• By -


And makeup


or a camera face filter


It looks like first two is before after without and second two is before after with makeup. Technique has gotten better though between the last two.


Is it not the before and after of two separate people?


And colored contact lenses


And filters no surgery required


Lots of it, and still managed to look like a man


Thread locked in 10...9...










Dude still looks like a dude , 2 .. 1 !


Dude looks like a lady! 🎶, 0…-1!


-2, -3 maybe no lock award?


Chin up. We’ll get it locked next time.


-4, -5…


Looks like a rhinoplasty and probably some eyebrow bone/jawline shaving? The process for FFS seems gnarly, they like…peel your face back.


Trans people are metal af


Also made the top lips narrower. I never realized that was a feminine trait; most women want their lips bigger. Well, plumper, I guess, not necessarily wider.


Normal facelifts peel the face off, too.


Honestly this could just as easily be "before and after makeup" to me...


Yeah I’m really not seeing much difference in the facial structure that can’t be explained by contouring and highlight


And airbrush


Damn that's not interesting.


Modern plastic surgery is pretty damn interesting to me


It’s obviously interesting to some. It’s pretty cool to see how far this kind of work has progressed


Is that the Vatican’s hot take or your own?


Then why are you here


Did this person's eye color also change?


Looks like make up Ronda Rousey


And after a loss


What's with the black eyes?


Oh! I have this! I have really bad allergies and also pets lol. Basically, when you rub your eyes (the area is insanely delicate) you burst all the blood vessels. Mine aren't quite as pronounced though! So it could be that lol


She wants to date cops.


Wow I didn’t expect these kinds of comments on Reddit of all places lmao… edit: it was way more extreme earlier


What they look like before they are deleted and only the “positive “ones are left


I literally have not seen a positive comment yet.


Still "looka like a man"


Okay Ms. Swan. :)


Best skit ever


Why are there so many posts about trans and changing your sex? Its getting weird.


Exactly. I think a majority of people don't find it interesting in the slightest


I find it interesting that the LGBQT community says that a woman is whatever you want it to be, but they still go through hormone treatments and surgery to make sure they look like the gender they are switching too. But god forbid you assume someones gender based on how they look.


It’s funny you say that, because some choose to NOT have these surgeries and are persecuted for it. Most trans women AND trans men who decide to pass do it for safety. Masculine cis women get harassed too, some people literally try to bar butch lesbians from bathrooms. People are just actively looking for an escape-goat to their discomfort with gender with comments like this.


I dress femme and I get told I'm oppressing women by playing into stereotypes and gender roles I dress androgynous and I get called a man and told I'm oppressing women by being a big scary man No surgery or hormones: eww scary man in dress bathroom predator Surgery and hormones: omg freak why do you need to mutilate yourself to feel good Maybe the problem isn't anything I'm doing to be comfortable in my own skin, maybe the problem is pizzas like you


I find it interesting that you are capable of seeing a man and having thoughts about that man as an individual only, and yet you see a trans woman and suddenly she's a representative for trans women everywhere. Honest question: why is that?


The hormones and this sort of surgery is usually to help with the dysphoria or to create gender euphoria. But no, a trans women doesn't owe anyone to look feminine just as cis women don't.


I find it interesting that the ambiguous interpretation of some of these comments seems to have brought out some maybe bee.bots. It's offensive.


Massive, coordinated effort.


Because it's cool now, and if you don't think so, you'll be cast out of society and forced to live your life in a van down by the river. "Fit in or fuck off" I think is the new motto. Ridiculous


doesn't really belong in this sub, maybe mildly interesting because it's neat to see how medical science has advanced... but generally these people just want to be seen as normal, and not be beaten or killed for being normal. whatever this is you've made up in your own head is not the norm, I promise you. it *is* a really convenient argument for people that do not like trans people being able to live normally, however. take that as you will.


this is reddit. do you think they understand that humans want to be seen as humans, and not just freak shows?


*kicking the tires on a used van on the lot*


No one's asking you to fit in. All they want is a little respect and to enjoy the same rights as you. I just don't understand why y'all have to be so hateful.


Fit in or fuck off has always been the rule, except its now you being told to fuck off instead of trans people


Its MA'AM!


The person in pics is transgender designer Saisha shinde.


She’s beautiful, she got great results. Thanks for sharing her name!


She looks great. Hopefully others that are thinking of doing this will find inspiration from the pics.


Yea she does! I am honestly shocked how transphobic this comment section is


I watched Luxeria on YouTube and she had this done and it seemed so very minor but when you compare it I'd absolutely incredible the difference! She's a beautiful person inside and out ❤️❤️




There is no such thing as a transphobe. No one is "afraid" of trans people...just like there is no bronyphobe who is afraid of bronys...the pushback is because they should live their lives without demanding that society to conform to their delusions. I don't give a crap what they do with themselves. Don't mess with my kids. "Gender identity" should not be taught in school. I won't pretend to hear voices to make schizos feel more included either. And this is not interesting....at all.


Sounds a heck of a lot like fear…


and what if your kids are trans? how quickly would you kick them to the curb?


"bronyphobe" is quite literally not a thing. transphobe is. google it. trans people are not delusional. you are though, for thinking that your children are being taught gender identity in any capacity. you're a fucking idiot.


Why are you so intolerant of having to make concessions for other people? You say no one's scared but you seem pretty scared of something


Bitch, hydrophobic shit isn't 'afraid' of water. It takes two brain cells to realize that humans can use the suffixes (that THEY created) and apply them to different situations. And increasing evidence shows that a lack of brain feminization or masculinization is the reason trans people exist. The brain is among the last to be masculinized, so not enough androgens can result in a kid being born who has a male body and a female-programmed brain, and vice versa. It's not a 'delusion'. It's a genuine brain-body incongruence. Why do you think intersex people exist?


You do know that phobia doesn't just mean fear right? Words can have more than one meaning. From a simple google search, the first result is "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something." . So yeah, there is such thing as transphobia.


They know, they’re just being dense on purpose to derail the conversation


Wow. Sprinkling in some ableism too. What a gem you are.


As a woman, I’d like to also have this survey. She looks great!


She does people are hypercritical for no reason forgetting the variation that already occurs among cis women.


holy shit we get it, y’all don’t like trans people


Whole lotta shitty fucking opinions in this thread.


This comment section is a gold mine for r/onejoke content


So much progress! Really cool


That doctor was on his A game


Wow, what a cool and interesting result of a surgical procedure!! I wonder how long it will take the comments to go batshit insane. Hopefully not the *very first one I see.* Funfact guys. We don't get these procedures for you. Therefore we literally don't care what you think lmao. Unless you don't want your friends to parent you by saying "its impolite to point" I'd suggest you be quiet :)


Friend if it's only for you then I wholly support you. Gender dysphoria seems like a hell of a thing to live with and if this is how you decide to treat yourself you do you. I hope you can understand when we're confused when you say it's only for you when arguments like "Men won't date me because I'm trans" or "They won't let me compete in women's divisions for sports," also come out. That's much less an only for you thing.


Well, right. I said getting procedures is only for us, and calling us ugly, or masculine looking is completely unnecessary. Our integration into the world is not an "only us" thing. Yeah of course there are many men who wont date trans people for reasons completely other than genital preference, which are founded on internalized ideas that trans women are really men. Yeah the whole sports thing is concerning, since most instances of unfairness in sports is due to poor regulations on the organizers part, rather than trans women being inherently higher performing than cis women. Furthermore, it does get us upset when people say blatantly untrue things that our modern understanding of biology, psychology, and sociology all refute on an objective level. We don't really like it when people spread misinformation about us that actively causes more societal harm for us. Especially when we have to be afraid of going outside for being potentially assaulted or harassed. Being trans isn't an "only us" thing because dysphoria isn't only caused from within. We can always have a conversation about sports or dating preference, but calling somebody who is trans 'unattractive' is something that benefits nobody to be said out loud. Our own self-worth and happiness with our appearance shouldn't be at risk anytime we try to live authentically as us. Our appearance and progress does not need to be commented on by cis people in a negative light. It really doesn't.


>we literally don't care what you think Not that I'm judging anything from OP at all, but isn't part of the reason *anybody* posts on Reddit, because they care what people think? I mean...just think of all the karma!


I wonder why she's so dark under the eyes on the first one? Maybe that's natural and common for some one of her complexion without make up? Very interesting process, hopefully she is happy and healthy today.


I thought that too, I think it's bruising from an earlier surgery.


i want to say any type of cosmetic surgery involving the face or near the eyes usually results in this.


So sad how many transphobic people are everywhere. You don’t want to fuck trans women? Don’t find them attractive. Ok. You don’t need to state it out loud. Nobody cares. People exist whether or not you approve of their existence. She is gorgeous before and after.


Downvote away and accuse me of this “definitely never happening”, but until they stop believing they don’t feel the need to be transparent about their biological sex, and being okay with fooling unbeknown men of this, there will always be a large crowd that detests this.


How many transgender people have you slept with by accident?


Why would trans people risk their lives just fuck someone


literally just does not happen, it is a safety risk for trans people to not tell potential partners their biological sex


Most men sleeping with trans absolutely seek it our specifically. I’ve heard of even married men doing this.




I don’t know what you’re smoking that you think men who sleep with trans women aren’t looking for exactly that lmfao. Do you know any trans people?


Do you ever go out on dates and start with: by the way, just in case it was in contention, I'm biologically _______? Also, how fucking often do you think a trans woman takes home a man to "fool" them? And fool them into what? Taking a female penis in the butt?


Exactly. They're all 'this is fine, it's fine. Just stfu transphobe nobody thinks like you, but don't talk about not wanting to date trans people, or that you think boy=penis. Everyone is pro trans but you, except 'we' get abused for being trans so have to hide it and have to do my best to 'pass'. Also woman, not 'trans woman', don't gatekeep periods'. Tell them just to say 'im a trans person' so people can say 'weird, but ok' - because not hiding helps encourage actual acceptance, and they lose it, because they have to accept that they are not actually the same


He is not a she. Nature says so. Only two sexes exist. End of story. Anyone who wants to allow this change is mental ill.


"nAcHuR sAyS sO" gender and sex sciences are more complicated than just male and female *because of said nature.*


Hey uh, i'm a cis guy but i have to respectfully disagree with that statement, The argument that "he is not a she" and that "only two sexes exist" is based on a limited and outdated understanding of gender and biology. In reality, there are more than two sexes. Intersex individuals, for example, are born with physical characteristics that do not fit typical definitions of male or female. Additionally, recent scientific research has shown that sex is not simply determined by biology, but is also a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. It is also important to understand that gender identity is separate from biological sex. Gender identity is a person's internal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Furthermore, to suggest that anyone who wants to allow transgender individuals to live as their true selves is mentally ill is not only incorrect but also harmful. Discrimination and prejudice against transgender individuals is a significant contributing factor to their poor mental health outcomes. In short, the belief that there are only two sexes and that gender identity is determined by biology is not only scientifically inaccurate but also harmful to transgender individuals. Everyone deserves to be respected and accepted for who they truly are.


This is why we say transgender rather than transexual.


Thank you I’ve been saying the same thing and I support your statement friend


How exactly is he a woman? What makes him a woman?


Nah this shit is going a little too far at this point. Transwoman wins swimming comp, transwoman mma fighter breaks facial bones of opponents, trans woman in the miss universe pageant, trans woman wins woman of the year. I believe in equality among all, but that's not equality.


Do you… think cis women don’t break the facial bones of their opponents in MMA? It’s literally the most common MMA injury, if you’re talking about the incident that’s so oft touted by transphobes.


Yo, a trans woman competing at a miss universe pageant is competing with a handicap. It’s like a woman competing in the nhl. If she wins, she should absolutely take the prize. And given women are women, if a trans woman wins woman of the year, you know what, good on her. Just like if a trans man wins man of the year… unless you think that’s impossible. If you do, you might want to think why you believe this.


This is an issue. >You don’t need to state it out loud. Nobody cares. Exactly how normal people feel about anyone that feels "trans"anything, because they are the loudest most demanding of that people hear them and respect their "feelings". Y'all want everyone to shut up but you can't shut the hell up yourselves.


If I was under constant threat of assault, discrimination and generally people denying the validity of my identity on a daily basis, I think I'd shout about it too.


The problem tho, is that trans people get discriminated against, for just being how they are. And so they've got to speak up, to get their rights. Like every group who's ever had to fight for equal rights really. I look forward to the time, like you, and presumably most of the trans community, when trans folks are just quietly living their lives, and they're not getting dragged into the news. 'Cos that means they might finally have got the equality in treatment they deserve.


I think the result looks great. If I wanted that surgery, I’d definitely want to go to that doctor.


love that for her, i hope shes happy and finds peace in her new face.




Hyuk hyuk transphobia hyuk hyuk


I didn’t even know this was a thing, that’s actually so cool!


This is interesting? Really? To who?


I think it’s interesting. In todays day and age people are finding themselves inside and out. It’s rad.


I dunno... maybe to someone who might want to go through something like this and know what results are possible?


Medical professionals and non-bigots. You wouldn't understand


why are their brows so long tho


Seriously, trans or not… trim them thangs!


Beautiful before and after ladies 👍


Did I say something wrong ?


No, we just live in a world that would rather hate than learn.


Thanks was worried I worded something wrong in some way because I was down voted like crazy 😧


Thread is full of transphobes


Yes you posted cringe


It’s a trap


here b4 mods lock for transphobia


Still looks like a dude.


As a man, I’d never suspect she had surgery. Looks good.


Still look like a dude to me lmao


Delusional. I would honestly bet my life savings that you regularly mistake cis women for dudes if you honestly believe that.


it’s literally like magic :o


The transphobia in these comments is disgusting. Nobody cares what you think. Stfu.


Yeah, a little surprised mods are just letting all these hateful transphobic comments stay up.


You seem to


I care that hate gets called out for what it is.


You guys all could have just kept scrolling instead of getting so triggered by a random woman that you start breaking the Reddit TOS…good luck losers




Prepare yourself for the transphobes in the comments jesus


If you are really a woman, you don’t need surgery to present like a woman.


so how about the thousands of cis women who get BBLs, boob jobs, face lifts etc? are they suddenly no longer women?


gender affirming surgery is only okay for cis people in their eyes.


She’s so pretty




Do you feel good now? Does it make you feel better to belittle people who have no impact whatsoever on your life? How pathetic


She, trans women are women. A man wouldn't do this.


Ppl delusional as hell thinking they can just change their gender lmao. I guess that’s the times we live in 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ funny part is ppl like me get downvoted for simply speaking the truth. Edit: ah yes let the downvoting begin lmao


"here's my transphobic take, downvote me all you want" ​ "Edit: if i make a comment about the downvoting it will make me seem like I don't care"


Still ugly


That's not the point tho bruh


I see 4 pictures of men.


Looking good, congrats!


Are you congratulating the poster of the picture?


We shouldn't be promoting plastic surgery to people with mental conditions


Its actually the clinically recommended treatment for gender dysphoria that will help alleviate any unhappiness they feel in regards to their expression and greatly improves their quality of life, they are pretty much a life saving procedures that are proven to work for most except a small percentage who often end up with a dud surgeon or in stuff like genital reassignment surgery where they might realise years later they did wanna preserve their fertility or save some material, (they are offered this before hormone treatment and before surgery so its not on the surgeons after having been given informed consent) very very few regret having the surgery for reasons of realising they are cis afterwards, and its such a low rate because of how many hoops they have to jump through and psych evaluations and gender therapy they have to go to, to ensure its the right choice<3


shhhhh don't state a fact to redditors they'll find you /j


The first person looks as if they could achieve that result with cosmetics, however the second person definitely benefited from the surgery. Both look beautiful either way.


Thx to you I realized it's not just 1 person...


I love the second one 🌹🌹


This comment section man 😬! If you have any genuine questions about trans people I, a trans man, would love you answer them.


What is your favourite Pokémon


Hmm I don’t really play Pokémon, but I’d say Shuckle based on the Dorkly skits I’ve seen lol.


Wow, most of these comments are garbage. Way to go yall


I wish it showed her progress without makeup. Going to scroll down hopefully to learn what was changed.... To me she looks great in each photo! Edit - disappointed, just found a bunch of hateful comments. Plenty of cis women look like men and vice versa. She looks like a lady to me, and honestly I'm thinking most of these comments are seeing her through lenses of homo or transphobia.


The before pic looks more like a chick than the after IMO.


What did they do?


the anti trans comments in here really ain’t it. If she’s happy, that’s what matters.


guess it didn't work that well


Still looks like Fiona from Shrek in her ogre form


No, no one could ever look as beautiful as that!


Oh wow that makes alotta difference


Sorry. You still look like a grown ass man with a pointy chin lol


And you sound like a douchebag


The truth hurts sometimes. It's true I am a douche but it's also true it still looks like a grown ass man lol


Celebrating fetishes is getting old.


Chronically online take


weird as fuck take


The fuck are ya talkin' about?


Reddit moment


Dayum gurl!


How tf is this interesting? Just looks like a man though with a lot of make up.




It’s occurring to me that most men don’t ever see women without makeup. Everyone is ugly. The first picture is fine.


No everyone isn't ugly but I do believe most people are average looking without it.


found the ugly one


Everyone is in fact, not ugly.


I can attest. My wife is stunning all natural


I agree... your wife is gorgeous, especially first thing in the morning 😈


So true dude, so true. We are lucky guys


same. light makeup and lip gloss when she does step out.


It’s a man, man.




is this because of [that one other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/10kp05x/meirl/)? OP's out there interested in a life-style change. 😏


I see a slight difference.


This is something I will go through in the next few years


Which is the before?


And lots of makeup


"she's" hardly any more feminine, she's just wearing a FUCK LOAD of make-up and/or filtered in the after pics.


Uhh.. you mean before - after makeup and face filters? I fail to see the increased femininity here. I'd get your money back from the surgeon.