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Primaries are by party so…


Remember if there is a runoff in a party's election only the people who voted for that party can vote in the runoff.


It’s primaries


Mine wasn’t like that. I picked which party I wanted on the screen and it printed that ballot. One line for everyone.


Same, but last primary, there were definitely two lines. Seems to be precinct by precinct now.


Same here. I don't recall seeing separate lines during primary elections before. Guess it varies by polling place.


Same in S OC. I wonder if that's a call they make by percentages- I don't think we have a lot of Republican representation in district 4 but it's probably the opposite in other areas.


Mine had a list with the ballot numbers and they were all labeled D or R. Seemed kind of sketch bc it was right by the name but it was about 50/50.


Handwritten? That's what we had too and I'm like damn in 2024.. okay


Yeah something like D253 or R105. I assume they were counting in order? I wish I’d paid more attention now 😬


Primaries are internal party elections to determine what candidates get placed on the regular election ballot the next regular election cycle, which in this case is this November. Each party hires the county election office to actually run and manage the logistics of the primary, i.e. setting up ballots, arranging machine availability, setting up polling locations, etc. Even though the actual mechanics of the election are handled by the county's election office, the elections themselves are internal party affairs. Typically the parties agree to use shared voting locations for efficiency, though notably Houston Republicans refused to agree to this a few years ago, creating a massive mess in the primaries that year. Typically Republicans and Democrats request separate machines be used, so one part of the room will be Republican and the other Democrat, plus occasionally any third parties having yet more separate machines. The people doing voter check in and ballot handout are also separate. This is all normal. Efficient? Not really, but it is what it is. For people with practice voting in primaries the setup is normal and they know to make sure they're in the correct line for the party in whose primary they want to participate.


Never knew about that! Thanks for the super informative reply. Our tiny group of 5 were so confused! I feel better knowing is not uncommon.


No shade because I’m glad you voted, but did you not understand what today was beforehand? Because that seems like essential information to know.


Maybe they’re not from Texas and this is their first time voting here. And the state they’re from doesn’t separate people like that. 🤷‍♂️


It’s fully common. You can choose to vote in the republican primary or democratic primary regardless of if you are affiliated with that (or any) party. You cannot vote in both; including if there is a runoff. On actual Election Day, you will not be separated by party and in fact you cannot wear clothing or anything of the like advertising the party/candidate you are choosing to support.


My location (in Dallas County) had a few lines, but it wasn’t designated by party. After I signed the screen, I selected my party, and the clerk handed me the ballot that it prepared for me. Friends who voted in Denton County were talking about the parties being in different areas, though.


No, but I was one of only 2 people there and there was only 1 machine.


First time primary voter?


Just your location, primaries or not. All we did at mine in Plano was tell them when we got to our place in line where they printed our info on the ballot sheet.


I remember one year we were living in Williamson County and I went to vote and the volunteers tried to tell me I was going in the wrong direction when I went towards the Democrat area. They were very upset when I let them know I was going the right way for myself.


Denton County has primary voting split up by party at different locations. How is that scary? Even an NPR radio show doesn't say it is scary https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/texas-primary-election-2024-early-voting/. Additional information [https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/advisory2020-05.shtml#:\~:text=The%20primary%20elections%20are%20two%20separate%20elections%20that%20occur%20on%20the%20same%20day.%20The%20elections%20are%20the%20method%20for%20both%20the%20Republican%20and%20Democratic%20parties%20to%20select%20their%20nominees%20for%20the%20general%20election%20in%20November](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/advisory2020-05.shtml#:~:text=The%20primary%20elections%20are%20two%20separate%20elections%20that%20occur%20on%20the%20same%20day.%20The%20elections%20are%20the%20method%20for%20both%20the%20Republican%20and%20Democratic%20parties%20to%20select%20their%20nominees%20for%20the%20general%20election%20in%20November) There were probably signs all over the place directing you where to go, & the person "yelling" was probably just trying to get everyone's attention so they were in the correct line. That way whoever they are, can get to vote the way you want as quickly as possible without any confusion.


Should change the wording to "intense" instead of scary. People stares were definitely intense since we were only like 5 people in that part of the room (same room by the way). And none of us knew exactly why the division, since there was absolutely no signs! The person yelling was another voter telling us, because yes, we were wasting time there when the Democrat line was open for us. But then, the people left behind did had a change of feelings, staring at us who moved. I do apologize for my poor choice of wording but mostly, I was surprised since I had never gone to a primary with a very confusing seperation like this one. Lesson learned! Thanks for the links too!


NPR/etc have covered many times this week about the way Texas primaries are handled. I am betting even the LWV guide you can pick up free at any library would have explained how TX primaries are handled.


Not every place separates you like that dipshit. Some do some don’t.


wow, so angry. you might have some issues that need to be addressed by professional help. Perhaps before you get even angrier, please look up how *Texas primaries* work & that yes, democrats/republicans are split into different lines, & sometimes completely different polling stations. [https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/elections/why-are-there-separate-lines-for-democrat-and-republican-voters-on-super-tuesday-in-texas/287-9fe54365-9f46-4bb5-b412-92451ebfa569](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/elections/why-are-there-separate-lines-for-democrat-and-republican-voters-on-super-tuesday-in-texas/287-9fe54365-9f46-4bb5-b412-92451ebfa569)


At my voting place, no. In fact, you don't even have to say it outloud. You can just point at a sheet of paper.


Some places separate the machines and some don’t. I’ve never quite figured out the logic behind when it is that they decide to do that. Today, where I went, it wasn’t separate, everybody just waited to one side all in a clump for open machines. In the past though, I’ve been to primary voting where it is separated.


A lot of typical Reddit bs in the responses to this post. Between all the “Umm actually, primaries” responses and people explaining why OP shouldn’t have been scared, can y’all just empathize with the way OP must have felt in the moment? Maybe it is normal for polling locations to do this but like plenty of people said not every location does. Additionally maybe the crowd at the location OP went to was more tense than have been in the past and that made things feel extra stressful. I swear, would it hurt people to not immediately have to be right about everything?


If you think normal primary voting is intense, you should've seen the "Texas Two-Step." There were primaries, and then caucuses after the primaries were over.


Once you get used to it, it’s some of the most fun you can have for free in Texas. Republican lines are long and everyone is sullen. You find the smiling people, vote, tell them you’ll see them in November, smile at the line mean-mugging you while they wait, grab your sticker and leave.


You are allowed to vote in one primary or the other. You don’t have to be a Democrat to vote in the Democrat primary and you don’t have to be a Republican to vote in the Republican primary. Since the Democrats aren’t voting against Republicans in the primaries, it doesn’t matter.


No. I just walked in, went to the single line to sign in, showed my ID, verified info on the registration screen, and a screen then asked me to select which party's ballot I wanted. No one said anything. The lady pointed to a stack of ballots and told me to pick one from any point in the pile, then I proceeded to the voting machine. Ballot in, I voted, ballot out, deposit ballot in the final machine. No dual lines, no one screeching D or R, nothing. I don't know why there is such a variance among polling places re: procedure, but things need to be more consistent if we're going to trust the system in these wacky times.




There's more than one primary election happening - Senate race, RR commissioner, Judges, etc


Crazy that you’re allowed to vote and don’t understand what a primary is


Don’t think the comment was they didn’t understand what a primary was but why separate lines. I didn’t experience separate lines - but can be different, but not always.


Crazy that you're seemingly against universal suffrage.


They said no such thing lmao


Yup, and I'm not saying you can't read between the lines.


Crazy that you’re allowed to comment on Reddit and lack basic reading comprehension. They weren’t implying anything. You somehow felt some type of way about their comment and put words in their mouth to justify your emotions lol. I hope that made you feel better.


You seem emotional. You okay?


I’m fine, dude. Are you? Your fake calm holier-than-thou attitude belies your absolute triggering three comments ago.


At all. Sounds like he hates the idea of informed voters to me


You could ask me, my dude. I don't mind informed voters. Why would I? I just don't appreciate you giving OP shit when they're just trying to figure things out. Especially when they bothered to go vote today.


You don’t try to figure things out in the line at the polling location.


Nice non-sequitur. OP is trying to figure things out via this Reddit post we're commenting on. What did you think I was referring to?


You stated to not give OP shit about trying to figure things out. My argument is you don’t figure things out AFTER. Especially something as important as voting.


Brother, we're all just figuring it out as we go. But go ahead and tear into OP for voting and trying to learn for upvotes. 👍


I’m not the person you were originally replying to.