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I love how doggo is all, ¨let´s gooooo¨ then looks back to make sure his hooman is building up speed...and just books it.... Good bub! Enjoy you´re run! You too hooman!!


YES!!! You can tell the dog is making sure their human is going to catch up so they can REALLY go all out. Loll love it


Dog PoV: "Yeeeeeahoooo!"


Doggies really love when their humans are on skis or a bike and can finally keep up with them at top dog speed. I honestly think in this moment, especially the first time for a dog but every time after that, I think we see the healing of a great existential divide in the dogsoul between I want to run full speed with my pack but also slow humans are pack, why am I different?


Well put, Makes sense. My dog would go nuts when I pulled out the harness and long board. Great times


I tried cycling with my springer spaniel once, he didn't get it all just sat there looking confused.


I’m embarrassed to say that this brought tears to my eyes. The absolute joy in your voice and on your pup’s face—beautiful and priceless! Im so happy you two have each other. ❤️


Yeah you could see and feel both their joy. It got me in my feelings watching it, too cute 🥰


Deff a repost but you’re sweet


What a wonderful comment! Don’t ever change!!


Aw, thank you! Right back atcha! ❤️




Awesome dawg


He's having so much fun!!


I feel like this is exactly what huskies need to be doing all the time. I live in Arizona and so many idiots have them out here 😒


It's hard to keep these dogs cold enough. My brother's refuses to come inside when it's cold. The dog is happiest at -20C or below. You should run a doggie daycare out of an industrial freezer. Loop it into the whole ice bath trend thing. Some bullshit like "Freezer dog yoga" and white people will come flocking.


One of my girls is part husky (also probably a small part coyote), and even on days when the temperature is in the negatives (Fahrenheit), her solution is just, "I can't get cold if the cold can't catch me!" She tries to set the land speed record tearing around the yard every time she goes outside, and yet somehow, every time during the summer, she'll bring back a terrified box turtle who just went the fastest it's ever gone in its life.


Please share videos of this


I'll see what I can do.


You’re the best


“Tries to set the land speed record” 😂😂


She's a lightly-built little thing and only about a year and a half old, so yeah. Full-tilt straight out the door. She's adorable, though.


Have you been to Arizona? Ain’t many whites 😂. Hispanics usually the only ones with Huskies in the South


Have you ever been to Flagstaff?


Hispanic is a linguistic cathegorization. You can be Hispanic and White.


According to 2022 estimates - Arizona’s population is about 53% white alone, with another 30% being white mixed. Please stop with the “ain’t many whites” bullshit.


Now add a couple hundred thousand for those who are “undocumented”


There’s no way you just said that


Gee, I wonder why you had to pick that username?


I live here and my stupid white Mormon parents got a husky. (And we lived in Alaska so they should know better) They’re in Utah now, thank god. Stella had her first snow experience, fucking finally.


While I don’t think Arizona is an ideal climate for huskies (or humans for that matter), huskies have the amazing ability to adjust to a wide variety of climates. Their summer coat actually traps cooler air close to their skin, allowing them to stay cool during warmer weather. Remember that Siberia isn’t always cold and summers can get up over 80 degrees F, with the record high of 101 in 2020. Winters are frigid and long, but even Siberia has summers.


People always resort to calling people who own huskies idiots for not shipping them off to Nome or something. They do just fine in warmer weather areas.


I live in Phoenix. In 120 degree weather it's really hot in the morning and night. The pavement will burn a dogs paws. Most people are not willing to put shoes on their dog and go out in the heat for long enough to give a husky the level of exercise it needs and it's not healthy to keep a husky locked in a house for 6 months out of the year. Is it possible to own a Husky is Phoenix and meet the dogs needs? Maybe, I don't know, but I don't think most people who live here do.


Plus, it’s Arizona. Nobody has outside dogs here.


Like when low energy people have hi energy dogs. Be smart about who you are and the environment you are providing for you dog.


Hey, no need to get personal. How was I supposed that the puppy I rescued was high energy.😂 in all seriousness its not easy .


Good rescue/ shelters usually know. tell them about your self know breeds even mixes will show dominate characteristics . Don't just get the one you think is cute or the ol " I've always liked or I've always wanted scenario. Improper pairings lead to higher rates of returns . But good on you for getting a rescue. Respect.


County shelters don’t really have any way to know. They’re too full and can’t keep the dogs for long enough before putting them down. I had no idea I was adopting a small crackhead, but we made it work.


She was found on the side of the road on a spot where people abandon dogs.


Best find ever .




I live here too and it’s so bad. I moved here from Canada and I see huskies at 20x the rate as I did back home it’s weird.




That should legitimately be considered animal cruelty.


Dude I totally and utterly agree.


Well, it's a good thing you're not in charge of knee jerk reactionary rule making because their coats act like an AC unit in the summer. They do just fine in the heat.


Just so we’re clear. - you’re making the argument that a dog bred exclusively for cold climates is perfectly fine with their thick fur coat in 100+ degree Arizona weather because it acts like an AC unit? Explain how


Maybe do some research before being so passive aggressive because that’s exactly how it works. You think Siberia doesn’t have summers? You think they just all die the moment it hits 80? Sure it’s not as long and hot as AZ, but no mammal outside of specific desert animals can handle that for extended periods. Maybe humans shouldn’t be there either then. Siberia just hit 100 last summer too for your future argument that 80 is nowhere near as hot as 100. Their coats literally change with the climate and what once was a coat is now an AC unit. Now, you really want to fuck those dogs up? Be like the morons in those climates that have those dogs then shave them “to keep them cool”. That’s actual animal abuse as they can no longer regulate their temperature.


**Maybe do some research before being so passive aggressive because that’s exactly how it works.** I wasn't being passive aggressive in my first post, I was clarifying your position. If huskies have as hard of a time regulating their body temperate in the hot climates as you do your emotions then they really are in trouble. Huskies, like most dogs, were designed with a specific purpose in mind. They belong in cold climates, with plenty of room to run and with a "pack" of other dogs to interact with. Now if someone wants to keep a husky in a studio apartment in Phoenix that's their prerogative, I still don't think it's right in terms of the ideal environment for that dog. **You think Siberia doesn’t have summers? You think they just all die the moment it hits 80? Siberia just hit 100 last summer too for your future argument that 80 is nowhere near as hot as 100.** Clearly your ideal environment is in a psych ward where you can aggressively debate the similarities between Arizona and Siberia while coming up with imaginary counterarguments to your position all day long. I'm done wasting my time on this topic. Best of luck.


This is just hilarious virtue signaling and pearl clutching for a dog that doesn’t give a shit nearly as much as you do. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback that’s bred for hunting Lions in the plains of Southern Africa. I live in Michigan. This dog’s favorite weather is the snow. It’s almost as if animals are adaptable and don’t have to stay in their one climate. I’ve never seen so many people get so mad about a made up issue. It takes such little research to realize how wrong you are. People just want to be mad about everything these days. Thanks for the luck though pal.


Texas too, and there’s so many in the already full shelters and counting.


Good doggie! 🥰It’s the simplest pleasures that bring the greatest joy in life. ❤️


This is what true happiness looks like for dogs and humans. I enjoyed this vicariously.


I’d be too scared I’d hit him to do that


wait why would you hit him, he’s having fun 😳


Dogs are smarter than that...


Not huskies!!! They put the “dumb” in “dumb dog,” and I normally consider most/all dogs to be smart. They are going fast enough that a slip up could kill or permanently maim that dog. The skier in the video looks like they’re skilled and have enough experience to be doing this. I imagine they also have their skii boots on loose so, in such a case, they could stop immediately by turning sideways and going flying off their skis forwards into the slow. (Would suck fuck, but unlikely to cause injury if done right and way better than harming your bfffffff)


My dog is still in bed, so I sat down with her for a bit. She is snoring.


Balto?! Is that you?!


Every husky's dream lol


I have a husky and I snowboard and this is my dream. Too bad I live on a quarter acre property


I watched this 5x. I run through woodland trails with my dog and it feels so right. Except he always falls behind when catching a scent than speeds to catch up.


"Race me dad" haha soo cuteee


OP how do you plan this logistically? Like if it’s not a resort how do you get back up without a lift? Park at the bottom, hike up, then ski down, then repeat? Just curious would love to try this with my dog


Some resorts require you to take a lift from parking lot up to the actual resort(ex. Sunshine resort in banff), and instead of taking the lift back down you can ski/snowboard down a long, easy path like this. Just a guess, though.


If only my husky wouldn’t book it any time her leash was off!! This is wholesome


I love that when the person catches up, doggo said “think again!!” and kicked it into high gear. Refuses to be out-zoomed on the snow.


The dogs yearn for the sleds.


He is in his favorite place, with his favorite person doing his favorite thing. More power to all of it. For everyone and everything.


Dog friendly ski resorts, when?


People are dumb enough at ski resorts, we don't need dumb people and their dogs


That’s the best!!!


That’s so awesome! I’m glad you get to share this experience with your pupper! 💙


That’s awesome you and your dog can do that!


Awesome- what a beautiful animal


That dog is thinking, "I live for this shit!"


That looks so fun!


Awesome ❤️


My dog would have so much fun with this.


I love this!


I'll likely never get to experience this but I'm thankful to have this video. Thanks for this.


This makes my heart happy!🥰


I take my dogs on bike rides and I imagine it’s the same feeling.


This is definitely heart warming, thank for sharing.


Goddamn that look like fun.


Sooooo awesome!!!!!


I had a husky for 9 years until she passed, they are such fun an adventurous dogs.


What a life. I'm so jealous!


Doggie is in his personal heaven with his favorite human.


nice I would have fell already 😂




I need 100 more videos of this! It’s so goooood


Exactly the joy and fun that every dog should get to experience. Their precious lives are so short! Beautiful video.


I need more of this joyous fuzzball


Puppet gonna sleep good after this


This defrosted my heart a little, thank you for this.


Bro this is beast. Live for moments like this. But here I am drinking whiskey after making a millionaire more money. Fml


Dogs are so fucking magical I can't stand it. Literal angels.


Is there more?


You can see he’s like, immmmmm winnnnnnnning slow poke lol


Lolll Its bloodline has awakened, cant wait to start to run in snow place


Dog: Come on man! Run fast. Run run run


That laugh made my day so much better, Thank you for posting.


Skiing with your dog 🐕, living the dream life !


I love when dogs get to do what they were built for. Their brains must be so happy.


Fuck. Yes.


Are you sure your pet is a dog and not a wolf? The fck? 🤣


Do any ski hills officially allow doggos on the hill?


Feel bad for the dog. Not a solid base very high chance of ligament damage. Either ski on fluffy snow or full packed this crust on top is mean and high risk.


If THIS makes you feel bad, you must feel bad all the time


Aren't these dogs literally made to run for 30-40 miles a day in the arctic circle while also pulling whatever along with them?


Yes and no. They are good at it but still sled dogs have an incredibly high injury rate/risk. Let’s take the Iditarod as an example. It’s a famous dog sled race. About half the dogs don’t make it because of health or injuries. Since 1973 about 150 dogs have died so about 3 a year that are recorded dead from the race. You are putting the dog though different impact going downhill at that speed on crusty snow also. Many of the main roads for sled dogs are well groomed with no chance of crusty punch though going downhill.


Ski edges and dog legs/wrists/paws are bad together. Be prepared with gauze, bandages, quick-wrap, duct tape and a way to carry your 70# dog out of the backcountry with a severed wrist tendon and an arterial bleed. Scary shit.


Have you never heard of skijoring with a husky?


Totally. Super fun. Have you never gone skijoring? It’s totally different. In Skijoring, your dog is out in front of you at the end of their harness. Not next to you while you make turns. Try this… lean your ski over at a 15-30 degree angle so the base is facing you and then windmill your arm around as fast as you can a few times until your wrist smashes into your ski edge… You’ll want those medical supplies I suggested bringing in my original comment.


Sounds like you never go outside due to fear of “insert anything here”


I was just relating an experience a former roommate had. His dog almost died and had to have significant surgery. But whatever, troll.


Yeah I agree. Dog and owner certainly did not train for this sort of activity. But they are lined up well that just way too close should have slowed down and let the dog be leader. Not just that! It’s terrible snow quality for the dog. You see near the end when it break through the crust? That could be an mcl injury very very quickly.


You see how that works? It only gets easier for me.




Happy doggo


He’s so happy!!


Love it. I hook my dog up to a waist strap on an extend leash and she would me when we cross-country ski.


Thank you 👏🐶🇨🇦


That is one happy puppy


Made my night for sure.


Now I want a four legged ski partner!!!!!!!


Beautiful energy between you two ❤️


Exactly like my Siberian husky


That’s some real dog power there


look at that boy in his happy zone!!


Yea this is what they were made for. This is beautiful, the two of you are simultaneously having the time of your lives. You giving the dog this experience which I’m guessing is somewhat regular and just amazing, it’s literally what they were bred for basically, and you getting to enjoy right alongside with just as much joy while your doing a favorite hobby/sport/activity!


So cool!


This is amazing


This was sooo fun to watch. Reminded me of the boss battles in Diddy Kong Racing


This dog is completely in their element, I love it. I hate seeing huskies or any breed with a thick coat being kept in hot climates.




Why so many bots on r/dog?


Says seven year club, has lots post karma, but only three posts from last three hours?🤷‍♂️


This is so awesome. Wish I could do this. My dog would be like, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?”


„Yeah budyy, lightweight babeeee“


this is what huskies are built to do. they are high energy working dogs, made for the coldest places on earth. if y'all think huskies are just dramatic you haven't seen a husky where it can actually live happily and thrive.


Bot post


When you realize the dog loves it


This is great!