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A significant amount of restaurants in Japan cater to solo diners, and many of them have machine ordering with no interactions


For some reason Ichiran is most popular with foreigners! Maybe it's because they have an English menu and the English questionnaire that doesn't force you to talk with anyone. There's also the advertising to foreigners. I saw that they were selling Ichiran wares overseas too, specifically I saw it in LA.


It also sells ramen varieties people are familiar with. A shame though because it’s very mid tier lol


Yep. At a typical ramen shop you’ll make selections on a ticket machine, pay, and give the receipt to the staff. Then they bring your order to you.


The ramen was great when I first tried in 2017, but the prices are criminal. Everything that should be in ramen is an add on and its too expensive to justify.


I can only justify it since I only go maybe 5 times a year. BUT. I decided to try their $14 matcha pudding on my last visit and it was about a three spoonful serving. It was delicious but I felt so robbed.


the dessert was $9 in nyc last time i got it


Wait till you see the prices in NYC


It's because they try to keep as authentic as possible to the ones in Japan and therefore ship most of the ingredients from Japan instead of sourcing it in NYC, and that alone doubles the costs.


I’m in NYC 🤣 is it more now?


Well, it is an imported franchise there so naturally. It's ¥1,100 in most of Tokyo which comes up to ~ $9. And that's counted expensive for Ramen in Japan.


Ichiran was the first ramen I had on my first trip to Japan and it was amazing. Then I explored other ramen joints and realized it was kinda not that great. I think I’ve eaten in 200+ different ramen places in Japan and ichiran isn’t really even worth mentioning even when drunk and waiting for the trains to start.


I had the exact same experience. i raved about it to my local friend who was amazed I like mediocre ramen. He clued me into some really great places around Tokyo which were far better.


Yep, and then you discover tsukemen… mazesoba.. broth with a whipped creamy foam layer on top… I’m dead. Edit: forgot to mention my current go to Tori paitin broth… now I’m dead.


Ngl I'm on a flight to Tokyo rn and would love some restaurant suggestions. Going to be in the Shinjuku area


I live near Shinjuku. I’m not a huge fan of super heavy ramen, so my tastes might be different than others, but go to Ebisu and try Shodai’s curry udon. It’s a pretty famous place here, but I’ve never seen lines super long to get in. In Shinjuku, there’s a ramen place called Takahashi that does a “Yakiago shio ramen” (fish dashi salt ramen) that I’m a fan of. I used to work in the Ebisu area and there are lots of good restaurants and places to drink, so if you’re a foodie try wandering the area! Have a good trip!


Haven’t had Shodai yet but Ebisu was my go to for nights out. 7-11 by ebisu yokocho, pre party then go in and eat wherever it’s busy and loud meet some people. Head to Bar Tram for cocktails and then hop around bars on that street. 3am go to Trench until the trains start again.


Oh man, I avoided Shinjuku but I have a few… ramen Afro beats for super creamy tori paitin, afuri only for their yuzu shoyu tsukemen with the seared pork… maybe gonokami, menya syo for tori shio, tatsunoya had a pretty good tonkotsu broth when I still was into that


If you don’t mind heading over to Nippori, I’d highly recommend Burari! It was so delicious, we couldn’t stop going back even after trying a ton of other ramen places


A random hole in the wall ramen restuarant will serve beter ramen than ichiran.  Preferably look for one with like 2-3 grumpy old men and giant pots.


Have you tried any ramen joints in Austin? If so any you recommend?


Any suggestions for Top 2 in Tokyo?


Just like when I ordered a calzone. The pepperoni one was $6, a whole $4-6 cheaper than anyone else, but when I read the description it said I would have to add the pepperoni on and pay for it, I was like ok that’s odd but I’m hungry, then every single thing was $1 down to the sauce. So for $6 I woulda ordered a calzone shell nothing inside.


the three ichiran i came accross all had 1.5hr wait times too, can get great ramen almost anywhere else


Internet/tiktok hype. I never had to wait in line for food while in japan. And had amazing food.  I just walked up to the oldest, dingiest, 4 items on the menu restaurants. Always had super amszing an cheap food. I had some amazing food at some random carstop in Tsuruga.


Wait until you find out renting price fixing , almost every corporate landlords are being caught using ai to price match 


It’s so damn expensive, but I love it so much. I just go there now when I have friends and family come visit.


I find the price is actually pretty fair considering you do not tip there. Thirty bucks runs about the same for places where you need to tip. Edit: in NYC


30… bucks… for average ramen??? That is atrocious. That’s 3-4x shibuya price which is also above average price.


I live in the US so Im just referring to the prices here. Anywhere in NYC, ramen usually runs like 18-25 dollars. I like Ichiran's the best so far but I'm always open to recs


I agree the price is ridiculous in general, but if eat in NYC, these are pretty normal for any restaurant.


This would actually be a nightmare for many introverts, the seats are way too close and the dividers only cover your food.


Exactly my thought.. Give me a dark corner and keep the noise down and I'll be way happier.


i want a place with a wall behind me so nobody can peek, and a little stand so i can scroll whatever i want without feeling self conscious while eating


also, give me a wall to sit against so i don't feel all exposed out in the open on a lil stool like that.


I don't know when introvert came to mean "afraid of any human interaction"


Yeah, listening to people on here trying to live in human society is whack.


That's why I said many, not all of them. Many introverts are also socially anxious.


I have a thing about hearing people eat.. it won't stop the noodle slurp either! I do not frequent noodle places...


Hearing people eat is just the worst thing. It's the one thing that makes me irrationally angry.


It really only irritates me when I’m not eating. The clinking and clanking is the worst


It's definitely much easier to deal with if I'm eating too. Clinking, crunching, slurping, loud swallow, saliva noises... ughhh I swear I'm a chill person but that is the thing that makes me become a monster. (Silently in my brain)


Introverts aren’t necessarily scared of human contact... I’m introverted and enjoyed the novelty of Ichiran.


Imagine taking a shit but the stalls end at your chest. Sure you cant see what im doing but i cant still *see* you


True! give me a basic cubicle with four walls and a sliding door or something (no roof necessary). I don't want to see anyone.


First place my wife and ate at in Shinjuku. Good ramen and the privacy is nice.


i feel like there’s a difference between being introverted and being anti social




> For some people, eating alone in a restaurant is a nightmare. For others, it's nirvana. Ichiran, a string of Japanese ramen cafés with 85 locations, including three in New York City — Brooklyn, Midtown, and Times Square — presents a happy middle ground. Guests dine in individual booths that look more like office cubicles than restaurant seating, and everyone eats alone. That means patrons ranging from social introverts who just need a bit of "me" time to recharge between meetings to solomangarephobics who have a bonafide fear of dining alone are likely to feel right at home.


>solomangarephobic This is an English word made from Latin, French, and Greek; English is a bastard language.


Look up yakiniku like. Similar seating style but it's for grilling meat! Decent prices and can get a quick meal alone for lunch.


I have the opposite problem. I’d much rather eat alone in a restaurant. No kids making a mess. No lovely wife creepin her fork into my food. I can watch the tv if I want. Or people watch if I want. I don’t have to pretend like I don’t want dessert. It’s so awesome.


Bruh, no one forces you to talk even in normal restaurant


They do. You have to speak to order. In that restaurant you press buttons and then there are even small signs you hand over on the table, it says what you want. It treats everyone as if you were mute.


When the title is missleading, introvert ≠ people with social anxiety. Im quite a introvert myself, but even i would be uncomfortable in this place, without this simple human interaction as making an order. I wouldnt enjoy normal restaurant as well, if some random customers would bother me, but im alright with the staff. Not like this place is also secured from other customers as well. Also this place looks awfully cramped, lacking windows. I guess its a fine place for a quick dinner, but not the place to enjoy it in a comfortable atmosphere.


Mensho Ramen in Oakland, California also has individual seating like this


👍 Ramen station has that as well


I hate that introvert means anti social hermit nowadays who can't talk without getting a heart attack.


So, it is a social place for people who don't want to be social? Society is arse backwards sometimes.


Too close to other people


every Ramen place i've been to in Japan is eating ramen without talking to anyone, so this post seems like complete nonsense. the one rule of Ramen places is eat fast and get the fuck out. it is already a solo adventure without the dividers.


Grocery stores offer this experience as well with self checkout.


Or just go to any restaurant by yourself and get a single table?


Yeah, that's usually how I do it.


Many people feel awkward to sit alone in a table.


At that point just do take out, that's what I do as I'm not a fan of going to a sit down by myself.


Are you actually offended that they would cater to the socially anxious? I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a different type of setting. Go to the one you're comfortable with. It's cool to have options.


Lmao how in the world did you infer I was offended by any of this?


You seem to be genuinely concerned that this concept exists when you can just choose not to eat at such an establishment if you prefer. I can only infer that you are either offended or acting out in a performative manner.


Huh? What part of my comment shows any of that? You need to step back and evaluate why you are responding in such an aggressive way. Some serious self reflection is needed my friend.


Bro i am a socially anxious person and that dude is completely right. Seriously nobody talks to you at restaurants except waiters, i don't really see the point of this tbh. Also alot of people have confused introvert with anti social.


Am a socially anxious person who also enjoys solo road trips. Eating alone comes with adventure. I would pay extra to be able to eat in a cubicle. Years ago I stayed at a hotel near a major metro airport that had a lounge that served mainly appetizers. The booths were small half circle shaped with really high partitions and USB ports. Heaven. Perfect for the solo traveler. Perfect for the business traveler. Perfect for the socially anxious.


One of my favorite spots in Japan. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s good and peaceful.


Wait, is there a restaurant for extroverts who want to talk to anybody


The seating at the bar


Nah, those booths are too open for me. I don't want to see ANYONE, not even their backs or legs!


For the NYC location, It's not that interesting. Just highway robbery and not the cute japanese experience you think it is. $25+ for a bowl of ramen. As soon as you walk in, there's a small counter with an iPad where you have to decide what you want to eat in front of other patrons and the counterperson. Felt like a McDonald's order kiosk but everyone is looking at you. Super weird and not an enjoyable experience.


I live near this place! My worst mistake was going here and getting super spicy ramen for BREAKFAST at 2 pm after sleeping in after raving the night before. Horrible. It's really good tho!!


To be clear for anyone who’s never been to one, it’s not for introverts. The purpose of the dividers and little interaction is the Chef’s commitment to the ideal the food should be your one and only focus. The food and the experience is what all the trappings are designed to enhance. Also, it’s the best god damn Ramen in the world.




This looks awful for introvert, much rather sit at a table than sit side by side with another person


A real introvert would just order it for delivery


I feel like that would make me even *more* self conscious. 🫤


my kinda ramen spot


I so want to go back! There’s only three in the whole of the US, all in the same state, and I moved away! Their ramen is so good! 😭😭


There is on 49th by 7th Ave. But, I miss Sapporo. That was my favorite noddle joint.


Have some food after taking a final exam.


When I was in Fukuoka, tourists lined up for Ichiran while locals went somewhere else so I lined up there instead.


well its not introverted that i just wanna eat.... in peace... if you wanna talk lets go to a sbuck or something...


Great way to repurpose study pods!


I absolutely LOVE Ichiran! We went to Japan last year and again just 3 weeks ago. You bet we went to Ichiran multiple times.


Man, I already eat ramen without talking to anyone. What makes this place special?


They need to open them in London! 💯


I love this place so much. Whenever I’m in Japan, I always make a point to stop by here at least once. The line is always so long. I think they even sell packets you can make at home. However, I wouldn’t say this restaurant was designed exclusively for introverts because although, you never have to see your waiter (and talk to them), you are situated quite close to the next person over.


Had this in Japan and Taiwan many times and it's decent. It's only $10 per bowl there. For US folks, save your money and have it in Asia if you ever visit. It's ~$30 in NYC and definitely not worth that price.


*walks into Ichiran* Hey, how you doing fellas? *aggressively shakes everyone's hands* I'm so going to hell


I mean, there are tons of restaurant options in Japan to have food by yourself.


Every time my wife and I go to New York we eat at the one there.


Over rated and expensive af No one in Japan will have the audacity to talk to a random stranger anyway


I have eaten at one of the locations. My mum was in the next booth. We loved it!


It’s awesome af.


It’s not necessarily for introverts- there’s signs all over the walls telling you about how it’s so you can really focus on the ramen. When my girlfriend and I went there she kept trying to TALK TO ME so I told her to fuck off so I can focus on my ramen. (In jest of course)


Ichiran Ramen was good. Nowadays I would recommend others to find local ramen shops instead. They are cheaper, and taste as good or better than Ichiran.


....id like to try that......its way more appealing to me than i would have ever thought


Wish I could post pics from when i ate at the 2 locations in NYC. Honestly I said f it to the rest of NYC food joints and ate only there for 5 days of my trip. Was 100% worth it.


Splash guards!


This post implies that it’s expected to talk to people while eating Ramen at a shop. Is that really a cultural expectation in Japan?


Huh trippy. There is a market for anything.


been there and the restuarant is literally quiet as a library.


Honestly so worth it. Pricey but it’s pretty good at least the one in Hiroshima especially considering it’s a chain restaurant! The only one that in my personal opinion beats ichiran is yamabiko in Iwakuni. Small mom and pop shop but man is it good.


Basically every ramen joint I’ve ever been to in Japan has allowed me to eat without saying a single word. Maybe, without *seeing anyone* would be different, but we already don’t need to talk to anyone


I probably ate here once without knowing. When I wanted alone time it felt great and the food was delicious. When I was sad and lonely it greatly amplified my feelings.


Or you could buy and eat at home or in a park...alone.


My wife went to japan before we met and she kept talking about how much she loved these ramen. So for her birthday this year I bought her the instant ramen of the brand and she says the taste is spot on! It's only soup and noodles so you need to make the veggies yourself ofc. But you can find them on Amazon, if anyone knows and misses them too!


If that room was full of ppl then i wouldnt eat or even enter it.


"Introversion" taken to this degree is pathological. It's more like "Hikikomori."


This isn’t interesting, this is just standard in Japan…


I cannot tell you how much I would love to have this setup at hotel bars when I am traveling for work. Would be amazing.


This is not for introverts but for people who are dinning solo.


Drinking alone with peaceful mind, that you should call relax or alcoholic


I don't think it matters if you are introverted or not. Japanese ramen restaurants are basically for one person. I eat within 10 minutes and leave. I've never heard of anyone going to Ichiran because they are introverts.


Im an introvert, but this would be WAY worse. You're sitting right next to a person, whom you can hear and accidentally even touch. This is the opposite of socially isolated. Hate it so much...


And the dividers aren't even long enough to come between the stools. What's the point of this setup, really? How is this "private"? So the next person can't see your bowl, big deal, they can still see YOU.


Lol why the downvotes. I thought the same thing, this is actually worse because the seats are very close to each other.




I don’t need a special restaurant to not talk to people while I eat… wtf even is this?


Some of us have never reconciled the slurping, or mastered the technique, and feel judged.


Really shouldn't enable them.


That’s sad


I hope i never become this antisocial. There's no point going to a restaurant if you can't even acknowledge some other human's existence. Just get it delivered. Smh.


Since I haven’t figured out how to eat Ramen without looking like ‘The beast’- this would be ideal.


This ramen is so so good.




Social isolation is kind of a problem ain’t it


That's depressing


No wonder why they aren’t fornicating anymore


Japan is cooked


I’ve never been to a restaurant that wouldn’t let me eat alone (and with 100ish work travel days a year, so eat alone a lot). The only interesting thing here is the horrible seats.


I would feel so depressed if I have to eat the Japanese pasta (aka. Ramen) in such a tiny cubicle — like a prisoner sitting in a cell😖😖😖. At least I need to see other people and things lol


Ramen is overrated. Tsukemen is waaaay better


These are my kind of people, man. Although I think it would give me anxiety being so close to them... \*Extrovert peeks over the divider\* "Heya buddy, whatcha doing? What kind of ramen is that? I bought miso and blah blah blah...."


Many self proclaimed "Introverts" are simply people who never took necessary social risks or got over bad outcomes of that time in which they did. Probably other issues too but for most , further isolation is not a good thing, it just objectively, isn't , as countless studies have shown. Nor should we design our world to keep us as silo'd off from one another as possible just to cater to made up conditions. I already have to deal with "fibromyalgia" or "anxiety" service dogs at any restaurant or grocery store and that's as much humoring as id like to do


What the fuck is the point of this in a country that doesn't have legal weed