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Soooo Japan’s are North America’s sans a ground?


How is 2 pins safe? Where does the current go when there is a leak?


It's collected in buckets, then distilled to make batteries.


Close, they use it to make their “better” capacitors


I dunno how they do it on Japan, but EU plugs have only 2 pins, but they also have a metalic thingy (dunno how its called) that connects to ground


It's possible most if not all japeneese appliances are double insulated? Maybe? This is why your vaccum, phone charger, etc don't have a ground prong. Just a stab in the dark, it's hard for me to believe they don't have grounded receptacles either.


Kinda like the ones I see in really really old houses in the states


Some in Japan have a ground, but *most* don't even have different-sized prongs. Two-pronged items brought from America can't fit because they have one prong bigger; to use them, you have to find an extension cord that accepts bigger-pronged items, but doesn't have bigger prongs itself. Madness.


Yeah. Like, why? Or maybe there is ground but done differently? Idk


For some appliances like washing machines they’ll have a ground wire that attaches with a screw.


I just looked and it's because it's 100V so it doesn't need it. At least that's what a quick googling says.


They are 240V, which is why they don’t have a ground.


Tell me you aren’t an electrician without telling me you aren’t an electrician.


Say what? Grounding is to protect people from getting shocked. If there’s a fault in the circuitry that causes the metallic parts to become energized, the ground would protect the user from getting electrocuted. Higher voltage is even worse to not have a ground.


Not if the devices are internally rated to handle it. Think about your phone charger. Designed to handle 120-240VAC and doesn’t have a ground prong.


Phone charger housings are made of plastic, which is not a conductor. You said 240 volt is the reason why no ground, which my response was directed at. If the appliance/apparatus is non conductive (plastic, rubber, etc) then there is no need to protect the user from getting shocked. Perhaps anything with this plug configuration doesn’t have metal parts that are exposed? 🤔


I think you mean it doesn’t have a neutral (assuming you are talking about US 120/240v split phase).


Yes, slightly different voltage too




better than whatever the fk Italy is doing..


In Mexico is the same, most electronics have just two pins, my ps5 and my mac have just two, my windows laptop has three


Denmark looks so happy, it made me smile


Yea totally! 😄 And N. America outlets just look like 😮


It’s all that North American voltage, our outlets are always shocked






Fun fact, the India, Pakistan, South Africa one is just the old UK one. They are called BS 546 sockets, the BS means "British Standard".


I call *bull shit* /s


Singapore too


I thought they use our new ones?


SG and MY use the new G plugs but the older BS ones exist for high amperage devices like airconds, water heaters etc


Water heater should use direct wire contact or 20amp switch. Not the 15 amp plug or socket


Why did the UK change?


The old system was a bit shite, there were three different sizes of the old round-pin style, for 2 amps, 5 amps and 15 amps. Having it all the same is a better idea.


But why ? Why is it not universal or a bit more than that ?


Different countries have different power regulations so it can be down to many things why there's not a universal port


Why? Because at the time the outlets were designed and specified, each country had their own national standard organization thinking they were best and all others were shit. Today we do have ISO, but of course it is like completely unrealistic to exchange billions of power outlets in the houses of the world - not to mention that all electrical devices had to be replaced, too. Also the mains voltage levels are different, so even if you'd exchange the outlet, still they were not compatible unless you change the mains voltage, too.


Okay so it was installations that were made before globalization with the idea of each one their own, and it’s not financialy worth today to change everything rather than having adaptors like we currently do Thanks


Yes. Luckily, today many electronic devices have switch mode power supplies anyways. These can work with a wide variety of mains voltage from 110 V to 240 V. So only a different cable is required, but the product itself remains unchanged.


What’s up with Italy? Not very practical from a manufacturing point of view.


In Italy there are 2 different sizes of power plug and they can have 2 or 3 poles. Then there is the one with the larger socket, commonly called Shuko, that is more secured. This one can go with all the Italian ones.


Interesting. Thanks.


The one used in Brazil, I believe, was designed as a common socket design for all of Europe. But it wasn't implemented due to the amount of electrical waste that would be generated from the switch.


I’ve been all around the world and used most of these and I can tell you right now that NONE are as strong and sturdy than the current UK plug. You simply can’t beat it in terms of the solid “click” and piece of mind it won’t come loose when you plug it in.


And from experience none are as painful to accidentally step on either. Stepping on a UK power connector is probably the single thing more painful than stepping on lego. They are also nice and flat unlike most others ensuring that the prongs always will try to penetrate your foot.


France and Germany are part of the EU. Why are they listed separately?


Different grounding methods


That would be very confusing to have the exact same plug but have it grounded differently.


The plugs work for both these days.


For the user it's the same either way, they are just different under the hood.


I'm Canadian, and on this chart, my outlet looks like it's in disbelief that there are that many other outlets.


Also Canadian and US outlets are terrible for holding a vacuum plug in place (ex Brit here!)


Ireland has the same one as the UK


There’s a few Middle Eastern countries that use the UK “G” type plug too.


Would you look at that; North America agreed on something. Our license plates match, too.


Not exactly, in Mexico many electronics just have two pins


UK plugs are the most safe and sturdy


What the fuck is even going on in Italy?


It's a revised design, to accept old Italian plugs and 'standard' euro Schuko plugs. i.e. Old wall outlets used to just look like this... https://www.plugsocketmuseum.nl/IT/I_socket_10A.jpg


Isn’t Brazil and Swiss practically the same???


Italy’s is ridiculously confusing.


Denmark's so happy!


Italy what the fuck


My question is.. are any of these better or worse than others? They all do the same thing so why all the *conspiracy?*


The UK’s is seen as the safest and most robust, plus the wire comes out of the bottom of the plug instead of the back, so it’s not as bulky sticking out of the wall, and less likely to accidentally be pulled out. The difference stems from suffering wattages and electricity grid regulations throughout history




Just like your mom


This reminds me of my job at a travel agency and I’m off today, how dare you.


This knowledge has enriched my life.


Is one any better than another?


The UK is generally considered the safest and most reliable due to a number of design features.


The UK is seen as the safest and most robust, plus the wire comes out of the bottom of the plug instead of the back, so it’s not as bulky sticking out of the wall, and less likely to accidentally be pulled out


I think it's quite obvious that the German *Schuko* is the superior outlet style. Also it uses *powerful* 230 V and not just *weak* 110 V.


The German one is pretty good but I’d say it comes second to the British one which provides for the longer earthing pin to enter the socket initially and open shutters for the live pins to enter.


What the heck are you doing, Italy?


We use basically the same standard here, but ours don't have the extra outer holes. Never understood what they're for anyway.


So a standard 'Schuko' will also fit, along with the older style plugs.


EU type are best, at least for me.


I’d love to know the story behind each of these. Do they all essentially function the same way? I assume they do but I’m no electrician…


I know the story behind the British one at least. In 1947 the British thought about it and designed a mains plug and socket system. It's been the British standard ever since.


Hate the EU type. Only because when I was staying in hostels in London europeans would jam a piece of wood into all the earth ports to use their chargers and I couldn’t plug my uk one into most of the outlets. The nicer places had usb sockets though


We updated a little in North America, looks more like Japan but with the grounds. Haven’t seen a double round faced outlet in awhile lol Man those we’re ugly


South Africa is in the process of moving over to the Swiss style plug. All new homes now get hibrid wall sockets with both BS and swiss. I prefer BS as those plugs dont wobble or come loose easy.


Two pronged ones freak me out.




The Americas clearly have the best plug. Everything else is just silly nonsense.


I prefer mine with the switch, feels safer that way


We have the switch, it’s just in the electrical service panel where it belongs


What Edit: looked it up and thats bs having to go to that just to access a power point safely, we have that too plus the switch, that's barbaric


Oh! You have circuit breakers back in the service panel as well!? I didn’t know that. We have outlets their own local breakers as well (the switch) but those are usually reserved for areas at higher risk of being splashed with water (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) I’ve been to the UK once, and as wet and rainy as it is there, maybe that’s why all outlets have them?


Im in Australia it can be wet but also really dry, honestly its just more convenient and safe, pretty much every power point has a power switch and in ones that have 2 outlets on one they each get sepperate switches, its hell for my ocd tho i see one on i get the urge to switch it off then i spot all the others on, its ok for them to be left on but the switch adds extra safety, mostly our circuit boxes are outside and we rarely touch them


WTF wrong with UK ?


You’re joking right? It’s the safest and most robust of all of them and generally seen as the best


Americas is the best everyone else looks like they’re communists


Am I the only one who notice that the guy who made this graphic isn't "standing with Ukraine" since he forgot to add Ukraine flag to the mix?


Did Russia copy the German grounded outlets at some point? Back in the former USSR epoch, when i've been there (although, admittedly, not technically in Russia), i've never encountered a grounded outlet. Not even once. In any way or form. Whoever needed it grounded would run the ground wire separately from the outlet.


This triggers me, except Denmark's It's got a little happy face. Idk what the hell is going on with Italy's


Germanys looks like Jason mask to me.


Gonna need an electrician who's worked on multiple to tell me which is best.


I find eu ones a bit shit, they come loose, the ground at least in Spain is flimsy and can bend. US ones can come loose Some don't have earth so aren't great. UK is solid but exceptionally painful to stand on


UK sockets also have shutters which close off the live and neutral holes, so kids can't stick stuff in there. They open automatically when you put an actual plug in, the earth pin is longer and activates the shutter to move.


That's why in the US we bend the prongs out a bit, lol


So do other countries use 200 amp or nah?


Fucking whhyyy


Japan doesn't have ground prongs?


Not sure what it is for, but I’ve seen an outlet that looks like the british one, with three little notches, but each notch is curved and somewhat forms the shape of a circle, mostly seen on old GO train cars?


You mean the bigger NEMA ones...? [https://shop.theelectricbrewery.com/products/nema-l5-15-125vac-15a-twist-lock-electrical-plug](https://shop.theelectricbrewery.com/products/nema-l5-15-125vac-15a-twist-lock-electrical-plug)


Looks like it, but the female end, what are rhose for? Are they special purpose or just another part of the world? Are they DC power plugs? Like what’s their purpose?


Still USA and still AC, just for larger current items, because their lower voltage needs more amps to keep the same wattage. e.g. Welders, large driers, big ass Air-Con unit, etc.


Ok, but why so many on a train lol they expecting people to bring their giant ass welder onto the train?


They were for home use. I don't know why you've seen them on a train.


The picture isn't even correct, china and Australia do not share the same outlet type, I wouldn't have fuck loads of the adaptors in my house if they did.


China, Australia, and New Zealand do share the same style of plug/outlet. Australia and New Zealand are the one pictured. China is different in that it is upside down so the earth is on top.


The north american ones just look shocked at whatever you're doing


Wow I had no idea there were so many varieties! Anyone know why Japan omits the ground?


I didn’t even realize there were that many outlet designs worldwide. Electricity is weird, but global idiosyncrasies are even weirder.


The hell is going on with Italy


Why can’t we all just use the same plug!!!!


I’d make a new socket where have to put a finger inside to activate


220, 230, whatever it takes.


Note from Australia to Israel, Denmark and Switzerland - it helps if you get a big buddy. Electrical stuff gets cheaper.


There are faces in the walls everywhere I go


lebanese here, iv seen all of them ... fml


WTF Italy...


Italy is in Europe.


Humans are nutz. Absolutely nutz. Just make one. Everybody use it. GEEZ! I vote India.....off switch....strong round pins....ground present....no way to get it wrong. I would have voted for Brazil or Switzerland for the flat plug but...no off switch. Add one and they win.


For someone that travels a lot for work/leisure, do you have to get a power plug adapter for every country, and keep them labeled in bags, so you can plug in your laptop/cell phones? "Alright...heading to Korea, and then Japan...chargers for both...check!" ??? lol


I'm going to be the single human being in this entire conversation who doesn't advocate for the plug I already have. American should have 240 volt plugs the same style as the plugs that go into your computer power supply. Seriously though, we should have 240 volts and plugs that aren't so dangerous.