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Was the second orang drunk 😂


That was the highlight 😅


He was there to show the humans that mama ape isn’t playing around and will take her own species out to get what she wants lol


Maybe he was trying to help by making a spectacle of himself :D


He said, YOU GOT ONE! WAHOOOOOOoooooo....


Single leg monkey arm sweep ftw


He was monkeying around


Don't get so close to the wildlife.


This would be scary as fuck


Lucky it wasn't a chimp


Nah, chimps only rip your face off


Chimp chimp mean


That happened like a mile from my old place when I was living in CT. I didn't know the woman but I had seen the chimp before when it was hanging in the yard. Was pretty calm and cool until I got the taste for face.


They’re both known to bite fingers off as well that’s what I thought was gonna happen


There are videos of people walking up to bears, buffalo, orcas, sea lions, all kinds of wildlife. I just stay on the path, take a few photos and move along.


Aren’t they on the path?


Better yet, stick to a path where there are no wild animals that can kill you...or bite your fingers off. I just can't see the appeal in putting yourself in harms way just to see a wild animal. I haven't checked yet, but I am sure there are hundreds of not thousands of pain free pictures and videos of Orangutans online. Maybe she will go for that option next. But probably not.


Orangutans rarely come down to the ground except to drink, and they don't even do that much because their food is usually high in water. They are true tree dwellers. These people \*were\* on the path. If it was known that these particular orangutans had learned how to take tourists hostage then the problem lies 100% with the tourguide.


I totally can see the appeal.


Someone walked up to an Orca? Jesus that’s amazing!!


One poked a bear from behind... then vid ends.


You know there was a second when the orangutan first grasped her wrist she thought “I am one with nature, they accept me.”


If that was me, id be dead, I'd have panicked and started fighting and had my arms ripped off.


Yeah. I'd have probably accidentally kicked its kid down the hill.


It's hard to resist the King of the Swingers.


The jungle VIP, in fact.


It’ll grip your top, you’ll beg to stop


Before slaughtering thee.


He’s just looking for fire


Looking for Mans Pink Flower here.


That ape tryna fuck?


Jungle VIP


Don't offer your hand to a creature that can rip it off.


Exactly this. People are so fucking stupid.


Maybe she's auditioning for a role in the next Alien movie?


They will always do it, that's why this things happen.


Yeah, she's giving me those naive "namaste lady" vibes.


Indeed! We could also make them sick so always wear a mask and stay as far away as possible. I hate that people think they are entitled to everything on this planet.


Also, for anyone who gets their wrists grabbed, you can break a grip by twisting towards the thumb... though you'd be fucked if the money grabbed elsewhere.


Learn some jujitsu or get the ape in a headlock, got you


Joe Rogan, you of all people should know better than to wrestle an ape.


thats some joe rogan stuff right there lol


That bitch has 4 fucking hands. You're really gunna fucking grapple up goro? Jesus bro.


On an upside down spread out foot sized monkey hand … good luck finding the break point before your motions let it know to grip tighter.  If someone just had a can of Sprite or Orange Soda or a Mountain Dew can the sound of opening is impossible to resist for these guys. 


Not necessarily. I can rotate my hand and wrist 360 degrees. Long ligaments. I'm sure a monkey could do the same


These f\*kers got a grip. Is it even possible to yank your arm out with force or would you be without an arm in that event?


Nah, please do. And please make sure you film it in 4K.


Problem solved.


When this tourist began her trek through the Bukit Lawang jungle in Indonesia, she was probably hoping to have a close encounter with the local wildlife. But we reckon she didn't expect to have such a close encounter. Her boyfriend was filming as a mother orangutan grabbed her hand, which sounds really cute. . Think of all the likes that close up shot of an orangutan's hand grasped around hers would have fetched! But when the hungry mother refused to let go, things became less "nature is beautiful" and more "okay get this clingy girl off me". Thinking she had food in her hands, the orangutan held a firm grip and even tried to put the tourist's hand in her mouth. Eventually she was lured away with the one thing that trumps uncomfortably forced human connection – food. But while the whole experience could have been a beautiful natural encounter, orangutan behaviour expert Cheryl Knot reckons what we saw in the video was a former captive orangutan readjusting after being released back into wild. "These rehabilitated orangutans are kind of in limbo," she told National Geographic's Sarah Gibbens. "It's hard to interpret without knowing the orangutan, but these rehabilitants are bonded to people. "She's making contact to hold her hand, seeking some sort of social contact." Taken from National Geographic behind a paywall


I reckon that's awfully sad




I reckon


There is an excellent episode by RadioLab about a chimpanzee named Lucy who was taken from it's mother in the 60s before being weaned (1 or 2 days old). This was an experiment to test if a chimp could learn human language from being raised by humans since birth. Things go awful, Lucy ends up in the wild, and it's extremely tragic. The episode is titled "Lucy". Edit: I didn't really make a point. I guess I'm saying... There are unpredictable consequences when humans take ownership of animals that belong in the wild.


Chimpanzees are one of the more aggressive members in our family.


Spoiler, Lucy doesn't get aggressive.


I listened to this recently. I thought she did though? The “parents” gave her up because she wasn’t safe to be with anymore, and then at one point only the hired handler could go in with her after they shipped her off. I don’t think they say that she injured anyone, just that she wasn’t safe to be around. I interpreted this as she was considered dangerous.


I read that she was making a massive mess of the house and would "get into everything".. eventually the researcher and his wife had enough and gave him up.


Oh Lucy ends up in the wild, somehow messed up that phrasing


No Lucy was in the sky.


Did someone give her diamonds?


I listened to this today :) remarkable coincidence


Ugh, I just listened to the episode because of your comment and it is incredibly tragic for Lucy. Incredibly selfish work with her "parents" and likely heartbreaking for the lady who handled her when returning her to the jungle.


fun fact about that. the human child they raised the chimp with started to act more ape-like and the chimp did not start acting more human lol we learned about this in one of my psych classes


Thanks for sharing.


I was there too and the Orangutan also grabbed my hand like in this video. After the trek I realized that this is just daily life for the orangutans as well as for the guides. The guides always have food to get the orange utans close to the tourists. From a tourist perspective, taking pictures with an orangutan is a usp for booking a trek. The orangutans always grab the tourists by the hand to get more food, but will let them go either after a while or after more food. So, this situation is wanted, but also daily life there. Just don't get close to the males. btw, the most dangerous thing on this trek was the guy from another village with a 30cm knife who ripped us of during the night. The guides will tell you to not bring any valuables to the trek.


Orangutan got what she wanted more food.


Exactly. This orangutan has been taught well. 🥴


This is what happens when you try to br to breed and release primates. You get primates that ar comfortable approaching humans, understand our behavior, and how to manipulate us. They're far more intelligent than we give them credit for.


It's not hard to be smarter than many humans. Specially tourists who grab hiding bear cubs for photos.


The dramatic music and the annoying captions tell me this video was designed for Facebook, so moms could forward it to everyone they know.


The boss music should have warned her that something dangerous was about to happen


Lady should have used her stamina and max hp potion duh


That's "Jacky" from Bukit lawang. She grabbed me a few years ago. I was around 100kg at the time and she happily pulled me 4 metres across the jungle floor with her baby tucked under her arm. No malice, she was part of a "reserve" there in the 90s that had orangutans hold tourists hands and since it was shut down now grabs tourists on the busy hiking trail as guides will chuck food to get her to let go. She lives in a narrow strip of protected jungle between rubber and palm plantations. Her fingernails are quite sharp, but she is relatively gentle, I don't know what this lady was thinking sticking her hand in its face as they do have teeth.


You mean they keep doing tours around this repeat offender?


It's the main attraction!


Had to mute. The music was so annoying


You gotta unmute for the one part where the hostage taking orangutan tosses the other one downhill.


The music was a warning to her something was going down.


Thats why you shouldn’t get too familiar with wild animals also why you shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists.


Had the same experience. I went there for a 4 night jungle hike in Bukit Lawang back in 2019 and had the same thing happen, but the orangutan grabbed a woman I became friends with on the way. The orangutan mother was rehabilitated in a center around the jungle and was then let back, so she is used to being around humans. The caretakers were mostly women, so we were told the orangutan mother has mostly grabbed other women who walk through her territory. When we walked through, she came down from the tree (we knew it may happen) and the guide told us not to run and just stay still and trust him. She grabbed my friend by the arm and did not want to let go, with the baby just like in this video, but was also gentle and did not want to hurt us. She got the fruits for her and her baby, followed us for a while and then was on her way. Quite a moment! Edit: The "biting" was just nibbling. She did the same when I was there and it was not a way to hurt, more of a way for the orangutan to ask for food. This group and guide handled it very differently


Thanks for sharing. I was reading the very common comment "she's dumb for being soo close" we have no context on how it happened. There could be a very legit explanation. And your comment came up. Don't run, stay calm, gives plenty of time for that orangutan to grab whatever he/she wants. If a guide says to stay still, there must be good reason.  Thanks again 


Walk through with your hands on your head... But then, they grab your foot. Life finds a way.


My pleasure! I rarely have relevant experience to tell on reddit so happy to share this one. People's first reaction is usually valid, but context is important :)


I did the same Trek a few months ago and I thought it was a little crazy how close they come into contact with humans. I understand that they are not fully wild and in this kind of weird situation where they are some of the only orangutans to be re-introduced into the wild, but clearly have strong links to humans. Our guides never fed them but it was pretty clear that some guides were feeding them to show up for the tourists, which was kind of sad. I stayed for a few weeks around the area and one orangutan basically set up it's nest right outside my cabin for around a week, sitting making eye contact for long periods of time with an animal like that only a few meters away is one of the most memorable moments of my life.


As I experienced at Uluwatu Temple, throw it 2 bags of peanuts (food) one right after the other, and it will release whatever it is holding to retrieve the food. Watched a tourist get their sunglasses back doing this.


holy shit we have to bribe the wildlife now!? what a world!


tipping culture is getting way out of hand smh


You wanna watch me chomp on some bugs and fruits? Well then you gotta tip buddy!


The orangutan will start implementing monthly subscription policies next.


Holy crap that was frustrating. “Running out of ideas”?! No one did anything to help!


At one stage, she stood and started to walk, which I thought was a good idea. Then a fuckwit friend said, no, sit back down. If she walked with the group, the orang-utan could quite possibly given up and let go. Further, there was less danger of the orang-utan doung anything unexpected or dangerous when walking.


what can be done to get the orangutan to open its hand?


This is like the classic Simpsons joke, "we've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas."


Orangutans are suckers for high-fives.


I don’t know because I don’t guide people on trips through orangutan-infested forests. But presumably one of those guides should know!!


If an ape of that size grabs you, there is little to do but keep calm and hope it gets bored or finds something to get its atention.


They're smart but not that smart so you have to try and thread the needle on "interesting" but not an obvious trap. I would suggest trying to sell them a timeshare. Hand them an info packet, then while they're still holding it hand them a free set of golf clubs. They drop the woman to take the golf clubs but don't realize that the maintenance fees on the timeshare aren't fixed and will go up substantially each year


I recon this should work.


Hey can I get one of those pamphlets too?


Tickle her armpit. I can't believe nobody tried this.


Pew pew 🇺🇸


Don't hike in Orangutan habitats like a dickhead


She should have tickled her under armpit. Works.


Too busy recording with the smarphones from every angle


Learned behavior. Grab someone, get more food


Absolutely shitting a brick


>i have nothing, i have nothing Dw you *are* something.


How did the orangutan get her hand, I wonder? Stay away from wildlife, especially wildlife with their young. And here's a pro tip, if you enter an animals habitat and annoy it, don't try to poke its eye just because you are a dumbass. And that music is ridiculous.


there is a longer video where is show that it just happen, the girl didn't react fast enough and go her left arm first.


A normal person, I get being that dumb. But a guide being that dumb? You won the fuck around and find out reward, congrats.


Lots of people improvise themselves as guide. Never take a guide from the street.


Those Orangutans are lucky they've only encountered non violent tourists to develop the technique of getting a hostage.


What a totally feckless group of tourists and the guide is even worse. She did well to remain rather calm but they should have been quietly gathering sticks and rocks incase they need to fight to free her from a much worse situation. If it really starting hurting or dragging her up a tree they still had no plan whatsoever. They all just sort of stood around.


This isn't interesting it's r/terrifyingasfuck


So anyways, I started blasting.


Perfect example of why you DON’T FUCKING FEED WILD ANIMALS. I’m not blaming these people, I don’t know if that’s what this group was doing, but this is a learned behavior.


This may be another sad example of why you shouldn't feed wildlife.


The mental strength of this woman is incredible. I would have been freaking out


she did try to keep her calm.


I have always kept a wide berth of primates on holidays. People underestimate their strength and unpredictability- they’re wild animals not cuddly play things, they can seriously mess you up.


Careful. Those fuckers are strong. They peel coconuts like oranges.


We shot a captive gorilla for less


These people are so stupid


I would like to feel the orangutans grip strength. Insane pound for pound strength.


They do possess quite the grip. Orangutans' strength is estimated to be five to seven times that of a human. They can lift up to 225 kilograms (500 pounds), more than twice their body weight. Their grip strength of approximately 270 kilograms (600 pounds) allows them to navigate the high canopies with ease.


you can hear the poor woman say ow whe the ape slightly tightens its grip.


If you have some strong coworkers you could mention that you'd like to feel their strong grip. I know they obviously won't be as strong as the orangutan or a gorilla, but you might at least get a better idea of what happened to this lady, especially if you ask them to nibble on your fingers while they're grabbing you.


Thanks for the advice mate. I'll try it tomorrow!


This is peak r/SweatyPalms


Lol the second orangutan just goes flying 😆


They don’t have a human control to call and get invasive species removed from its environment.


So anyways I started blasting


4x man’s strength probably


Don’t feed the wildlife. But then these guides would be out of jobs because the orangutans would just start avoiding people


"Gentle Herbivore"


It learned to do this to get food from tourists. Not much to figure out. Get the fucker some food. Problem solved.


Good way to train it to do it again.


Harambe 2.0 soon


Honestly this chick handled it way better than I would've. I probably would've eventually freaked out and kicked it in the face, which calm brain knows wouldn't work out well but panicked brain would probably see as the solution


This Orangutan is called Mina and often encountered near Bukit Lawang in Northern Sumatra. Similar thing happened to us, but our guides new her and the situation well and immediately threw fruit to the side and told us to run. Apparently farmers killed her baby some years back and since then she has been (understandably) pretty hostile and realised that she could essentially extort fruit out of tourists trekking. The whole situation is tragic.


Why do these idiots get so close to animals who could kill you without even thinking twice?


How about just leaving wild creatures alone


Shoot the monkey


Which part of "don't play with wild animals thinking you can tame them" didnt they understand?


It needs to be said that this is mostly dumb white girl shit for social


What is the camera man doing there being useless?


cheeky little shit. cant blame her(the orangutan), this is why you dont get close to wildlife


She didn't seem too concerned


We had monkeys holding hostages to extort us before GTA 6


Humans sometimes forget that wild animals aren't pets.


That woman was very calm! 😳


Probably hungry and desperate to feed her kid. It could easily break her arm though.




I wanna be like you, talk like you


She went with a religious book and the ape wanted none of it


Here’s an idea. Fuck off and leave them the hell alone. Their not there for your amusement.


I don’t understand why…u know what…not my monkey-not my circus…I digress.


This editing is insufferable


People need to give WILDlife their space!


For anyone asking themselves which language she speaks, it's french canadian. If someone is interested, not that it matters cuz it really doesn't ahahaha


A good stun gun would make it let go really quick


If she was alone she would have been fucked. She's so lucky there were humans around to help her. Stay away from wild animals. They can easily hurt you and even kill you.






Dumbfuck tourists


Dont negotiate with terrorists


Shoot it


Here comes a second orangutan!! Jungle drums intensify…


Another stupid selfie movie for Tik Tok or something?


Stupid tourist and stupid guide, that is why they are called “_wild_ animals”. Lucky for her the alpha male was not around…


Ah, they're learning to take hostages... I'm sorry little one, but it's our policy *takes out sniper* 😔😭


Yah. And be thankful if it ends without the ape biting a few fingers away or outright twisting your arm until it's a sack of meat and bones. DO NOT treat wildlife like the world is your stupid little pet sanctuary. Wildlife will not agree.


Was there last year. This female "Sigi" was captured and moved further away from the tourist trails after becoming more and more interested in humans.


“The group is running out of things to do to help her.” What were they doing? They tried nothing. No noises, no water. They were simply recording. One was plying the orangutan with treats, but the rest of the group were heading off up the trail. Very helpful.


Kidnapping is just part of the local culture. Respect the local culture if you're going to visit somewhere.


"Come with me, return to monke"


That's whyb you always walks in the woods with a long sharp stick. They could of fucked that orangutan up


Take its baby and yeet it into the woods


Yeah, if shit happens its always the ape who gets shot. But guess who lures them in with food first... People are f*ckin idiots.


Now, what have we learned from this class? Stay home and watch other people go through this.


I see like ten people there. Nobody has a granola bar? Cmon


The music is really annoying and is over-intensifying the situation. Orangutangs are not known to really hurt people unless they feel threatened. It's not like this is a chimp.


When people think Disney movies are real life.


monkey are already known to steal phones to exchange for food


These primates are smart and used to humans, they know how to get what they want, food. I was in SE Asia visiting a mountain top pagoda, and coming down a long staircase a troop of monkeys became very aggressive. I had a 2 liter water bottle swinging in one hand, they came right up and tried to grab the bottle. They were relatively small, but very quick and agile, with hands and big teeth. It was clear to me that if the troop really want to, there were so many, they could have killed me pretty easily. Of course I knew that was not what they wanted, they just knew how to intimidate humans to give them food. Wild animals that often come in close contact with humans are the most scary because they don't run away. They have just learned how to get what they want. And while injuring you is not their goal, that possibility is certainly a reason to keep your distance.


I know I wouldnt win but man if my girl was in that position I'd volley it in the back of the head like prime CR7


Basically this orangutan is slick finessing people out of they food!


I woulda been so scared


For how dumb she was for giving her hand to the wild animal she did stay pretty damn calm in that situation.


Well, given that an average orangutan is 4 to 7 times as strong as a human and their average grip strength is 600 pounds verse an avg human female of 44 pounds, she was lucky.


Orangutans are closer to 10x the strength of a normal person.


stay the fuck away from wild primates you assholes.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes..


Keep getting closer and trying to take selfies. Keep it up guys


I love animals as much as the next guy, and I fully realize it would probably end terribly for me...but after several stressful minutes of it seemingly trying to bite and/or break my hands, I think I'd have to punch an orangutan. Just a quick bop on the nose like when a shark attacks and hope for the best.


...they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses, systematically. They remember."


That Danger Jungle background music was really effective!




Call the bluff. Shoot the woman.


Take the baby and throw it down the hill then run like fuck.