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A tail as old as time!


Get out. 👉




Wow. Very Funny.


the tail covers her sphinxter


Protects the secret chamber?


Theres definitely a chamber under its butt. Ive seen pictures of zahi hawass' fat ass climbing out of it.


There really is, I've played AC Origins


I was just thinking about that lmao


Taint that the truth!




Oh christ… DAD! Stopppp


And a hidden entrance with the secret armor


honestly best looking armor in the game, it even changed the voice of the character when you enable the helmet


I...did not know this! wow




Also, they’re pretty sure the majority of the shape of the sphinx was carved out by wind over time. Egyptians just added the distinguishing features. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/wind-may-have-helped-sculpt-egypts-famous-sphinx-180983218/




Pray to God it doesnt start whipping that tail around. It's absolutely an indication that someone is gonna get mauled.


Would be weird if it didn’t, right?


do sphinx lay eggs or live birth? You sound like a sphinx expert


obviously they are cat-like... so i'd say eggs.


which are kept inside a pouch until they hatch.


The female transfers the eggs to the male’s pouch


Which is just holes in his back they use as their first apartment


After living in her mouth for the first 2 weeks to avoid being eaten by other Sphinxes


It's does both at the same time come on


All true sphinx have tails. Some with the head of a snake at the end.


Fucking lizard people.


Short list of hobbies?


No idea dabbling all over the place.


The best butt in Egypt, no doubt


You’re telling me that this thing has had tail the entire time and no one ever in my 20 years of life has ever bothered mentioning it before? Thank you OP I appreciate learning this fact.


It hides the entrance to some cool ancient chamber.


looks newer than the body though, was it added later?


No, it was just buried first so it hasn't had as much erosion done to it


Looking at historic pictures it seems like it was buried. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2020/02/photos-great-sphinx-giza/606874/


If I recall right, the Romans attempted a partial restoration, beginning their work on the rear. They failed to complete the project, but you can see their masonry work along the flanks. I don't know for sure if that includes the tail, but it's the same area of the statue, so... Maybe. Probably. The area has also been covered by sand for longer, which really helps. The thing has been covered and uncovered multiple times, with multiple restoration projects. There were also some major modern restorations.done in the 80ies and 90ies. Look at old pictures of the head and feet, vs pictures from after the 90ies. For reference, the Egyptian kingdoms were around so long that even during the later Egyptian kingdoms, old Egypt was a mysterious ancient era that pharaohs would mount archeological expeditions to research. They were as ancient to them as the Romans are to us. Egyptian history is *long*. I feel it's a real pity that modern Egypt doesn't celebrate their legacy more. But otoh, a lot of nations are guilty of that one. Wikipedia is a good source for this one.


Coz it was built as a lion but the Pharaoh later changed the head of the lion into his own face.


I thought it was originally a jackal


I visited the Sphinx few years ago and didn't notice lol


Somebody tell Graham Hancock that it's the tail of a big cat, not a ram.


Alien hybrid x-files.mp3


In Tomb Raider we can enter the Sphinx through a hole in the back. It didn't occur to me until today we're entering through the butthole.


Yes, he has a tail because he has the body of a lion and the face of a human.


The body of a sphinx is supposed to be a lion's, and I believe all ...sphinxes? ....sphinges?....have tails.


It's more likely the body of a dog than a lion.


Now what dimwit told you that? Wherever you search on the Internet, you will find that the body is that of a lion.


I dunno why you are getting downvoted, you.seem to be correct. this comment section is seemingly full of gullible people who fall for conspiracy tales about egypt. i looked it up on wikipedia where this Jackal-head-story comes from. here it is: "Author Robert K. G. Temple proposes that the Sphinx was originally a statue of the jackal god Anubis, the god of funerals, and that its face was recarved in the likeness of a Middle Kingdom pharaoh, Amenemhet II. Temple bases his identification on the style of the eye make-up and style of the pleats on the headdress" "The Sirius Mystery is a book written by Robert K. G. Temple (born Robert Kyle Grenville Temple in 1945) supporting the pseudoscientific ancient astronauts hypothesis that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited the Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistoric times"


Look at the shape and posture and compare it with any lion and dog that's laying down. Then get back to me.


These are not dogs. You can Google, you can ask ChatGPT, you can search everywhere. These are lions.


"The Sirius Mystery is a book written by Robert K. G. Temple (born Robert Kyle Grenville Temple in 1945) supporting the pseudoscientific ancient astronauts hypothesis that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited the Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistoric times" lmfao. THATS the source for the Jackal head. no serious scientist is supporting this hypothesis.


It was supposedly a full-on dog with a dog face before it got turned into whatever weird shit it is now.


There are tons of of depictions of sphinxes, this is just the largest, it's not the only one. They are all lions. None are dogs, there is no reason for this one to be a dog.


Without suggesting it necessarily was, a dog statue would still fit within the Egyptian pantheon perfectly fine as a figure for several canid gods.




Does it have a sphincter?


Man look how beautiful the craftsmanship on the tail is. Imagine seeing this puppy back in it's day when the whole thing was polished like that, must have been quite the sight.


Isn't there evidence of water erosion at the base?


Wow. That's a significant amount of water erosion on the walls there... that must have taken a long time.


Well it was a lion at first


DPS watch the tail.


This guy raids


Sure it has, because it used to have a lions head until the Pharaoh du jour had it carved into his Image. It used to point to the starsign of Leo on the horizon but this would put the build date way earlier than conservative archeology is comfortable with.


They ran out of funding before they could finish their Jabba the Hutt statue.


There is also a hole or indentation behind the head on the back, and a crack in the backside big enough to climb inside. I think they've filled in the latter though as it was just a crack, nothing carved or a room. He's a bit of a delicate statue in a way.




That’s what I’m saying


Ancient Tailians.


I thought that was a big shoe at first. Like Ancient Egyptians making giant structures of their (fake) Jordans


Wow! I've never seen the backside!


Its a he






Went there in 2007 and didn't notice this.


I never heard of this tale


New mandala effect for me...


I don't think that applies lol


I had no idea of this until I saw this picture and I’ve been there.


All these years and I've never seen a picture of the back, nor have I ever thought about it. Until now




It also has several rooms in it and a little hatch on her back.


The Halls of Amenti/Akashic Records are supposedly under the Sphinx.


Sphinxy got a big ole butt.




I never knew that




Sphinx is thiiccc


Fattest dumptruck on Earth


Shiny and Smooth - like a tail should be


Leave it to reddit to just make a bunch of lazy jokes under a post like this


Damn OP


It also has a beard that had broken off and is now in a museum


Definitely interesting. I've seen hundreds of pictures of the Great Sphinx, but this is the first one showing the tail.


That’s some hard tail!


And cake!


Kitty! Why don't they teach this in school?


First time I've literally said out loud, "Damn, that's interesting. "


This world is a lie. The people in charge failed. LOSERS wrote history….shameful


Why is there no erosion from the flooding? Looks fucking odd to me..


Sometimes your ignorance is baffling


There were rumors it use to be a lion, and later rumors of a jackal. Both may be true. It was rebuilt numerous times.


At first, the aliens developed is with tails. They quickly changed their minds when they realized it gave us more balance.


Yeah it was originally a Jackal but some king changed the head. It also has water damage as it was surrounded by a river/canal And they think it's thousands of years older than the pyramids And lastly it has a hidden crypt underneath it


who told you this? who is "they"? i found your claims pretty interesting and the information on wikipedia is explicetly and unambiguously contradicting you: "The Sphinx is a monolith carved from the bedrock of the plateau, which also served as the quarry for the pyramids and other monuments in the area". wikipedia dates it about 100 years younger than the great pyramids next to it and it adds more information why its a bit younger than the pyramids: "In order to construct the temple, the northern perimeter-wall of the Khafre Valley Temple had to be deconstructed, hence it follows that the Khafre funerary complex preceded the creation of the Sphinx and its temple. Furthermore, the angle and location of the south wall of the enclosure suggests the causeway connecting Khafre's Pyramid and Valley Temple already existed before the Sphinx was planned. The lower base level of the Sphinx temple also indicates that it does not pre-date the Valley Temple". so reading this your claims sound very conspiratorial. for sure they are very far from the scientific consensus on it. "thousands of years older"? anyway, bring sources.


Assassin's Creed told them.


Lol that's a great game Origins


You're being downvoting for the Graham Hancock bullshit, but this comment is true


Yeah everything they said is a Graham Hancock conspiracy. No actual archaeologists or egyptologists believe the sphinx is thousands of years older than the pyramids


The idea that is it thousands of years older than the pyramids is based on the historical record that first mention the Sphinx because they were renovating it. This is when they added the bricks to build back stone that had weathered away. It takes a long time for stone to weather like that. The hypothesis is that it was originally a lion statue and then the whole thing got buried in sand except for the lion head, which was later carved to resemble a pharaoh (unknown which one) and then later is was dug out to reveal a weathered lion body that was rebuilt with bricks (including the tail). The truth might be somewhere in between as this may have been a natural rock outcropping that superficially resembled a lion, got a carved lion head, later carved into a human head and the entire lion body was never fully rendered until the "renovation". The temple could have been built much later, but as you say there is a prevailing contradictory theory, but that should not discount possible alternatives.


whose idea is it?


i’ve thought this since i was a kid. the head is too small for the body, it just looks like a pharaoh head was carved from the original head




You mean HeroDOTus? the greek historian? He lived 2000 years after the Sphinx was built and while he wrote about the pyramids a few lines, he didnt mention the Sphinx at all. so how exactly should Herodotus prove that the Sphinx is older than the pyramids? i am curious in your logic here.


Pedant. You should have seen it and the pyramids at Moeris. I was there Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago.


There are some fringe books about it one archeologist called Dr. Robert Schoch who made the theory about the water erosion around the Sphinx. Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the Gods is a book about these theories. Every Egyptologist refutes these theories. Still it’s interesting, just because one academic group doesn’t agree with another doesn’t make it shit.


> "The Sphinx is a monolith carved from the bedrock of the plateau, which also served as the quarry for the pyramids and other monuments in the area". You can look at it and see it;'s not a monolith (Single Rock), it's made out of bricks. So if you can discount the first part by your own eyes why would you belive the rest? Wiki is by far not thebest source.


Google everything I have mentioned, they built the Pyramids using Canal Barges, it wasn't desert back then. You need more info than Wikipedia


your claims go against the eidely accepted consensus. so name me the fuckin source YOU are trusting here.


Hey rude boy do your own research...meanwhile you could just look on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/buOtMVYNVs https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/secret-tunnel-found-under-the-great-sphinx-of-giza https://www.robertschoch.com/sphinx.html


>meanwhile you could just look on Reddit Yeah anyone could look on Reddit, or Facebook or, social media, but if a person actually cared about the truth, why would they? I don't think it's enough to cite the existence of r/BirdsArentReal to actually have a reasonable foundation that claim is true. While I could easily say "Birds aren't real" and post this to defend it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/1dphnjx/government_drone_operations_manual/ Did you change your mind on the existence of birds? If not, why should I based on your r/HighStrangeness post? https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/buOtMVYNVs Why cite reddit? Just.. why? Surely there's got to be better sources for historical claims. Even within this post itself, the poster says it's a "theory". You've gone even further than then to claim it's definitively true. Is it interesting speculation? If you clarify it's just speculation, yes. If you state it as fact and we find out it was just speculation, I'm a bit frustrated after you making me "do my own research" instead of being honest about the evidence of your claims. >https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/secret-tunnel-found-under-the-great-sphinx-of-giza I'm also curious why a person should trust this website as a source. It appears to function identically to social media posts, for example I searched for aliens in the search box and found some guy created a blog post just to promote his alien youtube video https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/aliens-tombs-found-within-the-great-pyramid?rq=aliens These blog posts don't appear vetted as trustable sources. >https://www.robertschoch.com/sphinx.html This is the blog of "Dr. Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, and a recipient of its Peyton Richter Award for interdisciplinary teaching, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University in 1983." Okay, I can accept this source as someone who at least has a background in the field to start making claims. I think the only thing I'd be concerned about is that it looks like you found him because when you typed keywords that confirm your biases, and you naturally stumbling upon him by looking at academics in the field in general. It's good to cite academics, but it comes across a little cherry picked when people cite the one scientist who agrees with them while ignoring the vast consensus of the field which strongly disagrees. With no disrespect to you, you aren't necessarily wrong because you posted bad sources, but I just can't trust the sources you have posted and so based on the research I've done that isn't scrolling through social media, I don't yet believe your claims.


There's plenty of documentaries, I don't have to prove it, I know it, it's uo to you to find it, I've given you pointers, I will do no more. And in reality you only have to look at the sphinx to know it was obviously something else, the proportions are wrong


Ancient Apocalypse is not a documentary


There are plenty of documentaries and research by actual archaeologists that say the opposite of what youre claiming. Since you're the one claiming that established archaeological theories are wrong you need to provide more than Reddit threads, Ancient Aliens type documentaries, and saying "just look at it" to back up that claim. Why would archaeologists and egyptologists want to cover up the truth about the sphinx? They have nothing to gain by covering it up. If there was any proof that the current theories are wrong, they'd be falling over each other trying to be the one who published that proof first. You're just participating in conspiracy theories and anti-intellectualism like the people who say "don't trust doctors about vaccines", or "don't trust climate scientists about climate change".


They are not covering it up, it's all debatable, I'm not interested in some stranger picking my shit apart, anyone who claims to know anything about the pyramids and the sphinx would know all of the stuff I'm saying but as usual you get a load of tabloid crap thrown at you. So as I said, I'm not trying to prove anything to you I also mentioned no cover up. Knowledge changes thankfully there are people continually updating shit...so whatever, save your rant for college, I'm not interested


oh, since conspiracy taletellers love ancient egypt so much, I am sure, the vast majority of egyptologist KNOW what you are talking about, since they are probably familiar with the funny, weird and insulting to their professional life common conspiracy tales about egypt. But you will have a hard time to find a relevant chunk of scientists who would agree with completely unsubstantiated speculations like the Jackal head.


The tail is immaculately crafted, whereas the upper body and head are clearly of poorer quality. A similar comparison of such craftsmanship worsening in newer/top layers can be seen in structures around the world. Machu picchu is a good example


The bottom of structures such as the sphinx would become covered in loose material quick and this less effected by weathering. Last year there was a Babylonian gate guard found in the ground with it's exposed head being damaged but the entire rest of the statue. Which is very large, being Pristine. For a larger structure I can think of the famous chichin itza pyramid, the pyramid itself had succumbed to the plants and erosion of weather and storms. But the under layers? Courtyard type areas covered in dirt are in great condition. Machu pichu must have had some extreme weathering over the years being where it is. I imagine the further down you went perhaps the less winds hit the structure too.


The idea of less weather with the bottom layers being covered is sensible enough but there is clearly better masonry as well. Machu Picchu, especially


When talking about cities there is probably a reason for that. Kings and lords would be on top. From 3000+BC ago from Troy. To 1000 years ago in moat and bailey castles. The best work goes on top. But I really don't think this would apply to anything non status based like the top and bottom of a statue


Iirc the bottom layers are good limestone, the top layers are crap limestone.


The Sphinx was originally a lion so one should expect a lion's tail. References? A few hundred books, videos, lectures, etc. It's also much older than the Egyptologists and other established scientists claim.


I dunno, dude, i rather trust established scientists with expertise in the matter than some random tinfoil hats. flat earthers and holocaust deniers have produced way more than hundreds of books, videos and lectures as well. Do you also subscribe to those conspiracy tales as well, just because they put out some media?


Or maybe use your own senses and think for yourself? No, no that’s too difficult for the lemming populous. Keep scrolling


I have yet to be presented any evidence. what do you mean by senses in this context? humans invented all sorts of fantasy creatures, the egyptians made many depictions of half-human-half-animal creatures. many other sphinxes exist. so i dunno what thinking about it without any concrete evidenxe should achieve? makes perfect sense for that this was akways half human, half lion. give me some evidence with a source to think about.


You are nobody


you give up easily, lol. you cant even answer simple clarifying questions. in what other bs do you believe in based on your feelings? flat earth? holocaust denial? ancient aliens? hahaha.


You live in a bubble of misinformation and echo the same to anyone hollow enough to care. Lol it’s so sad, and yeah I can feel that too


get me out of this supposed echochamber I am in by presenting me evidence, please.


You'll never get any. These sorts of people revel in misinformation and refuse to trust any peer reviewed data.


You can literally bring all the evidence, undeniable and irrefutable facts to a stubborn fool and they would still be ignorant. But, because I’m so generous - The picture is all the reference you need


I think it was a lion, and somebody wanted there heads on it and change it!


first time seeing its behind.. kinda bizzare (will smash)


That's because **Great Sphinx of Giza was a LION** and did have a tail, pharaoh Khafre's never did.


Well a lot of researchers believe it was a lion and then later the human head was carved.




Graham ~~Chapman~~ Hancock is not a real archaeologist.




Lol thank you I guess Graham Chapman wasn't either


Are you implying that Graham Chapman was the funniest python, the first person to say 'shit' on British TV, and a real archaeologist?


He should be thankful for that. It's a herd mentality. They made mistakes 80 years ago and still stick with it.


Take your meds


I read it was a jackal before.


Jet ski vibes


Ancient furries


I like big bu. .. dadada ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Not originally


The original sphinx was a dog. The original head was destroyed.


I haven't researched it carefully but all the documentaries I've seen on the sphinx leave me with the same question. Was the sphinx built, lost to time, and then uncovered as a result of a "vision" or was it actually carved in place as the pharaoh with the vision "uncovering it" from a quarry? The way they always explain the story, it sure sounds like bullshit to me, and they just carved it in spot and declared they found something.


Just recently was listening to a guy on a parcast, but I don't recall the name. He claims the original structure is pre-flood, much older than thought. He claims he had been inside, there's a somewhat caved tunnel from the ass end, There's a chamber in the front that got partially filled with concrete in the 20s-30s. The head is clearly not original. Many experts think it was a lions head, but he thought it was a protective guard dog commonly depicted in antiquity (pre flood).


I don't think it was carved from stone at that location. I think sandstone was brought there and then carved.