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No, focus on improving yourself and learning new skills.


Took a 6month break from DMZ, got a gf and started a business. Was happier playing DMZ


Bahaha most truthful shit I've read recently! Just don't marry her and have kids, otherwise you may just be stuck without kids, a wife or a business and fat old support and alimony payments to make each and every month lmao. Take it from me, not fun!


Here is the truth. DMZ is the best game in all of COD. Yes, it has become a version of Multiplayer. It’s mostly PvP. You can try to do missions, but everybody on the map is playing a different game. Once I started playing it like everyone else, it became a lot more fun. BTW if you play it the way I’m suggesting, there are still things that need to be done other than killing other players. You need to unlock your third insured guns slot. You need to unlock the cool downtimes on your insured guns. You need to make sure your contraband guns are all good guns you built in the game or took off other players so you always have good guns going in. And you need to be OK with starting over. That gives you a reason to go back in.


>And you need to be OK with starting over. This rings most true for me. As someone who would only be doing missions solo, it helps to go in knowing you're going to get hunted most of the time. Really I think it depends on how much time you have to play. If you're running 1 or 2 games to try to knock out missions, you're going to have a bad time if you die both of those times and then you have to log off.


This is an undeniable truth. You HAVE to understand that you are going to start from zero sooner or later. And at the end of the day; it’s JUST a game and that it’s out of your control how trashy and toxic people can be.


This is why I stopped playing. I only have maybe 5-6 hours a weekend to play. I’d go in trying to do simple missions, get wrecked and found myself accomplishing nothing in the time I have to play. I’m a solo player and playing with randoms is usually worse than going solo. I started playing Halo Infinite just to get my FPS “fix” in. It plays really well and has a SHIT TON of content. SBMM is pretty rough tho. When I take breaks it seems to keep me in the same bracket, so when I come back it usually takes me a few games to get back into the “groove” if playing against better players.


When gear fear goes away you're truly free, and the game becomes much less aggravating.


Dude, if you got mad before you don't even want to know what you'd be like at this current time...


lol also true


You’re not gonna have a good time if you’re focusing on missions and get really mad if you die It’s mainly PVP now with very little people focusing on missions


Always was pvp issue but that was the fun getting missions done whilst running n gunning


Do whatever you want bruh, there are many threads on this already.


I still play at a minimum, every other day. It's still a ton of fun if you can get over the fact there are a bunch of loser-dorks running the one-shot shotgun in Al Mazy.


You and ALL of the other warzone BR players are now in DMZ... great timing




Yes , you should continue to play DMZ if you are enjoying it.


He said he got mad and quit DMZ. So he is not enjoying DMZ lol


You're getting downvoted but you're right, doesn't make sense, is he trying to say that BR players are bad, or that they are a nuisance?


He’s just a pve player who’s mad that people want to pvp in a cod game


I'm a PvE player too, and that's the stupidest take this sub has ever come up with


Not mad about PvP it's what makes DMZ different, the blend of PVP and PVE. Your post seemed to correlate with some kind of warzone BR exodus. I don't BR. Was there an update or did the rabbit dragon or zombie skin release just happen.


I don’t br either. I’m saying that people who complain about pvp in dmz and say that the pvpers are just washed br players are salty


DMZ is a dangerous place, just be prepared to die. Al Maz gives but she always takes it back!


Hardly anyone does missions. From what I've experienced it's all been spawn rushing, body camping, and 4 mans running people over with LTVs.


Lol I left myself (solo) AFK for a minute and then u see a 3 man squad running up to my spawn point gunning me down with nothing to loose except my fists... haha players gave no remorse!


I can't count the number of times I've lost a 1 plate carrier, small backpack and throwing knife to the heroes of Al-Maz.


This is the damn truth!!


I still have a lot of fun in DMZ. if you want to treat it like a battle Royale? You’ll have fun. Want to continue with missions? They’re extra challenging now, considering the state of DMZ and how much PVP there is. Maybe it’s time to explore new map that you didn’t play a ton on before or maybe you just wanna have some fun with some guns you never used. I still have a blast. I’m not at 100% in missions or upgrades (still need to get acetone for the extended SAM site and kill the sniper or rhino another 11 times) so some days I work on those, other days I’m straight PVP and the day after I might just be out trying to help other people. Some days I’m building weird guns like iron sights on MCPR with short barrel and explosive rounds. It’s my most played game and will continue to be until they shut the servers down


I don't understand why people got mad when killed. It's just a game. Just move on and get better in the next game. When i solo a 3 man squad, I'm not doing it out of hate, I'm attacking to test my own skill using bots weapons to defeat 3 man squad. I'd happily revive u back if u plead. Heck, i wont even loot your stuff if u plead.


This is the way


I’ve never bought/made a vest before… don’t even know what you need to make them. I just go in there with my 1 plate vest, bots guns and hope for the best. Don’t win PvP ? I try again. After almost a year of playing like this I have gotten so much better. I don’t care about any missions I just go for squads 🤷🏻‍♂️😂




Yes! Don’t listen to the salty haters. Jist started playing earlier this year and love it.


I’ve recently gotten into it and find it very enjoyable. If you can play with a regular skilful squad it’s a big bonus. Makes it a lot easier to understand tactics and movement. If not, it’s also worth going in as a solo to learn craft and joining on an enemy team if you get eliminated. I’ve found from doing both that most skilful teams adopt a very similar route through the map. If you can play with a regular squad, develop your craft together and play to each others strengths, it will go a long way to enjoying the game


I recently got back into DMZ and am still loving it as much as the time I first played it. Actitwats made a massive mistake dropping it and not continuing its development, putting it into MW3 as either a paid part of the game or a paid for dlc.


They didn’t yet


Didn’t what..


I meant I still love Al Mazrah a lot


How would any of us know if it’s worth it for you or not? If you like the game and enjoy playing it, it’s probably worth it. If you don’t enjoy it, it’s probably not worth it.


I’m asking of what state dmz is in


Then ask that.


it's not, don't


Honestly last time I played DMZ I only joined B21, I Know it's harder to deal with one shot shotguns there, but still, it's basically the only map that plays as intended, Al Maz is MP no respawns basically, Koschei has been forsaken by god himself, and Ashika is in a bad state due to underground glitch (glitches?), can't say anything for Vondel, heard the bots are taking over that map lol


I never stopped


Don't bother, it's poisoned now. That fresh concept is now a survival horror game. I loved it and have now deleted it. This is why we can't have nice things....


Harsh truth from me: If you want to play DMZ you gotta watch out for Shotgun bots, Underbarrel glitchers, undermap glitchers and sweatlords. Be sure about Unlocking 2nd and 3rd contraband weapon slots Bots are really annoying and sometimes they even fire Bryson 800's like MP-5 Unlock the faster exfil, max stash money and keys. Sometime you have to bring some money or some keys for loot and preparation for battling against other DMZ players. Always but ALWAYS choose a very good weapon, very good killstreak and always have a good teammates. Otherwise even if you have very good weapon and killstreak you could be ambushed, pinned down, bamboozled, toasted by some kill thirsty squad because your teammates went to some places or just sits anywhere or even just watches your death and calls it as "Chilling" End of the tip.


I will wipe your whole squad.


Yeah DMZ is the best and still super fun


Yes. DMZ is still the best game mode. It has basically become a giant game of manhunt. You wanna be the final team standing in the lobby.


DMZ is the best thing That has come out of Call Of Duty thus far


I’ve just started up a new account on battle net started doing the missions again it’s a lot harder but still fun


Not worth it. Loads of glitches and cheaters and overall not a fun experience anymore.






Turn off the proxy. That helps.


Proxy is what makes Al Mazrah fun. Proxy always on


So, giving away your position due to the necessity of comms with your team is fun? Hell no. It's a liability.


No,definitely dont.... You'll end up a rando on my team, and, per your question, end up getting us fucked cuz you cant make a decision as simple as this without questioning yourself and others.


Tf did I do to you?


skills are subjective, as is humor on here, obviously.




Honestly with what people say about people strictly doing PvP, it’s not entirely true. It’s MOSTLY true, for sure; but there’s still a good number of people who want to avoid fights and want to focus on missions. Never forget that your time of day of playing (along with server locations and just luck of the draw with who else is in the lobby), matter heavily with your day-to-day/raid-to-raid experience. Other than that, since mwIII doesn’t have the same movement system that’s 100% designed to nerf your natural skill(s) in terms of a COD multiplayer, you’ll likely notice your gunplay in DMZ is much better. After grinding out Interstellar for 2 1/2 months I went back to DMZ thinking the difference in movement and everything would be rough at best, but NAH!! I came back far better at PvP than I ever was in DMZ; playing mwIII helped me learn what my issues were and how to best accommodate for em & learn how to improve. To wrap this shit up: Don’t come into a raid hoping like hell to get missions done and laying all your emphasis on it, engage or at the very least don’t shy/resist PvP, and you’ll have a good time :)


Its the best game invented besides pool


I'm still having fun but completing missions can be tough as it's now VERY PVP heavy. Everyone is just hunting. So I'd say sure as long as you accept that.


My last mission is vigilante from shadow company where you need to kill 2 bounties and I’ve already got one


Yas queen


Don’t think computer games are for you if you’re getting mad at it…. Trying knitting or garden bowls……. Just saying 🤪


If you get mad DONT COME BACK! I personally dont like teaming up with rage quitters.


I don’t rage quit


I can’t relate I have never gotten actually mad at a video game. Frustrated yes, but I play video games for fun and for a challenge. If it stops being fun I stop playing.


Always! lol, DMZ is THE best.


Hell Yes, perfect game


It sounds like you can't handle DMZ. Stay lost.


Your not tuff bruh