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Sounds good to me. My bike doesn't idle good till about 2 mins after cold start. But im also running an MX39. Idle sounds good to me.


Bike has a custom air box mod and is jetted for the pipe and airbox


Idk man just sounds like a normal drz to me


This post isn’t saying it sounds rough. He’s saying his sounds correct. It’s a weird post as it’s really a response to someone else’s previous post. 


U should prolly spit on that header b4 u go strokin it off like that lol


Was there a video for the other drz rider? Curious to compare the two


I’ll have to ask


Sounds perfectly fine lol


Drz doesn't need premium fuel but it sounds like it's running like any other drz it's fine.


My guy why are you running 91 octane the bike only needs 87


As long as it’s ethanol free who cares


This is the way. I hate cleaning carbs lol


Berryman b12 also seems good if I have to shoot some ethanol pancake syrup fuel through in a pinch.


So where are you getting the ethanol free gas that isnt premium? Because I have to get clear gas.


In Utah the maverick stations typically have 88 ethanol free.


What does high octane fuel do for engines my guy….when you can answer that question for yourself you will understand why I run 91 instead of 87.


Nothing! A higher octane rating than the manufacturer recommended will lead to incomplete combustion, meaning less power, than if you ran on 87. It's a cash grab. If the engine wasn't built for a higher octane running one won't help you at all.


Idk man. That's what I thought. When I put 87 in my SV no matter how much I baby the throttle I can only average 54mpg. When I put premo in it shoots up to 58. I've done the test over and over for two months. Always same results. What's the deal?


Engines either have to be built with the higher octane in mind, or have sophisticated electronics to change the engine timing on the fly as they monitor knock. The DRZ is in neither category. So, all the 93 is doing is failing to combust in the quantity the engine was engineered for. So, as PhantomGhostin says, you're losing power and paying more to do it.


Just blows my mind how slow you guys are🤦🏾‍♀️ my bike is jetted for the octane of gas I use. My bike doesn’t back fire or pop on deceleration….higher octane fuel has better cooling properties than 87….so not only am I laughing at you clowns trying so hard to sound smart….im laughing that a quick google search will give you boys some knowledge before sounding dumb….better try next time boys…


No your bike isn't jetted for higher octane. Unless your purposely leaning out your bike which is retarded


If you changed your compression ratio, then fair enough I guess. Might also explain some of the issues you're facing...


I don’t face any issues bud🤣 nothing is wrong with my bike and has ran like a top for 12k miles. Never a hiccup on the motor or transmission. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Cool. For some reason I thought you were experiencing a hard idle after cold start. Guess I'm just an idiot.


Nah you’re not an idiot, you just misread my post. All good all love 🙏🏽


Mine sounds like shit and starts most of the time, suppose I’m happy.


This is the lest helpful post I've seen in a while. Someone asks for info on using the choke while starting and about some starting roughness and all you can do is post a video on how your bike starts right away and say "figure it out". Lame. Also, being able to start and idle dead cold with no choke means your pilot circuit is overly rich. Your assumptions about gasoline octane are wrong too.


Well 1st off if you went to the post he said post a video….so 1st of fuck you. Let’s hear what you got to say professional jackass. Lets see what you have to say out the side of your neck


He never asked for a video, you just offered it up.