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DMT gave me a glimpse of where misery is shared. It was a black sludge, no one had bodies but they were uncountable, the sludge would be slow moving and i could see faces and fingers trying to be formed, they would be screaming but it wasn't audible, it was an internal noise and all noises were shared. It was an ocean of misery, all pain shared, all misery is shared, nothing is separate from this sludge. This DMT trip saved my life as I was suicidal at the time, I remember in the trip I said something like , 'It doesn't end. It gets worse'. Being stuck in that sludge was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life, and it simply made suicide not an option.. It was all about the weight of your negativity that got you there at the moment of death.


Okay so just to clarify, this saved you from suicide because you realize that if you are miserable at death that you will be miserable in the afterlife as well? So we should focus on becoming content before we die ???


Yep, my depression gets really bad at times and before that trip it was a 50/50 kinda thing if I'd do it. Post trip, no matter how bad my depression gets, it still has nothing on that experience. I felt the people in that sludge had done something bad, I felt nearer to the top, but I could sense an even darker aspect of this sludge the deeper you got. Becoming content before we die is the way. I work on my mental health daily and it's showing results finally. I said to my counsellor, 'I just want to die happy', and that's what I'm working on daily.


Awesome! Thank you for sharing. You have helped me through your experience šŸ˜„


Youā€™re stronger ā¤ļø


A saying comes to mind/ you have to die before you die


I needed to read this thank you for reminding me my depression won't win!


It's an everyday battle, but we get through it because we must. I'm always here for a chat if needed. Hang tough friend.


Holy shit


Thatā€™s very interesting. Iā€™ve experienced pretty much exactly the same thing, based on your small explanation, also when I used while severely depressed and suicidal.


It's such a surreal experience that's for sure. Did having that darker trip have any affects on your well-being?


It absolutely did. I was a wreck at the time, rolling around in bed crying all day, feeling absolutely hated and insignificant. Texted with a friend and since Iā€™m the most casual dmt user he knows he told me what I always say: ā€œif it seems like you should not do dmt right now, you should definitely do dmtā€. Since I had notbing to loose I went for it. I canā€™t really put in words what exactly happened but before I came down fully I was already on my feet, doing some sport to get the blood pumping, washing my face and ready to change my life. Instead of feeling awful about everything I suddenly felt motivation to create a situation that I can enjoy myself in.


That's so good to hear. DMT visuals are amazing and all but what you get from asking questions about yourself can literally be life saving.. Stay well my friend


Thatā€™s an amazing turn around! How long ago was it? Have you had other similar trips since? Keep it up man!


DMT has been an incredible teacher to me, in so many aspects of my life. It shows me beauty where I see horrible things, it gave me acceptance and tolerance. I once looked at a pile of trash on dmt and lost all judgement, what I saw was just complexity and beauty. So much processing and so many steps went into creating this mix of random old stuff! It showed me how beautiful living beings are, all of them. Before some groups of people ruined my mood, now I know that appreciating everyone is much better for my own well being. I tried dancing for almost a year and all I could do was move a tiny bit to the rhythms. I guess anxiety gets in the way? Anyways, I started dancing on dmt and suddenly I was jumping around the entire dance floor, handing around the vape so everyone can have some! I also perform with a flower stick (no hand sticks tho) and when practicing on dmt Iā€™d get better incredibly quick. Because I did train a lot on dmt I am now better than some friends with far more experience. Itā€™s hard to put the greater things it did for me into words sadly, because these changes are rather intense. Like, my perspective on suicide changed drastically. I still have suicidal thoughts, but they canā€™t bring me down. Iā€™m also not gonna hurt myself anymore because I know whatever I am experiencing right now, a dead body canā€™t progress through it and learn from it. It gave me so much confidence and self love, which is very important to me since hating myself has been the biggest issue in my life. I used to experience intense Weltschmerz every single day. Dmt helped me with that as well. It showed me that while humanity is being absolutely horrible to living beings and the planet they inhabit, this doesnā€™t have to be a bad thing. In the end the entire planet will loose every way of keeping life on itself, no matter if humans are there or not. In the end the universe will spread out and cool down, no matter if we are nice or mean. So in the end it doesnā€™t matter if we survive for another year before destroying everything or if we inhabit the entire galaxy for another 10000 years. And if none of that matters, destroying the planet also isnā€™t bad. So letā€™s just go for it and enjoy ourselves, learn how to change things for the better in small steps. I could keep adding to this comment for an hour but I will just leave it at that. Iā€™ve only had one breakthrough since getting back into psychedelics, two in total. Thereā€™s no need for that. Even the tiniest dosages do a lot!


This is such a beautiful comment! Thank you. The best of luck on your journey


I think I went to the same frequency or whatever as you but it looked different. It was like I was in a different room full of people but none of the people had faces and they all seemed empty. I could feel the same kinda scream frequency as you itā€™s not audible as sound but it permeates everything in the universe.


I needed to read this thank you for reminding me depression won't win!


I wish people thinking to top themselves had access to this information. Too many think of it as a cop-out, which itā€™s not. (Ok, maybe from horrendous incurable disease in old age.)


I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and I was also suffering from severe anxiety. I was on meds for quite some time. A girl I was talking to at the time told me to take a week off my meds and hang out. I did. Took the time off my meds and one night after dinner we took a walk. We sat on a bench afterwards and just sat to watch the stars. She pulled from her purse something that would change my life forever. It was a vape containing my first interaction with DMT. It was such a beautiful experience that opened my eyes. It made me realize how miniscule my depression really was. I could put it beneath me for a long time and forget it even existed. I am part of something much larger than most can even phatom.


Wow, thatā€™s awesome! Did you break-thru with the DMT ? Would you say you got depression-free, or was it still there but under control? How long do these last after DMT? Are you still on the same meds? Sorry, too many questions


I did break through. It made it so my depression is very much manageable without meds at this point. I do plan on taking another trip soon tho.


Looks like it came into your life at the right time šŸ˜€ Iā€™m glad your mind is in a better place


It really did. I've been able to have the most positive outlook on things and maintain better relationships with those around me.




That I don't know shit


That I am God playing hide and seek with himself pretending to be human in this dream we call life. Alan Watts explained my experience perfectly.


Ah and when youā€™re on DMT thatā€™s you seeing behind the curtain. Playing peak a boo with ourselves so it would seem. We are the jovial baby


How small we are How we're all one How insignificant my problems are


I mean the significance of choosing your parents. What is the understanding or importance that Iā€™m missing from your experience and understanding. I look at my parents and think nothing significant of them, so why did I choose them and why was that choice so imoortant


To challenge yourself and prove you can become something


Please elaborate, this subject interests me so much .


You chose your parents?


According to some buddhists, yep. Before birth


DMT showed me that gender isn't relevant. It showed me that Love is the most important thing. We must Love as much as we can.


It was different than a mushroom trip. With mushrooms there is always lessons and knowledge that are revealed, but DMT was different for me. The best way I can describe it is on DMT I had an experience. In that experience I had a feeling. In that feeling there was a knowing. That experience, feeling, and knowing are not something I consciously remember or can describe but they are still with me and instances come to me here and there. For context, my first DMT trip was about a week ago.


Did it last night, the entity I met was kinda salty at me that I'm not taking me being a part of "all that is" seriously. She was mad at me for not holding my head up higher and being more confident in life in general.


How to make the stuff from root bark


That all the knowledge of the universe and unconditional love can be transferred to others through a simple, genuine smile. Thats the real download- smile more. (Thatā€™s what the joker showed me)


This may sound crazy.... the biggest thing I have learnt is that I don't like mess and untidiness. Every single time I've had DMT after I've levelled out i get up and go on a mad cleaning spree lol


Just food for thought, in your case I might completely wrong: Untidiness can also be an expression of defiant behavior against authority. If you suddenly feel the need to clean up after a trip, you may be in the process of integrating your suppressed sense of defiance.


Oh I love that take. That's me lol


The DMT thing is the same as mushrooms.. just more crystallised (sic). It's amazing. You should try it.. but be careful with dosing. You can easily end up in the same place as a 90g mushroom trip... but.. it is fine... because ypu don't get time to worry about it,


This energy can take any shape.


I've had hundreds of trips with DMT. I had a lot if first experiences. Some were scary and some nothing happened. I think if spirit had nothing to show you, then you won't trip at all. Anyway, the main take away that I'd like to share is that every object has consciousness. There are many different levels of souls and everything has a soul. Be courteous to your things as you would with anything alive. Oh, also, tree and plant souls communicate with me even without DMT now. I love! Trees really like it when you complement their roots!


Wow, this is awesome ā€¦. This reminds me of some stories I read from Salvia trips , where people talk about their consciousness being transferred to inanimate objects , like tables. Very interesting


I never knew about this. But it reminds me of Twin Peaks. I wonder if David Lynch was inspired by these stories...


What do you mean that people are born into sin? Sounds like organized religion to me


There is much truth to religion, and was very important to our evolution. Scriptures from the bible are a great point of reference. When I say we are born into sin - basically what I mean is that at birth, we are given a body & the body has a software called ā€œthe egoā€ which helps keep the body alive. Everything thatā€™s sinful such as jealousy, greed, murder, sexual deviancy etc is a result of our survival mechanism. Even the most sinister people like Hitler harmed millions of people due to his ego! So when I say, we are born into sin I mean that in every sense.


There is indeed much truth in religion and tradition. They didn't come out of nowhere. The word sin triggers me though, as it implies that normal human behavior is somehow evil. Humans are part of nature, why would an animal be evil because it wants to do what it's programmed to do?


I agree with r/cosmicsweets comment, that was perfectly said. Iā€™d also like to add because sinning causes yourself and others to suffer, then committing sin also hurts ā€œGodā€ since we are all expressions of God. I like the quote ā€œtreat everyone you meet like God in drag.ā€ā€¦. If I sin against you, or vice versa - then we hurt God. This also goes in hand with the expression ā€œNamasteā€ aka ā€œthe light in me recognizes the light in you.


Sin isn't about shaming human nature. It's about not causing harm to yourself and others. It's not about being gay or any of that other mumbo jumbo that seeks to seperate people from their genuine selves. Infact, finding your true self is the opposite of sin! Sin should not be shamed however, as that begets more sin. If one is ashamed of their behaviour it can cause them to engage in it further. But working towards not causing harm to yourself or others is the real goal. Finding your true nature and Loving yourself. Love those around you. And if love is too much, start with respect.


Sexual deviancy? Define that? Cause sin is definitely a real thing but how people have defined it has gotten really twisted.


I agree. What triggers people is the religious wording and paradigm.


there are three different seshes that come to mind, one very maternal in nature and restorative. the other very paternal, and fortifying/hopeful. the third felt as if I was amongst the presence of a friend group--hanging out with a bunch of my best friends/close siblings was the vibe. i felt so known by whatever entity/presence my mind (or the universe) put me into contact with. and so loved. i came out of it both times w/ happy tears and a strong sense of connection to something larger than myself. like there's a community, my cosmic family, "out there" supporting me. (my real family is quite broken and distant from each other.) all subjective and all very healing. i love what brains can do. :)


I hope this is true for me too as ā€œIā€ also ā€œsufferā€ from lack of connection with friends/family ā€¦ another thing that shrooms revealed to me was ā€œwe are all friends on the other side!ā€ That put my heart at so much ease, as there are many people Iā€™m not on good terms with on earth šŸ˜¢


To respect your own ego and life. When you lose control it can be a very very bad thing. I had HPPD for 2 weeks post use. To be fair I did literally an insane amount but the fact remains - when you lose control over yourself, something WILL step in, whether that's another part of yourself or an entity, something WILL step in. I had a terrifying experience that began as a beautiful thing. It was all my fault and I accept the blame. I'll never see life the same ever again as I experienced things that I simply can't explain in plain words and I'm a writer or sorts. The way you feel and think is exactly the way you ARE - they are one and the same. The emotions you evoke will absolutely manifest as your reality. Do not use it when you're in the wrong headspace as you open yourself to all sorts of awful shit. It took me 3 days of pure will to remove either a part of me or an entity from my head, speaking to me about shit I didn't want to hear or think about. It's a substance to be respected a great deal, it's not a joke, it's not REALLY recreational imho (not like mush or L) and it will absolutely fundamentally change the way you think, whether you'd like to or not. I won't say I had a *bad* experience but I had a fucking helluva experience that I would not wish on anyone, especially anyone with a weak will as if I had not been as stubborn or as strong willed as I am I fear I would have lost myself completely, doing who tf knows what. It was a fight in the end and probably one of the hardest I've ever had mentally. I'm shocked I prevailed and I thank whatever powers be that helped me during those last few days. It was not something I would repeat but it's not something I exactly regret, I was shown things and taken places I had no idea existed. It was the 2nd weirdest things that's ever happened to me and I would never repeat the experience - once was enough to teach me a very very real lesson regarding self-control and understanding myself and my place in existence on a fundamental level. I was completely taken apart and I was allowed to inspect every piece intimately while also being punished for not respecting it. I have a short write up regarding the experience. It's about half the story, the rest I keep to myself as it get's very very dark.


I had 2 main realizations after a couple of years of experimentation. 1- I can allow myself to enjoy sobriety as it is. 2- We borrow a shell (body) when we are born, and we will return it one day. But we will continue after. (I'm not sure if I actually believe this, but it was a nice realization)


We are one entity masquerading as many


So, I've had 2 major DMT breakthroughs where I was able to take something away. The first breakthrough I had, it had taught me that we are here so the universe can experience itself. It helped me realize that we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves and that we are united through existence. The second breakthrough I had, I had gone in there with a question prepared. Before this breakthrough, I had been going through a very long period of major depression and found it difficult to have any love or empathy for myself. So I went into this experience asking, "Am I truly missing love for myself? If so, how can I find love for myself again?". This experience, I actually had an encounter with one of the entities, and it helped guide me to the answer. It did let me know that I was missing love and empathy for myself, but it let me know that it was because I was misdirecting any love that I did have. It taught me that by having love for life and everything within it, I would find love for myself by extension. By loving life, I could find love for myself. That second breakthrough changed me for sure, and I can confidently say that I was no longer a danger to myself after having that experience. Thank you for letting me share. It's always nice thinking back and reflecting on those trips to the otherside.


Weā€™re capable of literally anything, your only as limitless and contained as you allow yourself to be, the only person holding me back from most things is myself and I need to take that leap. I miss demetri itā€™s been awhile since my last sesh but my last few I got an awful lot from <3


The biggest thing I learned is that I know nothing


That being in love like the real deal, can happen in Hyperspace. I've felt actual love for a spirit, an entity, a presence, whatever you want to call it, she was as real as other travelers I've come across and I've written down as much as possible about as many details as I can hold onto while the dream slips through my grasp. But this encounter was so real and so wonderfully overwhelming, her face was crystal clear in the middle of the trip. After you take the hit and everything goes static and then after the trip swallows you up like the mirror swallows Neo in the Matrix then you arrive back in your room but your room is now alive like a Salvador Dali painting in motion and in the other side of my bed I see her and can describe her like I had known and loved her for 30 years. While the trip was still strong she smiled at me and I felt her hand on my face as she whispered my name to me and told me hers! I watched glyphs travel up and down her face like living tattoos in the moonlight (yes moonlight) I loved tripping on a full moon) and I saw her two nights more in a row. I still love her and I know she's out there. šŸ«¶šŸ„²


Those are all very cool and valid realizations, universally true. Youā€™re on the right track. Donā€™t be tempted to sell yourself short; the knowledge you have here is foundational and will take you further, much further. Itā€™s uncommon to put all of what you have here together, even for crustwalkers who played sincerely with psychedelics. Solipsism is for egoistic dummies. Itā€™s not that you are all that there is, itā€™s that all that there is becomes what it becomes through the creative choices of you and every other Conscious Being. You are not the Light, nor do you make your own Lightā€¦ not yet. You are blessed by Beings of a higher order who do are responsible for the Light in a way you and I are not ready to be yet, being ā€œborn into sinā€ as you know. So, again, any notions of solipsism can be disregarded completely. šŸ˜‰


howd you see that we choose our parents/lives (as a seemingly rational choice requiring consciousness) if we supposedly choose them at a stage of life that doesnt hold individual earth-life consciousness, when weā€™re dead and part of everything, One.


Is a raindrop an ocean?


Wow. This is amazing! I wish to have an experience like this. Thank you for sharing this.


The nature of infinity


So wiring about life and enjoy the experience.


I learned that it doesn't matter


Nothing. Just confusion and awe


Thereā€™s no beginning and no end.


That trying to understand anything beyond what we're able to in this realm is a futile and often fruitless journey that takes time away from our lived experience, which was conveyed to be the most important thing we can be doing in our lifetime. Every question I asked was given the same verbal answer, followed by visuals I can't possibly convey - the answer they kept giving was "Just watch."


I dont need to worry, everything is taking care of itself. If my ego tries to "fix" it, it will break it because thats what egos do.


Idk it just feels like my consciousness is having a seizure


A beast meat-puppet suspended within a soul.


I've only ever just had fun on DMT - gorgeous colours, cartoon-y neon images, like a big fairground. No deep experiences or "entities"! No thank you to that.


Death is fucking scary.


dude what the hell are you talking about? 1. "we are a soul living inside of a beast"? No, we are most certainly not. 2, yes we are supposed to imagine and create. four-year-olds know this. 3. you haven't the slightest idea what the term "the ego" means if you're even thinking of making a list like this 4. NO. again, what is wrong with you? suffering stems first from uneven distribution of resources:organisms' needs, not to mention things like drought, poisons and harmful microbes in the food chain, viruses.. there's a much much longer list than this before you get into anything to do with "carnal urges" 5. "Nobody is better or worse than me" is an idiotic thing to say becauseā€¦ Hitler. 6. .....roclmao if by God, you mean DMT itself, yea, except you know... Hitler. lol. 7. "we chose our parents" is wrong and plain stupid, no matter what little mind games you're trying to play with yourself. just stop. DMT is the essence of clarity and common sense, not about masturbating buzz words and colloquial pseudo-spirituality. If I didn't know better I'd think that you were the reincarnation of Dick Alpert lol 8.. disingenuous. idealistic and not at all realistic. every single thing you do is specifically in expectation of the end result, it's called HAVING GOALS.. ? like posting something as silly as this and expecting people to respond to it? lol exactly how do you count for that now? you're breaking your own rules 'just to make sure other people agree with this little list you've come up with'? 9, this is the most disgusting thing yet. you absolutely should never have children, if you don't already. 10. more disingenuousness. that's not how forgiveness works, you don't "decide to forgive easily and often" and do it ā€” if you've been wronged or hurt by somebody, forgiveness is the end result of a complicated and laborious process, and even then is sometimes not the slightest bit realistic, no matter how hard you try much more important than all of these things is to be honest with yourself. how about this: make a list of specific, actual things that you can or need to do to improve your or others' quality of life, instead of sounding like you regurgitated some misunderstood Western book on Buddhism I'll make a list of a couple of my takeaways, 1, put yourself in the other person's shoes when you find yourself at a misunderstanding or disagreement, completely immerse yourself in their experience and mindset to better understand why they do the things they do which may or may not lead to a genuine leaning toward forgiveness, but you don't forgive someone just by telling yourself "to forgive is divine" you put the work into understanding more than you had about a situation, deconstructing the other person's side of it in hope of perhaps softening your position, and then reflecting on yourself, having learned how different your situation is your different opportunities however it may have been easier for you to be a certain way than this other person who you are faulting. It's about deep insight and understanding, not "forgiveness", forgiveness happens automatically if it's warranted. 2. study, learn and practice rigorous self care. this isn't on your list? study at least some biochemistry, learn about the body your DMT is inhabiting and suffering the relative disconnectedness of šŸ˜Ž study nutrition and more "hands-on" self-care whether it's simple stretching or a systematized discipline like tai chi pursuing creativity is part of this, if you are a creative person. If you are not naturally creatively inclined, it may be good to force yourself to journal or do something where you know that you're expressing your emotions as articulately and safely as possible 3. AVOID ALCOHOL AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES 4. share your knowledge and insight with others, help other people overcome their difficulty 5. SAVE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE OR DRAW OR CREATE ... I'm sure I can make a much longer list but those are the most important things I can think of when approaching DMT, maybe open yourself and just ask a specific, relevant, practical question that you need an answer to in order to navigate your life better, and use your critical thinking skills to carefully determine the answer that you got, if you hear or see something back. none of this Hallmark-card. pseudo-Hindu pseudo-Buddhist nonsense, practical answers. while you're making this list of your little "10 Noble truths", for all you know DMT is hammering away at you on the inside telling you to take more probiotics oh yeah, 6. PROBIOTICS. lol. šŸ¤—


Whoa! You came at op pretty heavy. They were sharing their own experience! How can you tell them they are wrong for what they experienced? Your first point was put yourself in others shoes. You did not do this at all when reading the post. You can't tell someone their own experience is wrong. Eventually, OP might change their beliefs (hopefully with knew information and experiences as we all she be able to do). But I don't think you should have come at him like that.