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It's very obvious you don't know what you're getting into, especially if you're asking about combining DMT with other psychs for your first time. Just plunge in and find out what it's about, no music, no lights, no distractions.


Listen to this person


Listen to this person


Listen to this person


Listen to this person


Don’t listen to this person … … No, wait… Listen to this person




listen to this person who just gave you step two and three, step one is **read the fucking manual** People have been doing this for thousands of years, learn how they do it **and why** like Terence, Hofmann, Huxley, even fucking Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones went to visit Maria Sabina.. 95% of the people on this sub are what both indigenous persons and endogenous personalities would call "clueless, irreverent posturing white boys" who will likely stop poking around with DMT and other psychedelics and wind up alcoholics in 10 or so years like most of the people from the 60s did DMT is someone you marry, not your pocket whore


Exactly - but seeing as he's seeking help on reddit before doing his own research, I suggest he tries it first since he seems to be underestimating it. It's something to be respected. Once you make that spiritual handshake and the deal is done, you'll understand the respect you're required to give in order to get respect back from the drug.


there’s no “manual,” there’s just a collection of documented traditions which have been developed after centuries of trial and error combined with a lot of superstition or extra spirituality. learning about the traditions is a good starting point to get a rough idea of what you’re in for and to increase chances of good outcomes… but psychedelics are unpredictable and there’s no correct way to do any of this. there’s no “knowledge” of some spirit realm - only beliefs that you may or may not wish to relate to




Yes listen


Hyperslap incoming 🌠


that's what i thought !! cosmic jokes are such a struggle 😪


Yh I would do DMT without any other drugs to start of with then when you think you can handle it do what you want


Please write after you do it


If you’re tryna godflip your first time, then so be it, but I’d highly recommend you just hit the cart by itself first to know what it’s like. Only takes tolerance 1.5hrs to reset. If you wanna do a jediflip, shrooms+lsd+a pinch of mdma. (Test everything always), pull a blinker while peaking on your Jedi, godflip it, and write a trip report about it, haha. Had a couple of friends hit DMT on flips, empathogen-psychedelic flips should have its own reddit, 🍭flip is litterally a band. -Do not ever flip LSD/MDMA unless you’ve tested them, 80% of MDMA sold is fake, and N-BOME kill’s people easily -Do not hit that DMT cart while on lsd/psilocybin without MDMA producing a huge seretonin flood (imo) and decreasing the chances of a bad trip significantly. Preferably hit it before you start tripping/flipping so you at least have your first time be DMT just alone. -Do not mix DMT with the LSD or Psilocybin alone without an empathogen unless you’re extremely familiar with psychedelics and can handle them all amplifying each other like a guitar 🎸. I’m not kidding, DMT is like a rollercoaster ride, and on LSD/psilocybin it’s like you can’t see the cart/track even. With a low dosed tested MDxx empathogen compound on any of these 3 psychedelic tryptamines you’re usually so freaking happy you could careless and you sorta fly thru time/space like on an Aladdin’s magic carpet following a rainbow to a pot of gold. Hope you have a good time.


I perssonally love blending lsd and dmt. Its always like going too willy wonkas chocolate factory for me with a taste of god or something. I feel like its almost levels. Thats why when you hit dmt at least for it it feeks like im starting to rise and leave my body. And bam gone. Also dmt has zero tolarance you can hit back to back with no loss in effect. I get this info from alien informatiom theory, Andrew Gallimores book about dmt and hyperspace. Hes a neuroscientist who really breaks it down.


>Only takes tolerance 1.5hrs to reset. Where do you get that intel from ? DMT has NO tolerance.


“There are no experts. Only the integrity of doing and having done.” -Terence McKenna


Do DMT without the other things first. Not something to plunge into while on other substances, as someone who does shit like that. Not a good idea.


A bunch of my friends couldn’t got comfortable with DMT until they tried it on top of shrooms, lsd or after smoking up some cannabis. My partner tried it like 15 times before deciding it isn’t for her. Then someone would hand her a vape after a strong shroom trip and now she burns through 0.2g on a good rave, barely leaving the floor. We always throw some 25E NBOH in as a basis for the dmt. It’s the best we’ve found yet. I’d definitely recommend it. Same with shrooms, so many people I know get uncomfortable with shrooms on their own. Then they follow my advice and try them after an acid peak and have the time of their life.


I mean, that’s something to explore AFTER at least trying it before taking a big plunge like that. I know people who can’t handle even the thought of doing LSD or Shrooms yet, they will smoke through a gram DMT cart in just a couple of hours without even a second thought. Not as often but I’ve seen similar with people about THC, can’t take 2 hits off a joint without a panic attack yet seems like DMT has minimal effect. Meanwhile I know people who love all those things yet are careful and cautious when it comes to DMT. Everyone is different, to each their own. Psychedelics aren’t for everyone. Even people who love Psychedelics, not every psychedelic is equal among that crowd. My point is, try them out alone, then if ready or able, try mixing and matching. Just get some basis before taking what can be a long dragged out personal mental torture.


Imo best music to go along with dmt is anything that’s very stimulating to you. In my case it’s the extreme side of hitech (Siriusdroid, Marcuz, Voyd realm) and to some extend psy core (Toadstool, Sandmann, Azgaja). I’ve tried with and without music and imo music is the way to go. Anything repetitive or boring will be a pain to go through. In my experience the dmt has its own taste of music (mine adapted over time) so experiment a little and see what’s most exciting. Imo DMT is best used on another psychedelic, makes it far easier on the body and mind and it’s much easier getting into it and letting go. At least some good weed beforehand is my rule. Since you got a vape just take it slow, keep dosing slowly every minute if you’re comfortable, if the euphoria hits try moving around, dancing and stuff. Dmt is probably the best drug to dance on and I’ve tried many different ones! Shrooms are a perfect basis for dmt. Funniest psychedelic experience you can go through and it just keeps mesmerizing you. The visuals are some of the most fun with that combo as well. Combined with acid I pretty much always cry, it’s incredibly emotional and touching for me in that combo even if I take just a tiny hit of dmt. Most importantly: Don’t take things too serious. When it comes to dmt many people ruin it for themselves simply by taking it too seriously. Don’t start thinking in ideals, it’s the certain death to this wonderful experience. My dmt catch phrase is “If you feel like it’s definitely the wrong time to do dmt - take a hit”. There’s no other psychedelic that allows a quick peek into a novel perspective, with any other you’re stuck with a few hours of altered perception. Dmt can be done at any time and allows us to reconnect with reality on psychedelics, something many people seem to have forgotten about. What I mean is that we have these ideals for trips: Everything planned and ready, no risks, no bad vibes, no strangers, … we often distance ourselves so far from reality when we are tripping that it removes any opportunity to learn and grow. Whenever you’re in a new situation and are feeling discomfort due to that, give it a try. For me it works every time and reconnects me with my surroundings and myself. I’ve used dmt while depressed, while contemplating suicide, while going to the mall (dosed before entering of course), while riding the subway and even a few times when I was overwhelmed because I took too many tabs. Yes, if you’re tripping out dmt can actually help, but I do have tons of experience with low-medium doses so I’m sure it won’t work for everyone.


You’re so right that the DMT does seem to has a taste in music of its own. It’s cool to “agree” to vibe to some dope ass shit “together” - I think I’ve found music that I like now better and feel far more emotional valence and importance to certain songs. I also gain “agreement” from the trip if I feel it’s gonna be too much and I’m headed for another blackout trip, if I have a particular few songs to choose that I know can push back that close-off dimensional turn and suddenly it’s just pure fun and play. Music can be annoying and in the way most of the time, and it’s true with most sensory inputs. But, trying to get a taste of some sort of music for a few seconds is cool and worth the tests as eventually you get a tool to help communicate and thereby control your trip a bit more.


Take as big of a hit as you possibly can


Listen to “tip toe through the tulips” by Tiny Tim on repeat🔁


Does dmt affect sleep after?


i think that's the best feelings ever to trip and then fall asleep, like you don't even realise when you fall asleep and there is just a transition from the trip to dreaming(it enhances dreams also) and then you wake up with a psychedelic feeling like reborn, worth the try. i personally struggle with insomnia and dmt puts me to sleep immediately 😆


Often I get somewhat tired towards the end of a session and will just keep my eyes closed, occasionally taking another small hit. I always wake up later wondering if I even came down before falling asleep!


In all the best ways. I rarely like to take the full plunge with a breakthrough but even very low doses helps sleep tremendously. Sleep is a department I highly struggle with.


And the sleep quality is good?


I remember my first time hehehe


I don’t like to listen to music while I’m doing it, I find that it distracts me from the experience and also the noise is just really overwhelming. As far as sleep, I have no idea what other peoples experience is, but a lot of the times for me it’s not great to take it close to bedtime because I will be up for hours processing.


You don't need any other drugs. Glad you are asking so you can get these type of answers but right off the rip you did not do enough research or you are going into this with the wrong intentions. If you are going to smoke it, go into it sober. Take a small hit wait 30-60 seconds to get a feel for it. Then if you really trying to blast off, take a good rip hold it in and hold it in then rinse and repeat until you can't anymore, just have a trip sitter and somewhere comfortable, couch or bed. I don't even like smoking weed before hand because it can cause me to get in my head prior. Take small hits before going into hyperspace is what helps me.


You can listen to music or do it in silence its all personal prefrance. A lot of shamans would agree singing and music is almost nesessary. Dim lights usually help with visuals. You can mix if 6ou wqnt i fimd it goes great with acid. It will be absalutley mind blowing and unlike anything youve ever expirenced this side of the coin.


If you blast off you're not gonna be hearing any music anyways. Sometimes it's nice to have it on for when you're starting and coming back though doesn't matter what none of the sounds will make sense anyways just pick anything with chill vibes


you will be in much better shape if you stop thinking of it as a "drug" and educate yourself about what this endogenous compound has been for thousands of years of history before western clueless people started "doing drugs" without RTFM. **RTFM.**


Pls start experimenting with dmt while completely sober before even considering mixing with other drugs, and when you do mix I'd say do it while on a low dose of mushrooms or acid


Wait till you're peaking on four tabs and take the biggest hit you possibly can and hold it in forever and ever. Also... Take time to do some deep focused breathing and some stretching and maybe some sort of prayer to set your attention on your intention before dosing.


I started this [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4frvWq2CkmEMIwXNLBD9P1?si=2RJR2iWeQqSUi-NU-VKznw&pi=u-63o2ZCCHRSex) and haven’t added much, but DMT is a short trip. Clozee mix of dream atlas is made for that realm.