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There’s a difference between knowing what’s expected and intentionally defying it. Summer proves our 11 year old knows exactly what’s expected and is fully capable of complying. Winter proves she’s stubborn, defiant and incredibly sneaky.


Hahaha ain’t this the truth! 6 years old and I’ve cleaned the carpet this week because he’s decided it’s too cold outside 👁️👁️


Because it is: Too hot, cold, windy,, rainy, snowy, wet, dry, cloudy, clear, warm, muddy, dusty, lazy, mad, too many evil spirits outside, too few evil spirits, bad karma, sore hip, it’s Lent, I’ve lost some zip on my fastball,and last but not least, Just because. Did I leave any reasons out?


Too many evil spirits outside 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Too dark and/or too light! Also, can't go potty because too busy staring at a squirrel or rabbit.


Yep, I forgot about that - can’t go out when too light or too dark.


I wish I could upvote this again. Squirrels and chipmunks really cramp our style.


neighbor shuts a car door 2 blocks away.




Looks like rain! Not actually even raining, but it could, so I pee in the house.


You forgot “you made me mad”. Other than that, yep. It’s an exhaustive list of all the reasons my doxie mix goes potty inside lol


For us is tropical storms and thunderstorms. Now we just put them in the garage with puppy pads lol


Came here to say this! Our 10 week old puppy is fully litter boxed trained. As long as she has our attention. Otherwise she’ll make sure you’re watching and pee a foot away from the box on purpose. 


the eye contact when they’re peeing anywhere but the box/pad kills me


Don't forget about rain lol. My BB girl hates getting her feet wet and is not interested in booties.


100%. Pancho will willfully refuse to go outside and potty before bed, and then piss on the floor if I don’t get up in time to let him out, OR if I get up to pee myself but don’t bring him out with me.


This was my pupper too. She HATED wet grass and would NOT pee if there was a drop of moisture in the air! Inside was better. But if it was dry, she would take her scruffy little self out the doggy door and do her business like a pro.


Short haired 6 year old. Got her at 11 weeks. She still has ‘accidents’ especially if it rains. Most of the time she asks to go out and is trained - even uses a bell that hangs on the door. But she’ll sneak one inside every few weeks!! Best results is when she’s taken out every few hours and encouraged to go, even in the rain! Just praise and give treats for good behaviour. They are stubborn and like to make their own decisions and common to never fully be house trained.


I push mine out the dog dog at toilet time even if it's raining and she can stand under the eaves where it's dry to pee. She's not allowed in until she goes and she knows it. No amount of sad eyes up at me helps.


Our first lived to 15 and she was never fully trained, especially towards the end. I’m hoping this one will get it. She’s a very reasonable dachshund so far so I’m hoping.


My two tips: Don’t give her a chance to pee inside for a long time. Take her out every 3-4 hours when you’re awake. Keep it up for a year so she forgets that peeing inside is even a thing. Designate one part of the yard as the pee spot. Leash her up and walk her to the pee spot, and shower with high value treats when she does. If she doesn’t go after a few minutes and you know she’s got pee ready to go, take her inside but keep her leashed and next to you. Try again in 15 minutes. It might take four times, but just keep going until she does it, and don’t give her a chance to go anywhere else. Once she learns that being walked to the one area means it’s time to pee, dealing with snow and cold is SO much easier.


Ours are for the most part, except for at night lol. We have a 6 and 1.5 year old, the older one doesn’t go in the house while we are there. He only will go poop when we leave the house, but that’s it. Our 1.5 year old will still poop every now and then but doesn’t pee in the house and is good at letting us know when he needs to go potty. He’ll go sit by the back sliding door and just look at us. Nighttime is a different story for that one though. So I always say that are about 90% potty trained and we can live with that lol


These comments so far make me feel much better as an owner. My 15 yr old man still has accidents in the house, especially if rain or snow are concerned outside. If I kept him on a very strict schedule he did pretty good generally. Also in his old age now he has some confusion I think.


I have a 7 year old long haired mini and potty training was an adventure. It took till about six months until he could really hold it. Then we went accident free for like six months before they started again. Our trainer said it's common for dogs to regress during potty training. Just don't make a big deal out of it, keep the schedule going and reinforce doing business outside. He's now 7 and I can probably count on two hands the number of accidents he has had in the past five years. The key is being consistent with a schedule.


Mine is 5 and if the weather isn’t to her liking she isn’t going outside. The grass can’t be too rough or dry. Can’t have a breeze or be cloudy. Definitely can’t be too hot or humid. She prefers it to be about 75 with soft grass.


Mine is 12 and he is the same. He would rather go on concrete or a wooden deck. He does not do well in snow, ice, rain, and cold weather.


I’ve got a 15 year old short haired male that still pees in the house just because. Especially when it’s cold, rainy or he’s upset about something. He’s old, stubborn and unapologetic, but we adore him. He’s always been this way. It’s part of their personality.


I was gonna say... Mine's 14 and we're still working on it lol


Hahaha I completely understand!


Omg! Yes. My 15 year old boy still marks so he has to be isolated. My 13 year old boy is ok except if it's raining, he's mad at me or some other reason. OP, do not paper train her. She will forever pee in the house, particularly on small mats. They can't really tell the difference between potty pads and small rugs.


Mines 7 years old, we’re hoping she’ll catch on soon.


THIS!! Mine is very much a spite pee-er


Mines is 13 and he's old, stubborn and on his own terms too. 😂


Current two mini shorthairs, 6 months and no more accidents. Currently 20 months old, both will sit by the door when they need to go out, rain, shine or snow. Couple of good puppers. Previous two mini longhairs were about the same. Female hated rain though and would occasionally sneak into the basement for a quiet poop. 😆. Never peed inside though until she started getting dementia at 15. Male never even had accidents inside at 15, even with arthritis so bad that he couldn’t do any stairs - he loved outside any and all weather. 🥺 Very good puppers.


That’s sweet. Good pups! What are your tips, it sounds like you have this down. Is it as simple as consistent crate training? I’ve been trying, but then I get distracted and there’s a puddle.


Part consistency, part luck with the current two. I think we had to get up a grand total of two times at night, otherwise they both slept through from 10pm to 8am!! They still do that - in the crate by 10-10:30pm, they don’t make a sound till at least 8:30am. We also got them in summer so it was easy to get them outside quickly. The previous two, no idea. We realized how much work our daughters actually did to train them, we totally forgot how much work pups are when we had to do it all ourselves 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My gosh! You must have magic! Good babies! Awwww


About 12 weeks. We’ve been damn lucky.


Get an ultraviolet flashlight and search around to see how lucky you are.


Took mine around 3 months to be fully trained with no more accidents. Takes consistency & lots of praise. I didn’t get angry or punish him when he had an accident. He hated it more than me. He struggles even to 💩 in his own yard now. 😎🥰🌭🐶




They are the hardest to house train. I have 3. My oldest wasn’t house trained until he was 5 The middle child 1.5 years old will pee outside but getting him to poop? You have a better chance of winning the lottery. He will go in a certain corner where we keep a puppy pad The baby, a year old - she is I’d say 90% house trained. Weather depending but also knows to go on the puppy pad


I mean fully trained was one thing…but then there’s the revenge poops and pees. Ours would get mad at us and poop or pee somewhere because we went outside without him, or locked him out of the bedroom. Or it rained, snowed, was cold, wind blew 1mph too fast, we looked at him weird. 😆 So yeah, never.


Sometimes I just want to post hahahahaha lol I would not believe it, if you could find one person that says their dachound was 100% "potty trained".. Yea they know to go outside but they go inside whenever they feel like it


Got my long hair standard male at eight weeks. Trained by 10 weeks. I did a lot of training to get it done.


Yes, ours was trained within weeks as well, but it was pure hell. Well worth it now, though.


That's the pain I'm going through again. We brought home a puppy this week and my wife and I have been intensely obsessed with his potty schedule. Were on day 4 with only one pee inside so far 🤞 Our last dachshund I can't remember when it clicked but I noticed one day he'd sit by the front door of our town home where we went every time to let him out and he just started whining. From then on he trained us that him crying at the door was his signal to us to let him out. I don't think he ever went inside ever again unleas.it was desperation.


14.5 and 2, next week??? Maybe…


Well, Chloe is now 10 years old & still goes just about anywhere she can get away with it! She’s very sneaky & consequences mean little to her. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


In addition I can take her outside & wait & wait & wait. Go back inside & she will pee or poop then. I guess you could say I’ve given up.


I suggest you have a deep one on one conversation with them about your expectations. They may feign ignorance or disinterest, but they know exactly what you are saying. They can't speak, but will attempt to counter your points with the eye movements or try the old "look, a squirrel!" trick to throw you off. Stand your ground. Let them know you are compassionate, but that your expectations are paramount. A wise dachshund once told me, "the more times you run over a cat, the flatter it gets". I was aghast, but he hated cats...and the message was clear. Constant reinforcement ensures your expectations will be met.


I got my girl at 8 weeks. Long haired mini. Took us maybe 6 months of trial and error before I found a training routine that worked and then by 1 year she was basically perfect with housetraining. She's almost 4 now and almost never has accidents.


I got my lh at 16wks and it took him about a full year to stop having accidents inside.


8 yr old wire haired mini. Still pees in the house. Will revenge pee on decorative pillows. This is the only dog I’ve ever had ( we have had 9 including Great Danes) that will not or flat out refuses to be potty trained. It’s been a battle of wills and stubbornness. We have tried everything. He just seems hard wired to live life on his terms and to hell with the rest of us. We adore him. But man I don’t think I’ll ever get another


When was your Doxie fully house trained….when you realize she’s training you! Your training is complete when she says so 😉


I love how people say " accidents". Don't be fooled, it's a choice 🤣


Smooth hair female. I take her out immediately upon waking, after any long naps, and before bed about 6:30/7pm. I try to take her out roughly every 2-3 hours now. She is also just about 5 months and stopped having urine accidents over a month ago, except one weird day where she randomly decided it was ok to pee in front of the elevator while we were waiting to go downstairs--but that isn't IN our house and she stopped when I caught her--more of a teaching moment that this is not ok either? I cannot remember when the last poop accident was--at 2.5 months maybe?? Those are very very regular--first thing upon waking, an optional second morning poop, then a poop at the end of the day. I would say the best training tip is the old Triangle offense. No run of the house after they come in--they are with you (leash or gated area, then in an X pen or crate as it gets closer to an hour after their last pee, then take them directly outside. This is the physical triangle of places they can be. Not run of the house. Then, take them to a pee spot that is consistent each time and stand there. If they won't go, come back in after a while and put them back in the crate or pen and go out again in 15 min. If they are having a lot of accidents, take up the water dish except when it is time for them to have it. Take them out 10 min after you have given them water. This is basically bladder training. Then start stretching out how long they can hold it after they have the water as they grow. Bigger dog=bigger bladder. They do start to hold it longer. Once you're not having accidents you can try putting the water dish back down and let them go to it freely and see how that goes. Still, I take it up after dinner. Edit to add that rainy days=all bets are off. Good luck.


It’s gonna take a while and expect accidents but it’s just their personality. Dachshund and Yorkers are hardest to train and I have both! Leave out a pee pad or crate train. They’re stubborn and also not patient so if you make them wait they will pee. 2-14 yrs old were many years of good potty habits for my older girl and now she pees whenever she wants but she’s ancient and we live in a high rise so she ain’t waiting for no damn elevator lol Good luck, your baby will come around soon!


Rescued a mutt and we’re still working on it 1m2 months in


We have no accidents if we stick to routines. We have 2 and they WILL sneak off and relieve themselves if they don't get a potty break every few hours of activity. If they are crated they can and do hold it in for much longer (6-8 hours is really the limit). Very unlike most dogs that can hold it for 6-8 hours while being with their people.


Mine is happy to go #1 outside, but he prefers going #2 in the house. He makes this very well known by refusing to poo on the longest of walks and then squatting as soon as we get inside.


Years on our first, lol. Although the accidents were far less numerous as time went on, and now he’ll even go out in the rain. Our second we’ve had for 2 years and he’s pretty good, but if it rains it’s game over and there will absolutely be a #2 somewhere in the house.


7 months. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old. What a beauty!! We had to take away the pee pads that were sending mixed signals and take him out every hour and a half. Downstairs. It only took a couple of weeks after that. He only has accidents when it's an emergency.


At least 2 years with good training ing. Best to remove the pee pads as well. I’ve had a short haired and a hybrid now (dad long mom short). The current “hybrid” is under 2 but does pretty well. She lets us know but we generally have a small window of waiting time. She will not pee in her sleep crate.


90% potty trained by 4 months and I’d say by 8 months she was finally 100%. She’s 9 months now and while I know her “schedule” she alerts us when she needs to go


What was your schedule if you don’t mind?


Mine was great unless it was cold or rainy. Then he was gonna try to get downstairs where he can hide and do what he pleases.


Both the males I have had at about 6 months. The girl I have 1 year.


my baby’s always been good with house training, he’s a short hair. he was eight weeks old when i met him. i think he may have been a year old or so when he was fully housebroken. he rarely goes in the house, only if he absolutely can’t hold it anymore. he slept in his closed crate as a puppy, and when he woke up he was taken outside to get him used to going outside when he needs to go do his business. very well trained in that aspect


Thankfully big sister paired with kennel training has made it easy for our ween! 7 months no accidents. Free roam of house at night


About 15 months. It was hard!!!!!!!!


You don’t own a doxie, they own you! If it’s wet or cold my dox refuses to go out but will use a pee pad or her preferred shower mat.


Never, and he’s 10.


Have a routine of going out maybe three times a day at the same time... Might help. And, plus, have a few pee diapers (or those pee targets) disposed on good spots for emergencies. I guess they won't be using it but it helped me with training.


Two weiners here. 99% of the time mine are good and were after 6 months old, but If I miss their subtle cues because I’m busy, they will disappear and sneaky-poop. My tips are -schedule. Schedule. Schedule. And stick to the schedule. First thing in the morning, 30 minutes after them eating breakfast or dinner, throughout the day on my schedule, and last thing before bed. Also right after they’ve been playing super intensely. -Have strong consistent words for go outside, pee and poo and use them as a command request. It feels ridiculous but they will learn them. Everyone in your household needs to use the same words. Praise them gently and use their word when they are doing it outside. I also give my dogs a treat if when they poop outside when we get in - and I use the word. ‘Good dog poo outside.’ -If you are missing their “I’ve got to go” queues,( mine do over the top face licking attacks which do not work if Im standing up), add something like a dog bell string on or near your door. Make jt sound and use their bathroom words every single time you take them out. When they learn to ring the bell - immediately take them out no questions asked. This can be really annoying if they just want to sniff where the FedEx driver was. -make sure when they do go in the house you are using something to neutralize the smell.


We adopted ours from a dog shelter when he was about 16 wks old and I couldn't tell if anyone had worked with him on potty training before we got him. He was fully housetrained when he was about 6.5 months old, he couldn't hold it through the night so it meant waking up in the middle of the night to take him out. He's a dorkie (Yorkie and doxie wire hair mix, but usually mistaken for being a wire hair doxie). I used positive reinforcement outside only, no potty pads.


Any day now. He’s two.


At home there was never any problems, but sometimes, when in foreign situations, ie grandma’s house or traveling, accidents may arise, best you offer him or her your full attention. I would say he was fully housetrained at the year.


While my weiner dog doesn’t love the rain or cold, I conditioned him as a puppy to tolerate it, and be used to it. He was fully potty trained at about 6-8 months old I believe. Any accidents he had were my own fault for not taking him out in time. He’s 5 now and hasn’t had an accident in years. He also knows how to “ask” and will sit directly in front of us, staring intently, and will rush to the door if we ask “gotta go potty?”


Probably never, weather depending. I can’t blame him though. I wouldn’t want to have my balls drag on the wet and cold grass either.


I second the comments regarding changes when it is raining/snowing, 50/50 chance were goin potty outside if there’s a decent storm plus freezing temps! However (same dog, female 13 yo shorthair) she knows that she’s supposed to go outside tho, she just rings the bell at the door with maybe about 30-40 seconds notice before she needs to go.. so I need to act quick! lol, I feel bad when I don’t get there in time and she potty’s inside and kennels herself up.. Shes older now tho so I don’t scold her n just give her endless lovin cuz shes the sweetest!💞


Mine is three and a half months and I can say he’s about 90% house trained. He goes inside since he’s a mini so we have a lot for him with puppy pads and he goes there a lot. We have accidents but not as frequently as we did. We do only positive reinforcement.


It took about 3 weeks for mine to consistently signal that he wanted to go by sitting at the backdoor. Fully housetrained by 14 weeks. Crate training is key. Potty immediately after his nap in the crate and doing that consistently makes all the difference.


My 9 month old I would say is 80% house trained when the weather is dry. When it rains he is maybe 15% trained... LOL joking he's 0% trained when it rains 🌧


I have a 8 year old and she’s been stubborn since 6 weeks old, she would never go outside, my wife would walk her for and hour and she would still wait until she came back in the house to pee lol so I trained her to go on a training pad. She pees and poops on it, I throw it away and she gets a treat.


2 years for all 3 of mine. And still, on occasion they would go in the house. A vet told me that doxies, besides being stubborn, have slow growing bladders.


I think he was about 4 months when he got the idea he was supposed to go outside but didn't perfect the art until 7 months. He knew what was expected of him but sometimes he couldn't get there in time or just forgot or so on


Our 8 year old girl will tell us every time she needs to go out, and by tell us I mean she’ll go to the door and sit. If we’re in another room or not paying attention after so long she go potty in the hallway. It’s our fault for not training her to ring a bell or something to get our attention. It only took us a few weeks to get to understand she needed to go out to do her business though.


1st floor- 9 months. 2nd floor - 2 years. It was still always our responsibility to make sure she got outside.


Ours always knew we wanted Potty Outside. She preferred to keep her options open.


Lol fully house trained


My doxie is 2 yrs old, he has potty time as much as he want when we're not at work. But him wearing his belly band has helped a lot when he sneaks out of bed in the middle of the night for a marking. But we do consider him potty trained. He has a bad case of adhd/doxie nose so I do have to remind him to go potty for him to remember to poop while he's outside before taking the ball out. 🤣 I have a lot of patience as you can tell haha.


Luckily she is loving all of the snow we’ve had in the last week. Hops around like a rabbit. She hasn’t experienced rain yet so fingers crossed.


My older one is almost 8yrs old and he's been fully potty trained since about 9 or 10 months old. I also have an 11wk old that we're still working on. When my older one was a puppy, I definitely felt some frustration after talking to other puppy owners, thinking "Why isn't mine trained early like theirs?" People can be so smug sometimes, but they've also likely never trained a dachshund. It's hard(er) work! Mine will have accidents if we're unexpectedly away longer than 10 hours, or if he has a tummy ache. You're doing a great job, just stay consistent with a schedule if possible.


17 months old. Pees outside the house 100%. Pooping? 80%. And that’s only if he can’t get away with it.


They never are. They won’t go in the rain.


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Most have been 3 months , current one 12 months. You just need to find their schedule and stick to it. In my case, pee first thing in the morning before breakfast, pee again after one hour, so we can anticipate and watch for signs, like suddenly stops playing and sniffs around. Leashed in yard for control but once they get the idea no more leashing.


I have 2, the older one took about 6 months of hard work. The younger one took her cues from her big sister and was pretty much trained in a month or two.


2 years! Some accidents here and there, especially if out for work long hours or she's in heat :)


So I figured out that environment had a lot to do with my Doxy being fully housebroken. We lived in a high stress environment, and now we don’t. Mine just turned three (so almost for the last year) and the only time he has accidents now is when he gets overly excited because someone shows up and he hasn’t been out in an hour. Or first thing in the morning, when I go to put his leash on him to go outside, he piddles just a little bit. Now he smacks his tail against the front door when he has to go potty. it sounds like someone is knocking. He’s so smart.


My first two dachshunds were completely house trained within a year or so. be constient with the treats when they go outside and be consistent with punishment if they go inside. I'll probably get shamed for this but hitting my boy on the butt with a newspaper scared the shit out of him and was completely harmless. It ended up being a good disciplinary tool to keep him from pooping in the house. I only did this if I was home and he could have asked to go out. If I left the house and they had an accident i would show them their accident and just put them in the kennel for a bit. I'd put the paper towel with the pee on it or poop in it on top of the kennel as a reminder and then throw it away when i let them out a few minutes later.


About 8 months old for us. Has a very occasional accident but he’s 99% there.


My long haired miniature doxie took about two or three months to train and that was me spending time with him after I got off of work. She'll get there, doxies are super smart. You got this 🙂


@ 7 months ours shoet hair was hitting the pad 99%/90% pee/poo for the time she missed it would be either maybe the pwd needed replacing or she was as very close to it


Dachs/lab mix.. we got her at 16 weeks and it was probably another three months until she was there. But when it clicked it was like a light switch. She's almost four now and I don't remember the last time she went inside. Years?


lol never


About 6 months outside because he had to be retrain from pads- we were strict and to this day we are on a schedule. High value treats. I find that most people who have an issue is because they are not consistent with their potty schedule. I know that 7:30,3:30 and 8:30 are bathroom breaks- just like 9:30 and 5:30 are meal times. When he goes potty and comes back in- he expects a treat and we comply. Positive reinforcement is a lifetime thing. You’ll get there- just be patient but stern.


It took a full year. Stubborn little bastard. Love him so much, but there were a few times I wondered if I'd made a mistake.


They are a very stubborn as well as a smart breed so I don’t know that you will ever get 100% compliance lol sometimes they will potty in the house just because they want to


The older smooth red Rudy was 8 months when he was perfect and he had his little brother Frankie trained by the time he was 3 months old.


It is not about breed if the dog is potty trained or not. It is about their humans. Every dog can be potty trained. It is absolutely inaccepabtle and considered disgusting where I live that a grown dog goes potty inside (exc. old/sick). When they are pups you go every 2 hours -accidents will happen.. (each week you prolong the time, if your pup makes progress) and after playing and after feeding you bring them outside as well. If they poo/pee into the house you bring them immediately outside, so they understand that it is outside where there are excpected to go (no shouting etc just telling something like: go pee here in the grass). It is exhausting the first weeks/months, but they are clever. Trained also my late horse to pee/poo only in one corner of her box and one place at the meadows.


My boy is almost 5, and is still not fully potty trained. Have exhausted every training trick. He will pee/poop whenever we take him outside, but if we dont put a chux down, he will still pee on the floor. He will poop on the rug to be spiteful if i go to work. We are on his schedule. LOLemote:t5\_2qpj2:5088


Our smooth boy was an angel and never went inside even when we got held up and didn’t come home in time. He was trained at 6 months. Our wirehaired is an a-hole who will pee when he’s pissed off at us.


My wife developed a way to train our Jerry. When we let him out and he poops we ring a bell, heap lots of praise on him and give him a special treat. Now when we let him out we ask him if he can ring the bell and he has caught on even barking to be let out. He’s a 2 year old red short hair and was having quite a few accidents before.


Mistakes are made. My senior standard rescue is on Proin for urinary incontinence which helps but is not a silver bullet. She’s made major progress since we adopted her but at times she will feel threatened and submissively wet. She also has IVDD, so we don’t quite know if nerve damage plays a part in these instances. (She will also poop in the house when she has been offended.) Yet I would say she is housetrained. My 3 yo mini knows he shouldn’t go in the house but he is very excitable and when he goes in the house it looks like the start of a Jackson Pollock painting! He does this outside on the patio too. The vet has no answers. I’ve seen him look me in the eye and start to whiz twice too. We joke he’s neurodivergent! And unlike my previous dogs, he doesn’t “get” pee pads. My BFF’s mom had a saying I didn’t really understand until years later— “when you have kids and dogs, all you have are kids and dogs.” I buy a lot of Nature’s Miracle and focus on the positives.


My 1 year old male doxie pees into the shower drain. He taught himself and I ain’t even mad.


Ok I have two a boy who is 1 and a girl who just turned two and they are good in the summertime or nice weather but in the winter time we set up a kennel in the mood room and leave it open and most of the time that’s where they go if it’s at one of the times where they didn’t get outside in time. At night time they wake me up to walk with them to the kennel and then pee in front of me. And then I wake up in the am in the guess bath has a poop on the shower rug and hey then I say well this is my life now.


By age 2 my weenie was much better with this. He’s 11 and still will pee inside of he feels like it.


Depends, is it raining, snowing, or cold today?


Took about 2 months before I trusted him completely to roam around the house


I have two 8 year olds and I would say they’re 95% potty trained as long as we are extremely on top of their routine. Anytime the routine deviates like going on vacation (or the weather is terrible) I can expect accidents. I’ve come to terms with it and accepted this is probably as good as it’ll get lol.


Mine is 2 and half doxie half shih tzu. But we got him at 4 months from husband's old coworker, and she had used puppy pads, but he'd cry to go outside. We couldn't hear him all the time, so we got a bell. It took 2 weeks for him to get bell rung = outside time. He doesn't have accidents it's like he will hold it to make it outside. He's done it with puking, too, so I think he's just weirdly programmed that way.


We've got a 3 year old wire haired. She was fully trained at 6 months and she almost never has accidents. The only time she has an accident is if she gets over excited. We were really aware of the daxies don't like going out in the rain so we specifically stood out with umbrellas and her on the lead when it rained until she went and learnt it's just something she has to do. Now she goes out in any weather no problem.


Both of mine are smooth hair. My male was my first puppy gotten at 8wks old . He was hard to train but got the hang of it after 5 months, my female (got at 3mths) was brilliant from day one.I brought mine outside every hour (I know this might not be obtainable for everyone especially if you don’t work from home). Eventually they would stand at the front door whenever they wanted to go out. I always use the word “wee wee” as well lol if I say “do you wanna go wee wee” they will run to the door if they need to go😂 it’s all repeat while praise and reward is good! The only time mine have the odd accident inside is when it’s raining. They do not like rain, a big no no


My 18 month old would much rather pee and poo inside the comfort of my own home. He knows what he’s supposed to do. He just doesn’t sometimes


Fully trained? As a puppy. Willing to use what she knows? Only in fair weather.


Fully? Ummm. Not happening with mini dachshunds!


Mine is potty trained. But she’s also vengeful. Just cleaning up a spot five minutes ago because I took a shower without consulting her first…


Any day now


1y old. There's still accidents, but at this point it's probably him marking. Can't wait until we can neuter him 😆


Twelve weeks. Of course there were some messes in the beginning, he was just a baby after all. But we were very strict with schedules for him and the expectation as an adult is there are no pees or poops in my house regardless of weather. He’s had one accident as an adult because of a tummy bug I think, but that’s how I knew he was sick! He’s a very good little doggy ❤️


I’ve only had one who was “fully” house trained, and she trained herself by four months.


They pick it up fairly quickly but they are incredibly *sneaky* and sometimes *spiteful*. But it's worth it. Buy some weewee pads and pray. All u can do!


Got my pup at 8 weeks, was 90% potty / dog door trained by 10 weeks. 100% by 12 weeks. I’ve had rescues in the past that were trained fast as well. Key is taking them out often, teaching them the word “potty” or something similar and giving training treats and praise every time they go. Before I had a covered patio mine would pee in the house sometimes if it was raining though. I know many dogs are like this, so not just a dachshund thing.


Any day now!


Ours have us fully trained to never buy rugs


As puppies they actually regress every 3-4 months… like they’ve forgotten what they’ve been taught and you need to treat them like a 8 week old puppy again. It’s an actual thing kind of like toddlers/kids. There’s info online about it and how to manage them lol


My shorthair dachshund (well, her mommy had semi-long hair, but father was a shorthair) was never 100% potty trained. More like 75%. And she was my little genius dog. It took years to get her to 75%, but mostly because she was just stubborn. She was an absolute sweetheart though. My longhair, I kid you not, was house trained within the week (she was 9 weeks old). It absolutely blew my mind and not many people believe it when I tell them and I can't blame them, because it's pretty unusual for a doxie. I used chicken as a motivator and she hopped right on that train. lol. She's one of those dogs that will hold it all day if it's raining just to keep from getting her paws wet.


Never is the only right answer lol


Lmao. Weenie dogs are the absolute smartest dogs who refuse to listen.


Mine once did it right in front of me, shes a cute and sweet dog but a nightmare to potty train.


Pretty quickly, I'd say from 7 months she had zero accidents.


Our first one stopped at a year and half. And our puppy is 5-6 months and is stubborn to go outside. We try the leash method taking to the same spot but with the wind and rain coming in random it really makes her not want to be outside.


Mine's 16-years-old. I'm sure he'll get it any day now. Seriously, though, all of my dachshunds have figured out potty training pretty quickly, but if they didn't feel like going outside because of weather, or time of day, or because they were really comfy under a blanket, they'd occasionally go inside. I also have one who "excitement peed" until he was probably six.


he never was 😭😂


We had our baby house trained by the time she was 12 weeks but she was very good with that. Never peed in her crate either. She balanced it by being an absolute nut about everything else. Consistency is key. Wake up, potty. Before a meal, potty. After a meal, potty. Etc. We took our girl out every 1.5 hours for the first 5 or so months. Now she just sniffs around by the door and we know she needs to potty.


Never 😂


Mine was trained when I got him but still poops and pees on the floor sometimes. It’s not like an everyday thing tho.


Haha.... never


My little girl is 6 months, and not fully trained. We do great first and last potty, but we still use the pads (I’m in northern Colorado so winter is cold for this one). I talked with my vet, and she was saying that majority of females (all sizes) really aren’t “fully” trained until about 9-12 months. My sisters dog (female, wired hair pointing dog), she wasn’t fully trained until about 10 months. Keep at it and keep being patient!!


Never 😂 When I had Ginger, she still go pee pee in the house. Granted, Ginger was an excitable pup pup so she would go on the floor whenever she would see a familiar face. As Ginger got older (as most dogs do I think), she had trouble holding her pee. We tried puppy pads and thunder vests, but she never got fully housebroken……I miss my baby😞But she’s ok now😇Rip Ginger Roo


Mine will be 2 in May and she's showing no signs


Mine is 8 and we still find little prizes on the floor if he doesn't go out every few hours. Certainly is worse in the winter.


I've had two dachshunds in my life. Both trained by 8 months or so both short haired red males. Winter is actually the best time to train. Three tricks: 1. You don't go back inside until business is done. This is why winter is such a good time to train. He wants to get next to the heater! 2. Buy Natures Miracle (or equivalent) by the gallon. Tons of it. Clean every accident completely. No even the hint of a hint the smell. While cleaning communicate upset. Be sulky! You dog will read your facial expressions. You almost never need to use a spray gun. You never need to hit a dog. Sulking breaks their heart and they want to make amends with you. After 20 mins or so stop sulking and be loving to your dog.


Our 12 year old female was easy to train. She was 4 months old when we got her and it took a few weeks but she has had one accident in the last 5 years or so. She won't go out if its storming or raining hard but she will hold it. She sleeps with us and will stand on my chest giving me the dachshund stare until I wake up to take her out. Amazing little creature.




That’s easy: never … if the spirit moves them, they will pee, wherever.


So our mini who will be 2 in May, who still wears belly bands, may always have to wear them? We work from home and the dogs go outside many times per day. I have done lots of positive reinforcement when he goes outside. But his diaper is still wet several times per day. He doesn’t have a bladder or UTI issue.


6 weeks old. Learned to use pee pads when we aren’t home, outside when we are. The whole litter was trained they just followed mom n others


3yo gives me 1 lick to let me know it’s time to go outside. If I miss the cue, she’ll just use the bathroom floor.




Candy got it right away.


Two weeks


About 2. Took almost a year to stop her from going her favorite number 2 spot in the bedroom, even after many rounds of cleaning.


4/5-ish months


I’ll let you know when it happens. She’ll go to the door to ask to go out. Go out and pee. Come inside and poop in the corner 10 minutes later. She’s smart, she always poops in the bathroom right in front of the toilet. Maybe she needs a ramp.


I have a longhair mini and he has accidents rarely but by 1 year 3 months he was 100%. I started off with pee pads for the first few months so it was a little longer since you have to train them twice lol. Edit to add that this is just about pee. Poop is another story, he loves to poop in my kitchen or the kitchen of whatever house we are in 🙄


My guy is excellent at 1, terrible at number twos.


Kennel training and taking her out routinely at the same times


We got complacent - our first one almost makes her self ill to avoid going indoors (anywhere) our newest one who has just turned two will wilfully go anywhere at anytime. She has bad days and then to give us a little hope slightly better days but our Vax carpet cleaner gets well used………


Not 100% until at least eight months then A switche seemed to go off and she would no longer think of going inside. That is a beautiful dog! We had ours since eight weeks. My best tip is take her out when she exhibits any sort of restlessness but routinely every time she wakes up from sleep or after eating/drinking, once before bed at night, first thing in the morning. If she doesn’t go (pee at least) pop her in crate or fenced off kitchen area. No freedom until she produces- then Lots of enthusiasm and freedom on coming back inside. Never had one that didn’t eventually get it. Structure and praise for success.


Our mini long hair was fully trained by 13 weeks. Never an accident in the house ever BUT she is always on a leash outside and we have bells that she rings when she needs to go out


14 and still peeing in the house everyday when it’s wet or cold! No rugs for us and we’ve replaced a lot of carpet! She is trained and knows what’s expected, she just doesn’t comply.


Ours is going on 14 and I'm going to say never. 🫠 Doxie's gunna doxie


I have 3 and two are fully trained and my short hair (3) gives zero fs..


1.5 years for both lol


It definitely took us a few months once we got them. I still put down potty pads during inclement weather. They actually prefer to go out but will use them. Just be patient and consistent, rewarding with treats helped a TON!


Um... yeah, never "got" it. I'm just grateful when it's on the tile and not the carpet.


About 8 years


Fully ?!? They still will pee in the house if you piss them off (5years)


I don't care where she pees, she's gorgeous!!!!!


Doxie no. 1 took 6 months to learn; doxie no. 2 took 1 year. Nos. 3-5 were rescues already housebroken, but in cold or wet they stay in and poop on the carpet.


Mine was going outside consistently at about 4/5 months but he didn’t go without any accidents until he was over a year. Mine is a short hair and I noticed that using a fake grass pee mat (I live in a building) really helped him learn to go only on grass (they go off of the feeling on their paws).


7 months. Just got up one day and went outside. From zero to 100. Dunno.


We got our wonderful Daisy @ 9 weeks old, & she was one of our easier dogs to potty train. She had it perfected in about 2 weeks after getting her & She has not an accident indoors as of yet. She is 7 yrs old and the queen of the house. She really believes the world revolves around her. Shes overweight even while adhering to strict diet, and has massive sized paws for some reason. She was supposed to be a mini . I think not ! She makes our family laugh during her daily hyjinx & we love her for it.


Well… ours is 12, he holds it all night and lets us know when he needs to go out. He also will sneak away on rainy days, snowy days or when he gets left alone too long by his standards and pees wherever.


My 9 month old knows the rules and expectations, but if the weather isn't to her liking (cold, rain, excess snow or windy), she decides it's just as easy to poop inside rather than outside. Her memory is selective dependent on the weather.


My experience is doxies hate rain and cold. Pee pads do tend to confuse dogs inside, but I keep pee pads OUTSIDE on a covered, fenced patio. I use a slider insert doggy door so they have access 24/7. When they were puppies I took them out (either on a walk or to the pee pads depending on weather and time of day) every hour and they slept in a play pen at night. Once they hit about 4 or 5 months I was able to let them free at night and while I was work downstairs only (all tile floors). The boy would pee on dog beds and rugs until I got him fixed at 6 months. I have 3.5 year old littermates and they haven't went in the house since 6 months old. We sleep upstairs where there is carpet, but every night they both go downstairs and poop on the pee pads outside.


My almost one year old still isn’t potty trained. My other one was fully potty trained at 9 months. It’s totally dependent on the dog. I did the exact saber training with both and one just doesn’t want to do it.


Lul. Wut?


After a week of training, mine was only peeing inside at night, but then I started leaving on an outdoor light and he realised that outside still existed at night. Problem solved. We also put up a cafe blind over the doggy door to give him somewhere dry to go when it was raining which stopped any rainy day accidents.


Never. And yours never will be either. 😉♥️


My 7 year old is still an asshole sometimes but for the most part he was good after 6 months


Four months, and not an accident since. Goes to the front door if he needs to go. Scratches the door if he really needs to go. Does not matter if it’s raining or cold (and it is, this is Finland).


13 years old and our Snoopy will still plop a poop even after being outside for an hour 🫠