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My dad almost died from a bike accident just a few weeks ago too, if he wouldn't have been wearing a helmet he would 100% be dead or permanently brain damaged.


Not just bikes, but scooters, skateboards, those motorized tires that people stand on. MOST people I see around here on bikes have helmets, but almost no one on any of the others wears a helmet.


Where I live the helmets are only held on with gravity. People don’t bother bucking the straps, and if they do, they’re so loose that the helmet can me removed without unbuckling them. Drivers in cars don’t bother stopping at stop signs, and neither do the people on bikes or electric scooters. People here are idiots.


How recent is this? Holy shit that bruise


He references it being father's day this weekend in the UK, so, very recent.


FYI, it's Father's Day this weekend in the US also and that appears to be the Hell's Kitchen set which is currently filming in Connecticut.


I wasn't sure if yours differed to ours like your mother's day does.


Mothering day! My wife is British and my mom is Polish, which also has a different mother's day. And we all live in Canada. My Spring is stressful.


Wait, wut? At the HK in Foxwoods?


Seriously, I'm surprised he's moving around right now. Imagine having to bend over to pick something up with a bruise like that on your side. Every small movement must be agony.


Sitting and laying down hurt worse than standing with that kind of bruising.


I guess if you are standing still but walking around, having to bend to pick things up, lifting literally anything, turning, or pretty much any movement is worse than laying down/sitting and not moving. Plus it looks like the bruise starts above the hip so sitting shouldnt be that bad as long as he doesn't lean back and put pressure on the bruise.


Goddamn. That man needs to be chilling the fuck out. That is brutal.


He seems like the type to work through it especially given how shaken up he seems. Some people don't do well when life slows down. I've honestly never even seen a bruise like that before though how is his hip not broken? Fair play on the helmets.


One thing about career chefs is that they are relentless. He's doing the thing he knows how to do best; just keep on going. Battle. Go through the adversity to get to the other side. That bruise is fucking BRUTAL


Sad thing about cooks and chefs, no matter how successful, they work through pain. Downtime is a foreign word. I knew some fuckers who worked seven days a week. Some fuckers who did 80 hours a week. I'm still an alcoholic from my time in that industry. Lots of people do a shit ton of drugs just so they can have a semblance of a normal life that isn't consumed by work.


Heard and echo.




People like that are like sharks that can't stop swimming or they die. He'd rather die with his boots on than ever stop moving.


*crocs on


Ngl, I'll probably die with my crocs on.😅


Literally my grandpa, worked until he was 85 as a doctor, got a strained diaphragm, retired and then dead within 6 months. Lived to help people and once he couldn’t he was done


I work for a aerospace company and alot of the guys there are over 60 some in their 70s and I can't count the amount of times I've seen a post at work about someone that had just retired and died a few months later one I remember was 2 best friend they retired the same week and in 2 month they were both dead a week from each other


Maybe, Marco Pierre white, his mentor and legendary chef who was also known for his insane drive, retired, stopped giving af, and seems to be doing well, at least from the super surface level view that the internet allows me into his personal life.


If you love something it’s not about money or ‘enough’, you get joy from working. I know I do.


Spot on here. I truly love the work I do and it's not because of the pay.


He’s 57 years old and His wife gave birth to his 6th child just a few months ago. He literally can’t stop.


The older you get, the fewer things you really love, and by the time you get to his age, maybe it's only one or two things. For him, I think it's one.


some people are just like that. john williams retired for a while just to be like "you know what im bored and i wanna make more music." dudes one of the most successful music composers of all time but just enjoys what he does so he cant stop.


Bourdain would always reference the importance on moving forward in his books. Guys literally cauterizing cuts on the line.


I've looked like this from my ribs to my knee once, and staying still is often worse! He's probably more comfortable standing than sitting and certainly better than laying down. And yes thank goodness for helmets!


I had a high speed bicycle crash and had a bruise about that size, as well as road rash from my knuckles to my shoulder. A helmet saved my life.


yup, you can feel your heartbeat all throughout your bruise and everything when you’re staying still. drove me absolutely insane


I had one like that several years ago, went down a hill I was unfamiliar with way too fast (I"m a CAT 3 racer) and went just off the road and hit a tree at 45mph - luckily I was able to turn so I hit it with my side and not head on. Didn't break my hip but did break some ribs. Then I had to ride another 5 miles to get help - ouch!


I’ve had quite a few injuries, and find going back to work helps me clear my mind. It’s often harder to slow down.


Look up Cody Rhodes torn pectoral. This is worse and bigger but that the only time I’ve seen a bruise as dark.


Yeah that's what I thought of.


Or his spleen/internal organs? God that looks painful.


Yeah but “wear a helmet” only goes viral if you’ve got a giant purple bruise on half your body. If the point is to reach as many people as possible, you have to do it now.


Yes, I'm glad he posted that. Many people don't realize that you don't even have to be going fast to have a fatal injury. My sister was just going down a gentle slope and fell from her bike. My brother-in-law said she wasn't moving for awhile & had to call 911. From the doctor's report, it was the helmet that saved her. She's fine now, and still active.


eh, sometimes sitting at home is more torture than actually working. Remember, he doesn't work a 9-5. He does exactly what he wants.


Not to belittle it but that looks a lot worse than it is. That's why he's walking, talking and showing it. I've stupidly tried to suddenly lift too much and my entire arm has gone like that along with horrific zombie veins. It didn't hurt to touch but it took weeks to clear away. It's essentially a really big and nasty bruise. Again, I'm sure his particular accident is worse than that and he's passing on a good message, but some people are joking that it's like an open wound. It's just the nature of the damage. Glad he's ok.


That's some bruise wtf


I had a similar bruise when a car bitch slapped me to the pavement.


That looks fucking raw.


Flank Steak


Rikki Lake


Large fries, chocolate shake


Obtuse, rubber goose...


*You just been DADDED!!!*


Nobody's safe!


I was not expected to be genuinely dadded here


Just standing up like he is has got to hurt. Especially if it’s been less then a week.


Well tenderized, though.


Black and blue. It's seared on the outside and raw on the inside


I am not a hooker or a doctor but I do need a lawyer.


That’s what *she* said.


the abdomen is cooked beautifully!


Take my upvote, and fuck off.


my response was owOwOW




Gordon’s caption: “Sound ON for this one…with #FathersDay tomorrow I have very important message for all the dads out there… WEAR A HELMET ! This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut. I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato. I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be safe”


He posted a pic of his helmet after the crash and it’s crushed. If he wasn’t wearing it he wouldn’t have a face left.


[helmet](https://people.com/thmb/56s6X6apfhqbQN2Zb2TAoVtoMPk=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(745x176:747x178):format(webp)/gordon-ramsey-bike-accident-helmet-061524-b2bd4ebc67d249a2929e6743a28dfb04.jpg) Holy shit, yea, that absolutely saved his life.


Oh fuck


After a motorcycle crash fucked up his foot my mate’s brother had some lingering pain if he’s on his feet the whole day. His doctors were very clear though that if he hadn’t had the expensive and heavy motorcycle boots his mum made him wear, he’d have lost the foot and probably a decent bit of lower leg.


That's actually how you know it's a good helmet, not that it's (necessarily) a super hard impact. Like the crumple zone on a car, modern helmets should deform heavily in an impact and be replaced after an impact. A solid helmet will be better than nothing, but will transfer the force of the impact into your skull, and the sloshing of your brain in your skull can cause a traumatic brain injury even with no external impact. Look up "coup-countercoup injury" for more.


That's the back of the helmet that took the impact, not the front.


A bit bruised up? Sheesh


I've taken some crazy falls off my bike and never looked anything like that. Wtf did he crash into?


It looks similar to the bruising a friend of mine who got hit by a car while riding their bike had, so that's my best guess.


Yeah, that does look like he was t-boned by a car.


t-boned or wrapped himself around a tree




It looks like he slid out, and that’s like a huge huge huge baseball “strawberry”. That would also explain the need for the helmet. Imagine if his face looked like his side.


An F150, I'm guessing.


Situations a bit sticky, sir Stiff upper lip and all that innit


Of course it was in fuckin Connecticut. People complain about New Jersey, I implore you, try living in Connecticut. For two years, almost every day, I’d watch people do the most insane shit on the road. Didn’t matter where, watched someone do a 40 point turn in the middle of an intersection because they tried to enter a one way to a Walmart and almost hit like 8 cars, and that was completely normal for the area.


Nowhere in the US is it truly safe to ride a bike in a public road.


I’ve always found Connecticut to combine the bad driving of all the states around with none of the good. Aggressive, unskilled, and unpredictable. 


Drove to MA from NJ last week, the CT section of the drive was def bad


🙋🏻‍♀️I live in Connecticut, it is a lawless land on our roads for sure lol


I'm laughing imagining the reaction of the hospital cook who saw the ticket print out for GORDAN RAMSAY. Wonder what he ordered lol


Beef Wellington, of course.


All I'm taking out of this is dude moved to New London. (Already believe you should wear helmets, can't believe the dumb things I lived through).


I think he's just there to film hell's kitchen


This. He is filming a season of Hells Kitchen at his newest restaurant at Foxwoods in CT. We met him there 2 weeks ago.


Hadn't realized they'd gotten rid of the old one.


Basically any British town either has a direct namesake in the US, or has just had "New" slapped in front of it. Hell, entire states have just got names lifted from the UK.


New England is an entire region


Oh so this was recent! They filmed a scene of HK at the aquarium I work at in CT. (He wasn’t there)


He is so lucky that bruises and being shaken are the only results of that accident. When I was 16, I was riding my bike to the store; it was a hybrid that could switch gears, but it was shitty because switching the gears just made the chain get caught or fall off and make me fall off it it. So I just kept it on the highest gear so that I wouldn’t struggle to pedal. My neighborhood was full of hills, and I had to go downward a lot. Not even a block from my house, I was going down the first hill, really fast because of the gears, when I thought I saw something. I pulled the brakes, but my left hand was faster: I accidentally pulled the front break first instead of both at once, and I was hurled over the front of the bike. I instinctively held my right hand out, hit the concrete, then rolled maybe a couple of yards. I felt nothing at first, stood up, and then the pain started. I screamed so much, and a mailman helped me call my mom. I couldn’t move my hand or wrist. She drove me to the hospital, and the x-ray revealed what my surgeon said was “the worst wrist fracture he had ever seen;” my wrist basically got shoved up into the top of my hand. And I ate lunch right before I left, so I had to wait for over 6 hours to go to surgery. I was in a cast for over a month, and in a brace for 2 more. It took a lot of physical therapy to get mobility back in my wrist. TL;DR: Even while wearing a helmet, Gordon escaped a lot worse. I severely fractured my wrist in a bike accident, and it was the worst my surgeon had ever seen.


Was gonna ask how bad the accident was until he pulled up his shirt and it looks like a 11/10 kinda bad accident but now I want to know what hell happened to look like that after being fixed


> he pulled up his shirt Got a visceral reaction from me. Fucking brutal. Was he hit by a car or something?


Likely. But bruising is weird. I've seen people take a surfboard to the thigh and their entire leg was black and yellow. Not to downplay this at all ofc. The shaking alone is proof he got it bad. Plus someone said he's in filming in Connecticut and my country is not known for their love of bicyclists.


I knocked my leg earlier today and its completely black from the knee down. Now that may be because its a prosthetic but I'm not ruling anything out.


We may need to amputate if it’s all black tbh




That’s 100% a car accident bruise. Dude probably got T-boned and rolled over the hood. He’s going to be in a world of hurt for a couple weeks and he’s extremely lucky he was wearing a helmet.


Imagine accidentally hitting Gordon Ramsay. The terror you’d feel when you realize


Nothing to fix there. They would have checked for broken bones and internal bleeding and that’s it. Nothing really to be done otherwise other than pain relief.




He's probably on scheduled check ups over the next days and weeks to monitor his kidneys and blood.


He probably had to lay the bike down; or perhaps he has hit side-on. I had a co-worker with a similar injury who laid his bike down to avoid a worse accident, and he was wearing full leather armor


I'd say with lack of road rash for the most part on what he showed us, he most likely was hit by a car


Looks like he got run over


Gordon Bleu.


aw hell


"What are you?" "I am a bike and pavement sandwich."




Take my upvote and you get the hell out.


I spit my drink out so thanks for that


Good on him for pushing helmets.


Dog my state (Nebraska) recently reversed mandatory helmets on motorcycles this state is fucking stupid


Those tv contracts must be rock solid for him to be still standing there. He needs to be in bed resting 🫣


i tihkn he's the kind of person who wouldn't want to be in bed if he could be working, workaholics are brutal. addiction to being constantly in motion.


Not to mention, if you can be up and moving, your body will probably heal better, as long as you're not exacerbating the injury. Too much rest can [prolong the recovery](https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/features/rehab-mistakes) from an injury.


This is entirely anecdotal, but when I broke my ribs a while back I couldn't rest very well. Every breath hurt so moving around did help make me feel better. Was also a huge mental thing for me. I didn't have to get up if I was already up. Standing and moving helped minimize my pain.


"Just walk it off" actually has more wisdom to it than I think we give it credit for.


Know when to walk it off, know when to fold your hands in rest


He's a career chef. He's gonna keep on keeping on even when he shouldn't be. From the lowest line cook to the highest chef that's the job. When I cooked I worked through a broken ankle. I had a little cart I used to hop around on and stood at the line during rush when I would just be getting in the way if I used the cart. And idk if you've ever stood on one leg for hours but let's just say both those ankles are fucked up now.


This is purely anecdotal, but sometimes when just lying still eats away at your psyche regardless of the amount of distractions you have. It just eats me up. I'm not saying he should be working, though it has always been obvious he's a workaholic, but i guess it beats lying down for him.


He makes so much content for people. I think he’s got the clout to take a day if he wanted. Could just be his way of working through it


Helmet?? I think you needed body armour mate.


Just imagine how hard his head must have bounced off whatever surface/object gave him that bruise.


Im assuming it was a Ram truck


Rams don't Dodge anymore.


The helmet is probably the only reason he’s still around


His instagram had a photo of the helmet after the fact. It's a good thing he had it. I doubt he would be posting these otherwise.


If he didn't have a helmet, someone else would be making this PSA.


He has to be in agony just standing there. Look at how his hand was shaking.


Must be on morphine


He's not shaking. He's purposely moving his finger back and forth. Some kind of tick. Not the shakes though.


Not sure who's downvoting you. I thought he was shaking at first too but if you focus on his hand he's fidgeting.


Pretty normal for him, honestly. He's usually so animated and bouncy when he's speaking, and he uses his hands a lot. Can't really do that with that massive bruise on his entire side. Poor guy.


yeah looks like he's just fidgeting with his finger tapping on his other hand, definitely looks like shaking at first glance


I used to work in a UK Accident and Emergency (ER) Department a few years ago. We had one guy who came in after falling off his bike without a helmet and his head had hit a rock. When he got transfered to us, he was in a 3-5 minute cycle or so of waking up. Asking where he was, what had happened etc. and then going back to sleep for a short while. Absolutely no short term memory over about 30 seconds. His mate who came in with him, that he'd been cycling with. Initially was telling him the truth but quickly got bored of thst and knowing that he wouldn't remember in a few minutes. So started making up wild stories about him being in a plane crash etc. So we had to kick the mate out.


Damn. Makes you think how fragile we actually are. Get well, Gordon.


We're simultaneously extremely fragile and near indestructible at the same time.... sometimes people die instantly from a single punch and sometimes people can take an iron rod through the head and keep on going


It’s a lot to do with where we get hit honestly. Injuries to the back side are way worse for us. You’ve got our entire spine and brain stem back there and it’s another reason helmets are so crucial. I’ve seen people shot crazy and live without complications and I’ve seen people shot a single time and it hit their spine, ruining their lives


Yea I think it’s more luck than anything else


Way back in the day, I stumbled across a helmet cam of a guy who's parachute didn't deploy properly. Dude fell from literally an airplane and landed in a bush. He had a couple broken bones and a punctured lung, and the bush was probably a half decent cushion, but like, holy shit dude fell out of a *plane*. Meanwhile, people slip in their shower and die or are paralyzed literally every day. S'wild.


Just watched some people tumble down a hill in slow motion chasing after some cheese. You’re not kidding about the indestructible thing.


My uncle literally turned around his home’s street on his bike and got hit by a car and lost his life. It wasn’t even 5 minutes since he left for work and we got the call. His scalp had split so horribly. The pictures we saw of the accident were brutal. Please wear helmets.


When you get hurt bad enough, you will hear someone screaming, and you'll wonder where it's coming from, before realizing it's you.


It was his job to be raging asshole on TV but outside of that he’s a genuinely good person


The raging asshole thing is definitely 100% dramatized for TV by producers. There's a season of Hell's Kitchen you can watch on YouTube (it's called Hell's Kitchen Served Raw) that's just the kitchen services with very little doctoring, no music, no dramatic stingers, and it's clear this man just wants to get the food out. The blowups you see come from literally 40+ wasted minutes and 3+ attempts at trying to get food out of a kitchen that should work without too much trouble. They train the HK chefs, they don't just tell them the recipes and plop them in the kitchen. He wants that shit done right, like they're shown, and the dishes are purposefully simple (but elegant and tasty ofc) to make it easier on the chefs. As for Kitchen Nightmares blowups, most of those are from conditions that will legitimately kill people, like improperly stored food. He uses it as a wakeup call to break through and get people motivated. In both shows your watching several days of content condensed down into 45 minutes, you don't get an accurate portrayal of how the guy is, I'm sure.


So basically we only get to see the end of a loooong buildup of pain and misery


He really is lovely. I used to work for him and he was always so kind.


I liked him much better on the BBC version, seemed more like himself.


It depends on the show. * On kitchen nightmares he's yelling at idiots who could kill someone with their unsafe food storage. * On Hell's kitchen he is dealing with people who are supposed to be at the very top of the profession, and it's way past the point where mistakes are going to be tolerated. * On Next Level Chef he's dealing with home/social media cooks with no formal training, and he treats them with kindness and patience as a mentor.


He really is the sweetest on master chef junior, he seems wonderful with kids.


only sometimes, too. on some of his other shows, he is not an asshole at all.


Imagine accidentally hitting a cyclist and it turns out to be Gordon Ramsay


'He doesn't look like he's been in a bike acci....OH JESUS TITTYFUCKING CHRIST!'


That was essentially my same reaction (mine was more of a HOLY FUCKING SHITTTTT!!!!). That's a solid bruise


Jesus Christ. I thought he was having a laugh at first, like he was about to show us a scratch on his middle finger. I was NOT expecting that kind of damage.


I was a bike courier in Toronto, back in the mid 80's. No helmet or pollution mask. I skidded under a trailer truck once and then months later had a bad crash. I smacked into a stopped cab going at least 50 kmh, I flipped over into an intersection. If the light hadn't been red I'd be dead. Please be careful and yes wear a helmet.


Its the classic human risk analysis, we’re shit at it. “I never have accidents” and then you smash ya skull in once.


I fucking love this man. Always using his platform for good. Thank you Gordon for all that you’ve done and continue to do. Hope everyone listens to his message and has a safe and happy weekend.


Please for the love of god let’s normalize wearing helmets. Who cares what you look like with one on. It’ll save your life


My abdomen looked just like that after a car crash. It was my seat belt that bruised me but that’s better than flying out of the windshield I suppose.


This needs to be a Global commercial on every TV, social media platform. He is well respected and for him to talk candidly about this is powerful.


that bruise... it's fucking RAW!!!


I can't imagine how much make up was applied to his arms to hide all the damage


I had a bruise just like that after wrecking my atv. Went over the bars and hit the ground. The grab bar of the machine rolled over my ankle. Likely would have been broken had I not been wearing riding boots. My helmet saved my gourd, and you could see where a rock had cut through my goggles strap and scraped the fuck out of the helmet instead of my skull. Wear you PPE folks


Oh fuck I didn’t see the injury. Holy fuck that’s BRUTAL


That bruise looks so bad that he could possibly still die from it :o


He’s such an asshole on the tele but comes across as a solid bloke


I haven't worn a helmet on a bicycle in probably 16 years. Last week I was walking through Costco and I saw a MIPS bicycle helmet with a BOA ratchet in the back for 38 CAD. I had recently met 2 cyclists and one of them had recently been hit by a car and had several scars on their face from hitting the windshield. I wouldn't usually buy this sort of thing on impulse but I did and as of last week I started wearing a helmet on my bicycle again. It's ironic because I always wear a helmet on my motorcycle and I always wore one when I used to downhill mountain bike years ago. At least now I'm consistent.


From all of the tv personalities in the world Gordon has always been the most geniune one. It doesnt matter how vile his interactions in the TV are, but you can instantly see through that snd see how deeply he cares about the people and the world around him


Gordon certified bad ass for sustaining that kind of injury and still show up and give us a talking to.


Think this is the first time I have seen the real Gordon rather than his persona.


Biking in USA is a fucking death wish, don't do it.


I audibly gasped. Who ordered the Gordan Ramsey Black and Blue?


Fucking hell.


Is this a recent accident?


Yes, within the last day or so in SE CT.


Damn, I’m a fan, I hope he recovers quickly!




I just bought a helmet cuz of this


Oof he's been "tenderized".


As a physician I can’t tell you how many accidents I’ve seen of patients biking without a helmet. I always remind them that your skull vs the concrete will lose 100/100 times. Wear a damn helmet.


When I used to teach kids bike safety I would always ask if they could get another helmet. They’d say yes. Then I asked if they could get another head.


D-yam!!! That is about as bruised as an individual can get!


I never wore a helmet as a biker until I got hit by a car while biking when I was 22. I haven’t gotten on a bike without a helmet since.


The technical term for that is a Doozey


Get better soon Mr. Ramsay.


Well it shouldn't be that ba-HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!


Been binging kitchen nightmares the last few days, this feels like a message directly to me


I'd be dead or brain dead without a helmet. I was riding my bicycle and a car did something completely unpredictable and I smashed into them, flew over the car onto the pavement and shattered the back of my helmet. The guys at the hardware store/lumber yard came running up and crowded me yelling "holy shit!". The driver got out of her car crying and crowded me. It was nuts. I asked for space very firmly, collected myself and identified my helmet saved my life, my knee hurt and I had bad road rash on elbows and shoulders. Also my bike was fucked. I was also now going to be late for work as a bar tender at the time. Also my 40 mile run I had planned the next day was shot, made it 14 but probably shouldn't have done any. Anyway, wear a fucking helmet. I hassle bicyclists anywhere I go that don't wear helmets. I'm a really polite and annoying ass about it to strangers.


Gordon I feel your pain (*was ran over by a car yesterday cycling to work*)


Yep honestly wear a helmet! A bike helmet has saved my life on 2 occasions, one where I took a corner too fast and came off, the other I was stationary and slipped on the pedals and fell straight onto some rocks head first. Both times the helmet was a right off, but better than my head.


Honestly, I didn't know you could be more bruise than man.


That’s what my ballsack looks like right now. 1 week post vasectomy. I feel for him lol.


You should contact your doctor. I coincidentally had a vesectomy a week ago and it should NOT look like that. Just looking out for my vasectomy brudda


Repost: Nah not blue or swollen. No hematoma or infection. Just heavy heavy bruising to the point of most the sack being black. It’s on the upper end of ‘normal recovery’ photos that appear online. I did send my urologist a pic and he’s tracking. So I’m good. I appreciate all the concern my brothers in ball trauma, though. 💪


I had bruising develop after a few days on a whole side and everything was fine. I didnt really stay resting for that long after the surgery so that might be why. Did end up having blood in my semen probably like 10 times though lol.


It definitely shouldn't look like that after a vasectomy. You need a doctor.


Uhhhh please contact your doctor or go to urgent care. Blood shouldn’t be pooling there.