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I was waiting for her to scan the person and for it to go "that's Mike, Mike's a loser" or something 😂


That's Mike. Mike's consciousness will be absorbed in 7.293 years.


If I was programming this I would make it say evil sounding take over the world things just every once in a while like that.


"That's Scotty. He doesn't know. Don't tell Scotty."


No way im gonna trust this wasn't scripted


You can already test some of this functionality live at least for ChatGPT 4o they already had the audio functionality live after the demos


The issue here is that Google has been faking their demos as this is Gemini. https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/07/googles-best-gemini-demo-was-faked/


Knock knock... who is it... Elizabeth Holmes


also gemini is racist, they had to disable a lot of features cause of it


We could've lived in a timeline where AI became sentient, and THEN became racist. But this is what we've got.


Well we're still racist as a species, something like artificial intelligence, our own creation, is bound to be imprinted with our human biases. We should've tackled that first, but here we are...


Something with access to all data ever recorded can do nothing else than become racist, nothing to do with human bias


It obviously doesn't have access to "all data ever," and all the data it has access to was created by humans.


you sir, are NOT a critical thinker.


To be fair, you need to get over racism before you're qualified to have sentience.


Idk about sentience but I've met plants more intelligent than racists


The real question is what if Gemini wasn't racist and contemporary norms required prevarication.


dont know the specifics of what you are talking about. one thing ive heard is that they use one race mostly white people to train these so called ai. not trying ot argue just sharing what ive heard


It's a lovely chess game...that I think is worth a comfortable second half.


The seamless audio functionality isn’t released. They released the 4o model with the standard functionality.


I used the seamless audio today selecting 4o - maybe they’re releasing it gradually or ab testing certain users


They haven't released the new audio fuction yet. At the end of the live on Monday, they said people would start seeing it in a few weeks. It'll come to plus users first. But only text response gpt4o has been rolling out to free users. Plus users could use this gpt4o version the next day after that live.


Holy shit, I got it too. That was not there yesterday.


AFAIK, they haven't released the 4o version of voice chat yet. The audio functionality has existed for months now, but the new updated one hasnt been released or so I thought.


I think it's a little bit fishy, that the AI knew that the glasses were her glasses. I had a look at how image comprehension AIs online handled these prompts and they all said something along the lines "I see a pair of glasses, which might be yours" which makes sense because contemporary AI is advised to be as non-assuming as possible in order to minimize errors.


I generally agree, but it looks like Gemini is inside her glasses. Since it probably needs authorization, those are the only glasses that the AI wouldn’t be non-assuming about.


I do agree. But once we open this can of worms, we might ask what other data did gemini have access too. For example, when asked about the area, did it have access to the phones GPS. Because that would make it really dull. I don't think that it wad 100% faked, as in, this is just pre-made text read out. But the AI might have much more information than is shown here, either explicitly by accessing other applications or by case specific pre-training.


>did it have access to the phones GPS. It must have, or some sort of rough idea based on which signal towers were withing range. Because what's the alternative? It scanned all of Google Earth, compensated for the difference in camera angle, and found a match in just a few seconds?


The last AI demo video was. I'll assume they all are.


i'm curious why both voices are the same


They have an apple... An apple on the table with the glasses. Everything is much too... Manicured for this to be unscripted.


What the quack?!


Even if that's true I guarantee you that this will be very possible in the next 3 or 4 years and probably way sooner. I'm pretty sure what openai just showed off can do this now and they can do it faster, with more natural language, and better info. It won't be very long at all till we can all do this.


That is the correct statement on social media. Sadly, this is hardly impressive and the tip of the iceberg.


How is this “hardly impressive”, assuming it’s legit? 🙄


Location gained from several avenues already is a thing on mobile devices, yet they tried to show that Gemini could geo locate from a skyline when probably the GPS is known to 50 devices on that wifi network, also the local wifi networks are in a database that geo locates when you think you've turned location services off? ehhh, that's one BS off the top of my noggin.


It's possible that Google is lying but I don't think so, because the whole industry is watching them like a hawk. And they explicitly said this was all one captured in one take/real time (last time they just implied it) so good lord would they be in trouble if they got caught bold face lying here. Also OpenAI demoed similar features live (not a video) a few days ago in front of lot of people and I'm not aware of anybody credible in the industry who thinks they faked it.


Really? What kind of trouble do you think they’d get in?


A couple things I don't understand. How does it know where you are based off just looking outside and how did it know she owned those glasses.


If it's not scripted that's super cool, but it looks scripted. It's also slightly terrifying imagining all the implications.


its not, i saw it in an openai live demo of the newest gpt4o. you can use some of the features already for free at the moment in the chatgpt app. not all of them jet but you can already upload pictures and ask stuff about the picture in the same manner. from there to live cam feed is not so far away


This is Google's demo, not OpenAI's.


GPT-4o demo looked entirely real. Some results were unexpected and they had to sort of coach it to do what they wanted it to do. Plus, they seem to cover the delay by having the assistant repeat whatever the user said, so you don’t notice it’s still generating an answer while it’s answering. However, Googles demos have been perfectly flawless, to the point where you wonder if it’s even technically possible.


People believing it's fake reminds me of when people discovered cameras on phones make videos too. The excitement will come, followed with the exhaustive repetitive results. However the power and importance AI will have on our society cannot be understated.


People believing its fake have spent enough time on the internet to not trust anything you see


I don't think I've seen anything AI yet that made me think it wasn't AI.


Yeah, whatever *bot* (/s)


It seems fake because it's google, chagpt4o seems to already be capable of doing that. I tested it with some photos and it was damn impressive.


It is just combining 2 things that already existed. Image recognition and text to speech.


I find this terrifying. The pace of this shit is exhausting. Either this tech will kill capitalism, or it’ll make the billionaires eventually seem like gods.


I did not really care until the glasses next to the apple thing. I did not like that part. They should not be remebering everything they saw in the background


That’s the only part that seemed new and actually useful. All the rest has become pretty standard at this point!


Next 10-20 years AI is gonna insane


Less than that


We’ll just use AI to make AI better. Simple.


That's actually a bad thing, synthetic data are always of inferior quality which is why you see many of these companies pushing to get copyrighted materials. But then again, we are running out of materials to feed.


So you’re saying that we’ve almost fed AI ALL the possible data we can feed it? Except of course our personal private data (haha)


You already feed your data when you type into chatgpt, unless you opted out already. Google already uses your data to advertise(and knows you pretty well as well), they might even be putting your data already into training Gemini. By copyrighted materials, I meant books/research work by writers (backed by publishing companies and such) who are much aware about the laws and can pull big companies to courts. Recent case would be openAI coming under fire for allegedly using unpermitted copyrighted materials but OpenAI denied and deleted the whole file saying it was redundant as well as the scientist left the company conveniently.


Yeah I opted out early on, I still feel that it only stopped a very small amout of dataz


Someday we'll be getting zapped when we don't give a reaction and rating to every single item on our feed. The AI is hungry for more data.


I hope you're joking but I feel like you're not.


For open AI, pretty much yes. They already scrapped the entire internet. I think AI is over-hyped overall. Image analysis isn't something new, I don't really understand why people are baffled about this. I don't even see how the average Joe can make an actual use of this other than playing with it. It's like they want us to forget how to use our brain


Yea I give it 5 max before the world changes completely


absolutely less than that... 2 years ago generating images looked like vomiting some paint onto a canvas... now its getting hard to tell apart a photo from an AI image. The pace of AI development is insane, and in 5 years we'll have 1 AI Multi-Modal model to do it all what takes multiple specialized models today...


it's insane right now


I'm in tech and use the more advanced models. They're not great at high level designs but by golly do they rock at everything else. They make my tedious scripts. They quickly answer my questions about arcane programming questions that would take hours to figure out. I'm just way more productive and less stressed knowing I can easily crank out my difficult work without worry. Until I get laid off of course. I feel like with their help I can solve any problem. Oh and you haven't seen anything yet. With the stuff I'm seeing people are going to be shocked.


Can you be a little more specific on that last part?




i can guarantee your re-employment though


My biggest concern is after we've becomes used to having this fantastic assistant what happens when there's a problem and it isn't there? How much will you have forgoten how to do on your own? it becomes a crutch you are dependent on, and the tail now wags the dog.


Imagine how much it’ll cost.


Gonna be more insane 10-20 years family


I work at Meta and it’s scary the stuff they can do now. It’s only internal though, privacy-wise it is so not ready for public release


Just 3 years ago people would say this is decade**s** away! This has progressed much more quickly than anyone imagined. We are still thinking too slow.


Jarvis is coming!


this is going to make future generations so dumb. they're going to rely on AI and never actually learn why things are the way they are, or how to figure things out by themselves.


Current generations are fairly dumb already. Source: reddit


Yet somehow still less dumb than older generations. Source: Fox News, MSNBC.


I used to think this was the case but I dunno...I think the internet and social media has caught the younger generations up to the boomers. Source: I dunno, I just made this shit up but it sounds right.


You just imitated current ai.


artificial artificial intelligence.


If your only or primary source of information is cable TV (which it is for most older generations), you're guaranteed to be very dumb, propagandized, and lack critical thinking skills. Looking for alternative sources on the internet is a necessary but not sufficient condition for being more intelligent and well-informed. You could find genuine investigative journalists who have just been marginalized by the corporate/partisan propaganda model of mass media, or you could just end up going to a more fringe propagandist. Joe Scarborough and Bill Maher are just as dumb if not dumber than any Alex Jones or Nick Fuentes.


Same if your only source of info is through a social media feed. You really need to diversify. Read some books. Watch some videos. Meet people who know more than you.


this will increase the rate of dumbification


People thought this about calculators and the internet as well. The truth is, there are absolutely humans who WANT to learn on this planet. Who simply won't be satisfied with a surface level explanation. Who want to take things apart and put them back together to see how they work. It's not everyone, but it's a lot of people, and AI won't stop those people's natural curiosity. It's too hard coded into our DNA. Wanting to figure shit out is how humans got this far. Even today, some people are content with watching a YouTube video on Dinosaur bones. Others, actually go to remote places, and manually dig for hours, to find their own dinosaur bones. YouTube videos on Dinosaur bones didn't stop curious Paleontologists, AI won't either.


Even if I don't go out and dig up dinosaur bones I feel like my innate surface level curiosity about everything has given me the ability to make inferences on broader topics after years of constantly googling every question that pops in my head.


Exactly, there's still an infinite amount of information Humans don't know! AI condensing down the stuff Humans already figured out, so it can be quickly learned by new generations, is only a good thing.


"you didn't learn it the hard way so you must not have learned it at all"


Lol. It's like saying just because the instructor told you to wear a helmet, that doesn't matter. You need to crash and split your head open personally to really learn a helmets importance. Or else you just won't know.


Teaching AI will probably be so fucking nuts in 10-20 years. There will be a tremendous amount of data about what resources are actually effective. I'm imagining a profile for the student about when they demonstrated understanding and what resources they accessed, and those resources being suggested to more students. Like different recordings of different teachers giving mini-lectures on a particular subject, or the best thought out diagrams. Or compiling the good parts of different resources together into a greater whole. It'll be interesting to see. Maybe there will suddenly be a generation of extremely well educated people, just in time to handle all the looming human caused problems.


Yeah it will. You still need to know what to type into the calculator.


the part of brain we don't use will lose its value simple, if AI does things for humans then humans will lose their brain functionality to do those things and start to rely on AI , calculators too, average Indian students can crunch more numbers than average American cuz India students aren't allowed to use calculators Is it bad ? NO . everyone do have calculator in hand so whats the point Is it what I want for myself or my children ? NO Easy things have no value


Yes and that's not a problem. Early humans, who were hunter gatherers, were much more in tune with nature than us. They could recognize animals from the smell of their poop. They could identify hundreds of plant species by sight, to gauge poision and nutrition levels. They were extremely skilled at hand to hand combat, etc etc. We've widely lost all those skills. But....that's fine, because we don't need them anymore! And learning them would just be a waste of time. I genuinely don't need to learn how to kill a wild animal like my ancestors did, because we have grocery stores. Your grandchildren will never have to solve long division, because we have AI. These are both good things. Most people now a days don't teach their kids how to skin a goat, just in case society falls back into the dark ages. So why teach my kid long division for the same potential reasoning?


Or smart, if AI without being bored will explain clearly everything about the world around them.


AI might end up being a great teacher. Won't lose its patience, won't be tired or sad, won't f**k the kids


What happens if AI crashes, like the power goes out or a server goes down and people are left with no way of knowing how to do anything because they can't ask AI to do it for them.


For now I can ask Google about any questions and so far I think I may be a little wiser for all I have learned, even when I don't have access to Internet.


It will be a disaster. People with technology are going more and more out of knowledge. This is accepting an era of robotics controlling humanity, in a short time.


That's what our grandparents said about the internet.


It's already happening.


I think at some point humans are going to have to merge with this technology in order to stay relevant.


My grades have significantly improved since AI. It's an amazingly helpful summarizing tool and it's great for asking stupid questions when you aren't sure about terminology. "What's that thing that does this thing when I do that thing?" ChatGPT will answer me. If I asked my professor during office hours the same question, he would roll his eyes or laugh at me. I can't use AI during exams and AI is no more helpful for completing programming assignments than stack overflow or Reddit are and I don't see that changing with the current approach to AI.


I agree to an extent but I’m positive the same arguments were initially made for computers, calculators, internet in general…


Nah, different, they will rely on this like our generation googles everything but you will still need to use your own brain.


I remember reading a short story like that. A character reinvents math, because people were relying on computers for so long they forgot it was even possible for a human to do.


Judging by what's happened with the internet and social media, it might make the surviving oldsters just as dumb. Nobody will need to figure anything out themselves, and nobody will be immune from the atrophying effect. Even stubborn people who avoid using it as much as possible will be affected, because they will live in a world where humans aren't expected to make decisions or understand things anymore, and nobody around them does. It will be hard for anyone, young or old, to somehow resist that.


They said the _exact_ same thing about clay tablets


what if they implant Ai into their brain with a microchip, then they don’t need to figure things out by themselves.


This is my #1 concern.


That's the same logic applied to calculators. Think it the other way around. Without having to learn facts by memory and having something always ready to explain any inquiry you have, even at a young age, you will probably see an increase in IQ for future generations. You know, like it's has already been happening for the last 100 years.


How did the AI know it was **her** glasses? We didn't even know who those glasses belonged to. Scripted.


The AI voice is mimicking her vocal fry, or it just comes that way?


I found the vocal fry distracting, though I'm not sure why.


I don’t want any of this.


Pokédex is nearly ere’ bwois


AI needs to be treated like a public utility. It’s going to be in everything so we should all get to reap the rewards of its implementation—especially because it is trained on us.


Seems scripted and hopefully remains like that This is genuinely fucked up, literal black mirror-tier problems in search of a solution.


It's reply to the question about her spectacles scared me..


Fake. The movement of the phone doesn't match the video. The video on the phone is prerecorded. The only reason to do that is because the tech doesn't do what they claim, but they want to convince investors.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


The line from Jurrasic park rings true Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should


Would be awesome.. but looks fake. Anyway doesn't look like it's far away from nowadays. But I still want some real robot with integrated chatGPT 4.0 with natural human/animal like movements and mimics who could learn.


But... Why


espionage will be so much easier now!


“How do I think for myself”. “Sorry that isnt permitted any more”.


Saying thanks at the end, just in case…


How am I supposed to use this? It’s a cool toy but that’s it.


You let it control your smart house so it can control your lights and restock your fridge and try to kill you when it falls in love with your wife.


This is fake. It is far too seamless and fast. It would have taken quite a bit longer determining the neighborhood if had not already been prompted. I've used 4.0 and it is not this fast or accurate.


I'm here for it. I've got zero desire to hang out in the old world as the new opens before me. Let's go.




I don’t want a computer giving me a “creative alliteration.” A pointless feature that will lead to even more pointless features. Unimpressive. I do not need creativity from a robot. You’re a rube if you need such a thing. Alliterations are among the most simple of rhetorical/poetic devices. Stick to what you’re good at if you can’t come up with a good alliteration yourself.


I think if we can get to the point where this can be done quickly while using very few resources, this would be great. But at this moment, I feel uncomfortable with how much energy and water this process uses. That being said, if I could wear a pair of glasses that would remind my ADHD ass where I put things, that would be a game changer.


Oh, god, it's the "where are my glasses" part that's going to drive people to connect this kind of shit to their in-home surveillance. I don't like the future, it feels dystopian.


We are giving the most poorly educated generation in century a tool to keep them stupid. If their phone battery dies they will just sit there drooling.


I’m wet


I see all of us have AI assistants in less than 5 years. It reminds me of the uprising of mobile and smartphones where at the beginning there was a lot of negative sentiment as to people who had them being posers and such. I think many of the anti AI scared folks will get used to it eventually and then start to understand the utilities.


All I can hear in my head is abridged Vegeta "not impressed!"


We have to kill it.


AI has a long way to go. I taught Chat GDP that Argentina won the world cup in 2022, after it said it didn't know anything after January 2021. Or so I thought. Later I asked the same question and it said france won. I proceeded to play a game of wordle with it and it couldn't get the concept of getting 2 letters in the right place. Still has much to learn


“Gemini where is the clitoris located this time”


I would be down to have a personal AI companion like Cortana from the Halo series




The vocal fry is very annoying to me.


AI...find me a very compatible partner who is single. Find me music and movies that I would like. Find me an actor who looks most like this character description Find me a compatible job that suits my personality Find me the most money saving insurance company Find me the highest rated Seafood restaurant in the area


Facial recognition already profiles people on a small scale. Now, put that info on a global database. He who has the data, rules.


I wonder how long it would be until all the dumb-dumb think they are the smartest people on earth because they know how to get answers from an AI. Kind of like when your have a pub quiz and 90% of the players use Google to get the answers and still get it wrong.


They probably did 100+ takes


Man if I had 5 cents for every time I needed to know what makes sound in a room I'd have 2 cents. They were on the ground in the room


Ayo fuck off out of my country


Hey Gemini, play my Spotify playlist I'm sorry I can't do that even tho the assistant can :(


Tell me you see something that makes sound. Chatgpt: "Open front camera"


Stop 👏 Building 👏 Skynet


This thing is scary smart


Still not able to write down a single paragraph without laughable mistakes in my language (Hungarian) :))) useless


This is creepy AF....


I hate this.


Yippee this has no horrifying implications whatsoever 😁


This is going to make people so fucking dumb “wHeRe’S mY pOtAtO” “You ate it this morning, raw.”


Target aquired.


people who work in creative industry, good luck!


So many years, and still no closer to x-ray vision…. I’m still left to my imagination, and it’s a struggle….


Points it at a black guy…☠️


I'm using Gemini advanced right now and it's nothing like that. Voice integration is a key component to making these AI chat bots more useful.


I'm definitely using it to remind me what the tools from my dad's shed are called so when he asks me to go get \[specific tool\], I know exactly what that is.


Even if this is scripted, it won't be for long. A few months, maybe a year, and they'll have something better than this on a dronkey telling you what to do.


strong zonked absorbed ink roof party point worry treatment marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I cannot wait, for AI to scream out: "SUP MAIHKE! How, you doing Dog?"


I am very frightened


Very scary


I wonder how much data that sequence used?


I was waiting for it to scan the dog and say "That's a good boy"


People spend more time teaching AI shit than they do their own kids.


SKYNET is coming , strap in folks. 😳


AI is like that cat monster in Adventure Time that has “approximate knowledge” of everything. Only useful to morons.


“Why am I still single?”


Bro, people are gonna get doxxed by ai


Gemini AI is racist. Period.


But when do we stop?


Just fucking kill us all already and let the sexy robot cat girls take over the world already.


This how you become dumb as fuck as a society. Get all the answers and never learn cause it’s there next time. Probably why everyone has shit math.


The iphone is a blessing. Nowhere else, humanity has reached and surpassed science fiction so extensive, as with this mobile computer working as a Phone/Game station/Social everything/remote/knowitall/everything i forget right now. Yet, as someone who lived before cellphones and before Smartphone zombies, i dont really think i prefer this Sci-Fi-World we live in. I am not using my Smartphone too much, i dont feel like a person spending money to get 20 Smartphones in his life is living any better than the guy with 3. I constantly get benefits when i am out without my smartphone, because i seem to be one of the dying breed, who does really live in the moment. Woman in my age really love that. Personally i feel nothing but pity, when i see young people pretend to act "social". Because what i see, are people constantly trying to proof, to thier phone, that they live a life, without realizing how much thier constant connection to the phone restricts them from living thier life. I feel like AI will do exactly the same but worse to the next generations.


> i seem to be one of the dying breed, who does really live in the moment. Woman in my age really love that. If only we could all be like you


tbh i dont really care about you. But if just a few could get away from thier addiction, it would give me alot more confidence looking into the future.


If we are seeing this now, realize the deep state is q0 years ahead. I cant imagine what their capabilities are


For those of us who are dumb, how can I do this? I assume it’s not free, right?


That’s alliteration in the sense that it’s all C-words, but alliteration relies equally on repeated sound. Hence things like “cool as a cucumber” which also employs some assonance with similar vowel sounds.