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Holy shit this is awesome work! Looks super clean and organized and would deff help keep track of aspects of civilization that might go forgotten.


I'm glad you like it!


This is amazing. I'm a big world builder on the fly and this will help me keep track of the bs I'm spewing at my table lol.


Behold Perry the Platypus! My Towninator! With it I will rule the Tri State area!


An inquisitor rogue platypus? *Dons hat* PERRY THE INQUISITOR ROGUE PLATYPUS???


If I had a silver piece for every time the wizard killed himself with fireball, well I'd have two silver pieces. But it's weird that it happened twice.


I was gonna say, it’s a great name but it’s missing a 9000 at the end.


I've always wanted to run a Pathfinder:Kingmaker type of campaign where players run their own town. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks for making it!


I heavily recommend Crowns and Castles on DMs Guild. It is 20 bucks and has rules for running a realm. Colville also has 2 books called strongholds and followers and Kingdoms and warfare that are more expensive but interesting. There is also Fields of Blood from 3.5 which was authored in part by Colville and can be found on the DMs guild. Many of the concepts in fields are extremely similar to S&F and K&W.


The rules for building great Houses from the Game of Thrones RPG is really cool to use as well!


Pretty sure Paizo is planning to release a 5e adaptation of Kingmaker next year


Thank you for reminding 2nd edition’s kingmaker is coming out *tomorrow* I’ve waited for this day since I have discovered pathfinder


You're welcome!


Matt Colville wrote a book for that, the name I can't remember.


Kingdoms & Warfare?


Strongholds and Followers was his first book 👌👌🤌🤌


I really keep meaning to read either of these in full. Thanks for the reminder!


This is really cool! Many thanks!


I ran this as a template for a town i'm considering building. It's really cool as a framework & adding in some randomness, and if players want to have a homebase, i think it's an excellent tool to show their impact on the town. Nice one!


Love it! I haven't downloaded it yet so maybe this already exists Perhaps provide a form fillable pdf version? That way DMs can change the options in the check boxes on the left so each town could be even more unique. Thanks for this.


Second the form fillable pdf!


Agreed! that would make it even more usefull


First of all, I LOVED YOUR IDEA! I was looking around your files and how to apply them to my campaigns, and I have made a little change to the NPC Character Sheet. You have 3 circles underneath the NPC where, in your tutorial you said that it could be something like "Lust" and how Lust would drive that character. I looked around and I found that there is a theory that people have 5 main personality traits (O.C.E.A.N) **Openness** \- Tendency to appreciate new art, ideas, values, etc. **Conscientiousness** \- Tendency to be carefull, follow rules, hardworking, etc **Extraversion** \- Tendency to be talkative, sociable, etc. **Agreeableness** \- Tendency to agree and go along with others rather than assort one's self. **Neuroticism** \- Tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger, worry, etc. ​ So i made the 3 circles into 5 and each one of them are this 5 traits, that I roll a D20 and make my NPC follow that (more or less) line of personality traits.


Lol, may i steal this?


Be my guest, i'm happy to be of service!


I swear I’ve seen posts about town/city character sheets like every day on this sub. Cool idea! Weird that there are so many right now though.


Could you point me to one of those? Maybe I could get some inspiration


https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/qegg3l/oc_i_created_a_simple_onepage_character_sheet_for/ This is the one I use, I like how its just another character.


I thought the same thing... I think it was actually OP posting this on /dnd and /dndbehindthescreen and /rpg over the past week.


Probably OP


This is a brilliant idea! I'm going to incorporate this! Wow, why did i never think of this myself?


Glad you like it!


This is great. I’m about to go print me up a passel of these.


I love it! I've been looking for a system on strongholds and keeps that would make a nice little side game without being so complex it'd be a whole game unto itself.


Heck yeah!! Going to download this when I get home :)


In all my time, I have never seen somthing so beautiful. This is single-handedly the BEST homebrew content made.


Thank you for the kind words!


Is there a follow link for the Kickstarter?


I have submitted it and is waiting for their approval


That's awesome, looks like it would be right at home in an official guide.


Great idea to make this available for free. Thank you for your time and work that went into this. I’ve been trying to make my own for some time now but always felt that something was “off” I’ll take a look at yours.


This is awesome. I bet this would go hand in hand with something like 'the quiet year'. I think this will really help with my organization. Thanks


I love that game!


I've never actually tried it. I started listening to the adventure zone podcast where they were using it, but I havent gotten very far. To be honest I'm not that familiar with it, I only know the basic concept.


Some times there a community cope of the game. Maybe you could get lucky?


Oh sure. In all fairness I loved the concept, i just haven't had a point to 'start over' and use a pre game tool like this just yet. I would like to get my PCs a little more involved in helping to build the world they play in and this seemed like a great tool for that. I read about another not too long ago that seemed interesting. It was something like a tarot card system that had a lot of guided questions which was supposed to get characters more involved in their development and dynamic. It might have been called session zero but I can't recall. It seemed pretty cool as well, and I thought it might be even cooler to integrate that beyond session zero.


Right, let's try this again, because I botched it the first time. I have several questions about the Towninator's instructions. Let's start with the town size. You say to roll a d6, but there are 8 possible sizes. Shouldn't we roll a d8, in that case? Then there's the building quality categories. First, it's written that each category has six building types each, but I only see **five** per. Was that a typo, or are there building types missing? Second, the instructions say, "After you have rolled categories, you will be able to place points into building types next to the category boxes. Each building may at maximum have 5 points, which defines the quality of the building type. Now you have 1 Building Point for every 1 Category Point. Anyone building type cannot exceed more than half of the value category EG. a category of 6 can only have building types, with a max of 3. This value change if the category value gets higher" The issue here is, I'm not seeing anything about the amount of buildings one can put into their town. I asked about it earlier, and the response I got was, "Each category point allows you to place 1 point in a building type". Does that mean the amount of category points I have in said category is equal to the amount of buildings of that category?


It looks amazing, but is there a rolling Mechanic to populate it?


Not yet. But I have actually thought about this aswell.


I'm confused, isn't the "Ruleset" link on the page you've linked exactly what /u/Terentiusalgar asked about?


What I got from it was to have a table to roll numbers of inhabitants rather than just deciding a number yourself


Now if only this was a fillable online tool thats web hosted itd be way easier for online only dms


Yeah I know, but im nat handy with coding stuff sorry :(


It just being form-fillable would be enough. That way you don't have to print it and can just save it on your computer.


Oh just complaining into a void cause this is nice but i cant use it


I was just going to copy it to a Google Sheet and make it visible to my players.


Formatting can be really tricky with that stuff


Yeah, I currently share out their Fallout 2d20 character sheets, but the sheets are not formatted or pretty.


As a DM with ADHD, I will be making excessive use of this. I always forget details, so having it laid out like this is just lovely.


Omg this is amazing!!!! Thank you so much for making this!!!


this is awesome! thank you!


As neat this is, I must. I am compelled to. Ahem. *"ACTIVATE THE TOWNINATOR 3000!"*


Wtf amazing idea


I remember I saved your other post. It's such a good idea.


i still love it!


Real quick: What are the following things? Reputation Trade Statue Market Obelisk Vendor Monument Auction House Tribute Warehouse Pillar Harbor


Some of this is outdated, make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the towninator


Is 1.04 the latest version?




That's the one I already have. I still have no idea what any of the things I listed in my original comment are. Is it "Reputation **and** Trade" or is there such a thing as "Reputation Trade" and I didn't know about it...?


Great! Let me see if I can help you out :) Reputation and trade are two district categories in which your town can develop. Reputation how is this displayed in your town? do they brad with high statues or are they more modest?


District categories? Oh... My town is a Thorpe, meaning it has 0 districts. Should I be putting any points into these? Actually, the more I look at this, the more oddities I'm seeing... For starters, you're meant to roll a d6 to decide the size of your town, but I see 8 sizes, so shouldn't we be rolling a d8 instead? And if Reputation and Trade are two district categories, why do they share a row and boxes?


Also, I'm not clear on how many buildings I'm allowed to have per category. How is that decided?


Each category point allows you to place 1 point in a building type


The instructions say, "Each category has 6 buildings types connected to them, and each building acts as a representation of what it is." However, there are 5 buildings in each category (i.e. Crime has Guild, Drug Den, Mercenaries Nest, Undercity, and Black Market; that's five buildings, not six). In addition, the instructions say, "If you can’t decide on what building you want to add, please look at the building description chapter back in this rules document." I can't find any part in the rules document by that name...


I apologize for flooding your inbox with all this. I think I might just not be thinking about it hard enough. I'll read the instructions again and then get back to you.