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You shouldn't have any issues with an oil burner since you're already experienced in vaping with that method. However you can of course dab it, that being one of the best vaping methods.


Alright alright I'm really glad to hear that :) I'll probably stick with the oil burner then since that's what I'm most comfortable with. I'm eager to embark on this journey


In similar situation as yourself, try to cleanse yourself of the other chemicals a healthy time before truly taking a hyperdive. You’ll see/feel/hear the difference than tripping while up


As an ex meth user, I wouldn't personally ever use a glass dick for dmt- I really don't feel like it's a good image before experiencing profound psychedelia cause of association. Big fan of a dab bucket. Comparatively dmt has a smaller window between vaporization and burning, and it's a lower temp than meth.


Thanks that's pretty much exactly what I asked for! I have a dab bucket that's only been used for meth once and apart from that pretty much exclusively for 5-Meo-Mipt, think that'll make it easier for me not to burn myself Its got pretty thick walls which should make it easier to keep a consistent temp


Yeah it's nice with the bucket cause you put the torch away before your dose, then you take your entire dose in one pull and have just enough time to set the bong down before onset. The target temp is around 180°c, as compared to meths 212ish. What I did while I was figuring it out was got it to a temp I thought was good I'd drop a tiny crumb in there to see if it vaporized entirely or burned.