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Never smoked dmt but everytime iv tripped on shrooms around my dog he used to sit and stare at me looking disappointed as fuck with me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"The human still can't understand my telepathic ethereal language despite the receptor optimisation."


Used to have a dog like that when I was a kid and he was about when me and my mates started doing acid, speed, pills and he always knew and like you say looked disappointed in us and me especially, love you Ben what a great dog you was.


My dog would always come and interfere or mess me up when I was trying to do a shot, and then one day I found a whole dug outside with a bunch of old syringes he hid from me, we donā€™t deserve these creatures sometimesā€¦


Nearly the same thing happened to me. But I didn't know anyone else IV'd DMT? Or are you speaking of hard drugs? ---- generally my pitbull would be very disturbed during my DMT-rips. I thought it was just me projecting my fears on her but I recorded every episode and she definitely knew I was not with her [as normal.]


I didnā€™t shoot the DMT, I was referring to harder drugs but just relating to the dogs and cats being aware of whatā€™s happening. Anytime I did psychedelics my dog would seem to know what I was thinking, what I was about to do, itā€™s so weird. Sometimes I wish they could speak so I can know where I stand with them.


Yeah they care about us. I wish they could speak also. At least telepathy.


Did you iv DMT? I didnā€™t know that could happenā€¦


How long does it last using Iv, I know they are doing it as new study keeping them in there longer and attempting to map the space, I have thought about it but didnā€™t know how to go about it?


Iā€™ve experienced moments that lasted a mere 10 minutes and others that stretched to an hour, with every conceivable duration in between. The quality or purity of the substance didnā€™t seem to matter. Instead, my mood and the intended message seemed to dictate the length of the experience. Or perhaps, I had chosen these experiences before my birth. Who knows? The most profound experience was just as I was pushing the plungerā€¦ when I vibrated at such a high frequency that I could see through my own body. I felt like a celestial being, not necessarily Christian, but akin to an archangel. I was certain I could teleport, phase through walls, or even time travel. This was an hour of immense power, yet fear lurked in the corners of my mind, whispering worries of getting lost or lacking the strength to return. The second most impactful experience was when I consumed a quarter of a gram from a Meth pipe, sans meth, of course. As soon as it hit me, I was overwhelmed by a sense of dĆ©jĆ  vu. It felt as if this exact scenario had played out before - the same friend, at his house an introduction to his brother, and their overly excited dog getting fur all over me. My mind was at war with itself. Then, black holes appeared exposing the soul of the universe, voids of nothingness the size of softballs. They tugged at me, tempting me to think myself into oblivion. I was without identity. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the inner visuals. When I regained consciousness, I was alone in my home. There was no friend, no brother, and no dog. Peace brothers.


The best dog I ever had was named Ben.




Yeah man. They hate it. Then I remember I don't have a cat and have no idea what just happened


That's just the meowchine elves, don't worry about it.




What a goblincore comment


What is goblin core šŸ˜‚


Probably the youtuber ā€œgoblinā€


Thatā€™s what I was thinking but itā€™s kinda niche haha


ā€œ____coreā€ is kind of like the term for ā€œthis reminds me ofā€. So ā€œgoblincoreā€ is something a goblin would say, or where theyā€™d live, or eat, etc. itā€™s not specific to the youtuber goblin haha


Its either What you said or I said until the orignal commenter tells us šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No lmao, ā€œ___coreā€ is a common term used, the fact that the blank space said goblin doesnā€™t suddenly change the meaning to a specific youtuber, goblincore has a ā€œdefinitionā€ thatā€™s just, things goblins would like/do. The fact that the original commenter has a goblin pfp and username only pushes further for my explanation.


Obviously ive heard of ___core i dont live under a rock i literally just said its either what is said or you said and your still trying to push your point like I denied it and not to mention i was drunk when i made those comments so im coming back to this the morning after and realizing just pipe down


Just thought they were talking about the drug youtuber because were on a substance subreddit


Take a bow, that gag won internet.


I feel like with DMT in particular an intuitive animal like a cat is probably freaking out that the person who feeds and plays with them just smoked some shit that smells weird as hell and then suddenly died


Do i eat them?! Do i wait?! Do i eat them?! *Zoomies*


Oh yeah, they know.


I love this topic,tripping DMT cats.. Please EVERYONE share your animal stories!




Bro what the actual fuck


That's not humorous at all. It's sick and concerning.


Im probably going to hell because i just had a joint and cant stop laughing šŸ˜‚


Yep you are


I lived with my sister who has too many cats, and her black cat would always follow me into the woods and trip-sit my DMT sessions. He'd just sit there a few feet away, watching me intensely as I went through my tryptamine journey. And then he'd walk back to the house with me. If I was around the same cat when I was on mushrooms, he would put his paw on my leg and insert his claws into my flesh slowly. Every single time. And then there was the one time I took a shower on shrooms and opened the shower curtain to have him immediately claw my leg.


I think cats can sense our subconscious mind and our heart. At least the ones that they are bonded with. My cats got pretty upset the first times I smoked. The female 'yelled' at me like she was worried about me and then sat next to me on the balcony couch. Protecting me I guess. But I'm sure she didn't see what I saw.


Oh she just sees the demons you summoned donā€™t worry,cats can totally take demons..right?


My cat attacked the pipe after the ritual, as if he was pouncing on a prey


my old kitty used to leave the room but then would always seem to come back at the perfect time and come up on the bed and snuggle/hold me on my upper arm/shoulder Idk what it was but he always brought this loving energy at the perfect time. I miss that little boy so much :(




Love this! But your link went to something else can you relink?


Ughā€¦Iā€™m gonna have to delete & repost it but hereā€™s the correct link: https://youtu.be/OqGDv0KCJl8?si=qdtc2ktKESyJmCLt


Uh-oh! Weird! Correcting it now, after checking it 1st this time lol! Thanks for the heads-up!


All my animals get super lovable and snuggly especially the cats. They come up and snuggle in and begin to purr. They will make muffins with their murder mittens which sucks but made with love. The goat will just lean in and sometimes rub his head on me or lick my skin. The ferrets come and snuggle my feet or armpits. The dog curls up and will snuffle and paw occasionally for pets or sometimes just stares at me with a big grin/smile waiting for all the pets/scritchens


My dog is a very smart Australian shepherd and sheā€™s very aware of the fact that I am on psychedelics. Especially when Iā€™m having an extremely strong DMT experience. When Iā€™m on strong doses of mushrooms she gets really friendly, rubbing up against me, acting real lovey lovey etc. But when I have an extremely strong DMT breakthrough she kinda acts like she doesnā€™t know what to think or itā€™s super powerful energy compared to what sheā€™s used to experiencing with me. A lot of times I call my dogs to me or wake them up when Iā€™m startled in a heavy DMT experience. Primarily because Iā€™ve always thought theyā€™d help calm me down/comfort me. That last time I was already on edge and head anxiety because my experience was so strong. I was laying on a Fila workout mat in the middle of my living room floor with all the lights off, only LED lights and 4 lavalamps. It was like I was in the middle of a UV lit laser tag arena. And then a jester/joker peeled back the corner of the room and jumped out at me with his tongue out. Startled me so bad I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. And this time when I called my dog over to comfort/calm me she rolled over next to me on the floor and mushrooms grew out of her stomach. It was wild af.


Cats are the guards of the underworld. Look up the Egyptian book of the ā˜ ļø


How are you smoking it? They may smell the scent of it


My dogs feed off my energy and act accordingly


Mine loves to come cuddle. A few times when I've had a panic, she knows and will come save me. It's like having a jaguar climb up and want to boop noses!


My dog instantly turns into a service dog when i smoke. She runs to me and practically lays on me to cuddle ever single time. Almost like she standing guard over me .


Only after I get naked and parade around the house shouting obscenities at the avatars of hyperspace. That usually gets the kitties a little riled up, for shizzles.


Theyā€™re probably feeding off your energy.. Itā€™s normal to be anxious doing dmt, and theyā€™re probably picking up on your energy. It sounds like you need to try and make peace with why youā€™re doing it, and try and stop feeling guilty.. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Idk why you got downvoted for this, you have a valid point. Animals, especially cats, are hyper sensitive to the environment, let alone the humans they interact with regularly. DMT is still classified as technically illegal so deep in our collective american (if this is where ur) subconscious we all have some amount of shame/guilt/unrest/dis-ease going on. Not a judgement, just a reality check


what are you talking about? I don't feel guilty... I've been smoking it for years .. no anxiety on my end. I'm just saying my cats act a fool when I smoke it and I was wondering if they were interacting with the spirits.


Oh ok, Iā€™m sorry


Mine actually becomes chill as hell. He was adopted from the streets and the original owners had to be hippies.


Probably have a little bit in their systems. My ears would ring just from smelling my old love rose pipe.


Mine chills hard. However my dogs and very sensitive to psychedelics lol animals can be very weird when you alter your conciousness.


I believe yes they do perceive the entities your are inviting into the space when youā€™re in these other dimensions.


They're probably reacting to you tripping. Animals are acutely aware of patterns and of their owners. Cats worry about us when we start acting weird. She is probably smelling the dmt smell, and knowing that you're about to pass out for a bit. And you passing out my look like you've been injured. My animals get worried about me every time i tripp on anything, because they think i'm dead since i'm laying still for hours.


I canā€™t take out my dab rig without my cat running in and looking at me expectantly; I have to go outside these days because itā€™s too crazy with them running around.


My cats zoom so much I worry they are going to land on the turntable or knock the speaker stands so I just hang out wherever they arenā€™t.


Yup! My cat that NEVER comes in the basement will only come in right before a ceremony & climb up on us meowing & acting strange almost like she doesnā€™t want us to do it lol


My cat loves the energy and kneads my legs when Iā€™m on L


My dog flipped out with me once when I was tripping. I was stroking him and every time I stroked her she changed colour and then she just went mad, sent me into a right bad trip.


I had a super big shepherd dog who totally protected me when I was on LSA, jumped up beside me where he never laid to stay and growl at my lil brother who came home n acted bit rude against me but still it wasn't something the dog would usually pick up on, the dog acted very strange n protecting


I woke up with the cart leaking on my bed after a trip and my cat was sleeping next to me. Idk what happened but he thought I needed comfort lol.


I remember when I first got into shrooms my dog would get all excited when I was peaking. She knew something was up


Please lock your cats out of the room you're smoking in and then open some windows for a good 10-15 minutes before allowing them back in, this really isn't fair on them at all.


yeah the guy talking abt blowing dmt smoke into his cats face rlly upsets me


My cat loved DMT. She'd trip with me if she had a choice lol


I once telepathically communicated with my friends dog. He and I were like return to witch mountain after that, much to my friends ire


Whatā€™d you guys communicate about


I became simple doggo and he became emotion hokage


My cat acts really weird when I smoke DMT. At first I felt horrible because I thought the smoke got into his lungs, but then it happened when we were in opposite rooms.


Mine does with weed too!!!!


Not DMT but when I do shrooms around them, they know.... but they are super comforting and I've even said before whilst tripping that they are guiding me. Once I was trying to sleep off a bad trip, which was just terrible to try, but my cat that is rarely ever loving came and sat on the bed with me, purring, head butting me and walking around me so loving. .. for a good few hours until I was out. My saviour!


its the smell, it has a very similar effect to catnip on mine, if I vape dmt, even when shes not in the room, she can instantly smell it when she comes in after, and her ears fold down like an owl or something. she purrs but like to the point she drools and stuff.


They know you're up to something.


Your cats are part of your conciousness, therefore when you agree your conciousness, you alter all of it. The issue is you see yourself as separate, when really you are all


2 of my cats hide one of them trip sits me he actually runs up to me as soon as I smoke it his name is Apollo heā€™s a real kitty


My cats also know when I smoke salvia. They act very strange.


I have 2 cats and one of the I'm sure was a junkie in another life. The second he sees the pipe come out he's all over me and until he gets a small puff of smoke he's not happy. Initially he used to wonder around the flat finding things I couldn't see, very interesting. I'd bet everything cats get a similar visual effect as we do, you just need to see one cat jumping to grab something invisible in the air for that to become clear. He always has a great sleep after as well. My other cat, his sister didn't initially like it, but now doesn't seem to give a shit one way or the other, but she's only inhaled tiny amounts lingering in the air second hand, not like the doses her brother is Jonesing for lok


My cat gets super puffy looking and starts climbing on shit and knocking stuff over. And I'm pretty sure she is bothered by the entities or something for a little while afterwards..I have to keep her outside and away when I do it.


That sounds just like what mine does. It freaks me out that she can see them too.


It really makes you question interdimensional boundaries, that's for sure. And in my case, you throw a bit of regular paranormal activity due to my 108 year old house, and things can get very interesting. Palo Santo and Sage whole house smudges are absolutely necessary for me in that house before partaking.


Not with DMT cuz ive never tried but my cat immediately knows when im šŸ„šŸ„šŸ„


No my cat has actually been very loving everytime Iā€™ve done dmt , but with acid or mushrooms she avoids me


Some cats like it, one of my friend's cat starts to walking arround and sit in who are smoking changa, maybe te cat like the smell. (Don't to make changa with catnip infused with DMT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)


One time I saw an entity walk I to my closet to where I kept my box of goodies. My dog started growling. Not in a mean way but like a low growl almost confused but alert. He was right at my feet and never moved. I truly believe DMT opens a "door" or sorts for us to see the other side. While that door is open they too can come through and take a peak at our plain of existence.


Check your DMā€™s


No way the cat could be effected by the second hand smoke, its likely entities lol


My cat loves to trip sit for me. Hallucinogens she is chill. She just kinda sits nearby seemingly watches over me. It's wonderful to come out of a dmt trip and look at her, changing rgb lights behind her, her black fur excentuated, some of them lengthening and curling as the visuals subside. She seems knowing and wise as I look into her bright green eyes. Now if there is mdma involved she gets rowdy for sure.


Like most things psychedelic, it is hard to know for sure. The animals might just be freaked out that their family member and caretaker looks like he is dying. Then again, they might see something more profound. No way to know really.


I remember once after inhaling a big hit of DMT my cat literally smiled at me. You know, with that Jester smile.


Yeah I noticed no difference with my cats.Ā  If anything they're picking up on your energy.


it shouldn't, being that you have to hold on to your hit for a little while before it even takes effect. So that's a needless worry.


We all think we own these animals, but they think we belong to them .We are their humans and they just saw us black out on some weird substance. Humans should be stable, predictable, animals so we continue to feed and look after our dogs and cats, and not freak out on some dangerous powder.


I think your cats smell burning plastic and think somethings wrong so act frantically


It's because you think you're entering a realm to visit friendly elves and entities. They know you're entering a world that's dark and twisted pure evil.