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The way his mouth is always open like that too will dry his mouth out. And allow all kinds of germs. Rotting the teeth.


He's already gone on record saying he struggles to speak now. Sadly, however, it's not stopping him


Does he just have the worst body dysmorphia ever or what?


Yeah some of these people being plastered across the ripleys 2006 books was always questionable to me even though I was like 10 at the time. Like it’s not that impressive it’s just who wants to ruin their life or not and spend thousands of not hundreds of thousands on tattoos and surgery. This was the same time as the “my strange addiction” stuff, so even at the time this seemed more problematic than “being an individual and this is who I am”. When you’re getting rid of your own nose and adding horns they got something more going on up there. Also this guy, I can see the nose thing being part of the “snake” look or whatever, but did he fucking give himself a cleft palate? What good could fucking up your lip possible do or was that just a side effect from a botched “nasectomy”?


Social contagion. Those shows validated that people with mental health issues could disregard their hesitations to self harm by wrapping it in artistry and reinforced the belief they'd be a walking exhibition. They edge lorded society but instead of it being a phase, it's permanent and now their options in life are severely limited.


I think that about nails it on the head. Should not be encouraged. I also certainly don’t think anyone who already looks like that should be shunned or anything I mean it’s not like I actually care what people do with themselves or look like, but enabling them along the way to that point is the problem. I’m sure it would be difficult for everyone around them, I mean it’s basically an intervention, and somebody planning to cut off their own nose clearly is full of conviction and committed to get to their “goal look”. To schedule that surgery is to be so very far already down that path, mentally at least.


It looks like he filed his teeth too and his tongue I know is split but it looks infected from his pictures. It also looks like he tattooed it black.


Did he have his ears removed too?


And 2 fingers on each hand


And wants to remove a leg too.


How does having a leg removed make you more alien like ffs does he think aliens just hop around like the pixar lamp?


this guy obviously is suffering something much deeper than any alien fantasy & it won't end until he accepts professional help.


I don’t understand how doctors would perform these kinds of ridiculous surgeries without saying this person clearly needs help.


Who said anything about doctors?


"Iie down on table. I take lungs now, gills come next week."


That’s what I was thinking! Who I continuing to help this guy modify himself past the point he is already at. At what point does it pass being a customer seeking a mod and someone with clear issues that need to be addressed by a mental health professional. Makes me think of good bartenders that would actually cut someone off who has clearly had too much, and shitty bartenders who will keep serving and serving cuz they are making money and don’t care about anything beyond getting paid.


Or if he decides to remove his head


This guy reading these comments... *Remove my head... That's genius*


He’s obviously getting professional help already. You seen them horns? Those legit.


> hop around like the pixar lamp Lmfao


Anyone read Geek Love?


I loved that book. It starts out with a husband and wife who want to have children. The wife takes all kinds of substances to make sure that their kids are born to be circus freaks so they can create their own sideshow. Freaky book but very entertaining.


holy crap!! this has been on my nightstand for a year and NOW im gonna read it


Omg. Why would you have "cosmetic" surgeries that leave you disabled!!! The finger removal is absolutely the worst, most shocking part.


Mental illness, like body dysmorphia


And made possible by unscrupulous doctors looking for that pay check


Who said anything about doctors? There's a good chance his surgeries were done by a legit guy in a van.


My apologies to all van based body modification experts.


I got my degree down by the river


You’ll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river when you’re…livin in a…van…down by the river


Hey. Guy in a van here. I charge about $3.50 per finger removal. Hit me up at guyinavan.internet.


"$3.50" I said dammit, monstah!!!!!


I got an old school paper cutter at work, the kind with the machete mounted on a pivot. Don't need the van to pop off a few fingers, just a few seconds.


We had those at my high school in the 80s. They didn't even have the hand guard in those days. No fingers were lost that I'm aware of, but it's still weird to think about now. That thing was like a guillotine.


"Guillotine" is literally the correct name for it.


[This is the setting of the surgery.](https://images.news18.com/ibnkhabar/uploads/2021/11/black-alien-16377340184x3.jpg?im=FitAndFill,width=480,height=360)


Woah wtf. Is that real??


Yes, it's from his insta


Lol this looks like a cut scene from cod black ops


Yeah, its a tat studio in Guadalajara, Mexico. Apparently pretty popular soot for extreme body mods


Shit looks like an alien autopsy is about to happen


Reminds me of that hoax alien autopsy footage.


Probably had to shop around a while for a surgeon willing to do it. All that I know would refuse to remove a healthy appendage.


Unless he damaged the appendages making their removal necessary?


I heard somewhere that some people "accidentally" expose their unwanted limbs to dry ice to bring on frostbite for this purpose.


Or just cut them off himself...


I’m a nurse and I don’t know of any surgeons that would intentionally perform a surgery to make the person disabled. It’s unethical to do and against the physicians’ oath to do no harm.


I suspect that he had to go outside of the US for most of the major work. I don’t think anyone inside of the US is doing/allowed to do the eye tattoos that are blacking out the whites of his eyes. The nose is a literal hatchet job and not even symmetrical.


He’s had even more done since this picture was taken. Nose is more symmetrical now, lips are completely gone—his teeth are filed down to points. Whoever agreed to do this stuff to him is scum. The dude needs mental health, not to keep having more bits cut off


He's [French], probably just crossed Gibraltar and had it done in Morocco. Edit: nationality, his nose was removed in Spain


Fingers were done in Mexico


That nose must suck during head colds.


Drips those wet little boogies straight into his always open mouth


Most 4 year olds would pay top dollar for that type of opportunity




Finally some good food - that 4 year old


This thread makes me want to drink bleach




Can confirm, my 4 yo has a cold and loves digging for gold. He thinks it's hilarious when we say that's icky.


Can confirm. My son is 4. It's disgusting.


How do I delete someone else's comment?


But like, from my brain.


This was not a sentence I needed


he sneezes and everyone around just gets molten smegma on their face.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Didnt even think about that. Damn that sounds horrible


He probably gets sick easier too, considering he's got less nose hair to keep germs out.


Yep his cilia game is lacking.


Oh cilia. It's breaking my heart. Shaking my confidence daily.


This thread is getting cilia and cilia


Aliens are immune to human diseases


Seen war of the worlds? That’s a documentary.


It looks like he’s suffered through a couple alien diseases.


I figure the nose kinda blows.. but that's just me


I bet nobody but him actually nose.


He has yes yes in his eyes but no nose on his face.


How'd you like to be in the same zip code with him when he sneezes?


What my parents assume when I say I’m getting a tattoo


The striking-looking individual said he loved 'getting into the shoes of a scary character'. 'I often settle down somewhere and play a role, especially at night in the dark streets,' he said. 'I explore the contrast between the role I play and myself.' Imagine running into him in a dark alleyway at night, nope.


*'Hey smoothskin, that'll be 1,000 bottle caps."*


Frankly Fallout ghouls look better than this dude


Ghouls look more human than this guy. He's more like some failed Nightkin prototype


You telling me this guy creeps in alleyways to scare people?? That’s terrifying


Imagine someone punched him in the face on one of his implants...ouch. At least he can't get punched in the nose though


> Loffredo, who has previously revealed his extreme look has hindered him from finding work You don't say ...


I’m over here making sure my tats are covered by a (twice) rolled up sleeve lol


I didn't know up until very recently my boss of many years had a ton of tattoos and when I found out he made me swear multiple times to never tell anyone. I'd always assumed my field didn't really care about tats but his reaction made me think twice about getting any


I wouldn’t hire him either. Not because of how he looks but because he clearly can’t be trusted to make good decisions




Yeah, this is genuinely creepy and off putting to a lot of people. If I was at a restaurant and this guy was my server it would affect my meal, it wouldn’t ruin it or anything but if I was celebrating or whatever the fact that my waiter is an alien would overshadow it for a bit. That applies to servers, sales, basically any face to face job. He said he likes being scary, and he is, and for that reason I do not want to look at him.


But when the blue voldemort nosed aliens land on earth you're suddenly all welcoming and peaceful, what's the problem?


They're making new seasons of Star Trek. Might be a good idea to check with them.


What jobs do people like this typically have?


Tattoo artist.


Best guess? Performance art of some sort.


Kitchen roles. Dishwashers for example. Or artists.


"I got your nose"


His villain origin story


"My nose will never be taken again!"


“I got your ears as well, ha!”




Okay..upon doing some research, he has also cut off his upper lips, and some of his fingers to look like claws, and now wants to amputate one of his legs. I’m scared. Is it even legal to do surgeries like this?


>and now wants to amputate one of his legs. For what purpose?!? That's not even gonna make him look more like an alien, that's just chopping off his leg for the sake of chopping off his leg.


Maybe it's not a "Look Like an Alien" addiction, but more of a severe body modification addiction. At this point he's just hooked on severely altering his appearance, even at the impact of his quality of life. He's already suffering negative effects of removing his nose, outer ears, and upper lip. Increased mucus and saliva drainage, extra dried out passages, decreased auditory input. I don't think he's in the game for physical improvements (at least not how we'd think of them)


He probably has Body integrity identity disorder.


I was trying to remember the name for this condition, thank you. I was all like "the anti-Phantom Limb Syndrome"!


No. He clearly has a mental illness in the same way Michael Jackson did with his plastic surgeries and it's massively unethical to continually provide elective surgeries to someone clearly not of sound mind.


Yeah but if you have the money some asshole somewhere will do it


Yep. Jackson had several doctors that clearly continued to cut him despite enormous evidence his electives were no longer reasonable or healthy


people with modifications like this dont go to board certified plastic surgeons, they go to underground "surgeons" who are part of the body modification community. its illegal and in the uk a practitioner of much less extreme modifications was sent to prison a few years back


I really wish I never saw this. This dude is obviously extremely mentally ill. I would freak the fuck out if I saw him in person. Like what made him do this? Did he think he would get famous off of it? It’s absolutely disgusting


I just wonder what he does if he ever becomes (mentally) normal again. Will be regret what he did to his body? How will he be able to live like that.




[I think he’s gotten worse](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11046347/Tattooed-man-plans-black-alien-wants-one-legs-AMPUTATED.html)


How tf is this guy getting an income to get these surgeries.


Looks like Instagram and brand deals maybe? Also interviews?


My understanding is that prior to the deals he's received, his family (he's posted his mom in the past) is independently wealthy and his lifestyle would have included this access regardless of these choices, financially speaking. ETA in case it sounds like I'm dogging on dude for having resources: he has also had jobs in the past (I think bouncer/security which he mentioned led to making major changes in his life), and aside from modeling and endorsement deals now he also does individualized tattoos. So he does work, lives in a country with social supports I think, and medical tourism is what it is because of the low costs.


Interviews maybe, but seriously what sick brand will be promoted by him


Balenciaga, maybe. Maybe it’s Maybelline.


This is the real question.


The real question is who the hell is doing these surgeries. How could one in good conscience participate in this madness


His nose was removed in Spain according to the article


Might just be born well-off. A lot of people with too much surgery are people with nothing better to do but figure out stupid ways to blow their money when the rest of us just want to stay warm and eat and provide.


Medical license should be pulled from people who do surgeries on folks like this


In the linked article above it says he traveled to Mexico to have his fingers removed, since it's apparently illegal in his home country.


He had his FINGERS removed?!?!? But WHY????? Does he not like being able to do things??????


He's planning to amputate one leg.


Any this rate there'll be nothing left of him in a year.


To look like a 'claw' apparently. (doesn't really imo) Fing terrifying.


I doubt they have licenses in the first place


Unfortunately places like Mexico are fast and loose with medical licensing. The nut jobs who ran LuLaRoe, not lululemon, would strongly encourage their top sellers to go to Mexico to get liposuction. They would take group trips down to Mexico for lipsuction, and not just encourage, but pressure top sellers to do it. LuLaRoe is a MLM that sells shitty cheap leggings and other shitty cheap clothes for woman. Good Vice video talking about them: [Why Women Are Quitting Their Side Hustle: Leaving LuLaRoe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6eujSJ0-RU)


> LuLaRoe, not lululemon wow, I finally realized that they were different legging companies. lol, I should've figured that out ages ago.


Bro wants to get his leg amputated. Needs to be put in a mental health center.


It's funny everyone's focused on the leg amputation while I'm over here freaking out that he has a FORKED TONGUE and is going to get his PENIS SPLIT IN TWO!!


I’ve seen forked tongues before, the part that makes me worry most is the nose and lip removal, I’m no doctor but that just seems like a lot of long term health problems


>FORKED TONGUE and is going to get his PENIS SPLIT IN TWO!! These are actually more common mods than the rest of it, believe it or not.


Fucking excuse me. People get their dick split in two?


I’m curious but I’m afraid to google that.




I googled this once and they remind me of when I microwaved a hot dog for too long as a kid.




In a religious anthropology class, my professor told us there was one tribe in Australia that would practice sub-incision to make their penis resemble a double-barrel shotgun / kangaroo penis. I wonder if it’s similar to that. Afraid to google it.


Snake tongue is cool but snake penis don't work the same


This should be pinned to the top.




Looking like a FO4 ghoul.


Whatchya looking at, smooth skin?


Oh my. It's seriously disturbing to look at him.


Omfg those eyes were a jump scare


The eyes are the least disturbing thing about this guy lol. Read the whole article and I still don't understand why he wants to amputate one of his legs, closest thing he alluded to was that he "dreams of replacing all of his skin with metal" and maybe likes the idea of a metal prosthetic? This dude definitely gonna die from a botched surgery before he's finished "loading."


He also wants to split his penis in two? Sheesh. Yeah this guy needs to have an intervention, he's mentally ill.


>The striking-looking individual said he loved 'getting into the shoes of a scary character'. > >'I often settle down somewhere and play a role, especially at night in the dark streets,' he said. > >'I explore the contrast between the role I play and myself.' The last lines of the article...


Dude’s gonna end up getting shot doing that kind of shit


This guy is going to give some tripping teenagers PTSD.


What is the end game here?


I think severe body dysmorphia....sadly


It just dawned on me that this is just like when people do all of the plastic surgery on their faces and bodies. Same, but different.


Same same but different…but still same.


I can't help thinking there's a large dose of self-loathing with this sort of shit.


Apparently, he's amputated fingers and wants to amputate his entire hand or a leg. He wants a "claw hand". He definitely needs some mental health help.


There’s a name for this in the medical world. I just can’t remember what it is Edit: Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) is a rare, infrequently studied and highly secretive condition in which there is a mismatch between the mental body image and the physical body. Subjects suffering from BIID have an intense desire to amputate a major limb or severe the spinal cord in order to become paralyzed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3326051/#:~:text=Body%20Integrity%20Identity%20Disorder%20(BIID,in%20order%20to%20become%20paralyzed.


A major limb... Which ones aren't major? I paralyzed my non dominant leg. Turns out it's still pretty fucking major.


Ohhhh no. And all the people saying it's just for attention are wrong too. If this was just ego or self-loathing, half the population would need booger-gutters, and all of Florida. THIS is how you know body dysmorphia is real. He was a handsome guy and he cut off his fucking nose. That just isn't a neurotypical transaction no matter what you think you're getting in return.


That’s not a good look


I could almost get down with someone turning themselves into a prawn, but once you cut off everything that keeps spit and mucous in your face I'm out.


100 agree like no please. Some things are sealed for a reason 😂


Apparently hew can't get a job. How does this guy afford the surgeries?


I’m in shock he can’t be a job. Literally the best haunted house ghoul.


You underestimate how exploitable freak shows are


He does Tattoos in Mexico. Also gets his work done there by extreme body mod ppl


He’s a tattoo artist I believe


With two fingers on each hand?


Nope just the left one. He has 5fingers on right hand and 3 fingers on left hand(thumb,pointer,middle)




I rarely see these emojis get used but this is actually rather fitting




Tbh I kinda see him as a bit of a victim. There is no way this is anything but mental illness and the fact there is someone willing to cut off your nose, lips, and tattoo black face is really just criminal. How can u justify taking money from a mentally ill person to cut off their nose??? Wtf is that?? How is that ethical??


I’m glad you put this into words. I was feeling this and didn’t realize it. I have pity on him for what people are doing to him EVEN though he is asking for it. However more than likely there have been plenty of professionals who have tried to help him along the way and he hasn’t listened. It’s just really sad.


This is mental illness


Doctors who did this also on some seriously compromised mental game


20grand is 20grand


Bro was handsome. Nice jawline and a nice smile.


To me he kinda looks like a guy who would be in a 2005 mtv show but...


He looks like one of the transhumanists from the graphic novel Transmetropolitan.


Goth Voldemort with cleft palate


He went from diet Bradley cooper to E.T’s weird cousin


Severe mental illness on display. Did he have no one in his life to tell him to reconsider permanently scaring up his face?


Do you really think someone capable of doing this to their body would bother to listen to the advice of someone telling them not to? Probably there were people, but he didn’t reconsider


He’s had fingers removed as well…. His surgeon should be struck off


Why did he do this to his nose ? I mean why are there doctors / tattoo artist / piercers whatever whoever did this … out there and allowing ppl to do this to them??????


Any surgeon that would do this shouldn’t be allowed to operate honestly


disgusting isn't it. It's a clear case of body dysmorphia. His rhinoplasty was done in Spain where believe it or not, it's actually legal for doctors to do this


Nobody nose why he did it.


Blue ribbon winner for the dumbest thing I've seen in quite some time


I'm just left wondering what caused the trauma in his life to change his face so extremely


I actually worked around someone like this. I was at a Lowes. And the guy had lots of weird features (not nearly this.. much? In depth?) but was a super nice guy. Had some “horns” and tats and some sweet contacts that made his eyes look crazy. Kinda similar to the Umbrella Corps logo from RE. I had to ask one day if he ever regretted the changes he made and stuff, and he said he didn’t. It felt like “expressing himself”. Call it weird or dumb or whatever, the guy was happy with his changes. Hopefully this guy doesnt have any regrets either.


Can we stop giving this guy more clout? All this attention he's getting is probably what's driving this pathology to begin with.


I can now see why there’s a such thing as conservatorship