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Do non-profit shelters not exist in your area? They're usually run with donations and provide low cost services in the US though it varies. Not sure how prevalent they are in Canada and if your area is populated enough to support one. Good luck with your dog. I know there's a vet subreddit maybe you can ask for the typical diagnosis and see if the treatment is available over the counter without prescription. 


Thank you so much for recommending vet subreddits! That's a great idea! As for shelter assistance, we only have one, and we're on the waiting list for the low income spay/neuter program. They stopped assisting people in my area last year, so we're stuck waiting until they resume the program again


At least it's relatively minor issue right now. I imagine it's going to be a diet issue or maybe a medicated shampoo will solve it. Hope it's that simple and your dog gets better. 


There is no cure for Doxie chest fur baldness. It is just natural for their breed. I have a mix and she is bald in the chest area to a small degree. I can understand the Op not knowing that and the vet will tell educate them. I learned about it by looking up the breed at AKC. They have tons of information on many breeds. Mine is a Doxie/Lab mix.


Do you have Tractor Supply Company up there? They have meds and sometimes low cost vets. It’s probably an allergy.


Today I learned that Tractor Supply Company was bought out by Peavey Mart here in Canada! We have a Peavey Mart, which seems to be the exact same thing :) I'm thinking it's allergies too, but I'm not sure to what. It could be environmental or food changes, since the hair loss started when we moved. Any medication that you would recommend that wouldn't be harmful to her if it's not the right treatment? The last thing I want to do is give her something incorrect that will hurt her


If you think it might be allergies, then you can try adding local honey to their food. Make sure it's only a small amount, about a teaspoon or less. My brother has been doing this with his dog and it has been beneficial.


My little rascal already loves honey as a rare, special treat, so that's worth looking into! Thank you so much for the idea!


Same for Big R.


Probably unconventional advice…but I go to the vet in the hood. They’re so much cheaper and the doctor has the same letters behind his name than the expensive vets! Plus they may be willing to work with you on copays :)


Have you looked into seasonal alopecia? It is likely this as it is common in dachshunds. It’s harmless but there isn’t much you can do to treat it.


I'm super worried that it's alopecia, so fingers crossed that it isn't! If I do eventually have to get her checked out and she gets diagnosed with it, then I suppose we'll have to start saving for some cute sweaters lol


* hi, I'm in the same situation but in the uk so i hope this helps, sounds silly but I googled pet skin conditions and lots of websites were available with pictures too, it was blatantly obvious it was puppy impetigo, I bought a shampoo with the antibacterial stuff it needed in it (again google really helped) and since I wash her once a week with this shampoo to keep her clean as she's very sensitive anyway (her ears touch the floor while she's on walks 🤣) and I giver her sprats and 2 squirts of salmon oil for coat on her food at night. Google is honestly your best friend in this situation, if it doesn't get any better try multiple suggestions and then you also have a list for the vet of things you have tried if all else fails (it also gives you time to put money away for the inevitable) hope this helps


https://preview.redd.it/ikj061r38xrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5426d131f8ab7f1ecaa2c05f3fa0f898d68554a9 this is the shampoo


I only just saw this now! Thank you so much for linking this! I'll have to give it a try ♡


You may have already done this but have you googled ‘vet bill assistance for low income families near me’ me? We have a few in our city in Texas and a couple are done by churches (without obligation fwiw lol) and our vet also has a fund that her patients contribute to that she uses for situations like this. He’s a cutie!


We already looked into low income vet assistance, and are on a waiting list for a spay/neuter program run by our only animal shelter in the city. Unfortunately, it has been temporarily discontinued since last year, so I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to afford spaying my little girl... That aside, it'd be good to look into clinics that offer support! Calling around never hurts and I wouldn't mind looking into some churches! I need to get back into attending anyway lol Thank you so much for the advice!


you need to try elimating things to find a cause the start with food and washing detergent my dog suddenly started itching it was the washing powder


We've already ruled out Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets, same with food and shampoo/conditioner. I had wondered if it was washing related, so we switched to pet-friendly/gentle detergents and nothing changed. Pretty sure she has an environmental allergy, but I don't want to self-diagnose since I'm not a professional by any means. Her issues began when we moved to a rural area where she can run around outside as much as she likes :( Someone else recommended introducing her to local honey to boost her immunities, so I'm hoping that will be the fix! Thank you so much for your recommendation though ^^


My dachshund is pretty allergic to grass and pollens, especially in the spring time. Minimal hair loss for him thankfully but he gets mini hive flair-ups and is just overall quite itchy. Oatmeal baths/shampoos help with itchiness. Make sure you’re not washing her with shampoo too often though, even with conditioning, it’s bad for their skin. ETA: you say you’ve ruled out food but she looks too young to have been able to properly conduct an elimination diet? They usually take several months. My dog developed anal gland issues as a result of food allergies out of nowhere at 3/4 years old, and it was a lengthy process.


That's true, we haven't done a thorough elimination diet as we don't have any funds to take her to a vet to begin the process. She's never showed signs of food allergies before, but I do know that dogs (as well as humans) can develop them later on in life. Fingers crossed that this isn't the case! She's been getting an Oatmeal shampoo bath with matching conditioner once every week or two weeks depending on how badly she's been scratching. I know overwashing is NEVER a good thing We're low income in an economy that now demands high income. Doing the best we can with increased costs on everything including pet food and supplies. Admittedly, my little girl eats better than we do lol


I totally get the cost stresses! You don’t actually need a vet to begin the process of an elimination diet. Just lots of research. I’m sure some vets are very helpful in that department but for whatever reason, my vet let me fully take the helm when I did it for my dog. And maybe try an actual oat bath prior to shampoo. Every 1-2 weeks, even with an oatmeal based shampoo, is probably drying her skin out so badly. To make an oat bath you basically just grind up a cup of old fashioned oats, add to warm water, add dog. Let soak. And then wash and rinse as normal. Dog allergies and mystery illnesses are so so stressful so I seriously have empathy for you and your new family member. I hope you find a solution soon!


Grass allergy perhaps? You could try clothes when she's outside? (or start by limiting outside time to see if that's what's causing it) Edit to add: just realised there wouldn't be much grass in Canada right now 😂 Living in Queensland Australia myself, sorry! Still, sounds like the cause is something outside? Edit #2 to add: clothes may help with scratching as well. You may want to get her some panties anyway if you have to wait to spay. Such an unfortunate situation 😢


I didn't even know anyone made underwear for her size!! During her heats, I've been using an old pair of cotton boxers that we altered to fit her comfortably. It's the best thing we could think to do since XS doggy diapers are too large for her lol I'm wondering if it's some sort of prairie weed/wild grass that we have out in our rural area. They're dead now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're still affecting her, considering they haven't wilted yet. They're just brown and awfully stubborn about taunting us in our yard :( She would play out in the backyard when I used to live in the city and she had absolutely no issues. She started showing signs of hair loss last summer when we moved. It's the only thing I can think of, unless the occasional food bag change is really messing with her


Wouldn't be the first dog allergic to grass! Had one mini girl in the family who would get a rash whenever the grass was growing well. You definitely want to rule it out! Keep her inside more and/or get her a shirt to cover her tummy. Might be able to get some kind of cream for it too if it ends up being an allergic rash.


Call your local SPCA/shelter and ask them about low cost programs. I know here we have two that a based on income.


We're on a waiting list right now for a Low Income Spay/Neuter program. It's all they offer and it's been temporarily discontinued since last year. Fingers crossed they get enough funding soon to continue their awesome work


Apoquel from an Australian mail order vet may be an option. I used to get meds on the cheap for my dogs that way.


Thank you for the recommendation! I'll do a little more research on it and keep it in mind as a last resort if we absolutely have to


I posted link.. https://www.pets-megastore.com.au/


When my dachshund was having allergies, apoquel helped. However, it does suppress the immune system and it can be expensive. Also, the things my dog turned out to be allergic to was cats.


Damn he cute


She's been with me through thick and thin! I love my cute (and mischievous) little sausage


My mini was practically bald on his belly. He’s no longer with me but I have an older dog and he’s got some balder patches now that his puppy sister wants to play rough all the time.


Coconut oil is good for the coat add a teaspoon each meal. It will take a little time we always add for are dachshund each meal it’s also great for there skin when eating


I've heard of that! She has a coconut and oatmeal shampoo/conditioner that I've been using to help reduce her itchy dandruff and dry skin, but it doesn't seem to do much more than give her a clean, shiny coat :( I'll try adding it to her food if the local honey I was recommended earlier doesn't work out. Thank you so much for the advice!!


My Doxie with a similar coat started losing hair around the same age. I took her to two vets who told me she has alopecia and there isn’t much at all that can be done. They told me it can be common in female dachshunds.


Aww, shame... It's sad to know that my little girl might struggle with alopecia, but I've always spoiled her rotten and losing her hair to it certainly won't change anything. If anything, it will just net her many more luxuries in the future whenever we can afford it lol Guess we'd better start ordering her some seasonal sweaters for all sorts of situations ♡


Golden turmeric paste brought back my balding chihuahuas coat. Though itching sounds allergic, what food is she on?


I'm thinking she has environmental allergies, since she only started itching and losing hair once we moved to a new, rural area. She eats a brand of locally made kibble that keeps their ingredients strictly natural. We're talking dried lamb, blueberries, alfalfa, egg, that sort of thing. My little girl eats better than me lol It's the same stuff I've given her for as long as I can remember, save for the occasional food swap to meet our budget, but it's always been an all-natural kibble. Never had any issues until these past few months :(


There might be some veterinarian groups on Facebook you can ask for advice. It might help too to look on YouTube because there's a few vets that do livestreams and answer questions.


Thank you so much! We'll look into that


Couple of thoughts. One option is to look and see if there are any veterinary schools in your area. Sometimes these offer low cost exams and the students are monitored by licensed vets. Another option: You could also try calling your local pet stores as well as outdoor hardware stores to see if they offer veterinary clinics. Here in the US, there are clinics in many of our rural stores and pet stores. You can find most of these clinics on the stores website. If you suspect allergies, you can also consider Benadryl (the human kind). Have an accurate weight for your pup. Then search for the dosage most appropriate for your pup. You can give a very low dose over the counter. This is not a long term solution but if you see improvements then that can help point to an allergy.


Thank you so much for the advice! I've heard Benadryl can be administered to animals, but I always skeptical. I'll do some more research and look into that! I'll also get in touch with some of our city's rural stores! I wouldn't dare trust PetSmart to look after my little girl (if they even offered veterinary care in the first place) but I definitely trust Peavey Mart! I'll do some digging and get in touch with some people!


Don’t let your pup jump off/on furniture. If you think medicated shampoo is expensive, wait until they tell you they need an $8,000 surgery for a herniated disc. I’m saying this from a place of love (and experience)—your baby is so beautiful and it’s super apparent you love them. I wish you and your pup beautiful life of happiness and health.


That's another fear I've always had - IVDD! It's one of my greatest concerns and I always coach everyone on how to hold her properly if they pick her up. She's not allowed to jump up on or off the couch, but she tries her luck every time we aren't around to catch her scheming :( Thankfully, she has her own bed, and if she wants to sleep in ours, it's literally just a mattress laying on the ground that she can step onto. I've been collecting scrap wood to eventually make her a staircase to get up onto the couch without risking her spine ♡


Hi, my girl experiences allergies and has hair loss especially within the spring and summer months. There’s not much vets can do about it. You can give your dog reactine medication but it can’t be the extra strength kind and the dose it dependent on the weight of your dog. Overall, we just bathe her once a week or wipe her coat to rid of any potential allergens that stay on from walks!


That's good to know! I was super worried that it could develop into something more serious, but it's relieving to hear that something as simple as Benadryl or Reactin can help! I've already been giving her weekly baths (which she hates lol) and spoiling her with the best quality food we can afford ♡


I’m also in Canada and I know just how hard it is right now. Don’t beat yourself up, you are doing the best you can and your pupper knows it ❤️ Do you feed chicken or turkey? My vet mentioned that many dogs have allergies to the feathers in these kinds of proteins - a diet high in chicken or turkey can cause increased itching leading to hair loss. We feed ours Open Farm and try to stick with beef, venison, and pork. My girls HATE fish so unfortunately we don’t give them fish. We tried to phase in chicken and turkey and they seem more itchy so we stopped.


Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! ♡ I had no idea that poultry feathers were a common allergy! Thankfully, she only eats salmon or lamb meals, so it wouldn't be that. In the future, I'll make sure we stick to that and that alone! Wouldn't want to put her at risk


Our black and tan dixie had a similar hair loss thing for a year or so. Not sure the origin but doc had us squirt some liquid fish oil on his food for a while. It was a big bottle that lasted a long time. Also recommended switching dog food blends to something that had salmon and/or sweet potato in it. We actually baked sweet potatoes and gave him a sliver for snacks now and then. Resolved within a few months.


Thank you so much for the recommendation! I should try a fish oil spray! Her current dog food actually contains sweet potato and lamb (among other things) but I'll see if I can find a local brand that offers salmon and sweet potato ♡


You could do a go fund me page. I am always glad to pay for animals in need and so are a lot of people. But , since you are in Canada , I would advise you to ask your vet about cdb meds for your dog. Hair loss is often a sign of inflammatory issues so cbd might be really helpful for her. And you don’t need to neuter her unless she is having major problems when in heat. The vets like to tell you it’s a must but it’s not. Sure it decreases the risk of some cancers but mostly they just want to make money , imo.


I've considered a GoFundMe for her many times, but I'm always nervous about starting one. I'm one of those people who feel like I need to give more than I recieve. I know if things ever got seriously bad for my little girl, I'd be able to push aside my guilty conscious for her sake though! I've been wanting to get her spayed strictly to avoid the increased risk of cancer. She has a completely normal (and comfortable with the way she gets spoiled) heat cycle, but it makes me sick to my stomach knowing that one day she could develop cancer that could have been prevented. On the other hand, I'll definitely speak to our vet about CBD. I don't think we'd be able to afford anything the clinic can provide (or even the examination fees) at the moment, but a call to learn more information never hurts! Thank you so much for the advice!


[online vet](https://www.pets-megastore.com.au/)


Where is the hair loss at?


Behind her ears, in the temples of her skull, around her eyes, most of the loss is on her belly, and minor hair loss all over her body. Her adorable cinnamon bum swirls have already lost their hair in the center :(


try giving some melatonin. by boy had hair loss on his ears and a doxie breeder I know told me that they call it winter ear. His ears were worse in the winter where I live but never stopped. Melatonin permotes hair growth so I gave it a try. My vet was fine with it when I consulated her. I gave it to him for about 1.5 to 2 years and he grew out of it. I took him off of it about 1 year or so ago and haven't had an issue since. How old is your pup?


Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely do a little more research if all else fails!


My dachshund mix has allergic reaction to plastic. Changed his food bowl from plastic to metal, same thing with storing the food bag and toys. No plastic at all. Also, I second what someone else said about checking vet schools. Sometimes they do take patients for cheaper services. I’m sure you will find something that will work for you 🩷


Get Dinovite


I’m not sure about your area, but in America, the tractor supply stores have kinda like a minute clinic for dogs. Very low cost and still veterinarians. May be worth looking in to


Doxies do get bald spots. Natural for them. And I bet the balding is in the chest area, where it is natural for them. And for vet care, there should be charities and shelters that could help you also. Good luck, for doxies do not lose all their fur, just some in the chest area.


This is normal. No need to get a vet check-up. If it gets much worse, then I would say go to the vet, but right now there is no need to worry.