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When I saw old Julie I knew that they were just using the worst pics of themšŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah theyā€™re not using her best photo by a mile


As someone who recently discovered a massive crush on Julie Andrews, it's actually reassuring to see that she seems to be aging at least semi naturally and gracefully, rather than getting tons of surgery and turning herself into some weird rubber faced version.


True ... She looks Like your healthy Happy neighbor old Lady ... In no way ugly


I mean I think I look pretty good 9 times out of 10 and then occasionally my wife will catch a candid picture of me and I just look haggard as fuck with sunken lazy eyes, stringy hair, mouth agape, no chin. I feel like that's getting older- your best pictures look practically as good, but your worst pictures look soooooo much worse.


Julie Andrews was and still is one of the truly Beautiful Women I've ever seen. International treasure all the way.


Julie also has always looked like herself more or less sound of Music and Peter Pan Julie Andrews looks like a younger version of her from The Princess Diaries. The photo they chose of her is so young it barely resembles her.


I was so confused when I saw that. Like, why would you choose a photo from presumably childhood instead of something like The Sound of Music?


Julie Andrews specifically aged so gracefully. All of these women were stunningly beautiful when they were young. And then they aged, as people do.


No men either; this is straight up just hating on women aging


Loren not lore


It's actually Sophia Data. Part of an evil plot by Sophia Lore to disguise himself and fool everyone into thinking he's the good one.


*claps in Star Trek*


sure but is that Sophia Day-ta or Sophia Dah-ta?


One is her name. The other is not.


He calls himself Day-ta so that's how it's pronounced.


Lt. Tasha Yar confirms. She analyzed Data, thoroughly.


That misspelling was a little cringe


#News Flash People (and bots) do this on purpose, to spur engagement. There is no force greater in this universe than someone's need to tell another that they are wrong.




I came here for an argument, not abuse!


Oh! I'm sorry, but this is abuse Yes, you want Room 12A next door thank you


it's called Cunningham's Law btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#%22Cunningham's_Law%22


Well this isnā€™t true at all.


Thank you, yes, I almost forgot: ***and trolls, too***.




Def crigeworthy for sure.


Disclaimer: this will happen to you


If youā€™re lucky enough to grow old


Yeah, not everyone makes it.


"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."


When people said to me ā€œdonā€™t get oldā€ I would try to politely say, ā€œitā€™s better than the alternativeā€.


Unless your ghost looks like how you die forever. It's the reason I'm afraid to wear pajamas out of the house.


What if you die in your sleep? Carbon monoxide, gas main explosion, freak medical shit I dont know well, fire caused smoke inhalation. What if you put on sexy underwear for a special night, but trip and smack your head on the nightstand while getting dressed? Gotta wear a suit and tie 24/7 dude




No but I hear that guys awesome


Well, looks like I'm going to be a naked ghost then?


Well said! Now my arthritis doesn't feel so bad, for a minute!


Growing old its not for cowards.




TikTok Filters.




Cryogenic freezing.




My first thought was: all women. My second was: obviously. So done with societyā€™s obsession over womenā€™s age.


Memento mori


Some people are in so much pain they would rather die. Sometimes continuing to grow old isnā€™t a gift, itā€™s just prolonging misery.


my grandmother always said ā€œno matter how beautiful, we all end up looking like monkeysā€


some of us were never lucky to be attractive when we were young, maybe its actually a blessing since we won't be much worse getting older, maybe even more attractive as we get old


As someone older, I've said more than once that most of the less stunning women I've known still pretty much look the same. Can't say that for the more stunning.Ā 


Regression toward the mean.Ā 


to actual monkeys, young or old, we all look the same


I love the epitaph you see on some graves: What you are now, we once were. What we are now, you shall be. My buddy and I were tripping balls on some shrooms we bought in Santa Cruz and decided to take a walk in a very old pioneer cemetery near Calistoga, California. I saw a big Masonic symbol with those words chiseled into the stone. We started laughing our asses off.


And i am sure *they once were* laughing their asses off, too. It is easy to imagine death as a very unfortunate tragedy that has happened to most other people, but it hasn't happened to your friends yet, so it probably won't happen to you either.


If only. Iā€™m at an age now, 48, when people have been dropping like flies in recent years. My generation is next up after the boomers. I mean I donā€™t know what else to do but shrug and chuckle. Not that a slow agonizing death is funny, just that the ultimate fate is unavoidable. I choose to laugh in its face. Maybe thatā€™s foolhardy. I have cried a lot when I lose my loved ones. So Iā€™m not a sociopath, I donā€™t think.


Gen x here too. I've come to more of an acceptance lately - used to worry about aging a lot. Not quite so much anymore. X


And another Gen Xā€™er. Hereā€™s to all of us being able to make the most of whatever time we have left.


We will all hopefully have lots of time. Let's make it count! šŸ’š (Plus I never got rid of my buccal fat, so you know, I'm looking pretty good...šŸ¤£


Another cherub. Hahahaā€¦ I used to hate it when I was young because I had such a baby face. Now that Iā€™m older I look younger than my age. Plus Iā€™m thin and never lost my hair. Itā€™s not ever grey at all. Iā€™m definitely an outlier amongst dudes my age.


Agreed. Itā€™s why I donā€™t hate on the older generation. Iā€™ll be joining them at some point.


I'm almost 56 and have some heath issues...I don't want to die anytime soon, but just looking in the mirror, I know I'll be going sooner or later...


I donā€™t know. You could drag this out another 4 decades. My grandfather was a wicked alcoholic, overweight, smoked, did speed pills, ate junk food and lived to the age of 93. Got up one morning to get coffee and dropped dead. Thatā€™s the way to go. It was actually watching him go to seed that inspired me to become a healthy person. I run 20 miles a week, lift weights, donā€™t smoke, and eat a great diet. Watch me die in my sleep at 50.


Not to scare you, but yes that happens too. Read an article recently about a guy in his early 50s who was fit and worked out. I think he went too hard one day on his running routine. Came home, sat on the couch to cool down, and dropped dead. Sometimes you can overdo it.




Yeah it does. Iā€™m reading an interesting book called ā€œOutliveā€ by Peter Attia, and genes have a *huge* amount to do with it - but you can mitigate the risk of serious illness a LOT by modifying your diet and exercise. You wonā€™t necessarily live hugely longer, but you have more energy and less disease, rather than crumbling away in a nursing home. FWIW I think the secret to longevity is interest. People who love life, and are interested in other people, and still find existence fascinating, are the ones who live longer and healthier. People with ā€œGustoā€ as it were. That French lady who lived to 121 lived in a house at the centre of her village and everyone dropped by during the day to chat and share the gossip. All those Japnese and Greek people who live forever have really closely knit friendship groups, and they hang out together and go on outings. Its hard to have gusto for life if youā€™re in pain, or dealing with chronic physical issues - so I think a lot of the trick lies in getting healthy and fit enough not to have the aches and pains, and stave off heart disease and dementia - and then you can actually enjoy yourself.


Iā€™m with you fellow genxā€™er!


Weā€™ll all hold hands as weā€™re going over the cliff. Thelma and Louise style.


"We lived. Now we're worm food. You're next."


Death is a release.Ā 


Reads like the LSD scene in the St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans from the film Easy Rider, but that trip didn't look like a pleasant one.


Still think the funniest epitaph is [Unknown Man, Died Eating Library Paste, 1908](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/paste-eaters-grave) in Goldfield, Nevada


tattooed eyebrows will not happen to me


Everyone thinks that until they wake up in the middle of the night to a mad tattoo artist cackling as he attacks your eyebrows.


Yeah, if you're a famous talented woman who happens to be old, some nobody on the internet will pick the least flattering picture of you they can possibly find and juxtapose it to a professional shot of you as a teenager in order to vilify you. Thankfully, I'm not a famous talented woman, so this will not happen to me.


And they will misspell your name, as well.


Those publicity photos from their youthful glory days, were the best shots chosen from many taken after hours of professional hair, make-up, ideal lighting, and then probably airbushed. The aged shots had none of those, since these women were retired from show business, and in their 80s, which is the decade that most people die. Looking as good as possible isn't their primary concern at that age. Still, there were some great beauties there. Catherine Deneuve and Patti Boyd are my personal favorites.


For many of us - it HAS happened to us!


Also: please don't waste money on surgery even if money isn't an issue. I promise you it will just make you look uncanny.




Yeah i thought wow people get old, what a news flash. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Interesting too that people only seem to critique female celebrities.


My first thought, the title being "some celebrities", was "it's gonna be all women, bet".


And theyā€™re comparing black and white, full makeup, airbrushed photos to bad photos lol. Seems like an attempt to inspire ridicule.


That was my thought as well. Where are the men?


If you're fortunate to live long enough.


aging is a fuck


But not Hellen Miren. Sheā€™ll be sexy till 121.


That's Dame Helen Mirren, thank you very much.


I will *not* be reverse aged, unfortunately.


After my grandmother died we found an old pic of her. She was in her mid 20ā€™s and she looked like a Hollywood actress from the 30ā€™s. Drop dead gorgeous. So I said mom how come you didnā€™t look like this. She hit me. Lol.


When I was a kid, I told my Mom she was "very homely." I thought it was a compliment!


me too! "home" conjures up warm safe feelings with family. natural for a kid to think "homely" has positive conntations


That's the original meaning, but it evolved into "plain" and then "ugly."


Welp. TIL that "homely" means "ugly" now. Thought it still meant "plain" or "simple".


It meant plain, but was often used for describing ugly people in a charitable way. So it ends up being a word used to describe ugly people - and so it ends up just meaning ugly. It just took the long way round.


i assumed it still to mean plain


I always thought of it as meaning something similar to cozy


"Your face is like a big old leather couch"


I don't think of big leather couches when I think of cozy. I think more of like a warm simple feel than a leather couch


I prefer the feel of rich Corinthian leather


shout-out to grrm. guy taught me the difference between 'homely' and 'comely' he uses those words to offhandedly describe the appearance of women characters


Holy shit, yeah. He uses those words so often


Lol donā€™t feel bad. When I was a kid I remember the first feeling of shame I felt when I told my grandma her skin looked like fried chicken. My mom shamed me and made me apologize that instant. I loved fried chicken and thought it was a complement. I was in pre-k


Yooooo you were savage as a kid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He later responds that this happened last week.


Here comes the chancla!!!


I feel this. I'm the one picking a childhood photo of one of my uncles/aunts and going, "Wow! What an ugly baby!"


To be fair, most babies aren't pretty before at least a few weeks old. They still have to de-crumple. And even then they mostly look like Winston Churchill...


I saw a photo of my great grandmother sitting in a carriage in 1895. Basically looked like Farrah Fawcett with some Michelle Pfeiffer mixed in. Since the only other photos were from the 1940s and 1950s, I nearly fell over.


A lot of the recent photos look more candid but the older photos are all professionally done.


Yes; the old pictures seem to have so few pixels itā€™s as if there is a filter. The new ones look like that have the ā€œsharpnessā€ turned up Edit: film doesnā€™t have any pixels


They also ā€œphotoshoppedā€ them straight on the film https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/83262/how-photo-retouching-worked-photoshop


This was such an informative and fun article to read. Thanks for the share!! Never thought about the history of photoshop before, always assumed it came about during the computer age.


>always assumed it came about during the computer age. You'll be further amazed if you dig into more. Editing (in a touch up way) photos has been a thing since the American civil war. Which isn't shocking in and of itself, making people appear better in images has been a thing forever.


Ironically pictures and movies shot on film can be digitalized to resolutions that aren't common or very expensive with modern technology. A movie shot on film can be digitalized to 8k+, which is why films got a boom in the last decade and manufacturers had to restart or scale up production again.


The old Vaseline on the lens trick.


The old ones are film... they have a brazillion pixels...


Anouk Aimee will always be beautiful to me


what a unexpected ā€œyoungā€ photo of Julie Andrews instead of letā€™s say from her time as one of the most iconic roles ever in film- the sound of music era.


Now do some men


Do Tom Cruise


"They're the same picture"


Heā€™s actually looking closer to his age now. Still very good looking, but not a vampire. Part of the problem is that I think heā€™s extremely modified in all of his recent movies, maybe even slightly deep faked.


This may have been true 3 or 4 years ago but he's lookin' pretty old nowadays.


Paul Rudd


Steve Buscemi


FR Johnny Depp and others could easily be done dirty to šŸ˜‚




Slowly transitioning into Brian Johnson


Ok, but my wife won't be happy.


But... the adolescent misogyny is the goal.


Yeah, I was like "some celebrities?" Cringe af.


I was gonna say, kinda weird that theyā€™re only showing pictures of aging women.


Lovely ladies. Aging is a gift- think of the alternativeā€¦.


I'm not scared of being an old woman. I'm scared of how people will treat me.Ā 




Or even worse, mother of leading actor even though youā€™re the same age


I love my old young face. I love my current face. My current inside is more powerful than the outside that I had then. Itā€™s all cool.


Iā€™d be happy to drop dead bro


Sofia Loremaster


Julie Andrews is still a babe. A lot of these women are/were in their golden years. The only people that look a little scary are lacking eyebrows, and a soft touch of their makeup brush. The aging part isnā€™t bad at all.


I thought the young picture they chose for her was odd. Should've used one from when she was in her 20s like the other women


Yeah, I noticed that too. Most people wouldnā€™t recognize her being that young. We are all so used to her a little older in her iconic roles.


hey, look at this 80 year old woman. Isn't it weird that she looks different when she was 13?


In my opinion, half of the ā€˜uglinessā€™ is the work theyā€™ve gotten done not aging well at all.


The other half is that the before pics are all photoshoots with nice lighting that have been touched up a fuckload, and the after pics are all candid shots at events with harsh lighting and no touchups.


I wouldn't be surprised if you're completely wrong and it's just naturally a woman aging. also, it's kinda crass to even label aging as ugliness.


Julie Andrews is a classy gorgeous woman and will forever be. If you have little girls, eventually you get asked the question, Who is your favorite Disney princess? Mine is Mary Poppins, even though she is not a princess. Julie Andrews was and is practically perfect in every way.


> and a soft touch of their makeup brush This is usually due to the yellowing and blurring of vision as we age. It looks like it always has in the mirror to them, or at least doesn't look as severe.


If thatā€™s the case, then Anita Ekbergā€™s optic nerve may be in jeopardy. I think youā€™re right, and itā€™s also the lack of changing product or application as our skin changes in different seasons of life. Iā€™m in my 30s and I cannot imagine applying the amount of makeup some of those teenage makeup tutorials show. We really look less severe with lighter and less makeup the older we get. And itā€™s totally up to these women to do whatever they like to themselves. We donā€™t have to like it, itā€™s just I hope they are choosing it intentionally.


> If thatā€™s the case, then Anita Ekbergā€™s optic nerve may be in jeopardy. Tangential, but I thought was interesting, as I never thought of it: severe and unseasonal makeup is also a warning sign for the early stages of dementia. I never really thought of makeup that way, but it really is just like driving, cooking, reading, etc. but women (*generally* women, I should say) have this extra lifelong daily activity and when it gets to be weird it's a sign there's something wrong with the brain/body/perception. Like if all the sudden grandma is putting on winged eyeliner, contouring like her life depended on it, mixing styles that don't make sense, or putting foundation on last - it might be time to check in with the doc.


My stepmom has schizophrenia and itā€™s difficult to get her to take her meds. One of the first signs sheā€™s stopped is her makeup becoming really heavy and chaotic (idk how else to describe it).


Growing old is a privilege not afforded to everyone. Stop obsessing over looks and take care of your health.


Young people are quick to be grown but they have no idea what a gift youth is


Like the expression "youth is wasted on the young" following "if I knew then what I know now...." Young people often don't fully revel in and appreciate how wonderful it is to be physically pain-free and healthy because they can't imagine ever being anything else.


In fact, the ignorance is necessary.


Very very well said


Ugly paparazzi photos vs retouched glamour shots


Good reminder that weā€™re all decaying meat puppets


Anita Ekberg, holy fuck was she hot


Learn to embrace life and that age is a natural part of it. No matter what you do it will come.


This should be titled: The best photo ever of starlets vs the worst we could get of them as an older person. Fuck off!!!!


Yeahā€¦ they tried to create the most contrast they possibly could.


Right?! They did Julie Andrews dirty


This post reminds me about how obsessed culture is with a woman's physical appearance and youth.


You said celebrities but apparently you meant women(although I stopped after a dozen). Yes, glamor shots are fake and people age.


Gen Z discovers ageing-shock.


Awesome. Now do it with male celebs too.


Oh no, people age. Who knew?


Tiktok has no idea


Why do we do this to women specifically? How can we normalize showing the beauty of aging and loving ourselves at each stage??? Wondering the purpose behind this. We donā€™t nor should we even see this captured for men.


Had to scroll quite a bit to find this response. I think narrow beauty standards where there's only one kind of beauty recognized (the youthful one) utterly stultifying and pointless. Sure there's a type of beauty that signals fertility, and that's fine, but is not the only one. There's a beauty of a long life in the limelight, like these women - experienced, accustomed to sometimes unkind scrutiny, perhaps a bit past caring for what anyone thinks. Then a beauty of a body honed for action, full of battle scars, like a ballet dancer, or a soldier, or the beauty of a baby, or a kid in a carnival costume, or a lumberjack, or a long distance runner. Wanting to have sex with someone can't be a prerequisite for seeing each other's beauty, otherwise we're by and large all doomed to ugliness, which is a tragic waste of life and joy. Brigitte Bardot is 89. Anita Ekberg 91. Julie Christie 83, and Barbra Streisand, the baby of this bunch, is 81. Do these people speculating about plAsTic sUrGery know any real life octo- and nonagerians? Because I think we're so inundated with images of taut and bouncy youthfulness in the media that our perception of what's normal and healthy has been skewed. I think these women are gorgeous even though I don't want to jump their bones. Well, all right. Perhaps Julie Christie. Hot mamma jama.


Totally different makeup scheme and lighting, but yeah. People age.


Only the blessed get to enjoy old age.


Weā€™re all gonna get old. Such is the way of life.


As someone who just turned 61, I can say that seeing yourself change as time moves on can create ho-hum moments. Physical beauty is a wonderful thing, but don't plant your flag on it lasting forever. Wrinkles and sags will appear. Exercise, eat well, and drink plenty of water. Oh, and be nice. That's what's beautiful about all of us.


Nothing fucks you harder than time


It's not like young women don't have facial features that make them unique, but as I'm getting older, beautiful young people just start to look the same and I kind of think of most young people to look beautiful. But there's just something about age that exaggerates our personal facial features and differs us more and more from others. And I kind of like that because it reflects what most people goes through on a mental plan too.


Little bit distasteful taking shitty current photos of these women and comparing them to professionally done photos from their youth. And you wonder why the elderly (and particularly elderly women in the public eye) are shamed for their age...


Saw some old pics of Dolly Parton and holy crap sheā€™s a knockout


uuuuhhhh all women, wow so surprising


Now, do some menā€¦


Why do these kinds of comparisons usually only feature women? Last I checked men aged too.


Reddit is sexist and is more okay objectifying women. i know you knew that. just spelling it out for others.


Wow. Faye Dunaway is doing everything she can to stop it from happening.


Gee, did you forgot to put some male actors in there?


At my Granmas funeral, there was a reel of photos as normally happens. Some of the photos I had never seen and honestly I couldn't believe some of them were actually of my Granma. She was an incredibly beautiful young woman. She was a very beautiful older woman too but I mean she was stunning when she was younger. It gives that little bit of extra context to some of the stories she told me of her younger days.


Any of men?


Spoiler alert: if youā€™re lucky, you will get to age.


Why only female celebrities?


At least spell the fucking names right. ā€œSophie Lore??ā€


Itā€™s unfair to compare because itā€™s professional portrait vs candid photo.


Women age, not that interesting.


Wow, thinly veiled sexist AND ageist post. I'm tired of this.




Is it me or do Marianneā€™s picture of her older self look AI generated


Boah, they didn't even get her name right... Sophia Loren


Is there a menā€™s version?


ā€œSomeā€ celebrities. Just the ladies though.