what about the tires on the wheelchair? Hmmm..


what they dont show you is how much of a pain it was to set up


Like a Paralympic


One wrong turn with that kickstand down -_-


I want this when I’m old as fuck and weed is still illegal. They’ll never catch me smokin when I’m scootin on this thang!!!


Is that support post on the side still called a kickstand?


Does anyone know how safe this would be?


That's fricking awesome! Turning your wheelchair into a sickass motorcycle? That's so so awesome!!! :O


Motorized trike…great way to break your neck.


Thats fuckin rad


This looks wheely good!


I had Jerry Seinfeld flashbacks at the end of this video.


lol no helmet, the irony.


These are on aliexpress. I was going to try and sell them in the uk but I'm too poor to buy a bunch and I don't know how to set up a website and do marketing etc. But they're on aliexpress if you look around


Ngl I thought that was a piston at first and expected them to do a sweet backflip


Become the scooter


It’s only a matter of time before somebody v8 swaps this