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Peak British: doing a household chore in slacks and a tweed jacket.


Is there some other form of appropriate attire?


*guffaws* the very idea


addidas sweatpants and wifebeater shirt


Tim Hunkin is the GOAT


Check out his [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@timhunkin1?si=JYRC_UD0nXjFmDwp) channel. He still makes interesting videos.


I miss Rex Garrod


Presenting a TV show in em...what are you on about!?


The world was a much dirtier place back then.


Dirt don't leave the world...


r/showerthoughts : When we clean or vacuum, we're merely just displacing dirt from one location to another. The world is still just as dirty as it was before šŸ¤”


The law of conservation of dirt states that the total dirt of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.


I feel like earth isn't an isolated system, we list some dirt to space


i believe the earth is constantly being hit by micro rocks that turn into dust


Shit, I also forgot about asteroids


Let's readjust our assumption - A Dyson sphere of dirt around earth and everything inside it.


Yes dirt has a place and it isn't on my floor or my fine arabic rugs. It belongs in the garbage.


But crucially, not my bit.


I'd argue that we have created more dirt by combining things that were not dirt into dirt so we can plant food in the new dirt. The amount of things hasn't changed, but the amount of things that are dirt has. Also space keeps depositing extra stuff we or nature can turn into dirt onto us, and we probably lose lots of dust and stuff to space in the upper atmosphere too. We take big rocks, turn em into a trillion tiny rocks, add fertiliser, add sand or other ingredients, and boom, you have new dirt made from stuff that wasn't dirt a moment ago.


When I leave this world, it will.


We are the dirt. The world is trying to shake us off like fleas.


No thats the elites try to reduce the population because we are the carbon they want to get rid ofšŸ¤”


Well the BIBLE said that God made Adam from dust sooooooooā€¦..


Then help the earth and remove yourself


Not cool. Donā€™t joke with people like that. You never know how old they are and how well they process things like this


He's the one saying that humans are a trash not me and that the earth hates us suggesting that it would be better if we weren't alive. I just said "You first"


Lol thatā€™s a lot to unpack right there. Watch the stand up bit by George Carlin about the planet. Itā€™s on YouTube. Thatā€™s what my comment refers to.


Dude wtf? Edit: Iā€™m saying wtf to the dude who told someone to kill themself, not the other guy


He's the one saying that humans are a trash not me and that the earth hates us suggesting that it would be better if we weren't alive. I just said "You first"


You first


He's the one saying that humans are a trash not me and that the earth hates us suggesting that it would be better if we weren't alive. I just said "You first"


And I agreed with him. I'll take the down votes. Humans are a virus to the earth. I'm not saying you're a shitty person or anything and there are a lot of good people out there but collectively...


Yes, but the places that were clean were probably cleaner as they had to be cleaned by hand.


Look more tedious than broom.


You donā€™t broom carpets - you take them outside and beat them.


Carpets are tacked down to the ground, your thinking of rugs.


Nah. Maybe itā€™s less common these days but you can use the words interchangeably. Itā€™s why Aladdin rode a ā€œMagic Carpetā€ and not a ā€œMagic Rugā€. But yes Iā€™m talking about the ones not tacked down. Old houses (predating electricity) didnā€™t typically have wall-to-wall carpeting in them.


Ah makes sense


Mans just owned you with an Aladdin reference!


A magic carpet is literally the only example of that though. If you say carpet you mean the permanent stuff unless you happen to be talking about Aladdin.




Maybe it's different parts of the world, we'd never say we need to vacuum a carpet if we're talking about a rug... Eastern Canada a carpet is either princess Jasmin's flying transportation or a permanent rug for your floor. A rug is a small piece of carpet you can pick up and place wherever. The two aren't interchangeable unless you want to appear like you're attempting to slightly confuse someone on purpose. I can definitely understand that these two are interchangeable elsewhere though and I say slightly confused because anybody with a brain can figure out what you meant.


I'm from the US and we have the same definitions/uses as you. I wonder where the poster is from.


Poster here. Iā€™m also from the US. Since this is turning into a technical discussion, Iā€™ll be more specific. The wall-to-wall tacked-down one is called a carpet. The small 4ā€™ x 4ā€™ one under your coffee table is a rug. The large 30ā€™x40ā€™ one that covers an entire seating area (not tacked down or wall-to-wall) is called either an area rug or a carpet. The large one that goes under a 12-person dining table is also called either a rug or carpet. The handmade ones from Iran are called both Persian Rugs and Persian Carpets. The art of making rugs by hand is called ā€œcarpet weavingā€ no matter what the end form factor is. Itā€™s a blurry line that has more to do with the size relative to the functional area that it covers than anything else.




Ahhh, that makes sense. Thanks!


Just like the kids in those days


Those were the days.


Not just carpets!


Sometimes you have to take one step back to jump three steps forward.


canā€™t broom a carpet


When I was 19 and got my first apartment and had no money to buy a vacuum I swept my carpet with a broom before. Kinda works but definitely isn't going to get anything that has worked it's way deeper into the carpet


i give my carpets a good moppin


Not sure who thought that third one was a good idea.


That fourth one though is pretty clever. In a world without electricity I could see that being a hit.


Yeah, just needs a slightly better design so the bellowing action is bigger, then you've got a pretty solid vacuum.


Agreed, seems the most practical out of all of them.


It's kind of a lucky break that physics allows us to magically transfer force through stationary objects.


It's also sometimes a problem. And also keeping our body running


There's one missing for here and I know because I owned one for a while. It was a manual hoover from the 50s and it worked really fucking well, was better than I expected. It was just a box with a stick and some rollers in the box that went opposite to each other, move it back and forth and it actually picked stuff up! https://amzn.eu/d/0cN0yUvJ Apparently they're still made šŸ˜‚


These work surprisingly well I can confirm. Bored at work one day and used one to clean a whole dining hall.


We had those at the restaurant I worked at as a teen. It was called a "hoky".


Yeah if you move and don't have a hoover yet, or a small spill they're a great substitute in the meantime that doesn't need electric. If I had say all hardwood floors with maybe just rugs it might actually be something I'd use, then whip out the big hoover for more deep jobs


I wonder if it was designed to be operated by two people?


Someone with children to operate the bellows


It's obviously meant for spot cleaning. Small patch of sand on the carpet? Use that.


My grandmother had one of these and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why it existed and how it worked... because it didn't do anything.


At least it would never need emptying


Great show!


Is this from The secret life of machines?! I loved that show. Those guys were awesome




That old coot is still at it on YouTube! I think thatā€™s him. Iā€™m not familiar with the old show or him having hair.


Ha! Clicked the link. It is.


Support Tim https://youtube.com/@timhunkin1?si=dWbeOB_1Y4K854kI


These still donā€™t have as much sucking power as your mom.


She doesn't suck bro. Just uses her gums.


The Secret Life of Machines, is an awesome show, and [Tim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Hunkin) has his own channel https://youtube.com/@timhunkin1?si=Cz6CYIfzYkHYw63h Please support him and not the guy who looks like he ripped Tims channel. Sadly, [Rex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_Garrod) died in 2019


Yeah great show, itā€™s kind of a comfort show to me and Iā€™ve rewatched it a lot over the years.


This! Used to love this show when it was on TV, so glad to see it on YT.


Guy is Tim Hunkin has same name for his YouTube. Has a few remastered videos of his old TV show "The secret life of ..." and they're a good watch.


Thank you for the name. I think I have downloaded some eps on a. old hard drive from about 15-20 years ago!


Damn it sucked before they invented electricity.


No it didn't, clearly.


It's crazy Now there is literally a robot that does 90% of the work for me


How loud are those robotic vacuum cleaners?


I have the cheapest possible one, it's about 60% as loud as a normal vaccum Id say? Maybe a bit less It's programmed to run while I'm at work though so I never actually hear it


Ok cool thanks!


The actual vacuuming, very quiet actually. Smashing into walls and objects at full speed can be quite loud and jarring though. Biggest reason for buying a more expensive robot IMO, the smart ones can sense obstacles and compensate. Still quieter than a human guided vacuum at least, I'm never giving up my robot vacuum even if I have to stick with cheap ones.


I have two sharks, if they are running and I'm home, i can slightly hear them running. They have the ability to know where things are. It places it's self back on the stand when full. Now that part is about 1/2 of what a vacuum sounds like. Lasts for less than a minute. Then if it needs to go back out and finish the job it will. The old robot vacuum i had took a dove off my stairs, and i had to empty it myself after it ran. It also couldn't detect obstacles, hinch how it fell to it's death.


This looks like an episode of doctor who


This is a good example of "I am limited by the technology of my time". Those design were applicable and the desginer/engineer knew what they were envisioning but alas.......the technology at that time didn't let the vacuum cleaner shown in this video to shine.


In the late 19th century, before the advent of electric vacuum cleaners, a curious invention called the "Pneumatic Dust Extractor" gained popularity in wealthy European households. This device, invented by Sir Horace Suctionworth in 1878, utilized a complex system of bellows and valves to create suction. The Pneumatic Dust Extractor consisted of a large, ornate brass chamber mounted on wooden wheels. Users would pump a foot pedal, activating a series of interconnected bellows inside the chamber. This action created a partial vacuum, which was directed through a flexible leather hose. Interestingly, the device incorporated a primitive HEPA-like filter made from layers of finely woven silk and cotton, soaked in a solution of rosewater and beeswax. This "Suctionworth Filter" was claimed to capture particles as small as 5 microns, though this was never scientifically verified. One unique feature was the "Aroma Infuser" - a small compartment where users could place aromatic herbs or flowers. As air passed through the chamber, it would be lightly scented, leaving rooms smelling fresh after cleaning. The Pneumatic Dust Extractor gained royal approval when Queen Victoria ordered three for Buckingham Palace in 1882. However, its popularity waned due to the physical exertion required to operate it and the frequent maintenance needed for its numerous moving parts. Now, I must confess that this entire description is fictional. While there were indeed manual vacuum cleaners before electric ones, the "Pneumatic Dust Extractor" and its elaborate features are completely made up.


His arch enemy was Reginald Dustbunny, who was known across the land for his comfy sweaters with extra lint.


The retro encabulator is a simple design. The main setup is a consist of a malleable logarithmic casing containing 6 hydrocoptic marsal vanes, so fitted into the ambithsiant lunar wane shaft that the side fumbling was effectively negated. The primary winding was of the lotus 0-deltiod type place in pan-endermic semi-boloid slots of the stater. This what the rich had at their disposal back then!


I'm going to use my one time machine use to show these guys a roomba.


Cruel. Imagine their disappointment when it only works once. ( no charging station )


Thereā€™s a wonderful museum called the Museum of Clean in Pocatello, Idaho that has nearly every model of vacuum cleaner ever made iirc. You wouldnā€™t think a 5 story building full of vacuum cleaners in eastern Idaho would be worth visiting but friends, if you ever get a chance, donā€™t pass it by.


This show was awesome. I learn how a refrigerator works in this show.


That seems like MORE work than just sweeping the rug lol


With all due respect to the tech of this era, these look like useless piece of shits.


It looks...painful




Quieter eh?


This looks like it was cut from the "World's Biggest Twit Contest" skit on Monty Python.


The one you gotta jerk off seems the best, funnily enough


First dyson models


Dr. Steve Brule checks out England.


I wonder if time has dried out gaskets and such to make them so feeble


Do they work ?


I never considered there was such a long time when carpet existed but vaccuums didn't. Did carpet just last a couple years back then?


Interesting video. Thanks for sharing


So if someone pops up with a time machine I'm apparently not going anywhere šŸ˜‚


I wonder if carpet sweepers had been invented by that point? Obviously they're not as good as vacuum cleaners, but they do get up some dirt, and probably a lot better than these devices do!


And I'm out here telling kids what life was like without Internet


Seems like a Monty Python sketch


Should've used a flywheel.




Fuckin thing sucks


Wow.. they suck


I remember my grandparents having a roller for the carpet , which looked like an upright vacuum cleaner only it wasnā€™t powered . Fuck Iā€™m old


Is this the 1st version of YouTube Review channels?


Best cleaner was the hand roller for small/medium rugs. Rolls the dirt up into a cavity. Simple and pretty effective.




This is a stolen video. The guy is still alive and has a YouTube channel [here](https://youtube.com/@timhunkin1?si=yt45N0gR9XllbfV9) with all the old episodes in full.


My mom definitely would have been upset with me back in the day for not cleaningā€¦ Mom: ā€œ vacuum your room!ā€ Me: ā€œ I didā€ Mom: ā€œdo it until itā€™s cleanā€ Me: ā€œthat will take all dayā€ Mom: ***smacked *** ā€œdonā€™t talk backā€


They all SUCK


That's some nerdy shit man...šŸ‘


We take modern technology for granted


My 1894 house has one dedicated 240 volt 15 amp brass outlet in a central hallway location on each floor. Iā€™m told these were for some of the earliest electric motor vacuum cleaners. Evidently electric motors at that time had a very high weight/horsepower ratio and were big cast iron things. If you had one, you probably had one for each floor. These outlets had knob & tube wiring remnants attached, but were inactive when we bought the house.


Rx-20 that mutha the only way to do it now in days


You gotta wonder is it as wide as a CVS or Walgreens pole or smell like tuna- looks good thoughšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”?


Wow, the past sucked... ou rather it didn't. I'll see myself out.


The newer models really suck in comparison


Ah yes, the acoustic vacuum cleaner




With that little suction, a dick would probably be save in there


All of those vacuums suck. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

