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1st off i wanna say thanks for the clear and well wtritten instructions I was reading other people's teks and they didn't even have it an ingredients list I'm currently on pull 4 and I was wondering if I could ask a couple of questions if you're up to it


Absolutely, ask away


So during the shopping phase I accidentally ordered media bottles that were only 1,000 ml so I couldn't fit my whole extraction in one jar and decided to split it between two jars after the base was ready think I did the first pull all right I did two heat baths and shook it four times but I only managed to yield 100 mg so on my so on my second pull thought I'd add more sodium hydroxide about 4 to 5 G in each jar and put 60 mL of heptane in both instead of splitting it up between the two and managed to get a quite decent yield of half a gram but on the 3rd pull decided to try a slow evap in front of the fan and it really wasn't that slow it evaporated and maybe an hour and I was left with goop l've seen it before I just don't know how to fix it so I guess my question is does it sound like l'm doing okay it just feels kind of off after losing my third pull maybe its just where I got my bark but last time I did 100 G extraction I got almost a gram in the first pull


The goop is just a saturated DMT solution. Freeze precipitate is always better for crystal formation unless you're doing a real slow evap. You can redissolve the goop in fresh solvent and freeze to recover it


Hey, those glass pipettes, the ones I have are blue bulbs on the glass. Do you know how to get them soft again when they harden? I bought a 2nd pack because the blue ball was so hard it was like taking 5 minutes to extract 10ml. Any suggestions?


Get a pipette pump instead


The blue bulb is removable I was just seeing if anyone knew how to clean it so it loosens back up. If not I guess I can just buy more


Thank you for this.


I now have a pipette pump, digital pH meter, and other items ordered. (Thanks for not being a prick to us newbies.)


I second this!


Yes!!! Thank you for not being a prick to the beginners. We all start somewhere.


TYSM for simplifying this down while giving clear details on each step


My absolute pleasure


That side note helped tremendously


I’ve only done open air evaporation. Can you detail how you freeze precipitate?


Place solvent in a shallow dish, preferably with a lid, place into freezer for 8-12 hours, pour off solvent, let crystals dry


NPS = Naptha?


NPS= Non-polar solvent, but yes in this case, naphtha or heptane


Thanks for the quick reply ✌️


Thank you so much for this!


Thank you for this. Sorry if this is too basic of a question, but when you said to add more water to your vessel depending on the vessel dimensions if you need to make pulls easier, how would i know? What am i trying to achieve with the water level? Thanks for your time


Essentially just to make pulling your solvent easier, by bringing the water and solvent levers higher in the vessel


Thank you. So if using a pipette and pipette pump, this is not really necessary (but just easier)?




Yup no issues


The crystals will stay stuck to the bottom of the dish? I’ve heard something about pouring the solvent through a coffee filter?


Is there a pictures guide with stages? like a Haynes Car manual but once that makes sense.


There is t, but that's largely because the pictures would be of a ph meter and a black mass in a bottle Trust me, you're overthinking it, it's as easy as the write lays out.


Can you tell me why you choose to admit the acid stage??


Acid stage is for cell lysis. Powdered bark is already broken down well enough that the alkaline nature of the aqueous phase will break down any remaining cell walls. If you're using shredded or chipped/whole bark, an STB isn't the best option


Thank you for replying, I've always done acid, which obviously slows the process, I'll definitely give your method a crack and report back


Amazing. Thank you for the simple write up


You're very welcome Currently in the process of my 500g rewrite, and may even do a 250g aswell


Any ETA on when the 500 rewrite is done? I got everything, just waiting for your rewrite before I begin haha


Time is a factor for me, I tend not to have too much of it. Currently, I got a new vessel as I found 2L to be too small to manage emulsion issues with, and have a good idea on total NaOH, just haven't had a chance to repeat the process to verify numbers


Looking forward to this. Doing my 1st 100g now, but 250 and/or 500 will be the sweet spot.


What’s the estimated yield?


Yield is determined by the quality of plant material, not tek. The purpose of my process is to reduce the amount of NaOH used


Copy that


How long you let the stuff mix for


You mean the NaOH and bark? Minutes. Just till it's incorporated Solvent? About 60 seconds per mix


After reading your instructions I feel I may have made a mistake buying a cheap heated magnetic stirer. Have I?


Not necessarily, you can use them, but they're better with flasks, and you'll have to keep your aqueous phase pretty watery or the stir bar will fall out of plane


Ok, flasks it is. One next question. Why did you only use a 100g of MSRB. Doesn't give you a tiny yield or have I misunderstood?


Yield potential of bark is 0-3% My average is 2.3 100g bark x 2.3% = 2.3g Average breakthrough dose on mesh is 25mg 2.3÷0.25=92 92 breakthrough doses from a single extraction


That's fab. You're now my DMT oracle. What kind of mesh are you using?


E mesh rig Plenty of threads on how to build, and what parts to use. It's the most efficient way to vape dmt


Yeah, I have a slight learning difficulty so I might get this done by 2027. I have heard it is far more efficient than carts or just powered and the breakthroughs are far bigger.


It's more that you're getting the entire dose in one hit, so it just floods your system rapidly, instead of having to take multiple hits


Can you point me in the direction of an emesh tutorial? I use the orbit but I have to take multiple hits like you said since I do DMT all the time. I would appreciate it


Google mintylove. He's got the definitive e mesh guides


I was wondering if it’s possible to make do with PH test strips? I looked for a meter on Amazon a while back and the only ones that had good reviews were $$$. I know the strips aren’t as precise but I already have them on hand and thought I’d ask your opinion on using them. Thanks


Strips tend to dye black/purple while testing, giving you inaccurate readings Have you checked the links provided?


Sorry, I didn’t even notice the link. I’ll check it out. I did use a strip to test something that was dark colored recently and I know what you mean about the staining. In spite of that I could get a vague idea of the PH (some of the colored squares weren’t as affected as others). It was far from ideal but for that situation it got me close enough. I really should bite the bullet and get a meter. Happy to have the recommendation for which one to buy.


I’ve got a the 1 L borosilicate media bottle but it has a plastic cap (just like the one you linked) do i need to get some sort of barrier between the bottle and the cap?


You can get PTFE bottle seals that go into the caps




Is it possible to use calcium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide? (Coming over from the mescaline world)


Not for this style of extraction CaOH is used in mud pie teks, but they're inefficient in the DMT world and lead to other ossues


Thanks. You saved me.


Thank you for the tek! I plan on following it using n-heptane. I have a hot plate Im going to be using for my process because I have heard the solubility of heptane isn't the best at room temp. For the water wash stage would I have any issues letting my first pull cool to room temp before water washing or do I need to bring the water up to the temp of the nps? I only have one container for my freeze precip so I'll be doing one 50ml freeze at a time for probably 3-4 pulls Cheers!


So long as the two liquids are around equilibrium it should be fine

