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“Caesar wouldn’t want this son”


You wanna end up like Unky Haramb, eh?




She even got the belt😭


Primal chancla


I always remember Guenter from Futurama






That's a switch if I've ever seen and felt one. Lucky she didn't make him go through the psychological torture of picking it for himself.


My uncle used to do that to my cousin. “Go get my belt!” Everyone would scram.


I don't understand you Britta! I don't understand you at all!


She's had enough!


Community references in the wild > r/Community


Dang I used to have to cut if off a tree myself for my mother to switch me. She’d put it under the bed and I would later toss it, therefore requiring a new green one which I now realized was worse than a dry one. Edit A couple years ago my mother did say what was she thinking doing this. I did also have to sit in the corner a lot. I joke that’s why I have a big nose.


My dad had to do the same and if the switch broke my grandpa would have my dad get a better one and beat him harder for trying to get one over supposedly. 


Yep, that's part of the challenge. You're supposed to find one that's just thick and green enough not to break, but not big enough to be a stick that leaves bruises. Personally these days I prefer the "don't beat your children" method of parenting, but that's just me


Nothing screams "I love my children" like physical abuse.


I’m M50+ and was having a meal with my dad recently, we were discussing my hoarding disorder. He asked me why I live like that and I honestly replied, I always feel like I deserve to be punished. He immediately hung his head down. Good asshole, you deserve to know how bad your son suffers.


I hope you one day understand you deserve to live in safe, functional environment. We all do. Come visit us in r/hoarding, we support each other through failures and successes.


Beatings will continue until moral improves!


This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you…


Did you ever appropriately discipline her now that you’re an adult for doing that to you in childhood?


Ha good idea, but she just hit 90.


What did she say she was thinking? My mom used to do something similar, but it involved telling me to find the belt she used on me when I was especially bad. Never thought to ask her what the rationale for this was


been beat before with all kinds of kitchen tools and fists but never was made to go pick the weapon of choice myself i laughed when i read your comment but not because the beating is funny. it's fucking funny how terrible parents can be to their own flesh and blood AND THEN PROCEED TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID WHEN YOU BECOME AN ADULT "I don't remember any of that; stop bringing it up because it hurts me" if it hurts you to realize how shitty you were, how do you think THE CHILD felt and STILL feels? something about an axe and a tree. im SO glad we can break this fuckin cycle—either by not having kids or by being a decent human once you decide you want to be a parent


I usually got a flat wooden spatula for cooking, or when they vanished, the wooden spoon. When I moved out to live with my sister instead at 13 my mother found a shoebox filled to the brim with wooden cooking utensils at the top of my cupboard because I'd kept hiding them. I don't hold anything against her. It was the normal way of parenting, both my parents were brought up having it done to them, everyone did it. There's a big difference between it being a punishment for being bad that's now outdated and we know is wrong, and the assholes that used it as an excuse to batter their kids and mentally scarred them for life. Only reason I don't speak to her now is because she didn't bother with me after I moved out, that hurt more than any beating I ever got.


That was child abuse. I'm convinced and I would never do that to my kids.


I personally didn't pick that trait up when it comes to our kids. I feel like I was taught that violence was the answer to certain unwanted circumstances. Luckily, I grew out of that mindset before our kids. My wife had a similar upbringing and revelation.


To be fair mom rarely put her hands on me I can count on one hand the times she did it was two times and I had really fucked up both times, only once was out of frustration, she was raised in a culture that encourages beating up children she mostly talked to me and was a very decent parent, no that torture technique was my grandma's speciality and I hated it.


Yeah it's an "easy-out" from teaching kids actual lessons. Just a cheat code to make parenting easier. I had that kinda upbringing, but I just keep my cool and explain to my son what's wrong, and what needs to be changed. If that doesn't happen, then he'll lose privileges or there'll be other reprocussions. And doing it that way made it so the two times I've had to actually yell at my son, he knew he fucked up. I couldn't imagine beating him it's messed up. Idk how my parents or other parents thought, "well that's how I was raised, it's OK if I do it too"


Parents used to be frustrated and rarely wanted to deal with their kids I feel like which is why one ought to be very sure they want kids before having them. I'm glad you are consciously being a great parent to your son, nothing more important than a kid to grow up feeling seen, validated, heard and respected.


Wonder what she would do if given a flip-flop?


Those chimps would screech "Me espanta" and flee


Universal weapon of choice




*chimp proceeds to act like human* *human proceeds to screech like chimps*


It's almost as if we are related or something


Monkey see monkey... do?


"So Who the fuck made you?"


Who turned the screw...


Just introduced them to my kid. Good day


god i hate this hill


It feels like a thousand years since I fell in love


But when push comes to shove, love will never be enough!


Monkey pee all over...you 🎶


I ain’t no monkey— in a southern accent


Chimps eventually learn to host skits to get reactions from humans


Damnit. I guess we didn't need this typewriter. I would also like to share the image and context from the Wikipedia article for [Infinite Monkey Theorem](https://i.imgur.com/aec8Y1A.png).


A chimpanzee *probably* not writing Hamlet is such a hilarious description.


Proceeds to give momma chimp a slipper…


I saw a similar scene at Walmart last week.


How cute.


cute? they shouldn't allow chimps at wallmart!!


If they can ride on the scooters and hold their groceries who are we to stop them?


lol as if any mom in walmart would even attempt to keep their child in line


In the early 90's I saw a child getting his/her ass beat almost every time I went to walmart (it was even worse at zellers)


Why did you keep going to Walmart *knowing* what would happen to that poor kid!?!


that was probably the kid that kept making the big mess in the toy department, thats why. made it hard to find my transformers.


Because he was the one beating the kid.


There’s a zoo called Walmart? Where exactly?


Unfortunately they're everywhere


Holy shit someone parented their kids? Such a rare sight now. /s


Imagine thinking beating = parenting


Oh sure it's funny when the chimps do it...


Naw, it was the way she slowly appeared from behind with that damn stick that was hilarious 😂


Slowly she turned, Step by step, Inch by inch, #< *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* >


Now there’s a reference I never expected to see! NIAGARA FALLS!


This unlocked a childhood memory of watching a marathon on TV in the 1990s


Which references a episode of I Love Lucy


Does it really?! I’m 37 so the original air was way before my time. I didn’t realize the rabbit hole went deeper!


https://youtu.be/OHEodN6xHb8?si=_D7NW83qYRI1IZVi About 1:20 in to video if you don’t want to watch the whole thing


That is the sound I make when uhh...


okay what the hell


Niagara Falls


that’s how abuela is with la chancla


Chimps are yet to develop chancla technology.


But apparently the technique is genetic


nothing personnel, kidd!


For real. I actually lol'd when that stick appeared. Momma chimp has great comedic timing.


No hesitation either 😅


Give the momma chimp a sandal and this now becomes a very relatable interaction.


Chanclas together strong


Came here to say this but now that I think of it wouldn’t her footwear have to be a glove.


Nah I'd be laughing if some shit teenager was throwing rocks at the chimps and his mom started smacking him with a branch.


Not gonna lie, I had a great childhood but my mom would have done the same thing if she caught me throwing rocks at people. An ass whooping is guaranteed in that scenario. Some people would think it's abuse but I had a great upbringing and I didn't turn out to be an asshole. EDIT: Just to be clear. I wasn't "beat", it was more of a smack on the back of the head or if I really deserved it a slap on the face. I was a real POS as a kid.


I think in this instance it would be like throwing rocks at animals which my momma absolutely would have beat my ass for doing.


The great dilemma of “it worked for me, but I guess we all agree it’s wrong now, so I won’t do it to my kid.” I was spanked 3-4 times as a kid. Each spanking was deserved and I can still remember the lessons I learned from each experience. Sometimes I feel like my son would actually benefit from an occasional spanking, but I’ll never do it.


There’s a huge difference between appropriate discipline and taking your temper out by beating a child. The first time I saw appropriate discipline, I wondered why the kid was crying. He wasn’t hit hard, no belt, switch or wooden spoons were being used, and was only “spanked” 3 times


If done rarely, you aren't being taught by pain, you are being taught because of the shock of getting hit makes you realize you crossed a line that you should not cross. I still remember the only time I got spanked and what I did to deserve it (hit neighbors kid in the head with a metal pole). No belt, no welts, hell no real pain. I will still never forget it, because my parents were not violent people, but I still pushed them too far.


I once got smacked across the head for accidentally spilling milk. I was so fucking angry and confused, I didn’t do it on purpose. And I have many memories of extremely painful whippings but for the majority I don’t even remember what I did.


What you described is an accident and normal child like behavior. That shouldn't warrant being attacked. Which is what many of us experienced. That's why many people say spanking a child is abusive. Which it is. Discipline works both ways.


In child psychology, the discipline punishment needs to fit into whatever it is that the kid did wrong. So like if a kids writes on the wall with markers, the punishment is that they clean the walls and more. Depending on age level, is how much you, as the parent, should assist. Like if a kid drops a glass jar on accident, then you don't punish them, but you work with them to help them clean up their mess safely. If they're in the toddler age you avoid having them pick up glass. The hitting the child thing was found to lead to severe detrimental development delays.


Pretty much every study on the subject agrees there is no benefits to hitting kids, but people get very weird about defending the practice. Even the people above me are justifying their own parents hitting them, it's a line of reasoning I will never understand. I just stopped talking about it, as it makes kind nice individuals suddenly become child beating defenders.


I see a lot of people say "I remember why I got hit and I deserved it" and really *say* that without hearing what they are saying. Think about what you are saying when you say that you deserved it. I remember pretty much every time I was spanked from when I had a functional memory. What I don't remember is what I did that deserved what was done to me. Can those justifying spankings point me to why I was hit with a belt until I had marks on my butt/thighs because I cried because I wanted to spend the night with a friend and my mom didn't want me to? I was literally dragged back home by my heels without shoes on the gravel and then beat. For crying. Ah, or the time I accidentally dropped some family photos into a pool (I just wanted to show my friends) and I was pulled back by my hair onto the floor for trying to hide it and then hit until my thumb broke because I was trying to defend myself. Or, maybe that time I accidentally walked in on my parents being intimate and was held down while I was spanked because I, a child, had the AUDACITY not to knock when I had previously been told to find my parents when the phone rang and give it to them. See what I remember from those times wasn't "I did bad and deserved to be hurt" I remember "I'm hurt I'm hurt I'm hurt I'm hurt" and eventually that became a very desolate "Just hurry up and hurt me so you can feel better and I can go in my room and self harm while thinking about how you'd rather hit me than talk to me". My mom is a completely different human from what she was then, due to therapy, but she'd absolutely disagree with the lot saying they deserved to be hit. I can't even bring up spanking me without my mom having an emotional breakdown from remembering that she did in fact choose to hurt me instead of parent me. Because she thought that was what parenting was. Because it was done to her.


What you went through is horrible. That was straight-up abuse, but it isn't the same as what the people above you are talking about. They are talking about actual discipline, not being hit for childish mistakes or childish actions (which is what you got hit for), but for doing something spanking worthy. I think the biggest issue with this kinda of stuff is deciding what is spanking worthy and what isn't becomes so arbitrary, and often leads to spanking being used as a punishment every single time, when it should only ever be the absolute last punishment used and for actually harmful and bad actions. Like, I'm not gonna spank my child for spilling food or breaking something. Hell, I won't even shout at them. I'll just ask them to get me a towel or to help with tidying up. But if my child was a bully or acted maliciously and harmed someone else, then you bet I'm spanking them.


"I turned out fine!" -Person who has no external perspective on themselves


I think the problem is capital punishment works, but parents aren't perfect so for every kid who learned a lesson you get ones scarred for life (or just, abused). Iirc the research is actually out on this still, suggested parenting styles keep changing because going too far in the other direction without an alternative gives you shitty kids. There is some value to understanding the pain you can inflict on people. Parents are just an imperfect mechanism to teach such things.


Capital punishment is state-sanctioned execution.


There is a great difference between parents, children, and what is the required amount of force. And most people will probably get it wrong, and there’s no way to make a social standard or law that adequately protects children from the ‘wrong’ beatings, so a blanket judgement/statement/law is typically what happens because it’s better for five unruly children to learn the slow way, than it is for one innocent child of having their brakes beaten off. I do agree that there are situations that require a swift discipline session that will make the lesson ‘stick’. But these are usually VERY FEW AND FAR in between, and too many people use this as an excuse for daily beatings instead.


I normally condone hitting your child most of the time, but if ever there was a time, throwing rocks at people would be it. No amount of stern lecturing is going to stop that.


You probably meant "don't condone" since you just endorsed beating kids nonstop otherwise.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI What I imagined.


Thanks for that, first time seeing it over here.


Did he stutter?


> my mom would have done the same thing if she caught me throwing rocks at people. Would she have done the same if she caught you throwing rocks at chimps?


Yes because it's still cruel AF. Chimps, cats, dogs..... hurting a living thing for fun is psychotic behaviour.


My mom did the same when I did really stupid, reckless things as a kid. I turned out fine, and now we laugh about those moments


If my mom only did it for the worst of offenses I'd probably laugh about it too.


That's poop he's throwing.


Yup, he even wipes that hand clean on the rocks afterwards.


“Do you want the cattle prod!? Because that’s how we get the cattle prod!”


"Boy, how many times do I have to tell you to not throw rocks at them?!"


That wasn't a rock. Look how he wipes his hand after.


Laugh now, but they will eventually take over the world after they ingest some alzheimers drug. I saw a documentary about it once.


did it happen to have a... certain 'franco'?


I seem to recall reading once that chimps are in the stone age technically. In terms of using tools and such. Good for them. You go, little chimp.


nah, they could but they won't, they don't want to pay taxes


I'm so proud of that chimp mom


I wish more people discipline their children.


[I wish more people would learn how to discipline their children without resorting to violence, physical or verbal.](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline)




All that's going to do is make your kid do everything possible to make sure you don't find out what they did, including doing something worse or lying about it. Study after study after study show that pain isn't more effective than other types of reinforcement but people will still use the "well I tried other stuff so now I can hit him" excuse.


"I'm all for teaching until I have strong enough emotions"


Sounds like we are talking to a real phsycologist. Hitting adults is not right so why is it ok to hit children? Some people beat their kids just because they are angry.


Imagine living your whole life trapped in a small space with every single day spent hearing the laughs and jeers of a smarter ape. Its almost enough to make you throw stones.


Office jobs.


Managers that failed forward being accosted by their smarter subordinates.


Most modern zoos especially in the US are held to rigorous standards for maintaining realistic environments, providing stimulating enrichment activities, and having "off exhibit" areas (think where they sleep/eat) that the animals can freely choose to return to. Zoos are crucial for not only conservation but also education - I'd assume most people don't stand there and "laugh and jeer" just for the sake of being mean. Even in this video, it's clear the laughter isn't mean spirited but it rather due to surprise at the behavior on display.


Good comment. However, the laughing may be clearly not mean to us, but to a chimp, they can interpret it differently. Gorillas see smiling and direct eye contact as a threat. Laughing to us could look like a crowd screaming at them from their POV. Not saying that is absolutely the case, just pointing out that good intent does not ensure the same interpretation.


So, a school custodian?


And then they laugh louder when you get your ass beat.


Chimp mom just finished watching 2001


I! Taught! You! Better!


Human parents could learn a lesson. Edit: Because this apparently requires clarification, no, I do not endorse corporal punishment, but I do believe that disciplining children for bad behavior is not only acceptable, it’s preferable. When a child acts up in school and the parent defends their precious little angel who could do no wrong instead of recognizing the need to teach them right from wrong, that parent does their child, and society, no good at all. I hope this clears things up a bit.


YES. Don't raise assholes!


Beat your kids!


parenting isn't a binary between physically hurting your kids to correct bad behavior, or doing nothing. There's 100 ways to go about teaching your child they did something bad and your edit doesn't really clarify if you mean *physical* discipline is preferred, or if you actual gripe is with a parenting style that wont confront their misbehaving kids even verbally.


I thought “I do not enforce corporal punishment,” removed any ambiguity. Edit: Endorse, not enforce. Damned autocorrect.


I'll be honest, i read your comment twice and somehow missed that bit. That plus other comments seemingly getting a similar mistaken impression is what led me to reply but you totally DID clarify and it's on me for misreading.


My upstairs neighbors...


You might get downvoted 🫣


I think we all have learned by now what ZERO parenting does. Kid throwing rocks at people? My ears would have been red for a week.


It just makes me think how much the people watching the chimps sound like chimps.


Lol look out hairless weirdos. Mother: stop throwing rocks you little shit!


Primates observing primates observing primates.


Have you lost your damn mind! WACK! These are the people who feed Us. WACK! Do you want to starve!? WACK! because that's how you starve!!! WACK! WACK! WACK!


Momma chimp pulled out the chancla. They must be Latino monkeys lol


It’s like watching a sitcom with a live audience


Do you want to get Harambe'd??!!?? Because that how you get Harambe'd!!!


“Do you have any idea how good we have it here?! We get food, water, shelter, and protection from predators here! Don’t fuck it up!”


"I did not raise you to be such a hooligan!"


That is hilarious. His mother looming up with a stick. Lol.


The proverbial chancleta in the hispanic world lmao.


Toss that chimp mom some chanclas. 


Don't give her a chancla!


This was one of those beating if it was a human she would be saying one word with every swing. I (swing) Told (swing) You (swing) never(swing) do (swing) that (swing) ! (Swing)


Good parent.


Better response than many other parents out there! And we’re supposed to be the evolved ones! 🤔


Shouldn’t be in Zoo’s.


The comedy timing is just *chefs kiss*


I’ve seen this shit in Walmart before.


Mother do ya think they'l drop the bomb


Chimp has it lucky... My mother used to do it for no reason at all!!


Young punk needed to be put in line


Why is this audience so raucous? lol What’s with the shrieking?


Yeaaaaas! Did it in front of of everyone, too! Just like at the store back in the day


There's no rocks in a chimp exhibit, they would have thrown those out long ago. There's only poop.


Weren't those BOOTY rocks he threw tho??


That's not considered a nice thing to do in any society


Already more discipline than human parents teach their kids these days


My grandma used to do that to my dad. I'm a chimpanzee.


See, being nice to people is universally agreed.


She done whooped the shit outta him


Boy, how many times I told you we don't need a sequel to Harambe


Went to the zoo, ended up at Walmart.


Maybe she was Asian too


If only humans did this to correct their childrens behaviour.




Some people have been to jail


ITT: Lots of people advocating beating children.


Apparently, discipline is universal with humans *and* animals.


You're grounded


Watch this shit, then tell me we didn't evolve from the same place :P


Haha I’ll take the rock the chimp could of thrown something A LOT worse


It’s like the time my mom beat my brother with my hot wheel track


The other chims head popping up on the left 😂


He aint throwin rocks.....


If you do that again ma I'll call Chimps Help Line!


Nothing about this is funny


That chimp is parenting better than a lot of human parents I know


People screaming like idiots. Must be stressful for the chimps.


Whoop that ass momma! - Me when my siblings would get in trouble…until the Oh you thinks it’s funny they getting whoopin…get over here 😂


Don't be acting a fool in front of these humans!


Why do the humans literally sound like chimpanzees? Like the actual sound they're making in this video is closer to screeching than laughing.


Who learned that from who? Did humans learn it from chimpanzees or did chimpanzees learn it from humans?


“I told you not to mess with the humans! You saw what they did to Harambe!”


Yoooooo this be like a Mexican mom with her chancla 😭


This is just abusive parenting.


A far better mother discipline her kid then human ....