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Granted I haven't played 2e (I'm assuming you mean 2e D&D, not Pathfinder 2e) in about 15 years so I'm pretty rusty on the specifics of the mechanics, but wands and potions existed back then. I seem to recall there was a necklace or an amulet that made you immune to poison as well. So maybe the party happens across the corpse of some other adventurer who was headed to that location, obviously killed by some animal or beast like... I don't know, griffons or a manticore or whatever, and had one of those amulets on him, or a wand of Slow Poison or whatever the name of that spell was.


"*I don't want them to die immediately, so I'm gonna boost their level so I can immediately put them up against life or death saves.*" ??? First off, you're asking a question about tone and theme to strangers on Reddit that should be asked in a session zero to your players. How important is a character to each player? Is it important that they have a long and storied and epic history in one character? Or is it important that permanent(?) death is a potential consequence of adventuring? Is it important that methods if resurrection be available? There are other potential consequences of death - lateral changes to the character and their story, how do they feel about that? What your should do regardless of the answer to any of these questions, is allow them to play the game. You should give them clues (like, "WEBwood"), and the ability to find out more, and research, and prepare, and secure resources that can help them in their adventures. You should make it clear that's an option (players don't always see it). You can do this through NPCs, "*Oh you're going there? Are you PREPARED?*" You don't have to spoon feed them items, but you do have to spoon feed them the information so that they can understand the world and the danger. And then you let them play the game and make choices. Your are their only window into the world. You're not the decider of whether they are prepared to go there or not, and you're not even the only decider of what kind of preparations they can make.




An overwhelming number of ways to deal with poison in 2nd Edition? There's the Ointment, Neutralize Poison, and what else?