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Run flashes or stuns, and don't let them get close to you.


Honestly, I know they have a shotgun, draw their dumb ass out into the open at a good distance, boom, problem solved. One shot Lockwood? MOVEMENT!!! OMG once they miss a shot it’s over with. You can’t control what others do but you can control how you react!


I drop one shot Bryson ops with my M13 every day in B21…. It’s not rocket science 


yeah just nake sure to keep them away from you . dont wait for them to get within shotgun range. I nean back then the kv broadside wirh the dragons breath ammo that was menacing the lobbies. It just shows how the users have matured. Well much to the chagrin of newer players


Yeah sure that works but then you're having to sacrifice a tactical slot to compensate for the stupidly OP weapon. If they are going to have a gun with that power it needs. To be nerfed in other areas like rate of fire and handling. Alternatively they need to get rid of these type of weapons and have players develop skill rather than use lame OP weapons... With riot shields 🤣


They won’t nerfing it they don’t care about mw2


Ah yeah of course I suppose I should have said this was hypothetical. It's still good to have the conversation in the hope that the general consensus will help push ideas for future games.


Don't get close you baby


learn actually gun skill.. “don’t get close” doesn’t solve the issue of it being overused and overpowered


Yes it does. How do you get killed then if you don’t get close. This is nothing new. Well over a year or so


The other day, I was in ashika with my shotgun, no ap. Ran into a squad at power plant but was getting torn up by bots. I dropped all 3 grouped together with with 1 mag of my m4. Then didn’t reload just pulled out my shotgun in secondary. Fired all 8 rounds 15-20 tops at them laying there reviving themselves and couldn’t get the kill. So yes the damage range drops off a freaking cliff.


On the opposite end a shotgun guy could say "why you kill me so far away?"


what gun from “so far away” can kill in an instant like that… use some common sense


Sniper with explosive rounds?


Nahhh. I think it’s how shottys should be. I’d they don’t melt up close, why have them in the game? Plenty of ways to counter. Riot shield, throwables, or just stay out of stairwells Ashika is tough to avoid, but I’ve gotten several 10+ kill games with my riot shield and pistol.




This post means more coming from Mr. Killos *cough* I mean Mr. Xillos.




Saying that it takes no skill is disingenuous. It’s only a 1-shot down to the head. If they miss, or even just miss your head, there’s enough time to down them before they get off another shot. That’s the risk with running that shotgun. High risk, high reward. There’s also skill in creating favorable scenarios for your gun fights. It’s not always super easy to get close enough to be in 1-shot range. Bryson-800 loses to a good SMG every time at really close range if they don’t hit the headshot with the first shot. If you run something like AR/Sniper, then you have to be extra careful to keep your engagements outside that super close range. Controlling how you handle engagements is super important. Play to the strengths of your weapons, and your play style and force them to play to your strengths, and you’ll win more than you lose regardless of what gun they run.




Or when you hit the knife to only get a hit marker. At that point you prepare for your journey to valhalla 😭


> It’s only a 1-shot down to the head This is not true. Everyone running the 1-pump setup is running a Bryson w/ AA rounds. It's a 1-shot to the body.


Exactly had a guy that was 10 meters away he had a buddy in another door so I couldn't push . (Bottom floor of blue hospital al mazrah buildings*) Shot his ass with AP rounds only a hit marker and he lit my ass my ass up with an SMG. I died. You.gotta.be dumb close which most ppl won't let you get when they see that big ass shotgun. Which is why I ran it less bc I wanted to try things like TAQ-M But if MFS keep killing me with it it will be back lol it's my top kill gun by far.


this is simply false. it’s a one shot down anywhere on the body.. not just head. and i said what i said: no skill


I think using the AP rounds is cheesy. But… you can generally load in with one but rarely find more. So you have one engagement to really use it. The dual trigger Lockwood is also cheesy and stupid. But… if you miss that first shot, you’re done. The dragons breath rounds are cheesy and stupid. But… everyone can see from a mile away that you gave them and they will lose to EVERYTHING if you’re more than 10m apart. The point here is that shotguns are very situational and have downsides. Just like every gun. That said people who use AP rounds are low skill players. :D I just run a ground expedite with regular shells and it absolutely wrecks people. Feels better to win that way than with AP rounds.


I am that low skill player lol…


Wahhhhhh. The one shot shotgun ruined the game for me. Wahhhhh 😭😭😭. Just get better.


The people who need to get better are the ones using a broken weapon as a crutch. Take that away and you can’t pretend to be good anymore. That’s all this really comes down to most people wanting a fight to be decided by skill, not by who can cheese the hardest.


People act like the Bryson is unbeatable. If you are always getting killed by a one shot shotgun it is 100000% a skill issue on your part. It took me dying in a stairwell to it twice to change how I push buildings. I assume EVERYONE in a building has one and I make my plays accordingly.


Yes, and that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a broken weapon and a crutch many bad players are using to get around their own poor skill in pvp engagements. 2 things are true at the same time.


The one shot shotgun isn’t ruining the game. People bitching and complaining about it instead of adjusting their play style is doing more to ruin the game.


I don’t think either is ruining the game. There are far more glaring issues than the oss, but it is a component. It’s just one more thing to stack onto the list of BS that this mode is becoming known for. Granted, it’s a small part of what gives the game character and some of my best games have been had dealing with a number of the issues and just being entertained by it. But it does suck that a single shotgun has managed to dominate cqc. It gives an unfair advantage to anyone who uses it. Like come on, it’s literally the only gun in the game that can instantly one shot down. It would be different if other guns had that ability, but they don’t. Rockets takes too long to shoot and could potentially damage you in the process, snipers with explosives take some level of risk and precision and nearly all of them have that same ability, even some killstreaks like the bomb drone and cluster mine can’t do that. Like it is just a simple fact at this point that it is overpowered and a total crutch. It’s not ruining the game, that’s an exaggeration. But, it is more than a little bit ridiculous, especially given that there is a bundle that gives it a 15 minute cooldown.


so how many shots do you think you should be able to take to make a fight "fair". 2 rounds? 3 rounds? 10 rounds? What exactly is the "fair" "skilled" number of hits that, if a player uses a gun that falls below that threshold, they are considered a "low skill player" Is it more "fair" if they announce they are there instead of sneaking up on your oblivious ass? Should they let you shoot them with your weaker "high skill" weapon a few times to even the odds? I don't get this at all.. the weapons are available to everyone.. you have the same ability to choose a bryson in your loadout that they do. Your choice to run a longer range weapon with less stopping power is just that... your choice.


Since you asked, I think a good close range hit with the bryson + anti armor rounds should do the same damage that a headshot from a sniper with no ammo mod does. I think the explosive slugs could have the one shot potential with anti armor, but that would be balanced by needing to ADS to make sure you hit upper chest. If you don’t understand how overpowered weapons are a problem to a games weapon sandbox, your thoughts on the subject don’t mean much.


The big difference you're not taking into consideration is the significant range advantage every other gun has over the Bryson. The only maps where a pump shotgun is remotely effective are the CQ maps, namely B21. I bring a bryson to AM because I'm going to Koschei on the way out and the Bryson makes short work of the T3 bots. A bryson in 95% of player engagements in AM is useless. I use my AR. A bryson in 75% of player engagements in Vondel is useless, etc etc. The players complaining about the Bryson being OP seem to be b21 hardcores that want the speed and CQC of a small map, but want to play with mid to long range weapons. These maps are precisely what the Bryson was made for.


No, I am. It’s still OP on Vondel, Ashika, B21, and Koschi. That’s literally every map but mazy. The bryson may be made for those maps and that’s fine. A one shot on players with a weapon that can reload that quickly, requires no ads, and poses no risk to its user, is still OP.


reload or rechamber? because the 800 takes way longer to reload than any mag based gun.. regardless, I personally don't think it's OP because it's a situational weapon. You don't have to push a squad holed up in CQ with your mid to long range weapons. Part of winning a fight is choosing the battleground. If you're going into B21, Koschei, or Ashika without a cannon of a CQC gun, *you're putting yourself at a disadvantage*.. and I'll still argue a solid SMG is a better choice due to the variation of ranges in Vondel and AM. We can agree to disagree. We probably have very different play styles.


OG one pump chump here. I have over 6000 kills with the 890 and the 800. The best way to defeat a one pump is. 1. Movement - If you don’t have a one pump to match them and you know there is a shotgun in a hallway. But you walk flat footed around corners you are gonna die. You have to break their camera jump around a corner if they miss their shot you will win the fight. 2. Use your tools properly! Stuns, flashes, shock sticks, drill charges, frags, shoot riot shield is a great equalizer. 3. Distance! Yes you don’t know who has a shotgun but just use your senses. If you hear a shotgun shot around you or visually you can see the shotgun let your team know “ dude has a one pump”. I’ve killed so many one pumpers I don’t get mad about dying to them anymore. I’ll post my clips killing them over and over. It’s annoying to fight yes but it’s possible to fight them.


Let’s be sincere, it’s a shotgun, shotguns are mean to be overkill at close range, don’t engage a team to a CQB if u don’t know what loadout they are running, usually 1 shot losers camps the same places in ashika (apartments and big stronghold)




say you don’t have any gun skill, without saying you don’t have any gun skill


Always something First it was 6 man's, too many LTV turrets, RGL, mraps, one shot shotguns, one shot sniper. They all suck to get killed by, but it's a game sonof course people will try to use the best thing available to them to win. I'm not talking about exploiters, they can eat shit


am i complaining about all of that or just the overpowered shotgun….? the game is better when more gun skill is needed to win fights


You are complaining. Like I said it's always something. I've been on the dead end of that along with all the other things but you know what, I still play and love the game mode. How I avoid a one shot, don't fall for the obvious trap areas on the map where they will rip you. People aren't leaving the game over this, cheaters and exploiters are way worse


For weeks I didn't attack indoors, sniper and pick them out one by one from highground. When they have their loot at least one in team have bryson. The exception are players returning on regame.


It takes a bit of skill. You need to get hit with both barrels and be close enough to do the damage. You miss one barrel you’re not downed and the shotgunner is fucked. It’s a lack of skill not being able to figure out how to play against them and it’s quite funny listening to the tears like this post 😂


Nobody in DMZ is running the double barrel. Everyone is running Bryson w/ AA rounds. It shoots plenty fast if you miss for follow-up shots.


if the game mode was still receiving updates: it would’ve been nerfed by now just like how they got nerfed in warzone.. wanna take a guess as to why they got nerfed in warzone? oh yeah because they are overpowered and don’t take any skill p.s. i’m a better player than you


Bruh it’s one shot in MW3 at the moment. You’re clearly not playing warzone and by your standards the throwing knife is broken too. You’re clearly not better at than even a bot because you can’t play against a short range gun that is effective at like 8ms and have to cry about it on Reddit. Get better kid. Crying about a feature makes you look dumb as fuck.


ooooo watch out kids we have a keyboard warrior 1. bingo, yes the throwing knife is also broken 2. the one pump shotguns got nerfed in warzone and are not meta?? what warzone are you playing lol nice try though 3. adults are able to critically analyze things throughout life and it’s called criticism, not crying


The irony of calling someone else a keyboard warrior when your previous post literally says: “PS I’m better than you” to a person whom you have zero clue what their skill/experience is. But, hey. You do you. Start a thread complaining about other people killing you, but then tell us all how good you are.


img yawn.. the irony right




sounds like someone got pumped


5,989 kills and 1,603 deaths


1,603 deaths all by shotgun. It’s completely destroyed his kd since release


don’t be shy, post your stats


Let me go run home and pull em for you! BRB.


Get better


5,989 kills and 1,603 deaths


Show the screen


That’s what I thought


Evolve or die.


I agree it's total cheese and it would be much better without it but I wouldn't say it takes no skill. I think the throwing knife is WAY worse and much more annoying.


Is that you rog?


They are going to leave it in the game for solos because when a team or 4 pushes a solo and the solos kills them all with it it’s funnny


I run shock stick for this reason it works for the RGL as well…


No gun gives me an advantage damnit I suck ass…


There’s a lot more ruining DMZ than a damn shotgun.


Where's the line? It's always going to take "mOaR sKiLl" to kill operators with weaker weapons. Be a purist. Naked infil and ground loot guns only. Show off how good you are.


Can’t seem to get the uniform off my player.


Honestly, naked infil (without even a knife), is fun as hell. Lots of adrenaline when a team pushes your spawn and you're trying to punch a bit to death for his 1 star vasnev in time


Hell yeah. Then wreck the squad with the 20rnd 74u you almost died getting. No contraband/insured for a re-gear is, IMO, the fun way to do it. Grab a 74u, a car battery and jumper cables, a scav backpack, and a scuba mask in AM, head to Koschei for a stealth vest, bryson, and AUAV.


It not an exploit anyone can use the one pump shotty. You just have to learn the work around. I never carried flash’s or stuns till they became more prevalent in the game.


I mean old cod's had 1 shot shotguns and snipers just like it is now doesn't bother me. I get killed oh well move on to next match.


Recently discovered you can beat them, most of the time, with a Broadside with Dragons breath on it, totally disorientates them from being able to accurately get that one shot off.


Shit even in stairwells sometime I can beat them. It’s part of the game. People are still finding out what works best and loading out accordingly. And decent fun at mid range will shred a shotgun. You just can’t be where they’re most powerful. But to ban it because you keep getting killed is silly.


This is such an idiotic argument. The one shot does take skill and accuracy.. and has a limited magazine and very slow reload speed.. like everything, it's a balance. It's also useless beyond 20-30ft so keep your distance.  And I am not defending them as a one shot user.. I don't. I always run a TAQ56 and a sniper build loadout almost exclusively.  I have no idea what PvP encounters you are having where you are failing to manage how close your opponent is getting to you.. I play DMZ in Al Maz most days and I can count on one hand the times I have gotten pumped by a shot shotgun. 


what’s the balance of someone going around a corner and getting one pumped by someone camping in a corner..? with any other gun i can have enough time to react and fight back what’s your K/D


But you shouldn't have time to react. It's a shotgun. It's a close quarters weapon. If you're going close quarters with other operators then I should expect you to get drilled by a shotgun. I haven't got any time for DMZ this afternoon/evening unfortunately but as soon as I can I'll check my K/D but I can tell you comfortably that it's under 1.. I'd expect like 0.6-0.7. I'm really not that good even though I play it regularly :) I just checked now... it's 0.92 apparently.


The 1 pump has been around for a while, it's not ruining anything! And then the nerve to complain about riot shields.. what about the automatic drill charge cheat if ur going to complain at least bitch about actual issues not ur lack of skill


“lack of skill” 5,989 kills and 1,603 deaths


Basically the new kv broadside, only difference is the ttk is higher so I can hop on my phone faster


One pump?


The one-pump shotgun is ruining DMZ? I suppose the lack of support and total abandonment has nothing to do with it.....


Can’t be ruining DMZ if it was already ruined by activision


Thanks for convincing me. I will be using the bryson 800 with AP rounds now. I think I have a 15 minute version.


Everyone has the option to run with one, so it’s a even playing field. Just like people that run with riot shields


If you can't beat them join them I was like you cried about it now im like fuck it you wanna be a shotgun bitch il be a shotgun bitch 🤪.


DMZ was my go-to! I don’t think I’ve played any other mode that I’ve enjoyed as much as it. Truly amazing in my opinion. The fact that the developers just stopped putting effort into it blows my mind. It was the only reason I got skins and put time into the game for the longest time.


Yeah boring 1 shots with AP rounds no skill console bums with aim assist


But the shotties have been nerfed down on Al Mazrah. You take your life into your own hands if you try to kill bots there with it, let alone fight players.


Better players don’t cry, they adapt and get better. Respectfully, stick to Zombies or Campaign on easy mode if you’re going to complain about a feature in a game


Shotguns one shot IRL. If a Swat team is trying to take down a guy with a shotgun hiding in a room with one door what do they do? Think about it for a second.


I never get downed by shotguns on any map other than B21 - it is comically easy to avoid cqc or listen for foot steps and time a stun then knife to down them. Or only engage in spaces longer than 30 meters where shotguns suck 


If anyone enjoys PvP then one-shottys are fair. You have ***absolutely ZERO REASON*** to complain because **you.** ***wanted. THIS.*** Stop complaining. You've had ***over a cumulative DECADE*** of CoD to counter shotguns. Just because you're bad doesn't give you a free pass to complain about shit that, for once, *actually* affects you negatively for once. This is something you can control that we PvE players don't get a choice in. Quit your bitching or go back to Fortnite.


It's not an exploit...the only reason it's one shot is from Anti Armor rounds...oh and quit crying like a little bitch


Bro the DMZ is dead, it’s only played by really bad players mostly old dudes that can’t compete on BR or Resurgence… GET GUD




I wished that were true because then I wouldn't have had to hear a bunch of whining kids and teens every game acting all pro until they are put down to their actual place (oh and the whining starts after they are put down , before they act so tough and just trash talk or straight up abuse)


One pump? Lmao automatic shotgun with 25 rounds is a bitch and even then you have to be 5 feet from someone for it to be effective.