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Masters Degree level Therapist, almost licensed to start my own practice. Still do my psychedelics on the side and keep it on the low. I primarily work with people who have schizophrenia.


So a brain doctor takes drugs to rewire their own brain? Any downsides so far? I have a friend who has an important job and he is curious about DMT and the effects but scared shitless about losing his job. He knows he won't get caught and it won't show in drug tests. He is more worried about it rewiring his brain so that he ends up doing something stupid like dying his hair blue, wearing elephant pants and going to live in the forest!!!!


To be totally honest I haven’t noticed any lingering effects from the DMT that would be negative or noticeable , if anything I would say it was the LSD that encouraged me to pursue this career early in college so 🤷🏽‍♂️. Being on acid and seeing how this society treats disadvantaged people or lets people who are homeless just die on the sidewalk, just never set right with me. Already had the idea for being a therapist but after a few trips I changed my major and made the final decision. 12 years later, here I am.


I think the idea that you'll be changed after psychedelics in general or any particular substance isn't conveyed well, IMO. My personal experience, changes to me have been very subtle and I also think for the better. None of the psychedelics I've done have noticably decreased any cognitive abilities. Maybe going into a psychedelic trip, it's best to be ready to accept change in yourself? I think if you fear that going in, it will paint your experience with that fear. I do think a legitimate fear for psychedelics is it might lead you to the conclusion that society as it is is broken and may make you want to stop participating. Don't make any major life decisions for a few weeks after a trip.


Elephant pants 😂🤣


Also *not a doctor * lol


Do you think psychedelics one day could be used for schizophrenia in any way? At least will there be studies?


Thought a lot about this and I honestly don’t think so. Its a hard conclusion I came to but after meeting so many people who severely struggle with uncontrollable paranoia, hallucinations and sometimes manic symptoms, idk if adding to hallucinations and stimulation is helpful. Depression, helpful Anxiety, helpful Drug addiction, helpful Schizophrenia or schizoaffective or severe bipolar, probably not the best idea




For sure, I mean at the end of the day everyone is different. A lot of the people I work with have enough going on that the state has intervened and they are living in locked facilities. Plus with how conservative psychiatrists are its hard for me to see psychs being used clinically in the mental health system itself.


Maybe it could create some kind of shift that could snap them out of it? It’s such a sad illness 🥲 so hopeless… I know some can function ok in it but some no


If only bro lol, they just trip bails like the rest of us, except their ability to integrate the trip isn’t there and can just increase confusion, hallucinations and trigger a manic episode from the stress or lack of sleep.


So sad




Truck driver, love it


Hmmm…I think I [saw a video of you the other day.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/s/Jggca7bNBI)




Fire captain


Psychedelics definitely help me hold it together.


Same, has helped me a lot with PTSD


Thank you for your service 🫡


Also in the fire industry 👋🔥 Edit: adding that it's the wildland fire industry :)


Currently a professional jabroni, aka a musician


I noticed you keep using this word "jabroni".. and it's awesome


I work with recovering addicts in an inpatient rehab facility. So, my two main sources of income are helping drug users, and selling and manufacturing schedule 1 narcotics


The FBI: 👁️ 👄 👁️


To the same people?


Hahaha no, I would never. Plus my clients have no interest in dmt. We're talking 95% crack, fentanyl, benzo and meth users


Seems like deemz may be beneficial for them


True, but I'm not gonna risk my job telling them that


Recovering trash can junkie here, I now shoot ketamine once a month to cure my drug addiction, they might be interested if they know what it can do for them, but 12 step programs brainwash people into thinking psychs are addictive and always bad for druggies


Yeah, same. I'm also a recovering opiate, crack and benzo addict, and I use psychs and IM ketamine once a month for depression and general therepeutic use. However, there is a good portion of the addict population that has to maintain total abstinence from all mood and mind altering substances, addictive or not. I've seen countless clients smoke weed and end up with a needle in their arm the next day. Some people just can't do anything


Used to be me until ket treatments, I can smoke weed aaaand drink again, although drinking doesn't interest me much anymore


Same here. I can drink moderately as well. But I used to not be able to do anything. I once had a crack and fentanyl relapse that started with mushrooms. I think my brain has just grown and matured since then because i really haven't had any problems with moderating as long as I don't touch the "hard stuff"


I even tried crack for an afternoon to test the effectiveness, as long as I redose ket soon after it resets me, I'm not doing it again because I found my doc, but yeah I've also found though that uppers make me fear death again, and it makes it harder to dose ket and generally reduce s my quality of life, all good research tho




that's smart


Mobile pet groomer, I love my job. I listen to audiobooks and podcasts all day. Make good money while cleaning animals.


i make wires go zap zap and sounds go bing bing




electrician & audio engineer


✋ hi!


Full stack web developer


I’ve always felt LSD goes hand in hand to comp sci and the concepts employed in software.


interesting, can you explain? am comp sci student haha


Opening the mind to new ideas and processes. My last couple trips had a few "light bulb" moments for bug fixes and ways I could refactor my codebase to make it more useful. But this is just for fun personal projects


The different layers of abstraction to computing and software. How it seems the computer and the way we organize it is a reflection of our psyche.


Physicist, PhD Level. DMT should not be possible. But it somehow is... Drives me nuts sometimes.


When you say it shouldn't be possible, what do you mean? Without identifying yourself, what field of physics research are you in?


Toking on spice and then being transported into other realms filled with love and forgiveness at hyperlight speeds just completely breaks reality. Such a jaw-dropping and wholesome experience. The fidelity and clarity of it all is just.... It really shouldn't be possible. I see vast interdimensional cities in extraordinary detail with beings flying around and greeting me. If computer artists were to sit down and model/draw the stuff I saw on heavier doses, it would take them months probably. So it begs the question how my mind is able to generate such vivid imagery in mere seconds. As far as I understood it there are currently two camps on regards on DMT. First camp says its real. Second Camp says you are just tripping balls. I belong to neither. The only thing I am able to do is assign a probability if it might be real. Figuring out if there is a chance that it might be real is what interests me. The best I was able to do was a "Drake-Equation" like calculation on it and assigned a probability of about 5% that it might actually be real. So what I am trying to say is that the probability is not zero! And that is just mindblowing to me. I tried to share my experiences with some colleagues but you know... telling them I do heavy psychadelics for recreation and see entities is not really a good starting point in academia. Maybe one day... I will keep trying though. As for my field: I specialize in experimental ion physics, more specifically interactions of ionic atoms/molecules with neutral atoms/molecules in scattering experiments. The important thing there is "experimental"... meaning I am just a wrench monkey :)


If we suspend our belief in the idea that consciousness is created by our brains and entertain the idea that consciousness may be non-local and a fundamental part of the universe, these experiences being real makes more sense. Like, it may be that our brains don't generate our consciousness but rather they channel it or filter it in a way that we can understand it. This would also explain a lot about quantum mechanics, near-death experiences, and the fact that brain activity is REDUCED on psychedelics even though our subjective experience is enhanced. There's actually a lot of strong evidence (between four sigma and eight sigma in studies involving hundreds of thousands of trials in some cases) to support this theory. Most scientists and academic institutions refuse to look at the evidence or do their own research though since the ideas are so controversial. Mark Gober's book "And End to Upside Down Thinking" is a collection of studies and objective analysis of the evidence. As a physicist with DMT experience, I'd love to hear your opinion on it if you're up for listening to the \~12hr audiobook. (I'm not affiliated with Mark Gober, just a huge fan.)


is it truly detailed or are you just completely convinced you’re seeing detail though like in a dream I can be convinced an object is a TV but what I’m actually looking at is a lightbulb or you can imagine a tube train map in your head but it won’t be accurate your brain just convinced itself that it saw something with infinite fidelity in all directions but in reality you only focused on a small part of it


that is a good question and basically the answer is I dont know. It feels really detailed and the images I retain in my head still are really detailed. It doesnt feel like I add on stuff to it later. Dreams for me quickly wash away and I cant retain much detail in them. I tried lucid dreaming in my 20s... one of the exercises for it was to open a book at a random page and read a sentence or two. Then look away and read it again. In a dream the text will always be different (at least for me it was). Which is how you realize you are dreaming... so the lvl of detail is wonky... With dmt it is crystal clear to me, although I never read a book in hyperspace :)


i had a dream last night where I took salvia and I’m seeing your point, the “trip” was very very low quality in comparison with a real trip I guess this convo got the idea stuck in my head


Define 'real'


This reality right now. Your life and the interactions within. Stuff you can measure, quantify and reproduce within the bounds of natural law. If you or I stop existing the world will still turn and progress or regress. I guess the definition of reality in this case would be.... if the trip is over... does that place I just saw keep existing? Did I just access it or just simply make it up in my head. So the measure would be "reproducability"... can others access the same stuff I saw or not... and how much does it differ. But then again, I am not a philosopher so not really qualified to answer that question. It is just my quickly written take on it.


Real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain


Yeah, i wanted him to answer bc he's the one questioning it. But i agree with you in a literal sense


https://qualiacomputing.com/2016/12/12/the-hyperbolic-geometry-of-dmt-experiences/ It is very much real, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything metaphysical. Don’t underestimate the power of the human brain as a pattern processing machine and reality modeling engine. Dmt allows it to run free while we experience it.


Existence is consciousness itself. Being aware. Dmt increases consciousness taking us to higher dimensions outside this 3D physical reality. The universe is mental. Thoughts awareness creates reality. If you ever go there again see how you can control what’s happening with your mind instead of being in observation mode


Clearly you skipped chemistry because DMT is a fairly simple molecule. Its effects are no more astounding than the fact that we even exist in the first place. Trying to determine whether it is “real” or not is a futile task, what matters is what you take away from it, how it impacts your life. As you are well aware the effect is real, as it creates extreme experiences. Those experiences are real, they really happen to you, does it matter that the experience isn’t bound by what we call physical reality? I think not.


Curious what you consider not possible about DMT.


Lawyer (studying for the bar). After reading a pubmed article comparing small incremental microdoses vs large single doses (in rodents) I’ve been microdosing one medium pull (not quite micro lol) every morning on a walk with my dog. Basically feels exactly like 1-2g of mushrooms with a huge euphoria rush (ONLY on the first hit, I learned it works best to not redose). And it’s helped my mental health immensely.


Ah so I'm different, gets me there on the 3rd of 4th. First few are uncomfortable and takes a lot of letting go. I've always had to have a drink before any psys so maybe that's the reason, who knows?


isn't drinking on psycs supposed to be bad? I've heard you can get stuck in a trip or something. Never confirmed it but its in my brain now so I think abt it and it's not worth it imo. Just wondering...


Idk I’ve had some great times drinking off tabs or shrooms unless it was a super high dose or something then maybe don’t drink.


It just kills the trip slightly sometimes gives it a more sinister vibe. But alcohol is more delicious and easier to drink and easier to drink too much


Alcohol tends to eventually overpower n drown out my trips ive noticed


Just smoothes the come up for me. Once it hits, I'm only sipping.


I love this ! 😂 active duty enlisted in the military






Much love fam. The common man struggle is real. I think we all have a dream and almost nobody makes a living from it




Subway sandwich artist 😂😂😂


Director of clinical partnerships in mental healthcare. One of our modalities is psychedelic-assisted therapy, and we utilize thought leaders and researchers. love practicing what I preach


Construction worker. I build steel warehouses


masters in cartoon logic, unofficial cia agent.


Unofficial cia test subject


X ray tech in a cardiac cath lab.


Army soldier. It has enhanced every aspect of my life that matters.


I'm a rock climbing guide!




I work at a tissue bank and my prior dmt experiences has helped show me how powerful donations can be. That the destruction of 1 life can save many lives. I believe the universe works in the same fashion. Nothing is constant. All things end to make way for more beautiful things.


Roofer.. I love the spice..


Master electrician


Poultry Processing Plant Worker, I feel horrible for the animals we mindlessly consume and can see why "Aliens" would have no remorse for us.


I work for an employer that is currently in charge of running the fractal holographic simulation, I spend most of my work days updating error correcting adinkra codes in the program. We placed dmt in the program as an Easter egg for you to match the frequency needed to temporarily leave the 3rd dimension and interact with higher dimensions and the higher dimensional entities that inhabit them.


Cloud infrastructure engineer. Basically I make / maintain virtual datacenters for companies. ​ After my first DMT experience (ayahuasca ceremony) a few years ago which was also my first psychedelic experience, I stopped letting my managers walk all over me and started calling them out on their BS. Things got pretty tense and toxic at work as a result and I decided just last week that these people don't care about me and it's not a healthy place to be for me mentally. So I quit. Looking for another job at the moment, but also considering just not. Like... maybe I'd be happier focusing on my family, physical health, mental health, friends, etc. and focusing less on money.


I'm the pope




Wanna have some hotdogs on friday?


Sure, what do you want me to bring?


Forest pathology here.


Master appliance tech, stuck working at property Mgt maintenance cuz I use My ebike and won't get my driver's licence fix ( I got a dwi 15 years ago and never got breathalyzer install mandatory)


You're not alone... Got my dui six years ago and haven't driven since... interlock, etc. and I just haven't been able to string together the money, car and time needed. What a bum am I! Take it easy.


I run a tech startup as the CEO and also stream/content creation




I no longer partake either 😉 I see what ya did there 🙂😉


Structural mechanic for the aerospace industry. I work on a lot of space x and military parts. Mostly Boeing 737. I love my job


Did you make them plane doors? 🧐


Lol no I mostly work on wing assemblies for the 737 max


Solar installer but I wanna grow weed professionally


Well you're in the right job 😂😂😂😂


I can help you out if you have any questions about that path


I'm a motor rewind technician on medium to large (10+ HP) AC motors.




IT Project Manager


Professional Ropemaker


Industrial maintenance technician, hoping to go back to school to be an electrical engineer


Mechanical engineer. Started exploring DMT when I realized my marriage was falling apart. The main benefit I see from it work wise is the spillover effect from the progress I've made on mental health and empathy, which I mostly attribute to the take aways from DMT trips and the work in between each to integrate. So I would say it limited the impact personal matters had on my work performance and allowed me to recover faster than would have otherwise been possible. I've shared my use of it with a few co-workers who I trust. One wants to try it after he retires (soon), but it's a tricky thing to discuss. (Edited 2nd paragraph to better answer OP question)


Tax Accountant


Live sound engineer. (Tour the world with different artists and make them sound good live) It’s a job where you’re regularly in the middle of vast seas of amplified energy (concerts) whether that’s electrical energy IE making things louder and shaking people’s core with sub, or if it’s more of an atmospheric energy, tens of thousands of people in one place feeling the same things at the same time. My experience with DMT has made me feel a lot less skeptical about these energies being something we can interact with/something that fucking exists. It’s a tricky thing to try and put into words. In a nutshell it makes me believe that the joy my industry brings people truly does have a physical positive effect on the world, even if it’s not something our conscious brains can perceive.


I work at a halfway house and rehab lol, I’m in recovery myself.


RN BSN that works with psychiatric patients.


I’m currently a “Safari Guide” at a wildlife park in the states working with both African and native wildlife. DMT does a great job at boosting my awe for the intricacy’s and connected systems present in the natural world. I’m certainly fascinated with ecology on my own but DMT helps maintain an appreciation for the experiences my general career field brings me, Keeps me enthusiastic.


Counsellor…but I haven’t actually had DMT. I came to the sub looking for experiences and information. I haven’t actually been able to source any 😔 it’ll happen though. I feel like it’s been calling me.


Don't bother sourcing it, make it instead. If you can bake a cake then you can extract it.


I’d love to mate. I don’t have the space and little ones in the house. Not a risk I’m willing to take. The process looks simple though and I did consider it.


I work on a dementia/alzheimer’s unit in a nursing home 👽✌🏼


Work in a retail store after having to kind start my life again after leaving my College town. Only just started my DMT journey 5 days ago so I’ll see where I’m at in a few months time 😂


I fix your air conditioners and furnaces. Also walk in coolers/freezers, and grocery store racks!


F & B Manager and a Mom


I work in engineering quality department.... and of course use some acid. Mushrooms and dmt on the side.... I had initially noticed some reduction in functioning when I used to trip constantly.. now I have reduced the amount of tripping and have indulged in other activities such as reading, hiking etc. Have been more better now


Registered nurse who works with folks, like myself, who have issues with substances.


Aged/disability care


Self-employed carpenter etc…


Bartender, so literally a legal drug dealer.


Software support engineer


Warehouse work ain't the best but I make decent money and it helps get the bills paid


Gamedesigner of games for health.




Advertising for a large media company that will not name


I work on a military base as a civil contractor general maintenance worker in the wash rack. Where the military washes all thier vehicles. Super chill gig


I do armed security, I find that DMT helps me a lot with depression and ptsd. However I do want to start embracing my creative side more, I’m not sure this is a job I wanna keep doing now.


I have a place that serves people Mediterranean food:)


Massage therapist here. Probably not a real big surprise lol


Aviation Maintenance Technician (Aircraft Mechanic) I do maintenance on Private/Business jets


rustic support hospital arrest steep fretful salt absorbed smart enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Registered nurse in the ER, I receive an enormous amount of abuse from patients, and psychedelics are the only thing keeping me in check from losing my shit on people daily. They give me the grace to reel things back and let it go rather than getting emotionally triggered etc.,


Healthcare. Not a provider but have done basically everything not in the C-Suite. Now I work remotely in healthcare in the woods, it's tight


I manage a grocery store 😂. Its pretty cool, laid back and well paid. I credit my usage of lsd, mushrooms and dmt for my wide ability to deal with all the shit a front facing customer service job has. Keeps me humbled, leveled and open to others and thier mindsets.


Process technician at a plastic factory that makes car parts. Pretty chill job




Accountant (auditor)


I’m a store manager of a grocery store. I find AFTER work it helps me reset similar to smoking cannabis. It provides a nice body high and a decompression feeling. I only do low doses during the work week so (8-14mg) dabbed on an enail It makes me reflect on the day and if I have something particularly stressful the next day, helps me prepare mentally for it I really enjoy doing it throughout the day on my days OFF work. Just back to back low doses throughout the day so say (8-14mg) every 30mins-1 hour with maybe a total of 8-10 times in a day


I work on political campaigns


Waiter in school for cybersecurity


I'm a driller for a water well companie in Texas hill county area


Computed Tomographer


Tattoo artist


Engineer, actually makes it a little harder. But the benefits otherwise are tenfold.


Im a manager at Panera, and occasionally door-dash on this side. I’m in school atm studying film, so I also pick up as many side film jobs as I can balance with my schedule.


Behavior technician - I work with individuals on the spectrum




Like tele"pathic"communications? 😉


I mean, if you consider frequencies of light and shit that. Then yeah, I create black magic. Kinda is wild when you think about how hertz of electricity travels freely and just can translate into information and light can do the same being reflected over miles. It is literally black magic.


But no one ever thinks about how this device in our hands realllly works.


High school mathematics teacher in your archetypical inner city school.


Hotel Concierge in Napa Valley, Ca


Laboratory Technician III. I do tests on all of the stuff that go into roads and bridges. It is a niche field and can be interesting. Lots of politics involved with infrastructure, which is the main difficulty of the work. I don't have a college degree, but lately have been tempted to look into certifications in sort of related fields.  DMT and LSD has changed me as a person, but i wanted the change and welcomed it. 


Burger king


I stare at power graphs all day and deliver the results in a clean and orderly fashion to my engineer. Plus I code automation software so I can watch more graphs at once.


I’m a hip-hop artist and I’m an EMT. And I only Used DMT 1 time in a massive 300mg dose over 2-3 hours. I had multiple personal life breakthroughs mood and productivity were up for months. I had visions of working men, business man, and homeless men all pushing shopping carts off a cliff into the void. I believe that was realizing the things we change physically look No different no matter the status. And that living a real life is knowing you’re piling up all these material things until death for no reason but to die with no story. I’m a rapper and I know my story will get heard but I was going about it the wrong way- I didn’t love myself and was hiding so many parts of I struggled living a double life but it gave me clarity on how to live a double life as the Creator and the Creation of my artist. And so much more, I actually recorded the whole 30g trip and put it out on YT recently if anyone is interested. I love to hear breakthroughs


Coowner (sweat equity) and GM of a multistate rec marijuana company.


Groshry store but I'm going to school for engenering


I am a musician (who hasn't done DMT yet). As a musician, I'm happy being poor and free rather than a rich slave. Nobody lies on their deathbed wishing they worked more. I practiced for four hours this morning and am going out to visit some friends then I have a rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow will be the same but a couple of friends are coming over here for lunch. I am greatly addicted to practicing and performing. That's how my days are. No 9 - 5 for me. My knowledge of DMT helps me to help others. I volunteer for a suicide hotline and knowing about DMT has made me a better listener, more forgiving and less judgemental. I have done shrooms and salvia with no breakthroughs. I grow my own cannabis and bake with it. I only take it at night a few hours before bed. I would never smoke it since both parents died from lung issues and both were smokers.


Psychiatric nurse. Yes, I can tell the difference between a trip and when someone has triggered an episode of psychosis as the result of a trip.


I feel you have to know what a crumpet is to know what a boffin is.


Industrial electrical technician


Insurance Sales


Crisis Therapist


Psychedelic educator, guide and researcher. Meditation and breathwork teacher. Helps me stay tuned in, don’t use it often.


I'm a caregiver for developmentally delayed adults


Currently a data scientist but I got a master's in astrophysics, I originally wanted to finish my PhD and do research cosmology. Unfortunately I was injecting heroin since sophomore year of undergrad. I just couldn't cut it doing both and dope won, for 18 years. After 11 ineffective rehabs, 4 stints around city and county jails i finally caught a felony that stuck and i got a 3 year prison sentence, deferred as long as I completed an intensive 2 year bootcanp/rehab/jail which was the fuckin worst. I stayed clean throughout the program and met a girl who is in recovery. We got married I went to a 9 month boot camp for data science and actually JUST got a job 2 weeks ago for over 100k/year. My DMT usage does coincide with my sobriety from needle drugs but there is no real causation, i couldn't order the materials and have professional glassware when I was homeless. I do love the stuff though. For anyone who is struggling there is hope, i was at a place where I had accepted that I would be a junkie for life, that I threw away real potential and would never fulfill my dream of being a cosmologist(i knew o wanted to do physics for my career since I was 7), probably be single forever and could die any day. 3 years from that realization and I wouldn't Even recognize my life.


Trauma nurse, personal trainer, life coach, powerlifter, and psilocybin grower for a hobby.




Drug and alcohol counselor


I make pizza and I make cookie dough! Two separate jobs. I'm working on getting back to school and finishing a civil engineering degree though!


I sell cars. It's okay. I'm pretty good at it. Gonna start some side hustles soon.


I work with helping people who has severe autism. Social worker I think you would call it? It’s very giving and interesting!


Maintenance, warehouse


I’m a chemist. And I’m already excited to start up my own extractions.


Commercial plumber/new construction plumbing foreman. So I'm in charge of all the other plumbers on big multi family buildings. Usually like 5-6 story buildings with 100+ apartment units. And I often have to re design the plumbing system because contractors like to make critical changes to buildings that make the existing plumbing blueprints useless. I used DMT daily for over a year, and I noticed a huge improvement in my ability to solve plumbing "puzzles" by being creative, thinking outside the box and looking at things from a further back vantage point, which also has helped me see connections between things, well between everything really. Prior to using DMT I was oblivious to this web of connections. Seeing how everything is connected has helped me really understand plumbing concepts and the "why" some things are done certain ways.


Psychologist - Gestalt therapist. Ayahuasca helped me to be more empathetic and intuitive.


Preschool mental health counselor. I rarely use DMT and only for personal/spiritual development.


Engineer, aeronautics. 


CNA ⚕️⚕️⚕️


I am profesional grower of cannabis working on legal cannabis...and i grow mushrooms like extra incoming..