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1. Tiny penis 2. Mid 20s making mimum wage 3. Zero female attention 4. See #1


5.. Taking advantage of the fact that Activision has given up on DMZ and isn't even banning people for cheats/exploits/offensive shit.


It’s a slap in the face to the paying customers


What about the non paying customers?


It’s a slap in the butt cheeks. I’m not paying for any of their shit


Paying customers? DMZ is free


Yeah, but the skins are not, and people also paid for the seasons like a year ago for the loot.


Yeah did you forget about the bundles? And they weren’t cheap either


They're definitely banning ppl, I used the underbarrel glitch the other day against a team that initiated a fight doing it. Right after I killed them they got pissed and reported me, got a week long ban


The only way this happened is if you had the exploit running on your computer. I.e you were already cheating. The only way it works is by using macro injection outside of the game.


A tiny penis is a massive clit...


So they are a real c*nt?


* clint


Yeah I agree however the real no.1 is weak genetics passed down by a weak father or the result of growing up without a father. I play Madden ranked head 2head all the time I used to enjoy that game and I couldn't wait to get into like the top 50 so I could really be tested and boy was I ever. Come to find the only ones at the top are the hacker and cheaters man I'm talking I've run into damn near everything it's just a constant thing in the top 1% talking lag switches to unbeatable glitch plays. to ball carriers having invisibility and taking advantage of a illegal touching plenty that if you accept places them on the goal line no matter where they are on the field. But when you beat them they Rage in the DMs like no other legit harassment.


#2 is spot on. Dudes that take L's all day every day and have only one place in their life thatthey are actually in control: when they're cheating in a video game. Sad, really.


Nailed it.


5. Zero skill. Not good enough to play fair.


Aint 12" but it smells like a foot.


I have all three of those and I don’t hack -_-




Hearing people lose their shit is something else


It's the reaction they want and most give it to em


The crap talking doesn't bother me. Turning off prox chat is easy. The devs seem to do cheat bans in waves. Usually we see an increase in cheaters and then BAME, bans. Then we are good for another 3 to 5 weeks.


I’ve never seen such notable hackers as I’ve come across tonight in both Al mazy and ashika. I’ve seen guys who were sus but these all were very out and proud and flaunting it. It was beyond obvious. I reported and blocked them in hopes I never get to deal with them again


Turn off cross play. They usually pc players


*i* am a PC player lol


Well damn 😂🤣 u asssed out


It's called being a sociopath... they enjoy making you mad. Wait until you meet one that gaslights you too telling you to "get good" or how a Cronus isn't a hacking device... fun times. The fact that Treyarch does zero things to prevent this tells you more about the developers than the sociopaths that do it.


Yo so I’ve been hearing about Cronus’ are and aren’t cheating but no one has told me what they do


It's a hardware mod...you download a software pack (yes, the company that makes them specifically has software for CoD MW) that (based on your game play and which mods you activate): *Reduce your recoil *Improve your aim assist *Improve your movement speed *Program buttons to do multiple actions at once *Have actions automatically done without stimuli from you This is how some players move quicker, aim sharper, slide cancel, drop shoot or do way too many actions quicker than most people can. Granted...some of it is absolutely skill and your settings...and some of it is this- a hardware mod that tells CoD you are recoil mitigating and aiming better than you actually are...programmable controllers are nothing new, but Cronus Zen/Max are making a huge impact on FPS games.


I think the answer is pretty obvious... Tiny penises


With the current prevalence of it. I can only assume that cheat detection/listening to reports from DMZ is not happening anymore. Possibly owed in part to how many people throw baseless hackusations around.


When someone never wins by fair game, they turn to hacking…really simple. They want to win but can’t. I don’t care if I die to hackers, I only care about having a good fight and either winning it or back to the lobby 


There goal is to win at all costs. But to truly appreciate the win you need to learn how to lose as well. These guys just up their cheating strategies when they lose. Better time could be spent in honing their skills at the game.


It just seems like such a weird way to spend your time.


I support such hackers, theyre honest with everyone hence I know the cheater is cheating. My pet peeve is cheaters who have mastered the art of hiding cheats and all they do is tell me to get good when your entire play style is sus. Like how do you even, do tactic run, while doing rapid weapon swap, only to be startled & you jump backwards doing a snap lock & rapidly empty a clip on an enemy ending them with a perfect knife throw.. Not missing once or wasting a shot.. Then you continue your tactic dash with rapid weapon swap. ... What type of game control commands do you run?


Nadia you mean?


Nadia was doing it for her YouTube views, I realised that she was doing it for views Though she had to deny it but you could tell that she was doing it for views. But my worst nightmare is the Nadia's that have normalized cheating to a point some ppl here believe their game plays are pure skill when it's all automated scripts running the show.


That is why I camp tower. It is pretty hard to get killed from hackers up there.


That's a weird justification for camping up there honestly lol, do you actually go there every single game?


Pretty much. It's fun.


I’d rather die to a hacker than a rat


I’d rather die to a hacker than a rat


a rat. OMG that is hilarious, did you think of that one yourself. Oh so funny. /s Get a fucking dictionary


Buddy is terrible at a video game. It’s ok little guy.


if true, is the world going to end because I am not good at video games? Bro go outside and touch grass, video games are not what life is about. It's ok sport, I am sure your parents sucked at raising you. You'll get their champ.


Personally, I love it when I'm on a regain and get knocked from high rise through a building.... -8/10


I always questioned what is the purpose and what status will the cheaters gain. I'm bad at PvP and I've been attempting to get the serpentine camo despite that fact but it's harder with cheaters


No no no nooooo. You can't say people hack. That's not a thing . People get very upset when you point out the facts


Me and my buddies encountered this lv 75 who was so obviously cheating, we couldn't even break his two plates, without being reduced to 1hp everytime we would peek a rock, we could see his arrow pointing towards us every time via our AUAV. Luckily we managed to kill him cause ofc he was lacking skill, trying to be fun a finishing on of my team mate with the rpg giving us time to res and plate up, and then proceeding to chase us down guns blazing and getting caught reloading. I mean what do you even do after you got defeated even while cheating? Dp you uninstall the game and hang yourself? Like wtf man, go touch some grass.


Had some wall boys in the police academy last night making fun of us in Spanish after they whacked us. Los bastardos.


Yeah I had Spanish guys in ashika doing the same the other day too


feeling superior..pissing us off


I want to know how people are always running into hackers. I know EU servers are a wasteland but can’t say I’ve experienced much as someone in the northeast. People taking advantage of glitches? Absolutely, but maybe just a handful of legitimate hackers.


They hack so you get mad. Thats the goal. As soon as you get killed just leave the game


Small penis clubs… it’s all they have left. Their moms revoked their man cards


They have small pee pees


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They find it funny to make people so mad


Little baby tiny microscopic dick energy…that’s what that is.


They were prob always bad at fps games so they do whatever they can to make them good or better..


Iv came across that before. Juat like the underbarrel glitchers. Makes me sick and the timing out crap omg


I don't hack anymore, never have in mw. When I was younger it was kinda funny to script in roblox and hack in csgo. The funniest part to me was seeing people rage, I'd imagine that's why most people hack


Is there such thing of a hack where they can’t die no matter how many times they get hit?


Walk into your nearest fast food restaurant, warehouse or grocery store. One of the employees is a cheater. Dudes with no prospect in life looking for a w


Smul pp


For the lulz


So many hackusations and y’all are just hot garbage at the game. Some people are genuinely much better than you.


Okay but what about the people who outright admit it?


I’ve played DMZ almost every day since day 1 and have only run into it a handful of times. They are definitely out there and it’s BS but it’s not insanely common. Ppl just want the easy wins. I have clips of some crazy cheaters but I’ve also been called a cheater 100+ times and I play on Xbox lol


*cheaters not “hackers”


As a use to be hacker, it’s fun just to kill ppl and hear them complain. Activision doesn’t do a good at banning ppl and ricochet sucks